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  • Toyota knows how to make cars.

    Toyota 了解怎麼製造汽車。

  • It does it so well it became the first company to produce more than 10 million a year.

    它做的程度之好,讓它成為首間一年生產超過 1 千萬輛車的公司。

  • Its success is rooted in a special system and began what's now known as "lean manufacturing", an ethos emulated by companies around the world to make products faster, cheaper, and better.


  • Here's how Toyota changed the way we make things.

    以下說明 Toyota 如何改變我們製造物品的方式。

  • Following the Second World War, Japan was left in a precarious economic position.


  • Steel and other metals are scarce.


  • Already disadvantaged by lacking natural resources, materials were hard to come by and companies had to be creative to compete.


  • Toyota's founder Sakichi Toyoda had started a loom business, but it was his son Kiichiro who founded the motor company in 1937.

    Toyota 的創始人豐田佐吉以自動織機業務起家,而汽車公司則是 1937 年由他的兒子豐田喜一郎創辦。

  • They were used to working within narrow margins.


  • As the shortage of materials increased during the war, the number of headlamps on its Model K truck was reduced to one, and it only had brakes on one of the axles.

    隨著材料短卻狀況在戰爭期間惡化,其 Model K 卡車上的頭燈量縮減為一顆,且只有一個車軸有煞車。

  • The turning point for Toyota's Production System would come in the early '50s, when Kiichiro's cousin Eiji would travel to the US with a veteran loom machinist, Taiichi Ohno.

    豐田生產方式(TPS)的轉捩點發生在 50 年代早期,當時喜一郎的表弟英二與織機資深機械師大野耐一同遊至美國。

  • They visited Ford's River Rouge plant in Michigan and were impressed by the scale of the operation, but knew that in cash-strapped Japan, companies didn't have the resources for such a system.

    他們造訪了 Ford 在密西根州的胭脂河工廠,並折服於其營運規模,但深知在財政困難的日本,公司行號並沒有採用此系統的資源。

  • Having months' worth of stock sitting in a warehouse would tie up precious capital they didn't have.


  • Instead, what truly impressed Ohno was a visit to a supermarket, a Piggly Wiggly, according to legend.


  • Japan didn't really have self-service stores at this point, and he was struck by the way customers could choose exactly what they wanted, when they wanted.


  • He decided to model his production line on a similar idea.


  • With a "supermarket formula", only enough parts were produced in the first phase to replace what was used in the second, and so on.


  • This is where the "Just-in-time" system really took shape.


  • Toyota was able to eliminate much of the waste in Ford's system, making smaller numbers of parts to be used when it needed them, allowing the company to operate on a tight budget.

    Toyota 得以除去福特系統中許多的浪費,在需要的時候製造較小量的零件,讓公司能夠在預算緊縮時營運。

  • As part of this, Ohno developed "kanban", a sign-based scheduling method which shows goods in, goods in production, and goods outit's now seen as a precursor to bar codes.


  • Ohno and Toyoda also noticed that American car companies were still employing many of Henry Ford's early production techniques.


  • They kept operations at full tilt in order to maximize efficiencies of scale, but then had to repair defective cars after they rolled off the line.


  • Ohno believed this caused more problems and didn't encourage workersor machinesto stop making the mistake.


  • So, he placed a cord above every station which any worker could pull to stop the entire assembly if they spotted a problem.


  • The whole team would work on it to prevent it from happening again.


  • As teams identified more problems, the number of errors began to drop dramatically.


  • Combined with a culture of continuous incremental improvement called "kaizen", the Toyota Production System built a brand known for making reliable and affordable cars.

    結合了持續增加進步幅度的「改善」文化,TPS 打造了一個以製造可靠且可負擔車輛聞名的品牌。

  • But Toyota was also getting good at producing cars quickly.

    但 Toyota 在快速生產車輛的能力也繼續變好。

  • In 1962, the company had produced 1 million vehicles.

    1962 年時,該公司生產了 1 百萬輛車。

  • By 1972, they'd produced 10 million.

    到了 1972 年,他們已經生產 1 千萬輛。

  • It was around that time that the efficiencies of their factories enabled Toyota to produce a car every 1.6 man hours, much lower than their competitors in the US, Sweden, and Germany.

    也就是在那個時期,Toyota 工廠的效率讓他們能夠在每 1.6 人工小時就生產一輛車,耗時比美國、瑞典和德國的競爭者都要低得多。

  • And as the oil crises of the decade sent gas prices higher,


  • cheap-to-run Japanese cars became much more appealing to Americans, whose powerful but gas-guzzling vehicles suddenly became very expensive to run.


  • Today, Toyota has made over 250 million vehicles.

    今日,Toyota 已經生產超過 2 億 5 千萬輛汽車。

  • Others have looked to them to learn the lessons of "lean", combining craft with mass production, avoiding waste, while striving for constant improvement.


  • Boeing is perhaps the most famous, restructuring a plant to better suit TPS.

    最著名的或許是波音公司,為了配合 TPS 而重組工廠。

  • Intel is another long-time lean ambassador, and is exploring the principles in the context of AI and the Internet of Things.


  • A Canadian hospital even used Toyota's system to decrease wait times in its ER.

    一間加拿大的醫院甚至採用了 Toyota 的系統來降低急診室的等待時間。

  • The Toyota Production System changed not just how cars are made globally but how we approach making things, full stop.

    TPS 不僅改變了全球生產車輛的方式,更改變了我們製造的手法。

  • It also showed there is always a better way to make a product.


Toyota knows how to make cars.

Toyota 了解怎麼製造汽車。

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B1 生產 公司 製造 車輛 豐田 產品

跟著影片了解豐田汽車如何不只改變汽車製造業,更改變了全球各生產業!(How Toyota Changed The Way We Make Things)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2023/05/08
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