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  • When you walk into a bakery, what kind of delicious baked goods do you expect to find?

  • Donuts perhaps, baguettes, maybe a decadent apple pie, I ask this because today I walk past a bakery

  • in a major Japanese train station, and there was a sign out front advertising all the mouth-watering goods on sale within.

  • I say mouth-watering, it wasn't really, because the goods on sale apparently included...

  • Rape fruit!

  • Man bread!

  • Custardpudding!

  • All right, maybe not that one, but rape fruit and man bread, honestly, how did it get to this?

  • I suppose, a lack of proofreading, if ever there was a better advert for the power of proofreading, it is the...

  • Just rape fruit and man bread, isn't it?

  • I mean, we could only hope that these food items are actually just grape free and non bread.

  • I don't know, I didn't want to go in the shop

  • I didn't particularly want to find out, anyway that was only the second most important thing to happen this week,

  • because ladies and gentlemen, we've finally hit 1 million subscribers, right here, on the Abroad in Japan channel.

  • Oh my God... I...

  • I instantly regret firing this thing.

  • That is a... That's a solid 20 minute cleaning up operation, right there.

  • Anyway, thank you to everyone who has followed the Abroad in Japan channel the last six years, watched the videos and subscribed

  • It's a double whammy of celebration because as well as getting 1 million subscribers, it is my 6 year anniversary, this month.

  • Six years since I arrived right here and started working as a teacher, with that in mind, to celebrate this milestone,

  • and having almost 3 times the number of subscribers as Simply Red.

  • I thought today, I would share with you 6 invaluable life lessons that I've learned,

  • whilst living in Japan, life lessons that I've learned whilst working as an English teacher,

  • whilst working as a Youtuber and whilst just being a bumbling fucking idiot in general, the last half-decade.

  • This video is the culmination of many ridiculous experiences that I've had,

  • and it's probably the most personal video that I've made to date as well

  • But hopefully by the end, you'll have at least learnt one life lesson, that you can kind of take away and apply to your own life.

  • I mean, you've probably already learned one thing, don't fire a fucking cracker in your own apartment

  • I mean, this is just... it's just awful. I should have heeded the warning on the packaging, to be honest, it does say...

  • Blows out huge amount of colorful streamers, very beautiful! Seriously, I should just stuck with the CGI balloons.

  • This is awful, they're everywhere these bloody things, nothing is worth this.

  • This is just... This is just an utter shit show. It takes me ages to clear this up

  • 6 years, 6 stories and the first one starts in summer 2012, when I initially moved to Japan.

  • I've been told a few months earlier in April, that I'd got the job as an English teacher.

  • And in May, I found out where I was being placed, it was a prefecture called Yamagata.

  • And like anyone would, I immediately ran to the internet, where I typed in Yamagata, to see what I could find about this-this place,

  • where I'd be living, and all I could see on the Wikipedia page at that time was

  • Yamagata has cherries and that was basically it, that's all I had to go on, I was moving 8,000 miles away with no family,

  • no friends, no links to Japan whatsoever or any abilities in the Japanese language, but don't worry, there's gonna be cherries.

  • Yay

  • Consequently in those months leading up to my departure in August, as well as being very excited and ready to go,

  • I also started suffering severe anxiety for the first time in my life

  • Not because I had anything against cherries, cherries are great by all accounts

  • It's just that feeling of; I'm going somewhere very far away for a long time and I have no idea what to expect

  • It got to the point that for the first time ever, I started having panic attacks

  • and I didn't know what they were at first, I'd never had one.

  • And I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. It's not pleasant, but it started to happen pretty frequently in everyday life,

  • I'd be sitting on my bed and all of a sudden, it feel like a fucking Dementor had floated into the room.

  • I think the best way to describe a panic attack is, it feels like a switch has just magically been flipped

  • Your heart begins to race, your chest tightens and you feel like something is just terribly fundamentally wrong.

  • And you want to just get out, you want to escape, I was so naive about it all.

  • On the surface I was bragging about how brilliant and cool it was going to be, living on the other side of the world,

  • but inside I was very conflicted and far more scared than I ever realized.

  • I mean, it wasn't as if I could just pop back to the UK for tea and biscuits

  • I knew I wouldn't be coming back for at least a year, probably more.

  • and so my body tried to fight me on the decision mentally and physically,

  • but fortunately the plane tickets were already booked, the school was waiting

  • and I had accepted the job offer months before, I'd throw myself in the deep end.

  • It wasn't something, it wasn't something I could really back out of

  • And then in August, I flew to Japan and I spent the first few days in Tokyo, uhh, before I caught the next flight up to Yamagata,

  • to start my new life, and I remember pretty clearly coming in over Yamagata over the plane.

  • Seeing all the mountains and the rice fields in full bloom and thinking, wow,

  • This is looks bloody spectacular and between that stunning scenery, the warm and friendly welcome

  • I got from my colleagues at the school, gradually the anxiety died off, washed away by the thrill of living

  • Somewhere completely different and immersing myself for this new, this new life

  • I just felt like I'd achieved something, by being there, because it's been completely out of character for me to just

  • decide to move and live in rural Japan, in the middle of nowhere and it made me realize the importance of doing things outside your comfort zone.

  • Moving here was just about as far outside my comfort zone, as I could possibly imagine

  • It is one of the most important life lessons out there-there, if you want something really bad, but it scares you.

  • Maybe it's to start a new career,

  • Maybe it's to start a business or to travel and live overseas.

  • Try and dive into the deep end, confront it, face it down, challenge yourself, because it's through challenges and adversity that we become better, stronger people.

  • Best of all though, the cherries were amazing, Wikipedia was right.

  • When I started working as a teacher in a Japanese school, I didn't feel ready.

  • I wasn't prepared for it at all, in those first few months I was absolutely terrified walking into a classroom,

  • because there's you, a Japanese teacher, a chalkboard and 44 teenagers staring at your face, expecting something of value.

  • And above all, I was worried that the students wouldn't really be able to understand my accent

  • Especially as apparently, I sound like

  • an autistic Crocodile Dundee

  • But fortunately, unlike students in the UK where we actively make teachers cry, for fun

  • Japanese students are almost angelic in comparison.

  • I think the naughtiest student I can ever recall, in my three years of teaching, was a 17 year old boy.

  • He used to just sit in the classroom and shout out the word dick.

  • Over and over, in a childish attempt to make me laugh out loud, and of course it worked it was hilarious.

  • Dick

  • But I didn't really feel I was good at my job the first 6 months or so, I took things way too seriously,

  • I'd storm into the classroom, endlessly drill the students on grammar and how to pronounce words like

  • inconsequential and then I'd fuck off back to the staff room and keep my head down,

  • as a result students were actively avoiding me and my grumpy face.

  • And then one day, I had a bit of a breakthrough,

  • I watched Jack Black's School of Rock

  • And I realized the secret to winning over the hearts and minds of students, was music, or to be more specific

  • Beatboxing, which is the only music thing that I could do to some extent.

  • So whenever the class started going wrong, or I needed to break the ice with the students.

  • I would just spontaneously start beatboxing.

  • Everybody instantly stopped talking and they were like, yeah, English is fun now.

  • And gradually students realized, that I didn't take myself too seriously and I wasn't that, wasn't that scary after all.

  • So after 3 years of teaching in 2000 hours of classroom experience.

  • My lesson to you is, not to take yourself too seriously for an English teacher in Japan.

  • 'Cause at the end of the day, your main role is to facilitate conversation, to get students

  • wanting to come over and chat with you and use the English they have actually learned.

  • If you can get students wanting to strike a conversation up with you or invite you to more classes,

  • because they enjoy you being there, then I think... You've effectively won in your role as an English teacher in Japan.

  • So remember, win the crowd and you will win your freedom.

  • In it.

  • Halfway through 2014, I came across a book called, Tadashii Fuck no Tsukaikata, the correct way to use fuck

  • It was a Japanese English textbook that taught swear words and phrases, as well as providing readers with context through fantastic illustrations.

  • You know until that day, I didn't really believe in a God, but to receive this-this book of remarkable teachings.

  • It felt like some kind of divine intervention and like any good preacher,

  • I set out to educate the local community with my newfound teachings.

  • Yeah.

  • However, because I was new to YouTube, I didn't really have a good camera and I ended up taking my smartphone.

  • And hence the image quality was absolutely terrible and then there was the dreadful camerawork

  • There are fucking farmyard animals who could have done a better job with that camera than I did.

  • Yet despite the awful image quality and the shoddy camerawork

  • It still went on to be my first viral video, quickly racking up hundreds of thousands of views and appearing all over the internet.

  • But it made me realize at the end of the day, when it comes to being successful on YouTube or on the internet in general.

  • You don't need the top-of-the-range equipment

  • You don't need the best cameras or the nicest drones

  • All you need is a good idea, something original, something compelling, something...

  • People haven't seen before, or a book teaching people how-to swear it. Blows my mind, how many people

  • spend thousands on big shiny new equipment, when all they really need is this and a good idea.

  • That is the bar, a smart phone and an idea, that's all you need to succeed on the wacky world of online media.

  • Admittedly maybe I did follow that philosophy with a bit too much conviction, for the longest time I didn't upgrade my equipment

  • I mean, we've only just got a drone for heaven's sakes and that was to-that was to finish; Ryotaro the Movie.

  • As far back as I can remember, I've always had two fears; the first is spiders,

  • and for that reason, I'll be damned if I'm ever setting foot in Australia, which is essentially the land of spiders.

  • The second fear is public speaking, I've always had a fear of public speaking, now, I know what you might be thinking.

  • Wait a minute, you're a YouTuber, you do public speaking all the time, but this isn't really public speaking.

  • I'm not standing in front of a crowded room delivering a monologue.

  • This is me, talking to a camera, in an empty room which to be fair presents his own set of challenges.

  • But I'd always avoided doing it,

  • I'd always say no, there was a time before I came to Japan,

  • where I had to give a talk to my University, and I was a crumbling stuttering wreck, my voice breaking, I'd stand there looking down.

  • Reading off the sheet, mumbling away before I ran offstage and hid under a duvet. However in September 2013, I've been studying Japanese.

  • Pretty hard, every single day for up to 5 or 6 hours, and I was very lucky to find an amazing Japanese tutor, a guy called, Mr. Ito, Ito sensei.

  • Who, you may have seen in the teaching swear words video, but impressed by my progress of Japanese,

  • He insisted, that I do the regional Japanese speech contest for foreigners

  • Which I told him, was well out of my depth. There was absolutely no way I could do it,

  • I'd have to create a 15-minute speech in Japanese.

  • Somehow memorize it and then deliver it fluently, in a room in front of 150 people,

  • But he really-really believed that I could do it that I could win,

  • and so eventually I caved in and I threw my future self into the deep end, once more.

  • One month later, I'd finished writing my groundbreaking speech,

  • about how I'd become addicted to FamilyMart Fried Chicken

  • Now it wasn't the most serious speech I've ever written and imagine my horror,

  • when I got a glimpse of the other contestants speeches, covering serious topics, such as...

  • family, identity, cultural assimilation.

  • Family Mart Fried Chicken.

  • The day rolled around and before I knew it I was standing in front of lots of important people, the local townsfolk,

  • colleagues from my school that made an effort to come, and of course Ito sensei, sitting there in the front row, and away I went.

  • Regaling the speech of my obsession with reasonably priced convenience store Chicken, about a minute into the speech

  • I could see people starting to smile, and then at three minutes.

  • Finally people started to laugh, and all of a sudden I felt incredible. It was amazing,

  • I was on top of the world, I was unstoppable, and then I forgot the entire speech.

  • Absolute train wreck.

  • It had gone, the magic had quickly turned to horror and humiliation,

  • and I felt like just diving out the nearest fucking window to escape, and of the dozen or so speakers,

  • mine was the only one to completely bomb, and when the awards ceremony rolled around at the end.

  • I kind of just snuck off quietly feeling just like utter crap.

  • I'd let myself down, I let Ito sensei down and my colleagues who had made a special effort to come on their one day off, because

  • Japanese teachers get about one or two days off in an entire year, and yet soon after that disaster, I realized that, in preparation for the speech contest,

  • my Japanese level would actually shot up a fair bit, and above all I'd realized the main reason that I'd failed, it was because of my memory.

  • I've never actually sat down and realized how just dreadful my memory was,

  • once I realized it was my memory that was screwing me over.

  • I spent a lot of money on various memory books and

  • spent the rest of the year sitting down training myself, how to actually get my memory working for the first time in my entire life.

  • And then the year rolled around and I applied for the speech contest once more, this time I took the speech

  • and broke it down by paragraphs and memorized each one, using the variety of techniques that I've learned.

  • The day came around and I was the last speaker to go out, which meant, I was an absolute nervous wreck by the time I did

  • Between the memorization techniques that I've learned and an additional year of Japanese study.

  • I was able to deliver the whole 15-minute speech fluently without any problems and remarkably, surprisingly,

  • I was able to win the contest.

  • It was honestly, one of my proudest achievements, to be able to memorize something like that, for the first time in my life in a foreign language.

  • I never thought I'd see the day, I'd be able to do that.

  • I was ecstatic and Ito sensei was equally proud, because he'd been a huge part of that victory.

  • But that whole experience it taught me, you can either let a failure just be a failure, or you can sit down,

  • look at it, learn from it, understand why you suck at something, and then try and do something about it.

  • I'd never have succeeded the second time that I not failed spectacularly the first time,

  • had I not got motivated from that failure, and two years later when I had the opportunity to do a TEDx talk in front of a much larger audience.

  • I didn't hesitate to say yes, because at that point I wasn't afraid anymore

  • Nothing can stand in my way now, except spiders, fuck that.

  • By late 2014, the aforementioned fried chicken addiction,

  • had started to take its toll and I began piling on the pounds

  • Worst of all, if you do put on weight in Japan, the people around you will let you know about it,

  • They won't hold back and I had to injure colleagues,

  • friends, even students, prodding me in the stomach every day.

  • Reminding me, that I was turning into the marshmallow man.

  • after mentioning my prodding plight to my good friend, Regan, a fellow vlogger who once lived in Japan, but has since moved back to the land of spiders.

  • He decided that we should do a 10,000 yen bet,

  • to see if I could lose 10 kilograms in ten weeks, and between the relentless prodding and the promise of 10,000 yen, it was an offer, I simply couldn't refuse.

  • I went off and drowned myself in Google, searching for various tips and techniques to lose weight, ultimately forging a diet consisting of

  • high-protein, low-carb meals.

  • Intermittent fasting, where you only eat for eight hours during the day, and I would jog, 3 or 4 times a week, as well.

  • Week 10 rolled around and guess what? I only lost 8 kilograms,

  • I've lost the bet and I had to hand over the money to Regan, but grudgingly.

  • But at the same time I was also the fittest I'd been in a decade, and so in a sense,

  • I still kind of felt like I've won, I suddenly realized that annoying and often overused phrase;

  • Aim for the moon and if you fail, you'll still land amongst the stars.

  • I realized it was actually kind of right, you know, I never-I'd never reached my destination, but on the journey there

  • I'd still achieve something that made me feel pretty great. I mean, how do I not attempted to lose 10 kilograms.

  • I wouldn't have been eight kilograms lighter, and that lesson kind of resonated with me recently

  • when I bought a fitness tracker one of these things, I've been trying to do 10,000 steps every day for the last month, and...

  • Meanwhile, a lot of people have been telling me, this thing isn't accurate,

  • it doesn't really work, and that maybe-maybe it is off by a few hundred steps, but I've still been doing.

  • I've still been trying to do 10,000 steps a day, and subsequently I've lost 5 kilograms in the last month.

  • So although it genuinely pains me to say it, aim for the moon and if you fail, it'll still be amongst the Stars

  • Undeniably one of the greatest things about being a YouTuber,

  • Are you guys the viewers, most viewers are kind, funny, supportive...

  • And then you've got a weird category of people who you can't quite work out.

  • For example, your jaw is the most relaxed thing in the universe. It looks like somebody is pulling it up with strings.

  • But of course, there is a third category of really special people,

  • I remember in the early days of doing this,

  • I used to get really shocked at what people would write or say to me online.

  • Perhaps because it's at odds with how the world normally works, if strangers walking down the street,

  • Randomly told you to go kill yourself throughout the duration of the day. I suspect it wouldn't be very good for your mental well-being.

  • It's as if humanity itself can be stripped away online, and in the weeks and months rolled in of doing YouTube,

  • I found that they did start to affect me. They did start to stand out.

  • I mean, if you ask any YouTuber, you'll find that despite all the nice comments and all the great fan mail,

  • It's the hate comments that can often stand out.

  • Even if it is a comment from somebody who can barely construct an intelligible fucking sentence.

  • So in 2015, for the first time I started saving down the top tier hate comments into a special folder on my computer.

  • At first I did it as a sort of scientific Darwinian experiment,

  • but after a few months I sat down and actually made a hate mail reading video, and it completely changed my perspective forever.

  • All right, there's no full stop there.

  • said alp4ss, still it could be worse.

  • You could hate that accent and the face, that would be a double blow. That'll be really bad.

  • The trick is to try and look for positives in comments like this, It could always be worse.

  • Said alper seckin. Damn. That's the... Aforementioned double blow.

  • The video not only became one of my most successful to date and a favorite amongst viewers.

  • But I found it was one of the most enjoyable, creative experiences I've ever had.

  • To be able to take something so negative and hateful, that was designed to make you feel bad.

  • And then flip it around and make it positive, make it something that can entertain people.

  • That was a really deeply, satisfying experience.

  • Perhaps best of all, because the video did well it made alright advertising revenue,

  • and I put it towards the cost of a weekend break in Taipei, strolling through the markets of Taipei.

  • I could look at the dishes and think, wow. I bought that beer, thanks to somebody, who called me a faggot.

  • I enjoyed those noodles, thanks to somebody, who told me I was responsible for the American Revolutionary War.

  • These dumplings were thanks to Daniel Perez, who told me I suck at life.

  • And after that hate mail video, hate comments never ever affected me again.

  • In fact, I got genuinely excited about them. I treated them like...

  • Capturing Pokemon, and I would capture them and store them down in the aforementioned special folder.

  • But it taught me one hell of a life lesson, and probably my most favourite of all, it's a trait that you see a lot of entrepreneurs

  • and creative people have and that is to be able to turn any situation to your-to your advantage.

  • You can become the victim of hate comments and let them get to you, or you can turn them to your advantage and exploit them.

  • Every event or experience happens to you, even ones that look negative at first on the surface, if you flip it over, often,

  • There is something to be gained, something to be learned some advantage that you can get from it. It all just comes down to interpretation and perception.

  • Who'd have thought you could get such an invaluable life insight from somebody calling you a prick.

  • But I feel very lucky, very fortunate to be where I am and to have had all these experiences that I've had.

  • And to share them with you, and I hope that amongst all these lessons,

  • there's at least one thing that resonates with you there and you can take something away from it.

  • Now obviously if you've made it this far into the video,

  • You are one of the chosen few, one of the half-dozen viewers who still actually watching and to celebrate hitting 1 million subscribers,

  • I'm going to be making a very rare Q&A video, answering questions sent in by you guys, about anything.

  • So please send in your questions below using the hashtag #askabroad

  • I won't be promoting this anywhere else, just here right at the end of the video.

  • So if you're watching this, you've probably got a very good chance of getting your question answered. But for now guys, that's all...

  • Oh, why did I do that, many thanks for watching and for listening to me, ramble about my life, I'll see you next time.

  • Now let's just hope this video doesn't get demonetized for the phrase "rape fruit".

  • That would be... Pretty disappointing and yet somewhat understandable.

When you walk into a bakery, what kind of delicious baked goods do you expect to find?

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我在日本學到的6個驚人的人生經驗 (6 Surprising Life Lessons I Learned in Japan)

  • 12 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary