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Hello lovely people, I'm Jessica and here is a video explaining how chronic illness wisdom
can help everyone in our current situation through the medium of delightful nightwear.
I hope you find this video helpful, if you enjoy it and would like more painful life
lessons I've learnt packaged in a fun and vintage-y way then please subscribe and consider
joining The Kellgren-Fozard Club to support the channel by clicking
the 'join' button below.
Right now we're just trying to get through the coronavirus pandemic. At first, we were
fired up and mobilized-
- even if that mobilization meant SOME PEOPLE bought 280 rolls of toilet paper.
We got our groceries, we did some baking, we made long lists of things to do, we created
desks from nothing and started working from home.
But now the adrenaline has worn off and, wow, who knew doing not much could be so exhausting?
Well, actually, as someone who lives with a broken body, I could have told you that
was coming (really sorry about it though). That exhaustion you're feeling is a common
response to trauma. Every time I have a health crisis or I get really injured the hardest
part is always once the initial ordeal is over. I mean, before that
You're so busy fighting fires and
making sure you get through and just dealing with this anguished upheaval right here, right
now, that you don't have time for feelings!
- And then boom!
Just when you see the light at the end of the tunnel is when things actually get to
their hardest.
Because you can allow yourself to feel now.
This is the plateau period. And it sucks.
But eventually life will return to normal, or else there will be a new 'normal'-
once you're actually there, it doesn't matter either way.
You might not realise it but what we're going through right now can be categorized
as a culturally psychologically traumatising situation because we're all living in a
state of extreme uncertainty and there is absolutely no shame in finding that difficult.
Chronic stress impacts on a number of biological processes that disrupt our sleep cycle and
keep our cortisol levels high. Being in flight or fight mode is like doing a work out every day!
Take a deep breath.
All you have to do right now is concentrate on surviving and helping
others to survive. Not pushing yourself to achieve, not 'using this time productively',
not create masterpieces or save the world singlehandedly.
We've long lived in a society that tells us there are only two types of people: strivers
and shirkers. Our culture tells us that there is nothing worse than being idle-
- well sod that for a load of bananas!
You need one of the key messages of the chronic illness community: your productivity does
not define your worth.
Put down that 'to do' list that only has one thing of ten crossed off, stop beating
yourself over the head with your textbook, take a step away from that novel you've
decided now is the perfect time to write and instead, please enjoy a video
about pretty nightwear...
Look number one features a 1950s white nylon and chiffon nightgown and peignoir set with
white stars and blue leaf embroidery. She's an original from the Gotham Gold Stripe brand,
a popular American stocking designer.
Featuring a fitted waist, soft blue ribbon bow and trim on the bust and sleeves and beautiful
chiffon overlay on the bust. I'm particularly a fan of the gorgeous puffy sleeves and wearing
this outfit makes me feel like everything is going to do okay.
Apparently I'm very easy to please.
The truth is though, it's too easy to get caught up in tiny problems when there are
huge issues facing the world right now. And then you feel guilty for caring about them.
Just like when you're recovering from an illness and it's actually the density of
your pillow that upsets you the most. It feels safe to focus on the little things.
It works the other way around too though- you can bring yourself a lot of joy just with
your favourite drink or some pretty nightwear.
so just do it!
Because when all is said and done, a complex pathogen doesn't judge
your productivity and when you come out the other side, it will have been more important
to prioritise your mental health over achievements.
For our second look please enjoy this late 1950s nightgown from Vanity Fair in soft nylon
with ruffles. You'll note a delightful and well cut bodice with not too much fabric on
the bottom- just perfect for relaxing on warm days.
And boy do I know a thing or two about trying to relax when I actually really want to be
productive but my mind and body have close to zero energy. It's been 30 years of trying
to learn to live within my limitations and whilst I can't tell you it gets easier,
it's certainly easier than when I try to push through that block.
Trust me, just because you can't get out of bed all day and every piece of clothing
falls into the category of 'pyjamas' that has absolutely no bearing on your morality
as decided by the capitalist workhorse.
Circumstances are outside of your control. Maybe it's your physical health, maybe it's
your mental health, maybe it's overstimulation that your neuroatypical brain can't take
or maybe it's a worldwide pandemic keeping you locked in the house… regardless, your
productivity does not define your worth.
You don't need to account for your time, you're allowed to just have fun.
We now come to a beautiful nightgown that if you've been watching my channel for a
while you'll know is one of my favorites. She's a little different from the two you've
already seen. A little darker, a little more elegant, a little more luxurious.
This look says: hey, you might also feel mentally healthier for making sure you have a routine
and follow a strict schedule of activities and that's okay too because we all have
different coping mechanisms.
This look says: just be who you want to be.
Oh wow, Jessica has legs, no one saw this coming (!)
It's weird when I'm not wearing a skirt, isn't it?
Don't worry though: it's slinky and monogrammed. Still very on brand.
And if your brand is also being fancy but you can't quite work up to your normal levels
of fancy then I highly recommend some slinky pyjamas because honestly nothing feels more
delightfully decadent.
It's also important that we recognise the hard work of those who are continuing
to work and keep our countries going. From nurses and doctors to firefighters, food delivery
workers and farmers, you're all saving lives.
Feeling anxiety is normal right now and while it's important to feel those feelings, it's
also good to let them go. Productive anxiety makes us follow rules about washing hands
and staying home but unproductive anxiety makes you frightened and catastrophize the
So give yourself a break and don't push yourself too hard. Find the joy in ordinary
life, wear some fun pyjamas and know that just getting by is good enough.
I hope you've enjoyed the video, please subscribe if you haven't already and I'll
see you next time.