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- Doo doo.
Oh yes, I think we're working.
Hi everyone, sorry for the delay.
My washing machine decided that it was never going to end.
It kept saying, "Two minutes"
and then it was four minutes
and then it was five minutes
and now we've just turned it off, so.
It's fine, no, it's fine.
So congratulations everyone
who is joining us today.
Thank you so much.
I'm very, very happy to have reached my end-of-year goal
for 500K and reached reached it halfway through the year,
which is pretty amazing.
So, thank you to you all of you
who share my videos with your friends and family
and tell people that they should subscribe.
You're awesome.
Thank you so much,
and to say thank you,
we're doing something special in this livestream.
As you can tell, I'm wearing my apron already.
So we're going to be doing some baking.
We're gonna make a low FODMAP carrot cake.
Got an awful lot of carrots.
(carrots thumping)
It's also gonna be a fun tour of my kitchen.
As some of you know, I moved house
three, four weeks ago?
Four weeks ago.
Haven't really unpacked everything yet.
Really haven't unpacked everything yet (laughs).
Don't know where my mixing bowl is, so,
but we're gonna work with what we've got.
(bowl clangs)
Ingenuity, we're going to be using our ingenuity.
Not only that though, to say thank you for 500K,
(hands clapping)
I'm gonna be giving away five merch items to people today
and you will see it on this board.
Here's my board.
So, the things are,
I'm gonna be giving away
a merch item to the first new member,
a merch item to the highest SuperChat,
which will obviously be decided at the end,
but I'll keep writing names as they come up,
and then the funniest joke will also,
also get a piece of free merch
and the best question,
the most interesting question.
No, "What's your favorite color?"
Spoiler, it's gold. (cellphone chimes)
But just, there you go.
There you go, best question.
Whatever it is that you ask
and Jessica's choice,
which again, I will decide at the end of the stream.
And if you are the winner of one of these five things,
best thing to do is to either go,
send me a message via Instagram or Twitter.
Well look at that, hello.
We've already got our first new member.
Renee Roy, well done.
You have won a piece of merch.
Let me write that down.
(board thuds)
And what that means
is that you need to send me an Instagram message
or send me a tweet
because YouTube still has not sorted out
it's private messaging system.
It's uh, it's a work in progress,
it's a work in progress.
So, Renee, congratulations,
and there's a link in the description of this livestream
where you can take a look at the piece of merch
that you would like
and then you can just
let me know.
Whew, it's exciting.
I should also say that Clara is in the comments moderating.
So, she will be
replying to you all as well.
In the room next door,
she's through that door.
That's our office,
if you saw the office video.
It's through that door.
Right, let's get on with doing some baking.
Whoa, hello.
Hi Jessica Webber, you're going straight on the board
as the highest SuperChat so far.
I've just realized,
I'm gonna have to, somehow,
do the money thing.
Where I make it all into currency exchange.
Oh my gosh, okay.
It's fine.
Jessica Webber, congratulations.
You have won a lovely piece of merch.
Please contact me via Instagram or Twitter
to let me know what you would like.
Right, put this on the board
and then we're gonna get with some baking.
♪ Doo doo doo doo. ♪
Right, today we're going to be making
a low FODMAP carrot cake.
Carrot cake is one of my absolute favorite cakes
of all time.
If you are also a carrot cake lover
please leave me a carrot emoji in the chat
so I can have a little look at how many of you
also appreciate a good carrot cake.
It's a great one.
My grandmother was a,
she loved to bake
and it was one of her best dishes.
Must be said.
Right, first thing we're going to need.
This is some lovely, gluten-free,
self-raising white flour.
I have recently become able to eat gluten-free flour.
It's been a revelation in my life, I must say.
Only some of them though, not all of them.
Can't really do the ones that contain,
like weird things.
"Weird things," she says.
Weird things, "What's a weird thing, Jessica?"
Who knows?
Right, measuring thingy.
Oh look, loads of you love carrot cake.
Happy to not be alone.
See some of you have added chocolate.
I'm not a chocolate fan.
Ooh, bananas, banana cakes are also amazing.
Right, measuring.
(indistinct clattering)
Found it, found it, we're all good.
All right,
♪ Let's get cracking ♪
♪ Let's get baking ♪
Don't ask me why I'm singing.
I know I shouldn't.
Every time I sing on the internet,
my mother's like, "Mmm, Jessica, don't do that."
And you know what, I think she's got a point,
to be honest, she's got a point.
I'm not the best.
Okay, self-raising white flour.
We're gonna need 300 grams
of that.
♪ Doo doo doo doo ♪
I've just realized,
I was going to use this measuring bowl as my mixing bowl.
It's fine (laughs),
it's fine, we'll just uh...
It will definitely take all of this mixture.
Everything is totally okay.
I have not just moved house
and am now dealing with the consequences of such.
Actually, you know what we should be doing
before even measuring ingredients?
Let's preheat our oven.
They always do that on Bake Off.
"Preheat your oven."
(oven dials click)
All right, I'm putting it on 180.
I don't know what that is if you're in America.
I'm sorry.
Someone who does that, please, please say.
What is it?
What's 180 in America?
This chat moves too slowly, I don't know.
Oh, 350 Fahrenheit, thank you, Becca T.
(finger snaps)
All right, put your oven on 180 Celsius
or 350 Fahrenheit, lah lah.
Okay, got the oven on, excellent.
We now have our cake pan here.
It's time to line it, grease it delightfully.
Oh hello, new member, Veera Chavan.
Oh my god, there's been new members,
and I haven't noticed, I'm so sorry.
Paprika 124, I like your name
and Erica Sawyer, hi guys, welcome.
Oh, I'm so excited.
Right, the greasing of the pan.
You're now gonna see something wonderful
about the new house.
What is this?
This drawer.
That's as far as it goes.
Who put a drawer here?
That can't be opened because of the oven?
One sec.
So you have to open the oven
to open the drawer.
I just, no words.
I have no words for this.
Okay, if you're wondering,
my cake pan is 20 centimeters,
also known as eight inches
and it's from the Paul Hollywood collection.
Yes, I really am that into Bake Off.
Got my dairy-free sunflower butter.
It's not really butter, that's a lie,
but you know, we all like to pretend.
Those of us who can't really do dairy.
(paper crinkles)
It's a sweet lie but we live it.
♪ Doo doo ♪
I actually hum a lot while I'm baking, really sorry.
You're gonna have to experience that a lot.
(cake pan base thuds) Measure.
You can't even see what I'm doing, but look.
Is that gonna stay here?
Maybe, a little bit.
Okay, that's fine.
Right, let's draw round it.
Don't worry the Sharpie bit
will not be going in the actual oven.
I'm aware you should not eat Sharpie.
Ooh, there we go, created a vague circle.
We're good.
Chop that out.
You know as a person,
I think I'm a weird mixture of wanting everything to be
incredibly precise and perfect and matching
and also kind of lackadaisical about it (chuckles).
It's fine, just be a little slapdash.
Does anyone else find,
if you're the kind of perfectionist person,
do you find that you tend to either
want it to be completely perfect
or you're just not bothered?
I'm like, "If it's not going back
in its perfect proper place, it's fine.
It can just stay on the floor."
Anyone else, is that just me?
I don't know.
Oh we can have a talk about some personality types.
Guys, what do you think,
if you know what the 16 personality types are,
that you know, E, I, J, P thing.
What do you think my personality type is?
Take a guess.
I'm intrigued to know what you think.
What are some guesses?
Also, has anyone been watching Hannah Witton's
personalities videos?
I'm really enjoying them.
Like the one she did with Stevie about the Color Code.
Stevie got me really obsessed.
did someone say I was an I?
Have we met?
Have we met?
Oh, hang on, we have a SuperChat for 50 US dollars.
I don't know whether 50 US dollars is the same
or different to 50 Canadian dollars.
So Arthur, I don't know whether
I should put you on the board.
Someone tell me.
Canadian dollars, US dollars, are they the same?
Are they different?
Clara, Google for me.
And the answer by the way to what personality type I am
is, I am an ENFJ.
An ENFJ, congratulations to everyone who guessed that.
If you're wondering, Claudia is an INFJ.
So, we are the same person
but just an introverted version and an extroverted version.
What was the answer by the way?
- [Clara] Canadians dollars.
- We think Canadian dollars are higher?
Or we think...
- [Clara] I'm on the chat.
- (laughs) Google, Clara.
- [Clara] I'm Googling but during the chat.
- Okay, give Clara a moment, she's uh,
oh, 50 Canadian dollars is 38 US dollars.
Ah, I see.
Jessica retains her title.
I think.
You are all saying exactly different things, by the way.
Oh my goodness, right, yeah.
I think we all could've guessed that Claudia...
Jessica's like, "They're not the same,
but I like you way too much to lose."
Jessica, well done, you're retaining your title.
Um, yeah, so Claudia's the introverted version
but she's actually kind of an omnivert
because if there's no other extrovert in a situation,
she will take the wheel
and become the extrovert.
Which I find really interesting.
I don't obviously get to see it much
because I'm there, being loud
but apparently at work she takes charge.
It's very exciting.
Right, yep, for those of you just joining us,
there are five merch giveaways going on today
for first new member, highest SuperChat,
funniest joke, Jessica's choice and best question.
Two of those have already
been won, I guess,
by Renee Roy who was our first new member
and Jessica Webber who is currently the highest
for the highest SuperChat of the stream.
Right, let's grease up this little bit.
How you doing, Clara?
- [Clara] Fine.
- Clara's overwhelmed by chat, guys.
She's overwhelmed.
(Clara calling out indistinctly)
Oh my goodness,
I don't think we've ever had this many people
on a stream before, have we?
- [Clara] Nope.
- Wow, we have one point one thousand people watching.
One point, why did I just say that?
11 hundred people, there we go.
We have 11 hundred people watching.
It's the baking, isn't it, guys?
You were all like, "Yes, I need to see baking."
Right, ew, oh, slippery.
Very slippery.
Now we're just gonna stick that,
stick that little circle down.
There we go.
Oh, welcome new member.
Hi Sammy Donald, hi.
What's the most successful part of your YouTube career?
That's an interesting question.
What is the most successful part?
I started my YouTube channel basically
because I was very ill as a teenager,
she says like she's not still ill now.
I was iller as a teenager
and I just felt very alone
and like I didn't have anyone to talk to
and anyone that I could relate with.
I feel like I didn't have a role model
because every time I saw a person on TV
who was gay or disabled,
they were never both, was never both,
every time I saw a gay or disabled person,
they were always kind of doing things
that I was like, "I don't think I can ever do that.
I don't think I'll ever be able to reach that point."
So I just felt like it's very difficult to imagine things
if you haven't seen them.
To believe in something if you didn't know it's possible.
So, what I wanted to do with my YouTube channel
was make a space where people like me
could be able to feel less alone.
And so every time I get a message that says,
"Your videos make me feel less alone."
That's it.
That's the most successful part of my YouTube career for me.
That's what I deem a success.
Oh, also when people are like,
"I tried to explain this thing to my parents.
They didn't get it,
but then I showed them your video
and now they understand me better."
So those are the things
that make me feel happy and successful.
Yeah, there you go.
I'm sure,
like everyone has different ideas of success, right?
Some people think it's to do with money,
or like having 20 children is some people's idea of success.
That sounds like a lot of hard work to me, my goodness,
but yeah, that's mine.
Making connections, helping the world.
It's always been what I wanted to do as a little kid.
I was like a little Pollyanna.
I just annoyed everyone (laughs).
It's fine, everything will be good in the end.
And they were all like,
"No, stop being so positive."
"I can't."
It's really irritating, I know, as a trait.
Sometimes people are like, "Poor Clara."
She's just like, "What?
How relentlessly optimistic?"
I'm so sorry, what?
Arthur, did you just give me 100 dollars?
Arthur, my lord.
My lord, like Arthur is a lord.
You could be a lord, Arthur.
I don't know, I'm not judging.
Well, Arthur, you're going on the board.
Also, by the way, I really like the name Arthur.
It's actually on the list.
Along with many other names.
Is it weird, by the way,
that we want our children's names
to work with Walter and Tilly?
Walter, Matilda, child's name that goes with their names.
Weird, weird?
Or no?
We're like, "We like it."
That's okay.
Thoughts, people, thoughts.
Oh my goodness, hello.
A super sticker.
Uh in a currency I don't understand.
Clara, Google.
But first of all, Arthur, you're going on the board.
Jessica drops everything.
Are you Googling that?
- [Clara] This is so delayed.
The 100 dollar just came.
- Okay, Clara's a bit behind,
'cause we're using different computers.
- [Clara] Oh sorry, is it--
- Oh wait, okay, it's Swedish Krona.
- [Clara] SEK.
- Ah, we're good, Arthur, you retain your title.
Where was I?
- [Clara] That is 53.
- I feel like you could be a teacher.
Oh, what do you want to see happen in the future
for the Marvel cinematic universe?
Yes, let's discuss.
Oh my goodness, so who else got the Marvel news
and had feelings?
So many feelings.
I mean, first of all, Valkyrie,
a main character who will be LGBTQ.
I don't know her sexuality exactly,
they just said that she's looking for a queen, so,
she's a gal who likes gals.
Don't know who else she likes.
Very, very excited by that.
I'm also excited by a female four
but I don't know.
There is a line in the comics where,
and you can correct me if I'm wrong, comic buffs,
but I'm pretty sure that in part of the comics
Jane becomes Thor because she has cancer
and Mjolnir like cures her cancer
and that's why she becomes Thor, I think,
if I'm remembering this correctly.
So, I don't know whether in this film
they're actually going to make her Thor
and she's like having, living the life,
doing the good stuff,
or is she just gonna be like Thor for five minutes?
And then she's cured from cancer?
You know?
Don't know, unknown.
But year, Valkyrie, overly excited about that.
I'm also really excited for a Black Widow film
but is anyone else feeling like it's a bit late,
it's a bit delayed?
You know what I mean if you've seen Endgame.
Because I, I mean unless,
I don't know whether this is spoilery.
This is spoilery, I'm really sorry.
Mute yourself, quickly,
but is anyone else thinking that when Steve went back, okay?
At the end of Endgame,
and he put all of the stones back,
he must've put the soul stone back, right?
And then what?
Did he get the soul back in return?
Is she back?
Is that the thing?
Is that what we're gonna find out
at the end of the Black Widow film?
I just don't know.
But yeah, I really feel like there should have been
a Black Widow film back in, you know, 2013.
Odd choice, I know, but yeah, way back when.
Way back when, not now.
It feels a bit like you're just throwing it in now.
You know?
Mm, so I'm a bit iffy.
I think the movie will still be great though.
I'm sure it will be amazing.
Although Scarlett Johansson.
I'm sure we've all got things to say
about Scarlett Johansson right now but there we go.
For those of you just joining us by the way,
I'm making a low FODMAP carrot cake.
Low FODMAP being the diet that I have to follow
because my stomach just decided to give up.
I mean, what else can I say?
What else can I say?
Yes, so excited about that
and then we haven't even talked about the deaf characters.
So we're gonna have a deaf character in The Eternals,
that we know.
She's actually played by an actually deaf actress.
It's like an angel came down, my God.
(hands clapping)
So exciting that they haven't just gone like,
"Oh, you can hear, but you can just like
pretend not to hear for a bit,
that's fine."
No, no, no.
No, no, no, no.
So that's good.
Apparently they're also gonna do,
sorry if by the way, if you're tuning in and you're like,
"Jessica, I did not know
I was tuning into a Marvel fan livestream.
I thought this was baking."
It is baking, baking's happening.
Also, you know,
there's my face,
but yes, I really enjoy Marvel.
There we go.
And yeah, so they're going to do
the deaf, kind of storyline
in Hawkeye, which is good.
I quite enjoy that as well
because Jeremy Renner apparently laughed
when asked if Hawkeye could ever be deaf
as he is in the comics, so...
Joke's on you Jeremy Renner, joke's on you.
So many jokes are on Jeremy Renner
at this point though, so.
Right, greased, papered.
We're good to go
♪ On the baking ♪
Sorry, I don't know why there needed to be a dance
but there did.
- [Clara] Hello.
- There always needs to be a dance.
- Hi everyone. - Hello.
Clara's joined me for five seconds
because she's leaving.
- I'm leaving.
Claudia needs the car,
so I need to bring it.
- She's driving the car to Claudia
who is gonna pick up our nephew.
- I know it sounds like a difficult thing to do.
- Driving to the other side of town.
- Parking in Brighton.
Not ideal.
- And then Claudia can get back kind of quickly, so.
- So that's what we do in the evenings.
- Yeah, 'cause Clara now lives
a 45 minute bus ride away from me.
To be fair, when we were looking at houses to buy,
I did, every single house, go on Google
and check that Clara was able to get to me
through public transport (laughs).
- You guys had to choose your dream house.
- We had to, I'm sorry.
- It's fine, it's cool, it's a really good house,
but I'm fine with that.
- Maybe you should move to this side of town.
(Clara laughs)
Just saying.
- I love my side of town.
- Fine, fine.
She lives on like the cool side.
Okay, I'll see you tomorrow.
- Ah, see you tomorrow.
We do hug every day.
- We do actually hug every day, it's true.
- Sorry I couldn't stay in the chat,
I love the chat.
There is so many people,
I tried to answer questions.
I'm really sorry.
- Yeah, be gentle with me (laughs)
in this chat whilst I bake, talk and attempt to read this.
- And I promise I'll have a chat with someone from YouTube
and hopefully I can have moderators assigned before.
- Do we not?
- I tried to do it,
and it was a lengthy process
that needed authorization,
so I'm just gonna like, next time we have one,
I'll plan ahead.
Because over a thousand people is so nice,
but I'm overwhelmed
and I love chat. - And we love you all,
thank you so much for being here.
- Right, off I go.
- You go. - Good luck.
- I'm gonna get baking.
(Clara squeals)
And by the way, those of you who have just joined us,
that wasn't an end to the stream,
if you have just joined us.
I am doing some baking today.
I'm going to be making a low FODMAP carrot cake.
There will also be five merch giveaways today
in celebration of my hitting 500 thousand followers.
I still can't say that
because it feels so new and so fresh
and I'm like (squeals).
Oh I love it,
"No one likes ScarJo but everyone likes Natasha."
Truth, truth.
Right, so the five giveaways that we're doing today are
first new member, highest SuperChat,
funniest joke, Jessica's choice and best question.
The funniest joke, choice and best question
will be decided later on,
once this cake is in the oven.
So yes, mm-mm-mm.
Jessica could do a video
of answering our livestream questions.
Yeah, that's fair, I could.
I actually could, let's do that.
Right, and
♪ Cake making ♪
Again, I sing constantly.
So we have 300 grams,
which is around two cups, I believe,
of low FODMAP, gluten-free, self-raising flour.
Where's he gone?
This one.
Right, and then, oh Tilly, don't look so sad.
Oh, Tilly's sad.
Come here, baby.
Look, little Tilly.
Are you sad?
She's sad every day when Clara leaves, aren't you?
And then she just sits by the front door
waiting for Claudia to come home.
(Jessica coos gently)
Okay, don't lick me.
I'm baking.
And every morning, Claudia leaves
and then she sits by the car.
The car?
Every morning Claudia leaves,
and then Tilly sits by the front door,
waiting, waiting for Clara to come here.
See, they go in and out, I'm just here all the time, right.
Let me just wash my hands
'cause I touched a dog.
"I'm watching this with my chickens right now.
You better not use eggs, they're watching you."
Well now I'm scared.
Okay, good.
I'm so sorry, but there will be eggs.
Don't let the chickens get me.
I must just say though,
having chickens is one of Claudia's
absolute life dreams, goals.
It's one of those things that she's always wanted.
We're not getting chickens in this house,
if you were wondering.
We've not actually moved to the country yet.
She also really wants a smallholding.
So basically like a mini-farm.
She wants a mini-farm.
Not to do any like farming things with,
as in eat said animals,
she doesn't wanna eat them,
she just wants to have them.
Look after them, pet them.
Oh, what's this?
Okay, right,
♪ Let's start baking. ♪
Why am I still singing?
We know that you're baking, Jessica, chill.
Right, two teaspoons of baking powder
and one of bicarbonate of soda.
What we're going for here.
Right, get some teaspoons.
(cutlery clattering)
Thank you, by the way, to everyone who's saying
that my kitchen's really nice
but don't get too attached,
'cause we're going to be redoing it.
I know, you're like,
"Didn't you just redo the kitchen, Jessica?
In your old house?"
Yeah, yes I did.
I like, I like it.
I like doing kitchens
Oh no.
See this is the one of the rare times
that I'm alone in the house.
Although, am I really alone?
Because you're all here.
So now I have to open stuff by myself.
Oh okay, are we getting somewhere?
Oh my god.
See, this is why I have people.
It's not, I mean there are so many reasons I have people.
Oh, someone keeps saying,
"Doesn't YouTube give you a new button for hitting 500?"
It does not.
YouTube gives you one of those buttons
if you get 100 thousand
and then after that, when you get a million.
So, just gotta double what I've got right now
in order to get a button.
No big, guys.
Such a big, such a big, I know.
Someone tweeted me and was like,
"Oh, Jessica's SocialBlade says
that she's gonna hit a million
in two and a half years."
And I was like, "Yeah, believable."
♪ Doo do doo do ♪
But is that what we're here for, guys?
Do we care about the numbers?
I mean I do care about round numbers
because I'm really into numbers
and I really like them.
I'm very jealous of everyone who
is gonna do something big in 2020.
Very exciting (laughs).
I'm like, "If you're getting married next year,
if you're having a baby next year, oof,
if you're moving house, if you're turning a certain age.
Just 2020, like yes.
I wish, this is such a weird thing.
I wish I'd been born in the year 2000.
Oh god, I'd only be 19, hmm.
I mean I don't wish to be 19 again,
but I just really like numbers,
when they're nice and rounded like that,
it's delightful.
♪ Oh doo do doo ♪
I think I get it from my mother.
She's very interested in numbers that have meanings.
I think that's also to do with some kind of dyslexia.
Like, she's very dyslexic but she's very good at numbers.
Don't know what I'm saying.
Oh, hi.
People are graduating, congratulations
to everyone who is graduating next year,
getting married next year,
having a baby next year, all of this good stuff.
I got married in 2016,
which I think is quite a nice number.
Like I quite like 2016, I'm with it, I enjoy it,
I enjoy that one.
Where are we?
I wrote this all down,
I typed this all up for me, myself earlier,
all of the instructions.
Right (mumbles) and salt in the mixing bowl, okay.
Oh, I'm going to have to find another mixing bowl
at some point, jeez.
Oh, someone's starting a PhD next year, go you.
Right, salt, that's already happened.
You're gonna enjoy my memory, by the way
as I wander around.
Salt, okay.
Now, it took me,
oh, whose birthday is it?
Elizabeth Johnson, happy birthday.
Oh congratulations, by the way,
to everyone who got married in 2016 as well.
Good year, was a good year.
It's still so weird to think
that on Tuesday, if you didn't know,
what day is it today?
Wednesday, today's Wednesday.
It says at the top of my screen.
Yesterday was my five year anniversary with Claudia,
if you didn't know.
It was the anniversary of our very first date.
The first time that we met
and yeah, and I just looked up at her
and knew that she was the one.
Felt like a puzzle piece of my heart clicked into place
and we've been together pretty much ever since.
I think we've spent,
we count the days that we're apart
and we've spent 30 nights apart in the last five years
I wouldn't say we're dependent on each other
but we are (laughs)
but in a good way, in a good way.
Yeah, it feels so weird to think five years
because it feels like so much more.
Like she's been in my life my entire life, right?
And also, she's, I don't know, like that was yesterday.
Strange things, strange things.
Okay, what we looking at?
Um, yes, we have got these together.
We're going to just get a fork.
Oof, can I just say, this heat (groans).
For those of you who don't know,
England is currently suffering from a heat wave.
Most countries are suffering from a heat wave right now
probably fair to say.
And because it's England, we don't have air conditioners
or anything like that.
We are generally cold
and all English houses are kind of built to trap heat in
because that's, for the last millennia,
what we've been focused on.
However, global warming.
Great, great, great,
which probably means we should be focused on staying,
well, to be fair, global warming is extremes, isn't it?
So, climate change means either it's really cold
or it's really hot or both.
We're gonna freeze in the winter
and get overly hot in the summer.
But we should still probably invest in air conditioning.
That would be a good start.
I should avoid the sun.
Okay, I need another mixing bowl.
Another mixing bowl.
Where would one put a mixing bowl? (laughs)
Oh, hey Nikki, "I'm in bed from POTS.
Thanks for the distraction."
Well, thank you for joining us.
Thank you to everyone who's joining us today.
Again, if you've just joined us,
I'm trying to make a carrot cake
but I don't know where anything is in my kitchen,
because I'm assuming I unpacked it
but I also have terrible memory loss.
Uh (laughs)
okay, I don't have another mixing bowl
but I do have this.
How cute is that?
I'm in love with this by the way.
Its my new merch poster.
They just got delivered
and I'm gonna put them in every room of my house.
Every room.
And if you're coming to Summer in the City,
you can either buy a poster there
or if you bring it, I'm gonna,
we'll sign them.
(finger snaps)
Probably in a gold pen.
I love a good gold pen.
Okay, I can't find a mixing bowl
but I do have this empty Swedish glass
that Claudia finished last night.
"How do you feel about Boris Johnson being voted PM?"
Uh, I mean, are we gonna bring politics into today?
Yes, yes, we are.
Did you know he was voted in
by less than two percent of the population?
Now that seems funny to me,
no matter where you stand on your politics,
I think that everyone believes that the leader
should be voted in by more than two percent
of the population, right?
You'd think, you'd think.
Well, we're gonna see, we're gonna see.
Right, what am I doing, Jessica?
You wrote this.
What did you say?
Whisk together butter, sugar.
Okay and then the eggs, cool.
(hands tapping on table)
So I'm going to need to measure...
It's so good, isn't it?
When you see me now (laughs)
compared to when you get to see me in an edited video
when I'm so switched on,
so switched on.
And now I just randomly roam around,
confused by the world.
All right.
♪ Doo do do doo ♪
♪ Doo do do doo ♪
I'm so sorry that I sing, by the way.
My mother tells me not to all the time.
Oh my god, this room is so hot, so hot.
Okay, and for butter,
there we go,
we're aiming for another
about the same again,
which is 300.
Right, delightful, delightful, delightful.
That's my butter done.
All right, what are you guys up to?
♪ How's it going? ♪
Oh yes, sorry, for those of you non-British people,
I'm so sorry I didn't really explain that.
How our new prime minister came to be.
Because our old prime minister
who was from the conservative party had to step down
because, oh, hang on.
Our old prime minister had to step down
because she had a vote of no-confidence,
which is where all of her party said
that they didn't believe she could be a good prime minister,
which is lovely
and so she stepped down
and then they had to do a vote.
Oh no, wait, she resigned.
Yeah, no, she did well in her vote of no-confidence ish
and then she decided to resign
because Brexit, not going so well.
And then the conservative party had to vote
who would be their next leader
and strangely enough,
because they're in power at the moment
by a majority of two.
And that's including ten people from a different party
that they had to join with
to become the majority party.
Don't even.
Um, yeah, so then they got to decide
who was going to be the prime minister to replace her,
even though no one voted,
even though we should so clearly have a general election.
I mean, surely, no matter what your politics are,
you agree that the leader of your country
should be voted for by the majority of people
in your country.
That just makes sense to me.
That just makes sense to me.
Trans rights, baby.
Yes, that's unrelated, but yes.
And sugar, now I don't use sugar, sugar,
because, sugar, sugar,
because sugar and I do not agree.
I have like weird,
if I have too much sugar in my body,
my brain just doesn't process it
and kind of treats it as a poison
and then I vomit and pass out
and if it's really high, I can have seizures,
so sugar's not my friend.
Yeah, so instead,
I have
artificial sweetener.
However, I tend to go for sucralose.
Sucralose is the one that your body thinks of as sugar
but it just passes right through you
and it's not
That thing that people say gives rats cancer.
So that's nice.
Okay (hums) right, let's...
Lovely, lovely, lovely.
Pop this on the top here.
Yeah, I'm just going to put it straight in there
'cause I'm gonna be mixing it anyway.
Ah, "Had a", oh there was a question,
I missed it.
Hello, Eddie Van Cartier,
"Had a bad brain fog day yesterday.
How do you cope?"
How do I cope?
That's a very good question.
Stop doing things.
That sounds like a silly thing to say
but eventually there's a point
where you just can't fight against brain fog anymore,
you just have to kind of, give in to it
and do something very simple.
If I'm getting,
if it's all too much for me,
if I'm just like, "I can't cope,
I can't cope with the world,
I can't make decisions about anything.
I don't know what's going on."
And by the way, when you've got a recipe that says sugar
but you're using artificial sweetener,
you basically just move the decimal place.
So if it says 150 grams,
you just put 15 grams in.
It's very light.
Um, what was the question?
Brain fog.
It's good, my memory's great.
So yeah, brain fog, how do I cope with brain fog?
Um yes, the Sims generally.
Claudia tends to go, "Okay, sit down now.
Play the Sims.
You're just kind of wondering around and getting upset."
Which is true, I do.
Because it is upsetting, isn't it?
When your brain doesn't work properly
and it just doesn't feel right
and you feel quite upset and...
All of those bad feelings.
It does suck.
All right, I'm really sorry,
the eggs are gonna be coming out very soon.
Oh and the Sims game that I play is the Sims 4.
Uh, oops, oops, hello, hello?
Question for you from Miss Luna,
"I know you've made a video about accessibility on YouTube
but I'm curious if you've found new ways
you wish YouTube would improve upon itself
with accessibility?"
Hmm, good question.
One thing that I would quite like YouTube to improve on,
and this is more like YouTube as a company,
as a wide thing rather than YouTube as the platform,
is that I would like YouTube to,
just as it does YouTube Black or Pride Month or,
oh hello, new member, Harriet.
Hi, welcome.
So, yeah, just as YouTube does that,
and they really support creators
who are from different backgrounds, that kind of thing,
I would really like it
if YouTube did that with disabled creators as well
because I think YouTube is an amazing, amazing platform
when it comes to connecting with other people
who have similar medical conditions
or similar backgrounds
or even just in terms of like mental health
and connecting with people in that way
and being able to go, "Oh, I'm not alone.
There are other people in the world who are like me"
And also role models.
Being able to look up to people
and say, "They've got my disability, my illness,"
something like that and "I see them living their life
in a wonderful, great, happy, positive way and,"
I'm not just talking about me.
There are other happy, positive people too.
Yeah, I think YouTube should be really proud of that.
I think quite often
we focus on the negatives of social media
and how you go, "Oh, it's isolating for people"
and so on and so forth.
Actually Melanie Murphy, if you know who she is,
is filming a documentary at the moment
about social media and whether it isolates us or not.
And she came to my house to film
and of all the people that she has interviewed,
I think I'm the only one was like,
"No social media's amazing."
It completely stops isolation.
Social media brings things together.
But it brings communities together
and people who would become and be very isolated otherwise,
Oh, new wember!
New wember?
New member.
Hi Kate, I said member and welcome close together
and I was like "a wember."
Good job, Jessica.
Yeah, so social media, YouTube in general,
I think it's amazing.
I think YouTube should be so much prouder of that.
They should be really proud of the community
that they bring together
and I think that they should shout that from the rooftops.
'Cause they don't, they really don't, enough.
Ooh, oh.
(jars thudding)
(pins crashing)
Hi, if you've just tuned in,
all you saw was my back for a minute.
I'm just trying to find things
and I also dropped pins on the floor.
That's not safe.
One sec.
Yeah, stay safe, friends.
Don't drop pins on the floor.
Stay safe, don't drop pins on the floor.
There we go, okay.
I was looking...
No, I think I've just taken out the spice box.
I'm just trying to find some vanilla in my house.
Okay, it's gotta be somewhere.
Where is it?
We've got piping bags, everything.
Right, I'm really sorry.
I hope you guys are amusing yourselves (laughs)
as I just walk around my kitchen
trying to find things.
Oh, new member, wait, is that?
Magic and Mayhem, nice.
Welcome to the club.
"Be careful," says Kate.
Yes, that is something I should do.
Um, okay, well, my brain isn't telling me
where I should look for the vanilla right now.
So, we're just gonna move on (laughs).
There will be no vanilla.
I'm gonna put some eggs in.
I'm gonna also do it like (glass clanking) off-camera
in case eggs are not your thing.
And also if those chickens are still watching.
I feel bad about that.
Ah, "Yours is my favorite channel on YouTube."
Thank you.
"Do you ever forget that you moved houses?"
That's a really good question.
For me, in terms of my memory loss,
I tend not to (laughs)
and I had to ask Claudia the other day,
I was like, "Do I have short term memory loss?"
She was like, "Yes, Jessica.
It's short term."
Because I remember things,
I remember like "grand scheme of things" things,
so I remember that I have moved house,
I remember that I am married to Claudia,
I remember that I work with Clara,
I remember that I do YouTube.
"Your new kitchen
looks far more accessible than your old one."
Yes, it already is, I know.
We've not even done work to it
and yet still, I can actually reach stuff and move,
which is great.
We were talking about memory loss, weren't we?
Yes, yes, we were, yes we were.
So, yes, but the things that I forget are short term things,
so I don't know what I had for lunch today.
I'm not entirely sure what day it is,
but I'm doing this, livestreaming,
which I said
I would do
Wednesday (finger snaps), it's Wednesday.
Yeah, so I forget those kind of short term things.
I have memories about eating,
like I ate some sweet potato.
Was that today's lunch?
Was that yesterday's lunch?
Who knows?
I went to,
it's like everything...
I'm not describing this very well.
It's like, so you see a week on a planner, chart, right?
And every event in that week for me
kind of floats around the chart.
So I'm not entirely sure which day it happened
and in what order
and what came after what.
Is this making any sense?
To anyone?
I don't know.
Oh my goodness, but if you have that,
I love when other people are like, "Yes, this is me."
Not the people who are like,
"Oh yeah, I've got exactly the same, yeah, memory loss.
I'm vaguely forgetful as well."
I'm like, "No, it's not vague forgetfulness."
This is when, sometimes you just have to cry, sometimes
because you're like, "I don't know where I am.
I don't know what I'm doing.
I don't know how I got here really."
That's great.
I get confused sometimes if I'm in a strange place
so I won't forget that I've moved house
because that was like a big thing
but I will forget if I'm in a hotel, say,
and I wake up in the hotel
and I'm like, "Oh, okay cool.
In a hotel, no idea which hotel
or where I am, but its fine."
Generally I have Claudia with me so I'm not too terrified.
Oh, what am I, no.
That's my wife (laughs).
My wife is trying to talk to me
and I've completely missed what's going on.
She's said, oh, no.
She's just said that I'm a hottie.
Nevermind, nevermind.
That's it.
I thought that she was telling me something important.
No, she just told me I'm hot.
Also, for those of you asking,
you will be seeing her today.
She's currently looking after our nephew
and then she's gonna be coming back.
And for the,
I am a hottie, thank you.
For those of you asking, my collab with DissociaDID,
oh, DissociaDID, DissociaDID.
I have never learnt to say it,
she tried to helm me and I was like (squeals)
"Thank you."
By "she" I mean Chloe
because it was Chloe that I filmed the collab with,
will be going out on Friday.
We were both talking about our different experiences
with a kind of ME, chronic fatigue syndrome diagnosis
and how that's gone.
Hi Jay Jackson, "fairly new subscriber."
Welcome, by the way, to all of the new subscribers.
Its really--
DissociaDID, thank you.
Welcome to the new subscribers,
it has been wonderful,
you are just helping my dreams come true.
I gotta say, I gotta say, you guys are amazing.
I really miss my whisk, if you can tell.
Like I don't have the best hands.
This is how I hold things.
Its great, its not great, not great.
I have a dream.
You know those standing mixers?
Oh hi, Christopher,
"Hello From Saint Louis!
Love this channel!"
Thanks Christopher.
Okay, so you know how those standing mixers
they have in the Bake Off?
(oven beeps) That's my dream.
That's my actual dream.
Did something happen?
Wait, did my...
I don't know whether that was,
okay, I don't know what's going on.
It's fine, it's fine, it's fine.
Who needs to know what's going on?
What was I even saying?
Memory loss, that's how it works.
I'm gonna have a drink.
(water trickling)
Oh yeah, it's no added sugar Ribena.
Who doesn't love that?
What am I baking?
I am baking a carrot cake.
Oh and someone asked if Walter's okay.
He's fine, he's just, ooh let's see.
Wait, ooh.
Let's see where we can take you.
Can you see him?
There he is.
My arm's not working, right there.
There he is.
Under this poster.
He's just asleep.
(lips squeaking)
There's Tilly.
Tilly, hi.
She moves around a lot more than he does
as he is an old man and he sleeps.
But yes, he's fine.
People are always like,
"Oh I don't see Walter enough in your Instagram."
I know, he just,
he doesn't like to do the young people things.
Did I just ruin this now because I moved it?
Right, is that back?
That's back, there we go.
We're back to where we were I think.
Slowly, slowly making this cake.
I was talking about a mixer, wasn't I?
See, I knew where we were going with this.
So yes, I really want one of those fancy standing mixers.
Oh today's your birthday, Kayla Anne.
Happy birthday, I hope you're having the best time.
Thank you very much for joining my livestream
on your birthday.
I'm very honored.
Yes, everyone say happy birthday to her.
Right, so I really want a standing mixer
because then I'm pretty sure I could make this cake
in five minutes, rather than
the excessive amount of time it's taken me so far.
♪ Na na na na ♪
We'll get there, we'll get there, we'll get there.
Slowly getting through, slowly getting through.
Yeah happy--
Oh, I love you guys.
You know, you're just one of the things
that I feel so blessed with
is that I have a really, really amazing community
and that you all support each other.
And if someone's in the comments
saying that they're having a really hard time
or a really bad day,
I just love to see other people responding to them
and it makes me so happy.
Whenever I'm discussing with other YouTubers
and they're like,
"Oh, I get all these terrible comments from people
and they're really rude
and most of my comments are bad and negative."
And I'm like, I don't get that
because I have an amazing community
that not only supports each other
but also kind of shuts down bad stuff
and if someone's coming in
and they're being a bad actor,
I know that one of you is gonna be there
and able to report it,
Yeah, I just, I am very grateful for all of you.
You're amazing.
Right, oh, you know what?
Kayla, did you just say?
You said it's your birthday.
You know what, Kayla Anne?
Today is your birthday,
you are winning the Jessica's choice award.
Right, if you've just joined in
and have no idea what I'm doing,
today I am doing five giveaways of my merch
to celebrate hitting 500 thousand subscribers.
So, Kayla Anne.
You have won the Jessica's choice award.
You can choose your piece of merch
using the link in the description,
the links to my merch store
and then please let me know by sending me
either a DM on Instagram.
Please send a DM, please don't leave it as a comment,
send a DM.
Or tweeting me.
Tweeting is always a really good idea
because I don't have that many Twitter followers.
So I notice when someone tweets me.
Thank you.
Right, Kayla Anne.
Kayla Anne, happy birthday.
You've won.
Right (finger snaps)
yes, someone was saying the autistic community online.
Online communities, I think they're a wonderful,
beautiful thing
and I love it.
Although, if we're going to continue talking about inclusion
and how there needs to be more inclusion on YouTube,
I'm still waiting for captions on livestreaming.
Apparently, apparently for a few years now,
or maybe a year, no, over a year now,
it's been an "in development" thing
and some channels have got it
but clearly, I do not
and I have asked for it.
So, I'm just going to have to keep bothering people,
aren't I?
Writing emails all the time.
Give me the captions.
Which you think would be really wonderful
and then my livestreams would be much more accessible
because currently I can't even enjoy livestreams, so.
That seems a bit silly, doesn't it?
So yes, livestreams, that would be good stuff.
♪ Dee dee dee dee ♪
Oh, I'm really excited, this is all coming together.
We're gonna have to grate a lot of carrots in a minute
which will be fun for all of us.
Oh my gosh.
Okay, wow, I really need a mixer to be honest
because I just damage myself by doing things.
So now, the tips of my fingers have gone numb
because I'm stirring.
Don't panic, by the way, they just do that all the time
and also my feet have gone purple from standing up.
Where's my stool?
I have a stool that's supposed to live in the kitchen.
It's gone places,
and I've forgotten where.
Life, life.
So yes, I'm going to get myself a mixer.
When we have the new kitchen,
when it's all done,
I will get one of those beautiful standing mixers
and have them in a pastel shade.
Oh, hello, hi Jenna,
lovely to have you.
Oh, okay, Jenna's very much looking forward to
my collaboration on Friday.
Me too, I really hope you guys enjoy it.
It was a really lovely experience to film.
Right, how many times in this livestream
can I say "standing mixer"?
How many times?
Many times.
So yes, standing mixer, I'm gonna do it.
I've wanted one for the last 15 years.
I've wanted one for 15 ears.
Oh, hi new member, hi Richard, hi.
Happy to have you.
Yes, standing mixer.
Where's the diet Coke?
That's an excellent question.
I do think I need some actually.
(washing machine beeps)
I think my washing machine's talking to me.
Hold on.
I think I leaned on it (giggles).
It's fine, it's fine, everything's fine.
Uh yes, yes, I've just, you know,
I'm one of those people, like I said in the office video,
I really struggle to spend money on myself,
which is ridiculous, Jessica
and as I said, if it was one of you
I would be like, "No, you get that thing.
You go.
Treat yourself."
And with me, I'm just like,
"I can't, I feel bad."
It's all tied into worthiness, you know, so on and so forth.
By the way, worthiness,
thoughts of oneself.
Would anyone be interested if I made a video
that was about
kind of body positivity, I suppose?
But along the lines of how for me, personally,
as a disabled person,
I think it's totally okay to not love your body all the time
and I don't think that you have to.
Anyway, but not like about the body positivity.
Anyway, thoughts on bodies.
Would anyone be interested?
That's where I was going with that.
Ah thank you!
Some of you guys are so nice.
Yes, yes, yes.
Okay, cool.
Also this is going so quickly.
Can any of you read this?
It goes so fast.
Foom, foom, foom, foom.
Congratula- ah thank you.
Thank you to everyone who's saying congratulations.
For those of you who don't know,
I hit 500K this week.
Yesterday, in fact, on the five year anniversary
of my first date with my wife.
It's been a good week.
Oh my god, and I can't even tell you, okay.
There's something happening tomorrow.
I'm going somewhere.
I'm seeing something
and I'm meeting someone.
And I can't tell you what it is,
oh my god.
When you find out, you'll just die.
You won't just die.
I mean,
you'll be happy.
Oh, thank you Claire.
Claire just donated money for my mixer.
Thank you, I really appreciate that.
Yes, so something very exciting is happening tomorrow.
I know, I know.
So yeah, this is, I mean, my week.
What is hap--
my week has gone crazy, it's so great.
♪ Let's put some carrots ♪
We are going to measure some carrots.
How many carrots?
What did you write down, Jessica?
What did you write down?
Okay, I need 450 grams of carrots.
Chopping board.
I do this all the time.
I just wander around like,
"There was something I was looking for."
What could it be?
By the way isn't this the cutest chopping board ever?
C and J.
Claudia's friend Rachel gave it to her
for her 30th birthday
and I'm obsessed with it.
Okay, knife.
Let's chop some carrots up, shall we?
Yes, lovely.
Anyway, so the exciting thing tomorrow,
I'm going to see someone who's like kind of famous.
But again, can't tell you
and I'm also going to a place that I've wanted to go
for a really long time
but haven't been able to get into.
Oh, Miss Luna, thank you.
Miss Luna's also donated for my mixer fund.
Thank you guys, you guys are really sweet.
Yes, so, but yeah, I'm gonna tell you afterwards,
then you're gonna see pictures,
I'm going to, once I'm allowed to talk about it,
talk about it constantly.
Oh god, guys, thank you so much.
Oh, Darin and Jenna, also gave to the mixer fund.
You guys make my heart so happy.
Okay, 450, I said that, didn't I?
Oh, Belle, "Did you find the vanilla?"
No, Belle, I did not find the vanilla.
Maybe Claudia will come home at the very end,
right before it goes in the oven
and tell me where the vanilla is.
is vanilla?
I don't know.
Oh, that was exactly 450.
That's good.
Use five carrots.
Go me.
Oh yes.
Ugh I wish we had a compost bin already.
We ordered a compost bin
and it's super-exciting.
Oh, Jessica, thank you.
Thank you so much.
Okay, Jessica has donated, for the mixer.
Agent's donated to the mixer,
you guys are amazing.
Thank you.
I am going to...
I'm gonna make so many videos about my mixer (laughs).
Right, let's grate some carrots, shall we?
Let's get to work.
♪ Doo do do do ♪
Normally I get Claudia to grate stuff.
Oh, Hannah, hi.
Hannah just found my channel recently.
Oh, Hannah's having surgery on her knee, Friday.
Okay, everyone send Hannah love for her knee.
You're gonna be great.
It's gonna go really well.
(cellphone jingles)
Oh, is that my wife?
You have no idea how many times I pick my phone up like,
"Is that my wife?
Oh my god!"
Am I obsessed with Claudia?
Is she obsessed with me though?
Yes, and that's what makes it okay.
Right, grater.
I know, baby, I know.
Tilly keeps looking like, "Is she coming?"
Not yet, baby.
Not here yet, I'm sorry.
I do feel so bad for them.
Okay, let's start grating some carrots.
Oh, you guys are awesome.
Thank you for sending Hannah love.
What did I just say?
You guys rock.
Okay, while I grate, give me some questions, peeps.
By the way, anyone want another Q and A video soon
because I get asked so many questions.
Oh, how to private message me.
Good question.
Um Instagram, whoop.
I'm being safe.
Did someone just say, "What are we watching?"
What are we watching?
Hi, I'm Jessica.
Oh, thank you Sylvain for the new mixer.
I am grating carrots to make a low FODMAP carrot cake, yes.
Low FODMAP, by the way, stands for something.
I made a video about it,
but I now I can't remember the words.
"Please don't grate your fingers,"
says Life on Low Batteries.
Yeah, don't worry, fingers are away.
What was their question?
Low FODMAP, yes, so low FODMAP is kind of
is a medical diet
and it works for me
because I have connective tissue problems
that affect my stomach
and gut because that's how it is.
Oh thank you.
Lady Meowington has also donated for my mixer.
I very much appreciate that, very much.
Right, oh, oh.
Grating going.
Oh, is that Clara?
Oh, Clara's like, "I just parked."
Yes, so in the time since Clara was on the stream to now,
that has been her getting across town,
so that she could give the car to Claudia.
What is this?
What is this disgrace?
Oh, yes, do you know what I should answer?
Some people are confused to why we moved house.
If you didn't see our house before.
Oh, Angela,
thank you so much for also donating for the mixer.
So the house that we lived in before,
if you know anything about English houses,
it was a terraced house,
which means that it's connected on each side
to other houses.
It was a two bedroom
and the garden as you may have seen in some videos
was a terrace
and then a kind of down bit with some astroturf.
And the problem was, it was kind of an old house
and it was built in, I believe, 1890, right.
At a time when people didn't really think
about accessibility very much at all.
It only had one bathroom which was upstairs
and it was impossible to move around in my wheelchair.
There was just no way of doing it.
So we were thinking, like this house is not future-proof
because we couldn't do any work to it
because it's old and because it's terraced.
It was kind of a nightmare to be working from
because downstairs was pretty open plan.
So what we needed, we decided,
was a house that we could have babies in.
Coming soon.
Don't get excited yet, no news.
Oh hi Chasey, "Are there any plans in the works
for publishing one of your books?"
Yeah, well I have new management
and they're working on it.
That's all I can say.
They're working on it.
But hopefully yes, my God.
I need a diet Coke.
I'm gonna pause my carrot-grating.
So I'm gonna get a diet Coke
and then I'm going to tell you more
about why we moved house.
(glass thuds)
(mysterious thudding)
(distant humming)
I'm back.
Right, oh.
Oh, hi Sabrina.
"My donation to the mixer."
Ahh, "I've been subbed since before 100K."
Well done, thank you for sticking with me.
Right, what was I talking about?
Oh yes, moving house.
So we decided we needed a house
that was future-proof for babies.
(ice clangs against glass)
Try not to drop all of the ice everywhere, Jessica.
Oh, Miss Luna, ah.
Okay, losing your hearing.
I have actually been thinking about making a video
that's called "So You're Going Deaf."
Which would basically be like,
"Ah, it's happening.
Here are some things you can do to cope with it
both practically and mentally."
Like how to wrap your mind around what is happening to you.
So that is on the list of videos that we've made.
Oh thank you Katie, to donating to the stand mixer.
Right, putting this away
and I'll come back.
(mysterious thudding)
Where were we?
So we decided (soda bottle hisses)
where've my straws gone?
We decided that we're gonna buy a house
that we can have babies in,
a house that also had a room
that could be my actual office,
where I could do some work
and not have to put it all into one tiny drawer
at the end of the day.
I've always just wanted a wall that I can put stuff on
and now I have it.
And a bit of a bigger space
for the dogs as well
'cause they were feeling quite closed in,
definitely, in the old house
and we wanted to be able to do work to it.
Which we have many plans for this house,
so I'm really happy.
If you saw our house tour,
you've seen the style of our old house.
The house that we've just bought is a 1950s,
but it's got no, none of its period features.
They've all kind of been taken out,
so we're gonna put them back in, yes.
If you're into house renovation,
this is going to become your channel.
Your favorite house renovation channel, yes?
Love it.
Right, back to grating.
So yeah, that's why we moved house.
We still live in Brighton,
so we've not kind of moved out of Brighton or anything.
By the way, anyone going to Brighton Pride this year,
I shall see you there.
I'll be tweeting, so...
Will I be?
Will I be tweeting?
I guess I'll be tweeting.
I was gonna say,
I'll be putting things on my Instagram stories, so
you can come and find me at Brighton Pride,
if you're here.
I'm actually going to go to a park,
oh hello Cloudlight.
"I would love a video about coping with hearing loss!
I just learned I need hearing aids
and I'm not sure what kinds of things
I need to prepare for."
Cool, cool, cool.
Let's do that.
I'm, yep, I've been.
What am I saying?
Yes, I shall make that video.
It will also include fun gross things
like how your hearing wax changes
when you have hearing aids.
Yeah, it's weird, it is weird
but there you go.
There you go.
For those of you who are not losing your hearing
and do not wear hearing aids.
You'll be a bit like, "Wow.
So many things I have learnt now."
There we go.
Okay, we're mixing some carrot in.
Mixing in the carrot.
We need definitely more carrot.
Back to grating.
I've actually.
I'm gonna wait until Claudia comes
whenever the hell she's coming
to do this little bit,
'cause that doesn't feel safe for me.
I'm just gonna use this big bit.
For those of you who don't know,
it's not safe because I have a condition
that means I don't feel my peripheral nerves.
So, the nerves in my hands and in my feet.
You know the thing is, peripheral nerves are actually
all nerves that aren't in your spinal column
and your brain, so, basically all the nerves in your body.
So there are bits of me that don't feel,
like my glove.
My gloves?
My hands.
I always feel like I'm wearing gloves
and I always feel like I'm wearing socks,
which is a really weird experience
and my left foot, I can't feel it at all.
It's like it's not there, it doesn't exist.
I don't have a great idea of where most of my body parts are
but my left foot is the worst.
If I stand on it.
It makes me feel kind of sick
because it's like standing on jelly,
that's how it feels.
It's like there's my knee
and then there's jelly.
And that's kind of terrifying, so weird experience.
But it means I have to be careful about a variety of things.
Obvious things like hot and cold.
I don't know if something is really hot or really cold.
So, I generally try and be extra cautious.
Oh hello, thank you very much for donating
with that Super Sticker to my mixer fund.
I'm actually gonna put all of the money
donated during this livestream
is gonna go straight to my mixer fund,
so thank you.
Where was I?
Yeah, peripheral neuropathy.
So there are kind of times
when I've done really stupid things.
Like if I just forget, I'll open the oven door,
just put my hand in and take something out
and it takes a while for it to burn down
to the point that I am aware of it.
So I have a scar, you can't really see it anymore actually.
But I had a scar all the way along here.
I mean that's so bright, you can't see anything.
But I had a scar all the way along here
where I put my hand into the oven.
I dunno, just wasn't thinking.
I was wearing a glove but I couldn't,
there wasn't a glove here
and rested it essentially against one of the metal trays
and burnt myself far enough down
that I was then like, "Ow.
Whoa, that's painful."
It's gone pretty far down for me to feel it,
which is not good.
I had a circle in my palm
which you can still kind of see,
but again, this is so.
This light is not great.
So this circle, which was from holding an ice-cream tub.
I held an ice-cream tub.
I went to the theater,
I held it in my hand
and normally if you can feel your nerves,
you'll do things like
you'll move it slightly, unconsciously do that,
you'll wrap a towel around it
because you'll be like, "Oh that's cold."
But no, not me, not me.
I didn't notice anything.
So it just sat there and then
I finished the ice-cream
and I went to take the thing off my hand
and it had essentially stuck.
I was like, "Oh."
That wasn't good.
As you can imagine.
Not good, not good at all.
And things like on the day that we moved,
I didn't realize but my feet were hurting so much,
well they must have been hurting, poor things.
I didn't really know.
Oh, thank you, Celia.
And I didn't really know
because when I took my shoes off that evening,
I had this open wound on my toe.
And I just hadn't been aware
and I'd just been walking on it.
Like, sorry.
That's the kind of thing that you deal with
when you have peripheral neuropathy.
But also, it's not just that kind of surface,
it can also be things like actual limbs, so,
I have paralyzed both of my arms before.
Both of my arms, it was such a bummer (laughs).
You're just like, "Oh, wow, that's unhelpful, great."
And I've paralyzed one of my legs before.
Well originally, it's the same leg,
I paralyzed it twice.
Always very silly.
And the worst one I think was
when I managed to do it to both of my knees.
Like I dislocated both of my kneecaps.
Oh, I love it,
"Welcome to weird things Jessica's done, the series."
SM Nail Artist, "Please notice me, Jessica.
I'm deaf too and I have EDS and I'm a lesbian."
We're twinning.
So, yes, that's my life.
Yeah, paralyzed stuff, hurt stuff,
gotta be careful of stuff.
The way that it works is,
oh thank you so much!
TweeTwee Me, "I have to go now Jessica.
I was going to sit and sulk today
because of unfair treatment from my job"
Oh that sucks,
"but I decided to stay optimistic thanks to you."
Oh, thank you and thank you to donating for the mixer fund.
And Karissa, thank you for donating as well.
(lips smacking)
You guys are awesome.
Yeah, so, that's my life with neuropathy.
It also, in fact, well, I didn't know.
I'm currently under investigation in a hospital.
I'm gonna make a video about that
'cause it's a whole, it's a whole thing
about my migraines
and how they're affecting nerves in my brain.
As you may or may not know,
I can't see out of my left eye.
It still moves with the other one.
The eye itself is fine, there's nothing wrong with it
but the nerve that sends the picture into my brain
just doesn't.
It just doesn't send a picture.
So that's nice.
And that happened after a migraine
so they're trying to investigate that.
See where there's anything they can do.
Who knows?
Maybe I will be able to magically see again.
Be done.
Oh, hello.
Richard says, "I wish there were fun, dedicated videos
on losing one's hearing and teaching sign language
for my brother back in the early '80s.
It was a struggle but he learned, adapted,
and is quite productive now."
Ah, love to your brother
and thank you for donating to the mixer fund.
Hi Izzy, "Got diagnosed with hypermobility syndrome and POTS
yesterday after two years of symptoms, pretty wild.
Your videos brighten my days."
I, ah (hands clap).
After 29 years of symptoms, sorry,
did I just say two years of symptoms?
Ugh, Izzy, I'm pretty sure you are feeling
a lot of relief right now.
I have said, some people are like,
"Diagnosis, oh no, that's the worst thing."
Like, no, no, no.
No it's not.
A diagnosis is the best.
Finally, the saying that I've been this
for years like, "Oh my god,
I just don't know what's going on."
Oh, I'm so sorry, Soapibubbles The Strange says,
"You missed my SuperChat."
Oh, I'm sorry honey, I'm sorry.
Is it still there?
I don't know.
Some if it's along the top, some of it's not.
YouTube's super helpful like that.
Super helpful.
But I'm very sorry I missed your SuperChat.
(lips smack)
Have a kiss.
Make you feel better.
But yes, diagnosis is the best.
For sure.
Oh, that's getting a bit low.
Mix more carrot in.
So excited.
By the way thank you guys for hanging out with me.
I don't think I've said that yet, have I?
I wouldn't remember if I had.
But thank you for hanging out with me.
It's not often that I am alone in my house
but today I had to be
and so it's really lovely
that I get to hang out with you guys
so I'm not actually alone.
Well I'm never alone,
I've got the dogs obviously
but they're not great conversationalists.
Walter's currently sulking
because he's decided that the heat is in some way our fault
and Tilly is just lying by the front door.
Waiting, waiting
for Claudia to come in.
(mimics wailing)
(hands clapping)
Right, another drink.
Oh, "Anyone else have joints that sublux
but no hypermobility?"
Yes, by the way, I think there's some new research on this
but originally to be diagnosed
with a hypermobility, connective tissue-related disorder,
you had to score really high on the Bleighton score?
There are two scores, the Bleighton and the Brighton,
which is ridiculous
because they're really close in names
and they both relate to hypermobility
and apparently you had to score quite highly on it,
you had to have hypermobility,
which meant that a lot of people
who did have a connective tissue disorder,
because they sublux,
but don't have hypermobility
weren't getting diagnosed.
So apparently, it's changed now
and you can, I think, if you go back to rheumatology now,
they may tell you something different
to what they told you before.
I don't know.
I am, speaking of diagnosis, as I told you,
I'm currently under some investigation, some stuff
and it's gonna be either very exciting
or pointless (laughs).
Nothing will change.
Either everything will change or nothing will change, so,
that's fine.
That's life.
Right, um.
"It's changed?
Don't mind me making an appointment right now."
Yes, do.
Do make an appointment right now.
Yeah, also the classification of EDS has changed recently.
So it used to be the thing
that there were only three types of EDS
and now I think there're 13 or something.
So, with various different symptoms.
So if you've been thinking
that you've had got a connective tissue disorder for a while
but you don't fit any of those sort of classic things,
I advise you to look it up again now.
Right, "My rheumatologist says
that all young women are hypermobile." (groans)
Why are people like this?
Oh, thank you very much Kerowynn
for donating to the mixer fund.
(mouth clicks)
And thank you for your congratulations.
Right, so peeps,
where were we?
Rheumatologists sometimes, yeah, are not great.
I asked my GP for a referral to a service.
She says, keeping that on the quiet.
Yeah, so I asked for a referral to a place
and he was like, "Why?
If you have that, it's not curable."
I'm sorry?
Do I need, what, what?
Why does it need to be curable for you to refer me?
That's not how medicine works.
There's a thing called treatment
where, you know, your life is improved
because you treated the thing.
Anyway, some people, huh?
Some people.
Hello, Life on Low Batteries,
"I love you Jessica! It's time for my mid-day nap
because Low Batteries."
Fair enough.
"Have a lovely day and enjoy your cake!"
Thank you so much,
and thank you for joining.
(lips smacking)
I very much appreciate you. (cellphone chimes)
Oh, that is my wife.
Hang on.
No, just her asking when she's coming back.
Okay, okay.
There's a lot of carrot in this cake.
A lot of carrot indeed.
Thank you by the way, sticking with me, everyone
for this hour and a half of me making a cake.
Oh yeah, for those of you who don't know,
I'm making a carrot cake
to celebrate my 500 thousand subscriber milestone.
So exciting, it really is.
Okay, and we're also doing a giveaway for merch.
And it's the first new member
which was won by Renee Roy,
the highest SuperChat, currently won by Arthur H
who gave a hundred US dollars,
which is amazing.
We've got Jessica's choice, which is Kayla Anne
because it's her birthday
and then we have best question and funniest joke.
I still haven't chosen those.
Okay, guys, I want you to give me your funniest jokes
right now.
And then we're gonna see.
Oh, oh.
Go people, go people.
This chat's like, really delayed for me (laughs).
"UK carrot cakes are much more carroty than American ones."
They are, they are.
Oh, oh.
Give me a joke, and the first one is Hamna saying,
"My life."
Oh, okay, who thinks that Hamna should win?
Just for "My life"?
'Cause that made me laugh.
"Are you bread?
'Cause I like the way you roll."
I like it.
No, that one's really good,
"Don't trust atoms, they make up everything."
I think that's a winner to be honest.
I'm gonna struggle to say your name,
but Nerdinga Letule.
Nerdinga Letule?
I think I said that right, I think I did.
I think I did.
Right, I'm gonna write your name down
and put it up
'cause I think that's a pretty good joke.
I think it's pretty good.
I'm so dyslexic.
I like it.
"Don't trust atoms, they make up everything."
Right, send me a tweet or an Instagram message
so that I know which piece of merch you would like
and then I have to get your address and then I have to
send it to you and everything.
The whole thing.
Nice, I like it.
Funniest joke.
Very good, very good.
Ah, some of these are so good, okay.
"Why did a scarecrow win the Nobel prize?
Because he was outstanding in his field!"
I like it, I like it.
These jokes are good by the way,
like you guys can just enjoy yourselves.
Oh and for people asking whether you can draw me,
of course you can draw me, of course.
I am always very honored by anyone who draws me.
Okay, oh my goodness.
We're gonna get there eventually,
we're gonna get there.
Okay, okay, okay.
I'm gonna say that's enough carrot
because I'm getting exhausted by the...
Also, how many of you have done the
"What's brown and sticky?
A stick" joke now?
Can't lie though,
it's probably one of my favorites as a child.
Not that its a childish joke.
But it kind of is.
Oh, what was your favorite TV show
when you were a kid?
Mine had to be X-men.
Animated X-men.
Who didn't love animated X-men?
I had such a thing for Rogue.
I was convinced she was gonna marry me.
My parents were like, "Uh, she's animated."
"I don't care.
She's mine.
We will be together forever."
Clearly that did not work out
but my wife is very attractive so.
Right, okay.
Okay, I'm like slowly gonna get
more and more exhausted by the way.
Phineas and Ferb, Gargoyles, Wizards of Waverly Place,
iCarly, The Office?
Did someone just say Office was their favorite?
Hey Arnold!
Ugh, I remember Hey Arnold!
Someone just said The Office was their favorite
as a child.
I'm shocked.
Okay, whew.
This is me like ooh.
Oh Recess, Recess was so good.
Kim Possible (gasps).
Yes, Kim Possible (groans).
I was convinced that Kim Possible and Hugo
were definitely a thing
and then they kind of did write it to be a thing.
Like that's not subtext, when you're animating it like that.
I'm sorry.
Okay, cake batter, going into the tin.
Okay, oof.
I have to say, guys, I am gonna run out of steam
really shortly.
And this has to be in the oven for a while,
so I think I'm gonna put this in the oven.
We're gonna do some quickfire questions
and then I'm gonna have to call it a day,
I'm afraid.
I think next time I do a livestream,
I'm gonna do something like playing the Sims
because I can sit down and it's not,
not so kind of physically draining for me.
Right, oh
"I just realized that Jessica looks like Kim Possible."
Oh yeah, also all the people who say Buffy, yes.
Buffy was like my teenage obsession.
Who wasn't?
Buffy and Faith.
Right, okay, this is going in the oven.
Okay, how long did I tell myself
to put that in the oven for?
What have I written?
Um, bake for 30 to 35 minutes, okay.
Put the timer on.
Okay, yes, right.
So, that fancy very exciting thing is happening tomorrow
and my wife is like,
"Jessica, you need to preserve your energy.
Calm down."
I do.
Okay, I've put the timer on.
Now, I'm gonna say I'm gonna end the stream in,
well, wait, currently, it's a quarter to seven.
So I'm gonna end it at seven o'clock
and before then, we're gonna work out
who asks the best question.
It is our final thing up for grabs.
If you've just tuned in, by the way,
we're doing five merch item giveaways
because I just got 500 thousand subscribers.
Hit me, people.
What are your questions?
Okay, "Imagine Jessica on Twitch as a Sims streamer."
I've actually never watched Twitch.
I'm really obsessed with the Hundred Baby Challenge though.
Is anyone else watching it?
And now I'm just obsessed with Kelsey
and everything she does
and I'm really sad
that I didn't get through to VidCon this year
'cause she was there
and I was like, "Ah, I could've met her."
It's my new YouTube obsession.
Oh, hi Miss Luna,
"I asked the question about accessibility on YouTube earlier
and that was my best one
so I don't have anything more in my tired brain, LOL, oops."
I gotta say Miss Luna, that was good.
That was really good.
That's a contender.
I'm definitely keeping that in mind
as a contender for the prize.
Zoe says, "Stand mixers are essential.
I hope you get one soon, love from me, a baker."
Thanks, Zoe.
I've got to say, I think we've done it, guys.
I think I'm getting a stand mixer.
Right, oh no.
Okay, Zainab, I swear I'm saying that right.
Oh no, I've lost it!
Zainab, ask again.
Zainab keeps asking me if I can pronounce her name
and now I've lost the thing with her surname.
But anyway.
So I'm gonna,
this cake is baking right now
and then I'm going to take the cake out.
No, what am I doing?
The bake is caking.
Jessica's getting tired.
The cake is baking right now
and then I'm going to post a picture of it
on the community tab once it's all done
and looking lovely.
Oh, "What is a stand mixer?"
Good question.
It's that like bowl thing that has an electronic whisk
but then you can change the parts for dough
and that thing.
It's that thing.
"Would you like me to draw you?"
Yes I would.
Oh, we've got a new member.
Hello new member.
I'm gonna guess that your name is said Zooey Glass Zorba.
I really hope I'm right.
Kate, that's an amazing question.
"Most people store energy in the form of gly-co-sin
glycogen," I think I said that wrong.
"Do you store it in diet Coke?"
Honestly, yes, I do, caffeine.
You know how people do those Buzzfeed videos of,
"Oh I went a week without caffeine,"
and it's like amusing
and (scoffs) and then she's like,
"Oh, it was a bit hard at work
because I didn't have the energy I normally have."
I'm like, "No, no."
I'm gone without diet Coke, it's not happening.
"How to not get discouraged when doctors don't listen."
Good question, Lili.
Lili Wilson.
Nice way of writing Lili, by the way.
How to not get discouraged.
For me, I think the thing that helps me not get discouraged
is talking to other people in the community,
in the chronic illness community.
Having friends who've got disabilities
who also went for absolute years and years and years
without theirs being diagnosed.
I mean like look, I have all of these symptoms.
Quite clearly I have this
and for years, doctors said no, they didn't
and then finally they got diagnosed
and it makes me think,
you know your own body better than anyone else.
I swear to God.
When you go to a doctor, yes,
maybe they've studied your specialist area
for the last 10 years, but so what?
It's kind of like you've lived in that body.
You live it day by day.
They go home at the end of their working day
and they can do something else.
You don't get that choice.
So I think you know your body.
Well, if you listen to your body, I think you know it well.
And if you feel like something's wrong,
it's that thing like a mother's intuition.
You know, supposedly a mother always knows
when something's wrong with her child.
What's happening with the exposure on this by the way?
My face is just becoming a ball of light.
And I think we know our bodies, we do.
(sings nonsensically)
"Do you," wait, where's the questions?
Whew this is quick.
This is so quick.
"What got you into vintage?"
When I was a small child,
my nerves didn't really work properly.
Things were really very painful for me.
Like I couldn't have any lace or anything
and I think at the time, it's like the '90s,
kids clothes tended to have,
like they used to be really like lacy
and especially girls' stuff.
And by the way, "girls' stuff" it was all,
I remember, even like a tank top,
if you wanted just a top,
just a top,
this here, a block of color and some straps.
Some reason, everything came with like lace across here
and then it was scratchy
and all I could have was cotton
because it didn't hurt my skin.
But because we couldn't buy anything that worked for me,
my mother asked my grandmother to make my clothes for me.
So she made all of my clothes.
Every single thing I wore
and she made them from these patterns that she had,
pattern books, she'd made for her own children
in the '50s (laughs) and the '60s
and so those were the clothes that I grew up wearing.
Yeah, so I grew up wearing the clothes of children
who lived in the '50s
and I just never shook it off.
I was like, "Yep, this is what suits me.
It's what works for me.
I'm gonna go with it,"
and I think it does.
Like I think curling my hair
just works for the shape of my face.
Here's my face.
And old fashioned clothes work quite well
for the proportions of my body.
Like whenever I try and buy something new,
like modern clothes.
Whenever I try and buy modern clothes
I always have the difficulty of
if it fits my bust,
it's too big on my waist.
And then if it fits my waist,
it doesn't fit my hips, so.
I'm just an old fashioned girl,
with old fashioned proportions, basically.
(cellphone chimes)
That's what's going on.
♪ Doo do do do doo ♪
Right, let's...
You know what?
Oh, who asked the Marvel question?
Nina, Nina Babb, "I asked the Marvel question earlier."
That's a good one.
Help me out, guys.
My two favorites, I think, for questions are Luna's.
I really like Luna's question about accessibility on YouTube
'cause hey, that's why we're here, right?
This is what I do.
Accessibility on YouTube
and I also like Nina's question about Marvel.
I think that's pretty fun.
So, what I'm gonna do
is I want you to put either a red heart
which will be for Luna's question about YouTube
'cause YouTube is a red, red emoji.
And Marvel, we're gonna go with a green heart.
So I want you to put a red heart or a green heart
for which of the questions you like the best
and that's how we're going to decide it.
Oh, okay, I'm seeing some green, I'm seeing some greens.
I've got a lot of reds.
Someone just put a white heart in.
White heart's a bit much,
okay, wow.
Mm, this is really tight.
This is a tight, tight race but you know what?
I think,
I think I'm seeing
a lot of red.
Okay, I think we've decided it together.
I think it was Miss Luna
and also, Miss Luna,
thank you so much for commenting throughout.
So, let's write that down.
This has been the most fun livestream of my life, guys.
I've really enjoyed this.
I've really enjoyed just hanging out with you.
Right, so, Miss Luna, winner of the best question.
Oh, hello.
Oh, I'm so sorry, that's going past so quickly.
Oh hi Kira.
"Hi part of a DID system."
Well, ah.
The video on Friday will be very relatable.
Thank you so much.
You guys are amazing.
Miss Luna, send me a message on Instagram or Twitter
and tell me your favorite piece of merch
which all the merch is in the link down below, guys.
Don't forget that and let's put this up.
Okay, my Twitter and Instagram,
oh Jennifer, thank you for donating to the stand mixer fund.
Right, so my Twitter and Instagram
are both in the description down below.
Go there, send me a message
if you are one of the five winners.
Please let me know your favorite thing with the merch store
and oh my god, guys, buy this poster.
I'm obsessed with it.
Look, didn't, oh my god,
they did such a good job,
this was made by my friend, Marsupial Pudding,
who does some of the most gorgeous art you have ever seen.
Truly stunning, beautiful stuff.
I can't even.
Like the detail in this.
The detail.
I'm utterly in love with it.
I really am.
Oh by the way, for everyone who really likes my apron,
it's actually handmade
and was sent to me via my PO box.
My PO box is also listed in the description,
I saw some people asking if I had a PO box.
Okay, whew, I'm...
I'm going down, folks, I'm going down.
Right, I think you guys are absolutely amazing,
thank you so much for sticking with me
throughout this whole time.
Ah thank you Jennifer for donating, right at the end.
We've got, oh, thank you Christian, also.
Oh my god, right.
Okay, I'm going down.
Thank you so much, guys for hanging out with me.
I've had a lot of fun doing this,
I really hope that you've had a lot of fun too.
I will post a picture of the finished cake
on the community tab.
I am gonna have to end the stream.
Oh my god, okay (clears throat).
"Get rest."
Yes, that's what I'm doing.
Right, thank you (lips smacking), you guys (lips smacking).
You rock, thank you so much,
and thank you to everyone who donated for the stand mixer.
Woo, stand mixer (laughs) making my baking easier.
We'll be happy soon.
Okay, mwah, goodbye everyone.
I am ending the stream, right now.
You guys rock.
So much love (lips smacking).