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  • So we're going to talk about space-filling curves.

  • So... already that sounds sort of, counter-intuitive, like a curve,

  • is like a one, like its a very skinny one-dimensional thing but space is like...

  • ...two-dimensional or something so how can you have a curve?

  • That fills up everything in space? So...

  • We're going to build a curve starting with something very simple and then we're going to sort of change it.

  • Uh, so, lets start with, this curve here.

  • So this is three sides of square.

  • So at the moment this is really not very, space-filling, right?

  • Its just three lines, so we need to kind of make it more squiggly and we'll get there.

  • So lets draw a grid, on this, so...

  • Like, four squares, and so my curve is like going through the centers of those squares.

  • So what we're going to do to make this, uh, red curve more squiggly...


  • ...divide each of these squares into four.

  • So I can chop it up...

  • We wanna make a more squiggly version of this but we're going to use this same shape.

  • So here's how you do it; you sort of have to rotate it a little bit to make it work so...

  • There's the same shape but I've rotated it.

  • And then we'll do one like that,

  • another one like that,

  • and one like this.

  • And then, we need to connect them up, so let's,

  • connect up like this,

  • like this, like this.

  • And you can see this is, maybe slightly more space-filling?

  • Like, its getting more places than this one was,

  • And its sort of made of the same stuff.

  • So, well, lets do another one, why not?

  • And then in each one of these squares I need to put this thing here, so let me...

  • ...make a...

  • ...a grid.

  • And then I just have to turn things the right way again.

  • So I wanna take this thing,

  • and rotate it and put it here.

  • So its gonna start like that...

  • ...and its gonna end like that.

  • And in the middle its going to do this...

  • And its gonna do this...

  • And let's connect them up with red, 'cos...

  • OK so we got that shape,

  • and then this one over here,

  • let's do this one next 'cos its easy 'cos its just, its just the reflection of this one...

  • OK so connect them up, boop, boop, boop.

  • And then these, I'm gonna go to this now, so this is gonna be like that...

  • (whispered) Connect up, connect up, connect up.

  • OK, and then again, we, connect up in the same way,

  • we do across like that,

  • and like that,

  • and like that.

  • And, we've got something that's...

  • more squiggly, more, sort of, space-filling.

  • And you can see how you would just, like, continue doing this.

  • So, so this is the Hilbert curve.

  • So this was invented by, or discovered,

  • by David Hilbert in 1891.

  • Really these are like steps in the construction of it.

  • The Hilbert Curve is when you do this infinitely many times.

  • (Brady, off camera) You're using a sharpie which has thickness to it,

  • Right.

  • (Brady) but surely a theoretical line has no thickness...

  • Yeah, zero thickness.

  • (Brady) ...So if something has zero thickness how can it fill any space?

  • Well, right, every step...

  • ...the thing that you have has no thickness, its filling nothing,

  • but somehow when you go infinitely far...

  • ...well actually what happens is that...

  • a, rigorous way which, I'm not going to get into,

  • but, actually what happens when you go infinitely far,

  • this, curve,

  • hits every point of the square.

  • So somehow, at the limit, when you get infinitely far,

  • boom, you've got everything.

  • This construction is not just used for this sort of infinite thing, this is also...

  •, you know, a, uh, way to, sort of pack,

  • sort of two-dimensional data, in a one-dimensional order, right?

  • So, s'pose you have, a bunch of two-dimensional data,

  • that you need to store for some reason,

  • and you need to store it in some linear order,

  • but you also want this bit of data,

  • and this bit of data,

  • they're quite close to each other in two dimensions and you would like them to be close to each other in the ordering.

  • And the Hilbert Curve kind of gives you a way of,

  • uh, often two points that are close together in two dimensions are also close together in the linear order.

  • Right, whereas if you did, like,

  • you know, just sort of, if you just ordered it by rows,

  • then that's sort of, less likely to be true.

  • Anyway, so its important in, um, computer science...

  • I think there's even some theories that the way DNA is packed up when its wrapped up in a chromosome is sort of like this.

  • But anyway, so what I was interested in was,

  • this, sequence of curves, like the sequence of polygons, how you get there.

  • And so you can think of this, like as an animation,

  • going from one to the next, to the next, and so on through time,

  • or, you could think of this, as,

  • space rather than time, so, well...

  • So there we go, this is a, 3D-printed sculpture that shows this construction.

  • At the very top,

  • you've got the original curve,

  • and then...

  • Well so you can see there's like a band here, that's just a sort of, intermediate band but then the next band down,

  • So two down,

  • is the next step of the sequence.

  • It's probably a little hard to see, but

  • it starts here, and then it goes across, and then up,

  • and then back, and then it goes up...

  • It does that curve that we had before.

  • And then, it just keeps going down,

  • so another two steps, and another two steps.

  • So there's the bottom, that's, that's quite far along,

  • in the, let's see how many, so the first step, second step, third step, this is the fifth step,

  • of that sequence.

  • And...

  • I mean,

  • in principle I could just keep going, right?

  • But, it gets very thin, and difficult to print.

  • So this is one of many space-filling curves, or fractal curves, so...

  • Uh, so there's one called the, the Dragon Curve.

  • (Brady) Oh I like that one.

  • Yeah, oh right you did one on this.

  • (Inset video) Lots of them, way more than you can fold a bit of paper,

  • you get this, rather stunning, pattern...

  • (Inset video) And it keeps going, but in the middle it gets very intricate.

  • So how does the Dragon Curve one? So here's the first one you just have a straight line...

  • ...and then, the next level down, there's,

  • just a, like a, right angle corner.

  • And then the next one down, this, this one, every band is another step of the, the Dragon Curve sequence.

  • And then at the bottom you've got your, Dragon Curve.

  • So this is like...

  • One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...

  • Nine? I think this is nine iterations of the Dragon Curve.

  • But right, when you ex-, sort of extrude it through space, you get this, this, cool, uh, this cool shape.

  • Somebody, somebody once described this to me as a sky-scraper going for a walk.

  • It's sort of a nice image.

  • Recognize this shape? That would be the, uh, Sierpinski Triangle,

  • except there's a curve called the Sierpinski Arrowhead Curve.

  • Let's turn it around...

  • So it starts with, again this is smoothed off a little bit,

  • but it starts with three sides of a hexagon...

  • ...and then...

  • ... well it gets more squiggly, um, but yeah you end up with...

  • ... the, uh, something that looks like the Sierpinksi Triangle.

  • I wanted to show you the Clone Troopers.

  • Uh, [laughs], so,

  • Right, so, you make all of this,

  • like this is just math, right, I mean this is just a simple sequence.

  • But then, once you've made it, and you see the faces...

  • The eyes and the noses, and the, and the, mouth here of...

  •, at least, I don't know, may-maybe you've blacked all...

  • ...blanked your mind of all references of the prequels, but,

  • Clone Troopers is what this said to me.

  • So in the other room there's one based on something called the Terdragon Curve.

  • It's like the Dragon Curve but there's a three in it,

  • and there's a slightly different process that does it,

  • and yeah, this is a, really big one, that we...

  • ...dyed, in a very large, trash can.

  • So, final things. This is sort of a three-dimensional version,

  • of, the two-dimensional Hilbert Curves.

  • So there's sort of, three-dimensional versions of a lot of these...

  • This is the third step, right, so rather than,

  • showing the whole sequence, sort of as an extruded animation,

  • this is just the third step, of that sequence.

  • And you get this very squiggly curve that is filling three-dimensional space.

  • Or a three-dimensional cube.

  • So one of the, sort of, really interesting things about this, is like,

  • so I, I, I'd seen this thing for like, I dunno,

  • a year or two, sitting on my computer screen as this,

  • rigid, perfect mathematical object.

  • And then, so, you know I order it and I take it out of the box,

  • And it's springy! I had no idea it was gonna do that.

  • It's, it's incredibly springy, like you can use, you can even...

  • ...wear it as a kind of uncomfortable bracelet.

  • Um, but yeah...

  • This one you can see that it's a curve, right, its just a single loop in space, that forms itself back into a cube.

  • (Brady) And you were surprised by that?

  • Yeah! Like, I mean, I guess I could have predicted it maybe?

  • That, 'cos its just, you know there's no interconnections?

  • So its just this sort of, like, single loop, it should be flexible.

  • But I just never thought of it that way.

  • And then it was, you know, having the physical thing,

  • there's, I mean, well, you can not notice that it's all springy.

  • (Brady, voice over) If you enjoy Henry's videos here on Numberphile then you're really going to love his new book,

  • about visualising mathematics with 3D printing.

  • I'll put some information about it in the video description.

  • And while you're in the video description, why not check out the list of people who support us on Patreon?

  • Our thanks to them for helping out.

  • But seriously, check out that book, its got some mind-blowing stuff in it.

  • And its also a really good way to show your support for Henry, who helps us out, here on Numberphile.

So we're going to talk about space-filling curves.

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空間填充曲線 - Numberphile (Space-Filling Curves - Numberphile)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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