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  • It's been 18 days since we closed down New York.

  • I know it feels like a lifetime from my daughter's every day.

  • It's only 18 days since everything closed down 39 days.

  • Since the first covert case in New York feels like a lifetime, it's 80 days since we had the first Kobe case in the United States.

  • 80 days been an intense life, changing 80 days.

  • But that's what it has been when we started this situation that we're still in the midst off before people get complacent.

  • The end of March, the White House Task Force Corona virus There's force was still talking about 1.52 point two million deaths.

  • Okay, uh, the best case scenario with quarter quote mitigation efforts was 100 to 240,000 deaths in the United States, which is breathtaking for New York.

  • There are a number of models that will put out that we are following.

  • The the most frightening was Columbia University.

  • That said we could have 136,000 people in New York City on Lee, who would be hospitalized, not infected.

  • We had the McKinsey model, which suggested 110,000 people could be hospitalized statewide.

  • We had a second scenario from McKinsey, which is 55,000 people hospitalized on then the Gates Foundation.

  • Thank you very much funded the I H M E study, which said a high point of 73,000 statewide.

  • Any of these scenarios are devastating for New York because, remember, we only have a 53,000 bed capacity system statewide 36,000 beds in New York City, So any of these scenarios are problematic.

  • Luckily, the current trend, if it continues and if we continue the flattening of the curve, where it about 18,000 people hospitalized right now, uh, we have increase the capacity of the system dramatically.

  • We have moved pieces around the state like never before.

  • Our health care system has done a phenomenal job in doing an insurmountable task.

  • Our federal partners, the Army Corps of Engineers.

  • They have just really old done a great, great job in our theory.

  • And I believe my job is governor.

  • Prepare for the worst hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

  • Now, we're about 90,000 bed capacity in our overall system.

  • Today, with everything we've done.

  • Even the 90,000 beds, as you see, doesn't compare with the most problematic scenarios.

  • Uh, 90,000 beds.

  • We can handle the McKinsey moderate scenario.

  • We don't make the McKinsey severe scenario at 110,000.

  • I believe that 90,000.

  • We have a plan to get tau 1 10 converting dormitories, et cetera, et cetera.

  • But it would be a massive undertaking and a massive scramble.

  • Ah, we do make the Gates funded projection model the Columbia University model.

  • We can never That would just be a knight.

  • That is the one that keeps me up at nights because you couldn't get anywhere near that projection.

  • The additional good news is the hospitalization rate does suggest that it's coming down and we are flattening the curve.

  • We had 200 net increase in hospitalizations, which, you can see is the lowest number we've had since this nightmare started.

  • Actually, change in I C.

  • U.

  • Admissions is the lowest number we've had since March 19th or so.

  • So all of this data suggests that we are flattening the curve so far, and the numbers are coming down so far.

  • Number of inter patience is down three day average on intubation XYZ down.

  • So so far, our efforts are working their working better than anyone projected they would work.

  • That's because people are complying with them.

  • We're saving lives by what people are doing today.

  • Expression has been New York tough because every day is on many, many levels.

  • I get it.

  • But every day that we are New York tough, we're actually saving lives.

  • And don't underestimate this virus.

  • I think that is a mistake we made.

  • From Day one.

  • We is the collective we we is the global community.

  • Uh, this virus is very, very good at what it does.

  • We lost more lives yesterday than we have to date.

  • I know New Yorkers born and bred.

  • The instinct is, Well, this is good news.

  • Now it can relax, because, by the way, I've been dying to relax and get out of the house and end this ground Hog day.

  • Reality, Yeah, you're not out of the woods on.

  • Now is not the time to misunderstand what's happening.

  • We have done great things and we have saved lives because we have followed these policies.

  • The moment you stop following the policies, you will go right back and see that that number shoot through the roof and we are not prepared to handle Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos here.

  • Thanks for checking on ABC News YouTube channel.

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  • Thanks for watching.

It's been 18 days since we closed down New York.

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週二紐約的死亡人數達到799人 (Tuesday's death toll in NY reaches 799)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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