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Hey, guys, what's up?
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And today we're going to look at a boon to DD ah, brand new Lenox Destro that has been gaining a lot of traction since the release Off its first bit awash in a few days back, it's a brand new remix, Destro off open toe with the beautiful dip in desktop environment, Independent Stop Environment, or Dede is the desktop off dip in linen, the famous Chinese Lennox destroy its popular for its beautiful and elegant looks, and it's also one of my personal favorite.
Like many off you, I also have been waiting for its Version 20 release, which is now long overdue.
It was should deal to be released in the month off Fab.
But with its headquarter at Wuhan, China, and the current pandemic situation, the chances off its release any time soon is very bleak.
But I'm pretty excited about this particular flavor off into.
It's like having the best off both worlds.
You get the stability and power off Ubundu with the looks off depend esto.
I think the combination has huge potential, and I'm pretty sure if it is done well, it can give real competition.
Tow the present leaders like Mint Zoran and a boon to noon.
So the stakes are very high.
I'm really excited to review this.
Destro no going to D D released its first beat abortion on fifth off April, and that's what I was working on and pretty much completed the video.
But before I could upload that video, a new better Wishin was released in which they have made major changes, and therefore I had to start from the beginning for the new, updated Better Release.
So this is a review off the better version off a boon to Dede, which was released on Tent Off April.
Now, since this is a beater release, I just want to give a quick word of caution here.
Beater releases only for testing purposes and not to be used as your daily driver crashes.
Bugs and errors are regular fear.
So keep that in mind.
All right, now let's jump right in.
Now the first thing that I was curious for when I go to know about this project is that where does this destro comes from?
Who are the people behind it now?
I just want to clear this out.
It is not a recognised official flavor off Ubundu.
The developers are aiming to get recognized, but as of no, it is not.
The website, off a boon to Didi, is also not much off help.
There's no mention about the team behind this project.
There's just one email contact at a boon to didi dot com.
So I sent my query regarding the team by filling this form, and I also got a reply.
Now I don't understand why they cannot disclose the team, and frankly, this doesn't give me much confidence.
But maybe they're in the process off updating and figuring this out, I don't know.
But on researching, I found out that a boon to Marty and team behind other flavors off won't do are backing a boon to Didi.
But nothing is on paper or official yet anyways, let's get to the destroy itself.
They don't know the insulation image.
From a boon to the website they made size off.
The latest better release is 2.2 gigs, which is around 500 be less than the Windows regular release, with no Modesto now for the installation, it doesn't use open tooth ubiquity installer are the dependence dollar.
Instead, the installation is handled by Calomiris Installer, which is used by man Jaro Lennox.
It is simple, not a big deal, but I think ubiquity would have been a better choice here just for the sake.
Off symmetry.
The installation takes around 10 to 12 minutes to complete if you have trouble installing.
There was a known installation Bug for You Free system in the first bitter release, but it seems they have resolved this issue in the latest beater.
It works for me on you fi system, but if it doesn't work for you, you can report the issue and try using legacy bios instead of few fee.
Once the insulation is over and you get to the destiny, the first change that you notice is off course.
The new wallpaper and also the dog, is on efficient mode.
Unlike Independent, which starts on fashion mood, the display looks as gorgeous and crisp as you would expect from a dip industry, which has excellent HIV PS scaling and is great for high resolution screens.
Now this is dip in desktop environment version 5.0, which was released last year.
But since there has not been any update, so it is the latest Washington's off.
Now the control center has all the same settings like you have on depend Lennox, except there's no clouds.
Think option here now in the first, better release off.
A boon to Dede Devil.
A few additional window teams under personalization menu.
These were the norms adapter teams, along with Dip in Light and Dark Team.
But for some reason in the latest bitter it is gone, however, the latest beater release have additional icons and most teams apart from these few changes, the rest off the control center is the same.
All right, now let's look at the default APS available.
No bone to Dede uses its own report, along with Mobutu's mean rep.
Oh, so all the a boon to amps are available to download here.
Almost all the pre install abs like text editor, media Player, document viewer, et cetera, are from a boon to Nome ecosystem, except for the file manager and then the recently added terminal and calendar app, which is from dip in system.
No, I think this is gonna bring a little inconsistency to the desktop.
For example, dark mood for dipping.
APS can be toggle from its setting menu under the APP itself.
But for the rest of the application, you have to change the window team from the control center, not the first beater release.
Did not have calendar and terminal app, and thank God they have added terminal app.
In the latest update, a Lennox Tess stop without terminal app is just beyond comprehension.
I'm glad it didn't take them long to realize this.
Now the destroyer is based on a boon to 20.4 development branch.
All right, no talking about the software center.
One good thing that I'm sure many Lennox user will appreciate is that it does not use depend app store.
Instead, it uses norm software app for installing and removing applications.
But all the security and privacy issues involving depend app store.
In the past, many users are still reluctant to use depend app store no boon to Didi, though it uses this gnome software app.
But they have treated the app to include all the sources off the package in just one single app.
No boon to Dede, instead, off using two different app, they have included a pretty neat drop down menu that lists all the different sources off the package, and you can select the source off your choice.
All right now the minimum system requirement for installing a boon to D.
D is to Gebe auf Ram and 20 Gig's off hard disk, Not go for dependent.
Stop with all the transparency and affect mood.
I recommend at least four GB offramp for a smooth experience.
Now, as much as I want to like this destroy, I do not see it complete as yet.
There's a lot of issues which needs to be addressed before it is ready for a serious look.
But I want to add here that it has made much improvement between the 1st 2 bitter releases, not the U.
Still has a lot of bugs.
I mean, if you try to uninstall a nap by choosing on install in the right click menu, it just doesn't work.
It gives you a field message, though you can uninstall the AMP from the software center just fine.
The update system option under Control Centre also doesn't work, but you can use the software update or the terminal app to update the system.
It seems like the lot off binding and linking issues are so that first, also today, I'm not going to test the performance off the system as off.
Now it is an early release.
I really hope they fixed the pending issues.
As I said before, This combination has huge potential, and I'm sure with a couple of more releases it will mature.
But for know of just two bitter releases and no information about the team, I'll reserve my opinion until the final release off Ubundu Duty are.
So thank you guys for watching this video.
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If you have any comments, addition or feedback, go type that in Indy Comment Box.
Ah, you shout out to all the subscribers off experience that channel.
Thank you for supporting me.
And also with the current pandemic situation, I hope that you all are staying safe and healthy.
I wish you all good health.
All right, so that was all for today.