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  • as many of the Beethoven symphonies.

  • He build the whole movement or hold movement just with four notes like in the fifth.

  • It was the fourth note.

  • Our Papa Papa, the famous Want On the seven.

  • He changed the rhythm.

  • Andi goes like tampering.

  • Pam, Pam, Pam, Pam, Pam, Pam, Pam.

  • It's for note like this.

  • Uh huh.

  • Theun second movement, Also four notes different rhythm pios, bom bom bom bom and then repeats the last note.

  • So it's five notes.

  • But in the middle of that second movement has one of the most beautiful lines and melodies, which is a play by the climate, together with with Baudouin sections and horns, Uh.

as many of the Beethoven symphonies.

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封面:帕斯庫爾-馬丁內斯-福爾特薩在貝多芬第七號作品中的表現帕斯庫爾-馬丁內斯-福爾特薩談貝多芬第七曲 (On the Cover: Pascual Martínez Forteza on Beethoven's Seventh)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary