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Hello lovely people!
A special hello to those of you watching this video because you genuinely want advice on
what to say to the LGBTQ+ people in your life. It's really amazing that you've clicked on this video,
thank you for taking the time and being open to learning new things.
Unlike my 'Things NOT to say to LGBTQ+ people', these are responses to situations rather than just...
stupid things people say.
- Because the idea of this video is to be actually helpful.
So I've broken them down into areas the 'Coming Out', 'Asking Questions' and
'Being a pleasant and well rounded human being'
As I mentioned in the previous video, I only have experience of being the L in LGBTQ+ so
my lovely and helpful Twitter followers chimed in
I hope you enjoy the video aaaand...
click on the #LovelyPeopleMerch link to buy one of these beautiful posters.
It's just so perfect!
Look at my cute wife! Ah!
I'm going to put one in every room of my house.
Positivity all over!
Now, he's what you SHOULD be saying:
[upbeat music]
Congratulations on knowing yourself that well.
If you need anything, I'm here for you.
You'll always have me in your life.
It's okay if you don't want to tell anyone else yet, I'm not going to talk about it.
Don't feel you, like, need to come out to everyone else at work as well but if you want me to
help facilitate that, I am totally here for you.
You're valid.
I hope your parents are being very supportive
but if they aren't then let me know how I can help you.
Do you want me to throw a party or just be very cool about it?
Because either way I'm here for you.
Yo, nice new name choice!
Hang on while I practice it…
Sarah, sarah, sarah, sarah, sarah, sarah…
If you don't mind me asking… what does that word mean?
Is it okay if I ask something… but please don't feel pressured to answer.
Could you talk me through how to use your pronouns? I don't want to get it wrong
I don't really know what that means… I'm going to Google it
but are there any websites I should avoid or definitely read?
Whoa, I don't fully understand the difference between gender and sexuality and biological sex
but I'm going to look into it.
Would you be comfortable explaining the things I shouldn't say?
[upbeat music]
I'll support you no matter what.
Because I'm not a douche.
Your sexuality is about you as a person just as much as who you are dating.
Asexual people are complete and whole just the way they are.
I will now stop embarrassing myself by making assumptions about other people's bodies.
I understand that you being bisexual does not mean that you now fancy everyone.
Because I'm not a douche.
Hey, you don't have to have any medical intervention to be valid,
but should you want to, here is my credit card number and pin.
I support LGBTQ+ people!
I'm not entirely sure what all of the letters mean,
But I support it.
Bisexuality is its own identity and not half-gay, half-straight.
[smug] I know that now
I'm not attracted to you but I fully support your right to exist.
Because I'm not a douche!
I have no idea what your dating history is and I'm not going to ask!
I understand that disabled people can also be queer.
Because I'm not an arsehole.
This video is much shorter than the other one because LGBTQ+ people are
NORMAL people
and you can say NORMAL things
because everything is okay and you don't need to freak out.
You may sometimes get things a little wrong, and that's okay.
Just as long as you're trying, we really appreciate it.
But please also understand if we don't want to be your own personal QueerGoogle.
Some days we just don't have the energy for educating...
the world.
If you have some positive things you'd like to hear then please add them to the comments below!
Remember to subscribe if you're new and share this video with those who need to see it.
Don't forget to get your hands on one of those beautiful posters!
See you in my next video!