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lay something right there, right under there but 13 to that burn branch.
Basically, I left to find 60 gallons of liquor, but I know that's a tremendous amount of liquor been buried.
The stuff I'm down on foot, it's hit on some Be horse.
She That's a land big Hey, left.
I know horseshoes and leave them.
That's popcorn setting.
T hey was kind of guy.
He'd throw a handful of babies out in the park where people be metal.
Take him.
Just give him a hard time, you know, check and see if there's anything 100.
Ain't nothing else done in their head.
E j B also made mention of the fact that a fellow by the name of Elmer Barnes could be what Big Elm refers to.
Looks like we're going to find Elmer Bones.
Yeah, I would love to be able to take Ms Pound 60 gallons that liquor and be done with this.
I mean, it started out kind of fine, but we need to make some liquor for ourselves to States North and Cocke County, Tennessee Mark and Digger, on their way to visit a old accomplice of popcorn named Big Elmer.
Well, he knows you.
Yeah, we've been acquainted.
You know.
There's just so truck popcorn about off Elmer.
He used it to bootleg a little bit out of he lifted over on his property.
His own truck.
Still are.
Hopefully popcorn left something in it for us.
A whole lot easier on us.
We got a bearing on that liquor.
Just Secretary secret.
Fresh load.
It wouldn't be good.
We're here.
This is the spot.
Anybody around?
Hey, Brian.
Hey, Bruh.
Help he fills with.
I'm hoping to, You know, a fella by the name of Elmer Barnes?
I know that is used to be his property.
Yes, sir.
Did Izzy around?
Uh, not a long time.
He's about six feet under at this point.
Sadly enough, Elmer is no longer with us.
He's died and gone on is just reward, or you can help.
Yes, sir.
Oh, okay.
So the property is still in the family?
Yes, sir.
You know, it's always sad to hear one of our old timers passing on, but, you know, fortunately, the property is still in his family, so you know, that's a plus.
Let me ask you something I am nobody of There's popcorn set.
Will you stop through here?
We're riding across Mountain.
And there was no 70 model F 1 50 It was a calico with blue and black.
It belonged to popcorn, but he he just left it here on the type of place.
You know, if it's still here or not, Popcorn wrists our friend.
And we're kind of on a mission from his wife.
And, you know, maybe he had something personal of his in it that, you know, maybe she would like to help.
That old truck sitting back down over yonder in the woods, back over there.
Where would you care if we grow a pair and knocked around woods and look forward?
No skin off my butt.
All right, buddy.
We appreciate it.
That's a stone.
He gave us free rein.
Told us to look and sent us on our way.
I never did see it.
I don't have a clue what it looks like.
I don't know if gonna see it once.
Got a black hood, only blue fender.
There's a black that for them.
Old, dark ground.
You know, it's just kind of like chasing a ghost and the foul believe that's a little Austin Healey, but it's what's left.
When I was two, there's a Mercury cyclone.
You know, I'm an old car freak.
I love antique cars.
I'm in my whole fame, you know, whether we find this old truck or not.
Doesn't really matter.
What'd you spot?
Oh, authority forward, The loves.
Uh, you need that old 40 Ford is the epitome of liquor man's car love affair between moonshiners and fast cars as well known.
But the 1944 Coop was the darling of the bootlegging world because it came with a Flathead V eight engine, which delivered more horsepower than anything else on the market at the time and let it to several championship wins at the race track.
Most important of bootleggers, Ford Coupe had an extra large trunk space, which could reportedly hold up to 130 gallons of white lightning.
Here's another Ford truck about this red and round here.
Nope, That ain't it.
Hey, you're under.
I see a black door in a blue bay It well, after about 45 minutes, and I are walking around out here, I look over every day is its exact same truck, this rock color sticker.
That's it.
That rack in the back on everything I'm thinking.
Maybe we'll find some liquor doors is rotted through.
You know, we could hope maybe there'd be a victory a teeny bit.
No, it looks like it's been scared.
Pretty good way.
Start going through this old trick and it's absolutely sanitized.
There's a black box land the floorboard.
There's not a thing except a couple old P Constance pick peanuts.
It's squirrels drug in it.
Here's a piece of paper that's popcorn title.
No liquor in here.
But he had to write something on.
If he's any 15 minutes, he's broke somebody's number.
Name on the dash, Right?
If you were talking to him on his phone and you were gonna give him an address or a phone number if you'd write it on the wall, if he's in the truck, you'd write it on the dash.
He didn't have to have a note pad his world with No, he's just turned water in line.
Look at John.
I don't know speech they love was one of his favorite scriptures.
Look, John, second chapter, I do believe where the spoke of awaiting where they ran out of wine.
And Jesus made some water back into more wine, for they just turned the water into wine back.
God, I turned it into a liquor e.
I think we've come up with a date in anything back at truck Worth.
Shit, I There's no shovel, a wax, but they no liquor here.
Let's get these old tubes.
So that was a bust, as usual.
But what we're gonna tell Pam?