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  • Sunning itself on a peninsula between Florida's Tampa Bay

    聖彼得斯堡位於佛羅里達半島 地處坦帕灣和墨西哥灣之間

  • and the Gulf of Mexico is the city of St Petersburg.


  • In the 1960s St Pete registered 768 consecutive days of sunshine,

    聖彼得斯堡在 1960 年代時 曾留下連續 768 個晴天的紀錄

  • setting a world record it still maintains today,


  • earning it the nickname, Sunshine City.


  • St Pete has long been viewed as a destination


  • for retirees dreaming of warmer tomorrows.


  • But more recently, a younger crew has moved in,


  • intent on getting their share of sunshine, today.


  • A fresh, creative energy is making its mark all over St Pete,

    一股清新、創新的能量 開始在聖彼得堡流動

  • especially on the city's walls.


  • St Pete's downtown has fast become one of the world's mural hot spots.

    聖彼得斯堡下城區快速成為 世界壁畫熱門景點之一

  • Download the interactive map, join a guided art walk,


  • or just keep turning corners and let the artwork take you by surprise.

    或單純穿梭在各個轉角 讓藝術帶給您驚喜

  • Soaking up all that color under the Florida sun can be thirsty work,

    在佛羅里達的艷陽下 欣賞繽紛創作也會令人口乾舌燥

  • but luckily there's a place to rehydrate around every corner.

    幸好每個角落 都會有補充水份的地方

  • Pull up a seat at one of St Pete's many watering holes,


  • and share refreshing ales and conversation with fellow beer lovers.

    拉張椅子坐下,與幾個啤酒同好一邊閒聊 一邊共享暢快的麥芽啤酒

  • And then, keep walking, because there are over 70 incredible murals to discover.

    休息片刻後,繼續散步 還有超過 70 幅驚人壁畫等您探索

  • And if you see a piece you love,


  • just type in the tag to see even more of the artist's work online.

    可以在網路上輸入標記 即可欣賞該藝術家的其他作品

  • Once you've had your mind bent by St Pete's murals,


  • head inside, to the Dali Museum,


  • and explore the surreal works by one of the greatest mind-benders of all time.

    探索超現實主義創作 了解史上最顛覆想像的藝術大師

  • At the Chihuly Collection,


  • have your mind prised open a little more


  • by the American godfather of glass sculpture.


  • Then head on over to the Morean Arts Center and feel the heat

    接著,前往莫里恩藝術中心 親身經歷

  • as master blowers push this centuries-old craft toward new horizons.

    玻璃吹製大師將這項百年技藝 推向新高度的熱情

  • St Petersburg has become something of a center for glass sculpture

    這項藝術形式在 1960 年代時 躍上檯面

  • since this art form exploded onto the scene in the 1960s.

    自此,聖彼得斯堡 開始成為玻璃雕塑的發展中心

  • At the Imagine Museum,


  • experience the newest wave of glass expression from around the globe.

    體驗全球最新流行的 玻璃表現手法

  • If you like your art a little more old school,


  • check out the Museum of Fine Arts, which houses treasures spanning 5000 years.

    聖彼得堡美術館的收藏品橫跨 5 千年 絕對不容錯過,快來一探究竟

  • Or step from Central Avenue into the sandstone canyon of The James Museum,

    或從中央大道進入詹姆斯博物館 其外形如砂岩峽谷

  • which brings the Old West to the East Coast.


  • Of course, Florida's greatest creator is the sun,


  • whose warm rays bring out not just the best in us, but in nature too.

    陽光煦煦帶出我們最美好的樣子 也帶出大自然最精彩的模樣

  • A short walk north from St Pete's downtown are the Sunken Gardens,

    從聖彼得斯堡下城區往北走 不久即可抵達下沉花園

  • one of Florida's horticultural jewels.


  • While just a fifteen-minute drive further north is Sawgrass Park,

    再往北開車 15 分鐘 即可抵達鋸齒草湖公園

  • where a mile-long boardwalk crosses one of the

    這裡的木棧道長達 1.6 公里

  • largest Maple Swamps on the Gulf Coast.


  • But leave your towel in the car, this is no place for swimming!

    千萬別把毛巾帶下來 這裡可不是游泳的地方

  • When it is time to hit the water, you don't have to travel far.

    玩水季節來臨時 無須長途跋涉到遠方

  • St Pete's Gulf Coast is paralleled by a 30-mile chain of sandy barrier islands,

    聖彼得斯堡的墨西哥灣沿岸 有 48 公里長的堰洲島鏈

  • each connected to the mainland by bridges.


  • And it's here, just a ten-mile ride from downtown St Petersburg,

    這裡距離聖彼得斯堡下城區 僅 16 公里

  • that you'll find some of the best beaches in America.


  • Cool off in the waters of St Pete's Beach,


  • whose pure sands are caressed by the same tides as Cancun and Havana.

    這裡的沙質純淨,與坎昆和哈瓦那海灘一樣 受到同樣的潮汐輕拂寵愛

  • For something quieter,


  • head south to Fort De Soto Park,


  • a nature sanctuary spread across five island keys.

    這座公園是自然聖地,分佈在 5 座島礁上

  • Explore the ramparts of the 100-year-old fort, where according to historians,

    探索 100 年歷史的堡壘城牆 根據歷史學家的說法

  • the fiercest foes the garrisons ever faced were the resident mosquitoes!

    駐防部隊遇到史上最兇猛的敵人 竟是定居在此的蚊子大軍

  • Follow St Pete's barrier islands north, to Clearwater,


  • whose warm shallow waters and kid-friendly vibes


  • have long made it a favourite with families.


  • Stop by the Clearwater Aquarium,


  • and meet folks dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation,


  • and release of injured marine reptiles and mammals.


  • Then head to the marina and sign up for a tour


  • to see these incredible sea creatures in the wild.


  • But there's more to Clearwater than just its brilliant clear water,

    不過清水市可不只出色的清澈水域 還有更多值得挖掘的地方

  • the city itself offers plenty of ways to cool your heels


  • when you need a break from the hot sands.


  • Things are even more chilled-out right next door, in the city of Dunedin.

    達尼丁與清水市相毗鄰 這裡的一切更令人放鬆

  • With an absence of chain stores and an abundance of bike trails,

    少了連鎖店 多了各種腳踏車道

  • the living here is easy,


  • especially when a cool ale from Florida's oldest microbrewery is close at hand.

    加上附近有佛羅里達州最古老的釀酒廠 輕鬆取得沁涼啤酒,更是心滿意足

  • Whether it's a sharing a craft beer with locals,


  • leaving your footsteps on the ever-changing canvas of the sands,

    或是在不斷變化的沙灘上 留下足跡

  • or watching the sun splash its evening mural across the sky,

    還是欣賞夕陽在天空 發出日落光暈

  • St Petersburg and its neighbours have mastered the art of living.

    聖彼得斯堡與鄰近城市 都是懂得生活藝術的箇中高手

  • And that, as we all know, is the best art of all.


Sunning itself on a peninsula between Florida's Tampa Bay

聖彼得斯堡位於佛羅里達半島 地處坦帕灣和墨西哥灣之間

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