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  • Welcome to another, now with haircut,

  • video in Chapter 2, Nature of Code.

  • What I have done so far, using the classical laws of motion,

  • classical mechanics, force equals mass times acceleration,

  • I have implemented a system where mover objects can

  • receive forces as vectors and have those forces control how

  • they move about a canvas in p5.js.

  • But the way that I have created these force vectors

  • is just by picking numbers out of a hat,

  • and I want to do something more.

  • The formula that I want to start with

  • is the formula for friction.

  • Now, there are many different kinds of friction and examples

  • of friction.

  • And there's static friction, which

  • is friction that holds something in place

  • and not moving versus kinetic friction, which

  • is the friction that occurs when two surfaces are in moving

  • in contact with each other.

  • Here's the diagram that I have to describe the friction

  • force in the Nature of Code book itself.

  • I'm going to take a minute to rewrite that formula over here.


  • The approach I like to take when finding a formula like this

  • and then trying to figure out how to apply it in code

  • is to unpack each of the elements of the formula one

  • at a time and figure out whether it actually applies or is,

  • in fact, something that we can ignore

  • to simplify in the case of our sort of 2D p5 canvas.

  • So one, let's-- I'm going to go in sort of in arbitrary order

  • here, but something really to note here is, what is this?

  • This is the velocity unit vector.

  • Why are we doing this?

  • Let's consider I have this circle

  • at the bottom of the canvas.

  • It's moving in this direction, that's its current velocity,

  • and I want to describe what is the direction of friction.

  • Well, the direction of friction is--

  • and this negative 1 is really important.

  • These two go together.

  • The direction of friction is a vector

  • in the opposite direction of velocity.

  • Circling back for a second, what am I doing again?

  • I'm calculating a force, a vector,

  • and I need to figure out two things, direction

  • and magnitude.

  • The direction here is expressed as the unit vector pointing

  • in the velocity's direction times negative 1.

  • So I know that the friction points in this direction.

  • That's the friction force.

  • What is the magnitude?

  • Well, I have two other variables in this formula.

  • And all these, by the way, are scalars, scalar, scalar,

  • scalar, and this is the vector.

  • This is known as mu or the coefficient of friction.

  • Let's play a little knock-knock joke together.

  • Knock, knock.

  • Who's there?

  • The interrupting coefficient of friction.

  • The interrupting--

  • Mu!


  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Coefficient of friction is a value

  • that describes the strength of the friction force based

  • on what material it is.

  • You could imagine if this is like ice

  • and this is an ice skate, there's

  • going to be a lot less friction.

  • That ice skate will glide across the ice

  • versus this is sandpaper and this

  • is some other kind of rough material

  • and there's a much greater amount of friction.

  • So the coefficient of friction is tied specifically

  • to the material itself and what its behavior as it

  • comes into contact.

  • Then we have something interesting here.

  • This-- the normal force.

  • To describe the normal force, let

  • me refer back to the diagram.

  • This diagram has a sled in contact with a hill,

  • and there is also the force of gravity.

  • The force of gravity is a force pointing directly down

  • towards the center of the Earth and causing the sled

  • to kind of rub in with the hill as it moves

  • and as it comes down.

  • The normal force is the force perpendicular

  • to the two surfaces in contact.

  • And its magnitude is tied to the--

  • this component of the gravity force,

  • the component that is perpendicular to the hill.

  • But guess what?

  • None of that really matters.

  • [CHUCKLES] What I want to say is--

  • I mean, all this is like super important in real world

  • physics, but let me remind you what we're doing here.

  • I have a ellipse, a piece of graphics drawn on a two

  • dimensional canvas coming into contact

  • with the edge of the canvas.

  • So there is a normal force pointing

  • straight down in my world that is the sort of looking at the--

  • I'm looking at a slice of a three dimensional world

  • in a way.

  • There is a normal force, but what its magnitude is

  • is something that I could just make up.

  • It's some kind of constant in this case.

  • Quick clarification.

  • N is not a constant in the sense that it

  • depends on the weight, which depends on the object's mass.

  • So for different objects, that relative amount of friction

  • would be different because their weights would be different.

  • But in the case of one particular object,

  • I can treat it as a constant here and scale it according

  • to that object's mass.

  • I'm going to simplify this again to just have one object

  • so as I add the code for friction into it,

  • I'm not dealing with multiple objects.


  • OK.

  • So I have my single object bouncing up and down.

  • I'm going to invent a kind of artificial scenario

  • where I want this mover to only experience friction

  • when it comes in contact with the bottom surface

  • of the canvas.

  • So any time it is in contact with the bottom surface.

  • It will experience friction.

  • To make this happen, I'm going to write a new function

  • in the mover called friction.


  • I'll check to see how far is it away from the bottom.


  • I want to know how far is it from the bottom.

  • So I want to know the difference between the height

  • and its position plus the radius,

  • because remember, the position, the y position is the center.

  • So I want to look at the edge in contact with the bottom.

  • I will say it's in contact if that difference is

  • within one pixel.


  • So let's just run the sketch, what

  • we call the function friction.


  • And let's see if-- when it comes in contact with the edge

  • we get the word friction here in the console.

  • So we can see, every time it bounces,

  • we're seeing the word friction.


  • And now we can see, as it's rolling along

  • the bottom, friction, friction, friction, friction,

  • friction, because it's in constant contact

  • with the surface.

  • Maybe I would want to treat the scenario of when

  • it hits the surface once versus just

  • rolling on the surface differently,

  • but I'm not going to worry about that right now.

  • The live chat that's watching me record this video right

  • now is also pointing out that things would be quite different

  • if my surface were at an angle.

  • So how the normal force would be calculated relative

  • to the force of gravity.

  • That's why I'm happy about this simple scenario

  • of this sort of flat surface along the bottom.

  • Let me first get the direction of the friction force.

  • I need the velocity vector normalized to length 1

  • multiplied by negative 1.

  • Let me copy the velocity vector.

  • Let me normalize it and reverse its direction.

  • Now that I have the direction, I need the magnitude.

  • What is the magnitude?

  • The coefficient of friction, mu, times the strength

  • of the normal force.

  • The normal force is proportional to the weight, which is scaled

  • by the mass of the object.

  • So I can use mass in my calculation.

  • And then mu can be a value that I make up.

  • Let's say 0.1.

  • The normal force will be equal to the mass

  • and then I can say force set magnitude mu times normal.

  • Once again, anytime I'm calculating the force,

  • I need to both figure out its direction,

  • a normalized vector here pointing

  • in the opposite direction of velocity,

  • and its magnitude, the coefficient of friction,

  • a value I'm making up, times the strength

  • of the normal force, which is some value scaled according

  • to mass.

  • What do I do next?

  • Apply the force.

  • And I'm realizing I want to call this friction.


  • Let's run this and see what happens.


  • [GASPS] It came to a stop!

  • How delightful!

  • Now that this is working, this is a nice moment for me

  • to take a minute and just add an array

  • so we can see a bunch of these all with different masses

  • and see how they behave within the same environment.

  • So let me quickly add that in.


  • Here you can see I am making 10 mover objects.

  • Everyone will start with a y position at 200,

  • but each will start at a random exposition

  • and with a random mass some value between 1 and 8.

  • Also might make sense for me to make this mu variable

  • a global variable, just so I can play

  • with it outside of the interior of the class itself.

  • I'm going to leave it up there.

  • And then inside Draw, this is a nice opportunity for me

  • to use a for of loop, because I want

  • to say for every mover of--

  • I can't.

  • It's hard to say the word of with what you're describing.

  • It's really for each or for in really makes sense.

  • But the loop that I want in JavaScript is for of.

  • I have a whole other video about that.

  • But I want to look at every single mover

  • inside of the mover's array.

  • And one way of doing that is for every mover of movers,

  • run all of this code.

  • And let's take a look and see what happens.

  • Now, they're all bouncing together.

  • They hit the bottom at a slightly different time.

  • They should all respond to wind differently based on their size

  • not their mass.

  • And then they'll all also have their own friction

  • according-- that's scaled according

  • to their mass as well.


  • And after a little while, all of them will roll to a stop.

  • Does this feel accurate?

  • Does this-- what does this feel like?

  • Well, I suspect that by playing around

  • with the coefficient of friction,

  • the relative strength of the weight,

  • the gravitational force, all of these things,

  • all of these variables you can tune

  • to have the simulation feel more or less

  • like different kinds of material in different kinds

  • of environments.

  • So while here I am attempting to actually write

  • a code that uses the formula for friction in the real world,

  • I could also do this with a very quick and dirty algorithm

  • that I think it's worth showing you just

  • at the sort of tail end of this video.

  • Ultimately, what friction does is it

  • takes a little bit off of the velocity every single frame.

  • We lose some speed as this object is coasting

  • along a particular surface.

  • The friction slows it down.

  • Another way to lose a little bit of velocity

  • with each and every step in time would

  • be to just take a percentage of velocity off.

  • I could comment all of this out and just say,

  • this dot velocity multiply 0.95.

  • Meaning, shrink the velocity vector

  • every time step, if it's in contact with the edge,

  • with the bottom surface by 5%.

  • And let's just see if this has the same result.


  • In the end, it's pretty similar.

  • They all come rolling to a stop.

  • Did you notice, though, that they all

  • seem to come rolling to a stop at exactly the same moment?

  • Well, that's because one flaw with this particular method

  • is that I'm not taking into account the objects mass.

  • So you know, for just having things sort of slow

  • down over time, this might be a really easy way to do it.

  • If you want to make sure that that force,

  • that friction force is scaled to mass, then maybe doing it

  • the vector way is.

  • One is not inherently better than the other,

  • these are just different ways to produce

  • the same kind of effect.

  • So this wraps up this very basic demonstration

  • of coding a friction force into a simple 2D physics simulation.

  • There's a lot that you could try before you move-- we move on

  • to the next video.

  • So we'll try these things as an exercise.

  • I wrote them all down.

  • One is it's pretty arbitrary that I decided

  • to have this sideways view of the world, of taking a slice,

  • a two dimensional slice, and things are falling up and down

  • and moving left and right.

  • What if what I were actually looking at

  • was a top down view of a 2D world?

  • So I'm actually overhead maybe a billiards table

  • and lots of things are rolling around this surface

  • and experiencing friction.

  • How might what you code change?

  • But if I were to stay in this world that's

  • the vertical slice, what if I wanted,

  • instead of having a horizontal surface at the bottom,

  • to actually have a sloped surface within the frame

  • and my objects are falling down and maybe rolling down

  • this particular surface.

  • How would I have the force of gravity behave,

  • and how would I have the force of friction behave?

  • Truthfully, the material that you need to do this

  • is coming in Chapter 3, where I'm

  • going to look at angles and polar coordinates and things

  • like a pendulum simulation.

  • So some of the ways that you would calculate a force

  • perpendicular to a non-horizontal-- perfectly

  • horizontal surface are coming soon.

  • But if you maybe want to look ahead

  • or experiment with how to do that, try that as an exercise.

  • I am completely ignoring the difference

  • between static friction, what's the friction that's

  • holding something in place when it's not moving,

  • versus kinetic friction, that friction when it's in motion.

  • That might be something you consider folding

  • into this particular example.

  • Can you demonstrate those two differences.

  • And then finally, I think this visualization would

  • be so much more sort of compelling or illustrative if I

  • were to actually draw the various vectors.

  • Could I draw the velocity vector as well as

  • draw visual representations of all the forces.

  • So could I see the drawing of the friction

  • force, the gravitational force, the wind

  • force, all those other forces within the simulation itself.

  • So if you try any of those and you

  • make your own version of them, please

  • go to the URL that's in this video description, where

  • you can share your variation.

  • I would love to check them out and maybe also show them

  • in a future video or livestream, where I sometimes them

  • show community contributions from the website.

  • Now, I have two more case studies

  • to look at related to forces.

  • One, in the next video, is very similar to friction.

  • Actually going to look at a drag force, air resistance.

  • So what happens when something, a body

  • is falling through the air?

  • How does-- what sort of force acts on it?

  • Or a body is moving through a liquid.

  • So that's known as drag or a fluid resistance.

  • I'm going to look at that force in the next video.

  • And finally, I want to circle all the way back

  • and look at that first example I made when I looked

  • at acceleration of this object being attracted to the mouse,

  • and make a version of that, but use

  • the actual formula for gravitational attraction

  • itself.

  • So just a couple more videos left in this Chapter 2,

  • and we'll be moving on to Chapter 3.

  • And I hope you're enjoying it and all that stuff.

  • See you soon!



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2.3 摩擦力--代碼的性質 (2.3 Friction Force - The Nature of Code)

  • 6 1
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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