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-I love you.
I miss you. No, no.
Your little dude's right there. I love him.
-Frenchie 4. -4, how you doing?
-[ Chuckles ] Oh, my gosh.
He's so cute, man.
Where are you quarantined? Where are you right now?
-I'm in L.A. right now. -Oh, yeah?
-Yeah, we've been stuck out here, and I've been recording.
But, you know, that's the best thing about the quarantine.
-Are you working on a new album?
-Yes, and I would've been working on it anyway,
but, I mean, what else am I doing right now?
[ Laughs ] -Yeah.
-Just been writing, and we set up a little studio in here.
And, you know, so we're gonna have, like,
new music for when we can go back outside.
[ Chuckles ] -That's what I'm talking about.
But last time we messed around, we did a, you know --
"Hot Girl Summer" was giant, but then we did "Hot Girl Fall."
-Yes. -What --
Thank you for doing that. That was so much fun.
What would you call this time that we're living through?
-This is a quarantine girl summer.
Like... [ Laughs ]
-Yeah. Yeah, seriously.
How does it -- how do you work, as far as writing lyrics?
Do you freestyle, or do you write them all down
before you go in, or...?
-A lot of times, I will, like --
I'll play the beat, and I'll start freestyling.
And then, when something cool comes out,
I'm like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's keep that."
So, I'll probably just --
I'll probably freestyle it or I'll write it down.
Because sometimes, when I freestyle it, like,
I'll go back and listen to the song, like, "Dang!
I could've said this, or I could have played it cooler than that.
So I feel like for me sometimes,
it's better for me to write it down.
-That's wild, yeah. I mean, is that the way
most people do it, or most people write their stuff?
-Oh, no. Like, but I know that
I'm probably a little different with my writing style.
First of all, I got to kick everybody out the room.
-[ Laughs ] -I'm like --
Sometimes I'm literally making noises, like,
'cause I know what I want the flow to sound like,
but I'm in here, like, "Yeah. Bd-bd-bd, neh neh neh, neh neh."
[ Laughs ] -No way.
-I don't want anybody hearing the process.
[ Laughs ]
-I did one cameo on some album, and everybody was --
They're in a booth, like, a glass booth, with like --
And they're all just kind of arms folded,
watching you sing into the mic. -Yes.
-And, dude, I was flop sweating. All sweaty.
I go, "Dude, I'm so sorry.
Can everyone just --
Can everybody just leave just so I can get this line out?"
I was so embarrassed, dude. And I was like --
-I don't even want anybody to come in until the song's done.
-Yeah. I've gotta say, I'm on TikTok
and just looking at all, like, the new trends
in what I was watching, and you --
"Savage" is the number-one dance on TikTok -- your challenge.
-Yes. I mean, so, a girl --
her name's Kiki, she made the dance,
and me and my best friend, like, saw it,
and I'm like, "We can do that." [ Laughs ]
And my best friend has zero rhythm.
So, ooh, she got me so mad when she said that.
[ Both laugh ]
Sorry, Kelsey!
-I was gonna say, who's your friend, me?
-No. [ Laughs ]
No, you and Kelsey -- [ Laughs ]
Y'all are about the same. So, like, there's no rhythm.
But, so, it took us, like, maybe 20 minutes
to learn the "Savage" challenge.
-Yeah, have you seen anyone else on there doing the challenge,
like, "Oh, that's cool"? -Yeah, I freaking --
I just saw Courteney Cox did it and Jessica Alba.
Friggin', Janet Jackson -- -Janet Jackson did it?
-Yeah. So, like, Janet Jackson's actresses,
they had, like, their own version of it,
and it's like somebody took pieces of scenes from, like,
music videos or movies that they've been in
and meshed them together, and then, like,
all the ladies were posting it.
And I was like, "Janet Jackson, you know me?"
Like -- [ Laughs ]
-Of course she knows you. But, she's the coolest.
-So crazy. And now we follow each other on Instagram.
And I'm like, "I win.
Janet Jackson follows me on Instagram.
Everybody else can go away." -It's over.
Yeah, exactly. Oh, my gosh.
Is this true? You're also right now
currently a college student? -Yep.
-What were you studying? -Healthcare administration.
I'm a senior. Whoo!
-Why that? How did you get into that?
-When I first went to college, I didn't know what I wanted to do,
and my grandma said, "You should be a nurse."
So, I was like, "Okay."
But then, when I started doing it, I was like, "Oh, my God.
I hate this. I don't understand."
Everybody's like, answering questions in class,
and they know the answers, and I'm just sitting there like,
"Oh, my God. I'm stupid," like...
[ Laughs ] -No, it's hard.
-It was so hard, but it's okay,
'cause I wasn't interested in it.
And everybody in there,
it seemed like they had a real passion for it.
So, I'm like, "Maybe I'm just not passionate about it,"
because it wasn't my own decision
to go to nursing school.
So, eventually, I found something
that I was passionate about, because I had, like,
a connection to it.
I watched my grandmother take care of my great-grandmother,
and I'm like, "They need help."
Like, it's two little old ladies in here
taking care of each other.
So, I'm like, I really want to open up a facility, like,
an assisted-living facility, because I know I can't be
the only person where, you know,
my family members are taking care of each other.
And they're elderly, so I'm like, "I can do that."
And I want to give my classmates their jobs, you know,
that they need when you first get out of college
because people don't want to give you jobs
because you don't have experience.
But if you don't give me the job,
then how am I gonna get the experience?
-[ Laughs ] Yeah. So, I love that
you're doing that stuff, and I love all this stuff
that you're doing to give back.
I gotta say, you're one of the coolest people.
You're one of the biggest givers out there.
But can you give me a couple examples of what you've done?
-Yeah. So, me and Amazon --
I was gonna donate some money to this assisted-living facility
in Houston, Park Manor,
and Amazon just matched what I was donating.
And they also -- Yeah, it was so cool.
And they also gave away, like, some Fire tablets,
because, you know, you can't go see your grandparents right now.
So, how are you gonna communicate?
Let's give everybody a Fire tablet.
So, I was really happy about that.
And also, my hotties -- you know, I know a lot
of my hotties are college students, high school students.
I know you can't go to work really.
So, I'm like, "You know what? I got to team up with Cash Out,
because I want to send hotties some money.
So, we sent a lot of hotties a lot of money like twice.
And then, now we're doing the All In Challenge.
-Oh, yeah. What is the -- Explain the All In Challenge
'cause I think I'm gonna be involved with this, too.
-So, All In Challenge, like, basically,
one of my hotties gets to win a day with me
on, like, a music-video set.
So, like, I'll fly them out with they friend,
and, you know, they'll get the whole treatment,
like, hair, makeup, wardrobe,
probably learn a little choreo and then just get to come,
you know, hang out with me and be in the video.
So, yeah, all the money, like, goes to kids,
like, anybody who was affected by, you know,
what's going on right now. So...
-It's amazing what they're doing.
That's going to amazing charities.
It's called,
if you want to hang out with Megan Thee Stallion.
Come on. How cool would that be?
You are the best. I miss you.
Thank you so much for coming on our show.
It means a lot to so many
millions of people watching the show.
-Thank you for having me! -We love you.
I can't wait to see you again. Thank you.
-Love you.