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  • In 1997 Robert Kiyosaki published a personal finance book called Rich Dad

  • Poor Dad. The book instantly became a phenomenal success and in no time

  • catapulted Kiyosaki to the world of fame. In one of his books he mentions that

  • there is a disparity between being rich and being wealthy and he went on and

  • said something surprising that the rich have lots of money but the wealthy don't

  • worry about money. And I found this very interesting because I've always thought

  • that the two go hand in glove that if you're rich then you're also wealthy and

  • that if you're wealthy then you're probably living a very comfortable life.

  • But this isn't always true, when I think about someone who's rich, I think about

  • someone with a lot of money and I typically think about someone who's

  • quite showy with their money. They drive fancy cars and live in a fancy house

  • they wear fancy clothes and eat at fancy restaurants. Growing up I wanted to be

  • rich, I wanted to own a big house, live in a fancy neighbourhood, drive a luxury car

  • and buy expensive clothes, I wanted to sit in the best seats at sporting events and

  • travel the world any time I wished. Heck I wanted to go to

  • Mars and I've got to be honest some of those things still sound good to me now.

  • Kiyosaki said the rich have lots of money but the wealthy don't worry about

  • money. I thought about this for a while, the wealthy don't worry about money.

  • Growing up I've lived in a relatively financially stable family, we're not rich

  • but we're not poor either we're middle-class if you will. Both my

  • parents work nine to five jobs and they work really hard to provide for me and

  • my siblings somehow they've managed to pay for mine in my siblings tuition

  • while at the same time making sure we have food to eat and a roof over our

  • heads I can't say things have always been rosy there have been months where

  • money was a serious concern and we weren't sure whether they would manage

  • to pay for all our tuition, bills, and expenses. I watched my parents struggle

  • and I didn't ever want to live a life like that and when I read that statement

  • the wealthy don't worry about money I thought to myself well that must be a

  • really nice thing to have. Imagine never having to ever worry about

  • money, who wouldn't want that? I want to be wealthy and rich so I decided to do a

  • bit of digging to try and find out the difference you see having lots of money

  • is nice and all but I believe not ever having to worry about money is even

  • better. So after a bit of research this is what I found out and I think this

  • might surprise you a lot. There actually is a difference between being rich and

  • being wealthy. The simple difference between a rich person and a wealthy

  • person is that a wealthy person has sustainable wealth, in other words a

  • wealthy person will always be wealthy. Whereas someone who is merely rich will

  • only be rich for a short period of time until the money runs out. I'm sure a lot

  • of you have heard stories of rich actors, celebrities, professional athletes and so

  • on who were once living fancy lifestyles with big houses, nice cars, expensive

  • clothes and vacationing all over the world, but are now on the verge of

  • financial bankruptcy because of poor financial skills and trying to sustain

  • this kind of lifestyle for many years. You've heard of the lottery winner who

  • went to bed one night in debt and woke up the next day an instant millionaire,

  • but due to poor financial management, ends back up where they started or in an

  • even worse situation. So let's use Lucas as an example, Lucas is a surgeon with an

  • annual income of $310,000 most of this income is

  • earned from his work with only 5% coming from some investments a couple of his

  • colleagues enticed him to invest in. By all accounts and standards, Lucas is a

  • rich man, he has a big house, he's living in a good neighborhood, he has two luxury

  • cars, one for himself and the other he bought for his wife. His children go to

  • good private schools and he has membership in the local Country Club. So

  • clearly Lucas has lots of money at his disposal, so he uses this money to make

  • sure he fits in and looks the part of a respectable surgeon in society, obviously

  • Lucas has expenses, as does every other person, he has a mortgage to pay, he has

  • transportation costs, he has to feed his young family,

  • he has to pay health insurance, he has to pay taxes, he has to put aside money for

  • his kid's college fund and he has to buy another expensive anniversary gift this

  • year. Did I mention the annual vacation he takes with his family? when you

  • subtract these expenditures from his annual income, then remove the savings

  • and the little investments he makes here

  • and there, Lucas is not left with much.

  • In total Lucas spends about $21,500 every month on expenditures and he has savings

  • amounting to $43,500 in his bank account.

  • And so since wealth is defined as the status of an individual's financial

  • resources to sustain the individual's way of living, for a long period of time

  • even if the individual stops working. In essence, this is money coming in on a

  • consistent basis that's able to sustain your current standard of living for many

  • years. This means that should Lucas lose his

  • job today together with all the benefits accruing from it, Lucas should be able to

  • feed his family for only two months. After which he'll immediately need to

  • find an alternative source of income. Lucas is rich, he's not wealthy. Now let's

  • look at an example of a wealthy person. Kiyosaki said that while the rich have

  • lots of money the wealthy don't really have to worry about money. Let's look at

  • Bill Gates. Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world he's a business

  • magnate, an investor, a philanthropist, a humanitarian and an author. As of early

  • 2018, Bill Gates was worth a mammoth

  • $97.4 Billion Dollars. It's estimated that every second,

  • Bill Gates earns about one hundred and thirty dollars, which translates to

  • around $78,000 every minute. This is to say that in an

  • hour bill makes more money than Lucas earns after a whole year of working, yet

  • Lucas is considered rich. Being wealthy is essentially being financially free.

  • This means that you don't live paycheck to paycheck and you don't necessarily

  • need to make any more money over a long period of time, because you have enough

  • money saved or passive income flowing in from your assets and investments to

  • maintain your current lifestyle for the rest of your life. Bill Gates doesn't

  • actively work for the $135 that he made this second or the almost $78,000

  • he will learn by the end of this video. This is passive income that he gets in

  • his sleep when he is playing golf and when he is giving away four billion

  • dollars annually to cause us that he cares about. Wealth is sustainable

  • richness, basically a rich person who never runs out of money. If Lucas quits

  • his job today, he will most likely get bumped into the middle-class. If Bill

  • Gates decided to retire today and become a sedentary person who eats sleeps and

  • eats again, he could maintain his current lifestyle for the next 213 years. But you

  • don't necessarily need to have gates kind of money, or own a large

  • business like Microsoft. As long as you have income flowing in that you're not

  • directly working for, such that if you were to stop working today but you can

  • still maintain your current standard of living, then you are considered wealthy.

  • Usually when you think of a rich person, you think of someone who buys both their

  • wants and their needs. You know the $5,000 suit, the $3,000 watch, a

  • luxury imported car, usually German made. The big house on the beach and so on.

  • Just because someone exhibits these "Rich behaviours" it doesn't

  • mean that they have their personal finances in order, sometimes these people

  • you consider rich are actually living paycheck to paycheck or drowning in debt.

  • Many people who say I want to be rich aren't actually looking for financial

  • security, what they want is the social status and prestige they associate with

  • a million dollars Club. So now I pose this question to you, do you want to be

  • rich or do you want to be wealthy? and if so how?

  • Thank you guys so much for watching and I'll see you in the next one.

In 1997 Robert Kiyosaki published a personal finance book called Rich Dad

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為什麼富人終究是窮人,而富人卻能享受生活? (Why The Rich End up Poor But The Wealthy Enjoy Life)

  • 22 1
    大文 posted on 2021/01/14
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