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I thank you so much for joining us, James.
And they asked How you feeling?
May I mean, what is locked down feels like for a professional football right now.
So strange.
You know, I think everybody's kind of reverence routine.
Everybody's been affected in some way, shape or form.
But, you know, it is what it is.
We have to We have to do what we can do is obviously and here to the government guidelines and do our bit.
But you know, as soon as an opportunity to just spend time with family and make the most of that.
Yeah, absolutely.
And then you and I were just talking off air about the great job that everyone's doing normally in the area.
The footballers are heroes, but you obviously know is the N hs and the people behind the scenes that there is such a great job keeping us all safe.
Yeah, WeII think our job's tough, you know, we have lots of ups and downs and stresses in the struggles.
But, you know, the things that the N.
H s staff are doing on the front line is incredible and makes our job look, look so simple.
So I think we can all take courage.
We can only take inspiration from what they're doing and a flight to our own lives.
You know, I think they deserve all the for the recognition that they get in.
At the moment, I couldn't agree more.
Me footballers have been taken a little bit of stick.
I'm fair, so I think because it's not as easy.
It was very good at spending everyone else's money.
Jones, as we all know.
But you guys decide very impressive this week where you deferred your wages to keep the staff from being furlough.
That was a brilliant scheme that you guys have done.
How did that come about?
Who decided to do that?
I think I think it was, you know, actually driven by by the club.
You know, the club's a very family orientated club has always been driven t look after the community and the people within it.
Honestly, that has plays as well.
We felt like it was something needed to be done in order to, you know, look after look, look after the club and the communities you know so together around here and you know as you know, from from from playing down here and everybody knows how important is so we had to play our role and make sure that we looked after them a CZ.
Well, I think I said, Well, congratulations are doing that.
And obviously, I know the club is the club close to my heart and the people down there, they deserve that.
So well done, football.
Now, James, how much you mission in the adulation.
The noise, the crowd, the scoring, the goals that free kicks.
How you how much you mission that right now?
Yeah, Mr a lot.
I mean, um, you know, it's what we all love doing.
And, you know, you kind of miss that Thursday Friday, build up to the game where you get the old feeling something that you know, the games come in kind of thing.
But, um, you know, I think I might start re watching a few of the games just to try and get getting the buzz back, but, you know, hopefully won't be too much longer, and we can all be back out of doing what you love doing.
Yeah, we obviously you have your fiance and your little live in their home.
Have you been keeping busy?
Even watching was anything we could watch.
You got any ideas?
I'm running out of boxes about you.
I mean, we've actually just start pounced on Abby.
Well, I'm really Yeah, yeah, just, you know, we will be fit to cross it over, give a go, but being crushed in a bit of the old short game in the gun.
But chip in here and there.
Yeah, just just a lot of different things.
They're cooking as well.
Be an opportunity to try suspected skills.
So you have been cooking in the kitchen.
But I said to the gulf in the garden, the thing that's my that's my my last.
So, yeah, I'll go with that.
The oppression that ship went free free kicks for awhile now.
I mean, yeah, but, you know, you fought to those again, bending a few in the top corner.
Yeah, well, I mean, us last the ultimate thing for May.
Um, you know, I need to try and get some mannequins and try and set something up.
Yeah, hopefully won't be too much longer, but, um, you know, I think you're missing playing the game.
But more importantly, we have to be be be safer the minute make sure runner in a state of mind to go back and play.
But I've been I've been tryingto emulate some of your freaking.
I had a bit of time myself.
I'm taking a little bit cookery.
She didn't really work out a fire alarm off James yet.
But it was You know, I afterward I tried a couple little boy's hair.
Took that too short.
So it's not been, you know, lock down has been a bit of a nightmare.
But when I talk about when I think about your free kicks obviously Matt Leticia yourself really freak takers at Southampton.
If you don't mind, I'm gonna just try and ama looks I've got my goal here, which I normally got.
I save my little boy.
Yeah, Let's talk about your technique.
Let's see if you can sell.
Come, I go in the background there.
Can you see that?
Hey, I got here.
So your technique when you're when you're a kid Yeah, I could imagine massive David Beckham fan.
So what?
When you when you took free kicks growing up with you team.
Were you always the one that get me on them?
I want to take these.
Yeah, it was always something that I liked just because you could score incredible goals by by doing a doing a free kick if you like.
So yeah, assumes the freak, it gets award, and you get a real buzz on thinking all we we go.
This is a great, great chance to meter to score.
Good cards close.
You get nervous.
What's your feeling before freaking?
Do you think that this is my time?
You're a little bit nervous here because you don't get many.
So when you do get that one, it's almost like, right, this has gotta be.
There's gotta be the one.
And if you practice a lot during the week, it comes to that moment.
And if you if you don't execute it, well, then you got it.
So, yeah, you have to practice how much practice you do a week.
What should let you take that first Friday doing?
You're half an hour factor Bulls after training?
Yeah, Thursday's normally my day for for kicking a few balls.
Just take a bag of balls up away from everyone else.
Try and struggle.
The sense of defenders trying to take him and stuff.
You know, I always try and get on my own and get my own space.
Most of the same full of Robbie Fowler used to come over every time I let you take things he loves that one.
You scoring up in the box?
Everything here, James.
Let I would say for the level with the left.
The left hand post.
We're looking at it.
I preferred sort that one there where I tried to sort of take it outside the far post.
I said that Almost look at somebody in the crowd just behind the post.
I think if I can set it out on them hope back in time.
Do you ever look at you?
Have something you do well or someone you look at as a focal point?
And my ones up See, over the wall to the top left from where you are I always try and maybe start out kind of middle ish to the just off center of the gold to then hopefully the curve will take it away.
So that's my kind of middle of the crop on.
And, you know, if it if he's got pace, is well on the Q t shirt number.
Is that because I was at the games at what?
For the shop called the two of you scored the winner.
Yeah, Yeah, yeah.
So that was a bit different.
I don't know if I could Maybe, Yeah, maybe if I could start on the cay pone maybe skim to think he's got a chance.
But then it just goes, goes way is all see in a girl.
So I always try and aim Not right in the top corner, although that big top corner, But I always trying to get out.
It was you you did against what's in there.
I'm gonna show you an old James.
Not the least Not the best, but let's see what way.
Come on.
Oh, not bad.
Oh, yeah.
That is not what we owe.
Oh, that's not bad.
But this was the one I quite like.
Thea cold?
So I'm gonna try, Maybe come because you'd like to come on the angle to do so.
Come on.
This angle here.
Yeah, they're not going to strengthen, and I'd almost.
I'd like to see if the keeper sometimes I saw him shuffle at the last second.
Then you could go to the other.
You have a corner like you do.
But we tried to do set outside because I was thinking with goalkeeper.
Is that the first thing is to do is to protect the wool?
Yeah, get going the wrong way.
It's hard thing to get back hard from the batons that live this.
I got this one.
All right.
My shape, huh?
Two more goes and then we'll, uh we'll leave you to it, mate.
E o Oh, not that.
Very good.
Listen, mate.
Thank you.
No, it's so much for joining us.
And it's a real pleasure.
And obviously love what you're doing.
And I think they're running football.
Well done.
For what you guys have done this week.
It's a thank you.
A real credit to yourselves.
Not just that.
I think very much about your family.
Take care, make tea.