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  • Hi, I'm Jessica, and that's the one thing I never forget. So today, I was going to do a hair tutorial and

  • What not but I feel kind of pants and those take lot of energy so instead. I thought I would sit down and

  • We would have a chat about

  • How I can't remember yesterday or the day before and I'm not entirely sure what day it is today?

  • so I have a disability that affects my nerves and my muscles and

  • My hearing and various other things and causes a lot of fatigue

  • Which then affects memory now even though I was born with this condition

  • I wasn't actually diagnosed until I was 17 when my paralyzed both of my arms for a year and a half

  • And they rushed me into hospital. I had a whole load of procedures to check

  • What was what happened?

  • So it can be a variety of things and one thing they checked to make sure it wasn't was a brain tumor and to do

  • That they had to take my spinal fluid to a lumbar puncture

  • Which is where they put a needle into your back and suck out some of your spinal fluid

  • the fluid that goes around your spine and then up around your brain and

  • They took some of that out

  • But they hadn't realized that they left holes

  • And the rest of my spinal fluid leaked out through these holes into my body just not great then your brain is effectively like

  • Dying so although I'd previously had a few memory problems

  • Not anything really big you know being when I was very tired. It was quite hard to remember things

  • after this oh

  • Oh my memory. Oh dear because parts of my brain

  • Died

  • because they are so dehydrated not all of it which is good

  • Really part of the bit that no longer worked is the section that makes very short term

  • Memories so you have different types of memory you've got your long term memory

  • Which is you know you're thinking back to your childhood?

  • It's the deeply ingrained stuff that weirdly when you're super old

  • That's the only stuff you can remember like my grandfather started speaking

  • Swedish when he was over 90 because that there's memories that come back, but your midterm memory which is the stuff?

  • That's like you know hanging around um, but the last year the last few months

  • Things have been going on so you can probably remember that quite well what you're doing last month

  • And then you've got your short-term memory

  • which is right now this minute remembering what you did earlier this morning what you had for breakfast and

  • That's the part of my memory. It just doesn't it just it's not great

  • It's not great so while I know where I live

  • I know who my wife is I know that we're married the things that I have difficulty with are

  • for instance I will put my phone down and then I will have absolutely no clue

  • Where it is if you can imagine everyone gets that thing where they walk into the kitchen and think oh?

  • Why why did I come in here the reason for that is something to do with the threshold. It's because you've changed place

  • You've gone into a different room and your brain has switched track thinking now

  • We're in the kitchen so you can't quite remember the thought that you had in the hallway about why you wanted to go

  • Into the kitchen and that's pretty common it happens a lot

  • But for me

  • the

  • thought when I'm standing in the hallway of why I need to go in the kitchen it isn't just that I forget it when I

  • Enter the kitchen and it can then be remembered it's that it just is gone

  • It just doesn't

  • Create that memory and then stick it in my brain if a memory is created. I often have a lot of difficulty with discerning exactly

  • When that memories from so I'm looking for something say my compact mirror

  • And I have a very clear visual memory of using my contact mirror

  • Inside a taxi sitting the back of a taxi that's great, but is that memory from earlier today?

  • Is that why I can't find it did I leave it there in the taxi?

  • How was I in a taxi anyway, or is that memory from

  • yesterday, and I did use my compact mirror, and then I brought it home, and then I put it somewhere within my home.

  • Or is that memory from last year did I just completely make that memory up. and my compact mirror is in my pocket

  • As a result of this I obviously then have to write absolutely everything down. I've written down my notes for this video

  • And I have to write it down as soon as I have the thought the thought is ou

  • Must reply to my father

  • Which I'm now saying in a video so that he knows I do actually think and intend to respond to his messages

  • Sorry dad so do you have to reply to my father, and I will remember this suddenly write it down

  • I must write it down this very second because if I do not write it down I

  • Will move on so my house is littered with

  • Scraps of paper that I have torn from something and written down the incredibly important message

  • It's also to do with

  • important things like having to go to the bank or

  • Hospital appointment remember you have hospital appointment at this time, so I try to keep the pieces of paper once

  • I've written them in an easy place

  • I can spot it

  • So I'll know that I then have to look at the piece of paper

  • To remember the thing that is on but I have to remember to look at the piece of paper to remember thing that is on

  • The piece of paper and that's not always

  • great

  • But the memory I cope is with visuals with my tiny bits of paper

  • I have to write lists, and I have a weekly planner and I know

  • That I have to look at my weekly planner

  • I forget a lot of the time that I have to look at my weekly planner

  • But I at least know that important things will be on my weekly planner

  • So if there is a nudge at the back of my brain like

  • *murmuring to herself*

  • Something I meant to remember

  • I at least know to go and check my weekly planner

  • Where hopefully things will be written down and I always write down my weekly planner with the aid of other people

  • Whether that's my wife Claudia she's wonderful or Clara who is my assistant in all things and

  • Then they will remain to me

  • about

  • Okay, oh, yeah, this isn't say that. I can't create new memories that I can't make short-term memories

  • It's just that they don't all get created. How do I remember people's names?

  • and other important things?

  • Well as long as on 10 separate occasions

  • They are drilled into my brain at least one of them's got to stick

  • Yeah, okay, probably like three or four times of this time it will stick

  • So Claudia will talk me through something and be like oh, yeah

  • This person is now dating this person, and I'm like oh

  • two minutes later

  • Is this person still single?

  • no Jessica this person is now dating this person

  • Okay

  • Yeah, it goes on. I'm not gonna do the whole thing for you

  • But out of those 10 probably three of the times I hear the piece of information oh

  • Okay right good. That's in there now routine things are the easiest to do however

  • I'm putting my makeup on I know all the stages to do it so

  • It gets done in exactly the same order every time. I mean if something's missing it always throws me off

  • When it comes to remembering stuff one of the most important things in my life is obviously medication I take a variety of medications

  • You can

  • Find out more about that. Yeah, um pick this card above

  • Ugh I can't remember. That's the right side

  • This is the stuff I normally cut it out

  • It's just that you know the old jessica has forgotten this

  • But I'm leaving them in I'm leaving them in medication on my phone, so I have a medication alarm set on my phone

  • So I remember to take my medication three times a day

  • the problem is

  • It goes off and I look at it, and I turn it off

  • I can't remember then whether I've actually done it or not and each day has a little slots

  • And so I can look at it and visually go up. I

  • Haven't taken it, but of course that only works if you can remember to look at the medication slots which is again

  • Why I have other people in my life who was

  • very handily

  • Reminds me ever and ever or just my medication alarm goes off

  • and Clara will bring my medication and put it in my hand

  • And then Claudia comes home from work and she's like did you take your medication today?

  • Probably not

  • Now you might have got to this point and be like gosh Jessica that just sounds pretty normal

  • That sounds like me I too am a forgetful human being uh, and there's nothing wrong with me. I'm just a bit scatterbrained

  • like well

  • Okay, that's cool

  • One of the biggest problems with having memory issues is that all people are slightly forgetful every now

  • And then we all forget something so if I try and explain to someone that actually

  • It's quite a bad memory problem. It's very detrimental to my life. It's not like I just

  • forget the odd thing now and again I

  • just

  • See I forgot the end of my sentence

  • Again stuff I would cut out, but we're not um because they think

  • Like oh well. I'm a bit forgetful too

  • That's just life, and I'm like that's great, but I don't know the day of the week or the month

  • I'm not even a hundred percent positive what year it is

  • Number ten does it bother me more than anything else

  • Yes, it really does

  • I am quite fine with

  • having physical

  • problems I'm quite fine with

  • The chronic pain, I'm quite fine with bits to me that stopped working

  • Deafness I mean I wouldn't say it's it's great

  • Obviously it would be oh and health health

  • Yeah, it would obviously be very helpful to my life if I didn't have

  • chronic illness and disabilities and deafness and a bit blindness that would all be

  • Helpful if it wasn't here, but I could cope I can cope. It's fine, but a memory

  • Because it's it's at a core part of yourself memory your memories who you are it is

  • your

  • It's if it is hugely frustrating I hate it

  • I hate the constant I go up and down stairs

  • So much, I'm gonna go downstairs

  • And I'm going to get this from my bag. I'm going to get a drink as well, then I get down there, and I'm no

  • Thirsty I'm thirsty

  • I'm gonna get a drink, and then I get my drink, and I heard back up the stairs

  • And I reached the top and I'm like wait a minute fake memory

  • forgotten something

  • I'm gonna get into my bedroom, and then I look down on

  • Maybe it's on my phone and my phone is like halfway through something out

  • I need to go and tell my friend the ticket number

  • On the ticket in my handbag because I'm halfway through writing the message to her in which I say my ticket number is so

  • then I bring my whole handbag upstairs

  • Sit in my bedroom my computer so if my computer, and I see where I was doing on my computer mate

  • I was halfway through this so I start doing that and then another something happens my own

  • Mm-hmm, and then I look in my handbag and I'm like oh look there's a ticket

  • Oh, I was half way through a message doing just that

  • it takes so much time

  • It is scary and upsetting

  • It's especially scary when you sometimes turn around and find yourself in a place and you have no idea how you got there or why

  • you were there because I've had that before where I'm just suddenly in town

  • it's also annoying when it comes to things like household chores and

  • Claudia will ask me to do something

  • Yes, I will write that down on my list and then it doesn't happen and then she comes in in the evening and asks me

  • to do something

  • But you know what the best way to cope with those feelings is to take and then just set them aside

  • Being upset and frustrated and angry about a situation

  • I have no control over just nothing but bring bad feelings to me and

  • so I

  • Don't need that in some ways. I have a defense mechanism

  • Where I?

  • Know about I?

  • Just go through life. You know ditsy so then to some people it can come off as being just

  • Doing it on purpose

  • but actually I'm just

  • Kind of happy with who I am because it is just who I am the easiest things to remember are things that I have created

  • myself

  • Ideas that I have had I write books and stories. It's a work in progress

  • Working on it. Anyway. I can probably tell you a lot more about

  • Fictional characters, then I can real people that I know quite well because of the repetition

  • So if you tell me your birthday

  • Once for likelihood that I will remember it is not that high if you tell me your birthday ten times

  • You have a higher chance that I remember it whilst I am creating a character in my head

  • I will think long and hard about that birthday and the number of times

  • I thought about it and

  • The thoughts I put into it means the able stick

  • Which is why I have an app on my phone that tells me whenever it is. Anyone's birthday, and also sends flowers to various people

  • For me without me having to do anything because just because I don't remember you doesn't mean I don't love you

  • So the last and most important part of this video how can you someone who potentially doesn't have memory problems?

  • Help someone who does have memory problems?

  • Number one: be patient that really is the top of the list?

  • let the person try and remember something if it's taking them a long time you just you wait

  • And then if they need to help you fill in the gaps that's number two fill in the gaps always don't say oh

  • It doesn't matter don't say oh, you don't really need to remember that anyway

  • You're taking something away from that person

  • I want that information that you have that I had there is now no longer mine

  • Don't get cross if they forget things you've asked them to do don't get cross if they forget an important date

  • Your birthday, I remember my birthday because it's exactly one month after Christmas day

  • And I make sure everyone else remembers that - don't change the plan without informing the person that you've changed the plan

  • Even if they don't remember that earlier plan now this is just common courtesy

  • Okay, again. It's that feeling of personhood independence in your own person

  • This is the same as people who have dementia don't treat them like they are lesser. Just because they can't always

  • understand

  • Don't feel bad about repeating things Clara says this a lot he when we very first started working together

  • was

  • Nervous about being annoying so she didn't want to tell me something five times in a row even though

  • I hadn't done the thing or responded the first four times

  • And if genuine not annoying if you repeat something because then you remember the earlier times that you did it say you're good

  • Repeats away. This is my final one. It's

  • Probably the most helpful one and that is to communicate in writing

  • Since I'm deaf most of my communication is done in writing

  • People will send me messages with the time a date placement yeah, brilliant now. I know what's going on

  • Don't worry about sending me multiple texts

  • I'm really sorry if I don't respond to your message on my Instagram or on

  • YouTube or something because I would love to - I would love to hear I don't have spoons

  • And I forget so yes communication writing and send reminders if the person you're dealing with who has a memory problem

  • And you know me chat over the phone just send them any important information that you talked about even if it's got it

  • Even if it's like did you know that Susy and Johnny are not dating anymore ah and if that's like oh my god

  • This is amazing news so good

  • Just send a text afterwards so if you have memory problems, or you know someone who does what are your tips?

  • What would you like to share please put them down below in the comments also

  • Just share your story around

  • Memory

  • whether you are just someone who is slightly forgetful Or you're someone like me has no idea what to take it is

  • Connections and finding a shared story is one of the things that brings us together now

  • Do you also remember that this is my own experience? I'm just talking about my

  • Life if you have memory problems and there isn't a clear reason that you don't have quite a fatigue

  • And you don't you have been diagnosed with anything

  • But it does worry you please do go and see your doctor. Don't just take medical advice from YouTube

  • Because it could be a symptom of a larger problem that you should get checked out

  • I hope you've enjoyed this video if you have please give a little

  • Like and if you are new here, then please do subscribe it would be lovely

  • Bye bye my darlings

Hi, I'm Jessica, and that's the one thing I never forget. So today, I was going to do a hair tutorial and

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我不記得昨天...[CC] (I can't remember yesterday... [CC])

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary