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  • Okay, We're doing a new want to eat in a day.

  • But quarantine addition.

  • I have to say I'm kind of upset that I didn't shoot all the meals that we've been having until now because I am literally discovered a side of chef in me that I didn't know even exist.

  • So just shows you when you put yourself in a certain situation, you discover all this potential.

  • I got a lot of my God.

  • All the teachers at school used to tell my mom and parent teacher meetings.

  • Anyway, today I'm going to kind of showcase What is a usual day for me.

  • Looks like food wise.

  • When we're at home, a lot of people can to snack a lot.

  • And I do too.

  • Ish sometimes.

  • Anyways, I do.

  • Still, intermittent fasting accepted the weekends on the weekends.

  • I really and all into the brunch situation and make like crepes and pancakes and stuff like that.

  • But usually during the week in the mornings I do not eat.

  • I would cop in the morning like today I woke up this morning.

  • I drank two glasses of water and then I make myself coffee.

  • I drink my coffee.

  • Would just this college and powder, which is just clean, collagen unflavored I blended into my coffee and sometimes I'll put this em city oil.

  • But today I didn't no milk, no nothing of sweetener.

  • Just walk off college and sometimes in city.

  • And then that usually holds me up until lunchtime on.

  • That's when I'm gonna.

  • But today I did just finished a workout, and I am going to drink a little protein shake.

  • So obviously, as you can see, I'm not.

  • 100% want comes to intermittent fasting.

  • When I do work at, I do make sure that I get a little bit off protein.

  • After the workout.

  • I feel hairs, and for me, it's very simple.

  • I used this vanilla protein shake.

  • I do milk, not butter and some frozen peas.

  • Lunch is usually left over.

  • So last night for dinner, we had eye needs to meet Stuart, 7 a.m. And it was ready for six years.

  • So we have some leftovers there.

  • But I'm also just gonna eat some leftovers from the kids yesterday with chickpea pasta, and I'm going to just like steel fried with some pesto sauce.

  • Very sense around here.

  • So chick pea passed on your Friday with some chick peas chicky chicky, because they got lots of cans of chickpeas and B.

  • And I'm also eating sour crab, which is a great source of probiotics, which is very important for God Help, which then effects.

  • Talking during the day, I honestly give myself pretty busy that I don't really snack.

  • Also, when I do feel like I want or I have a sweet tooth, something I like to do is make a huge mug of tea.

  • And I know you're like, Oh, how nice.

  • You want something Swedish drinks tea, but it actually works.

  • It's like I had that I've been doing for a long time Now I get these, like, dessert type of teas or something to just feel sweet or whatever.

  • So this one, let's say, from David Steve, forever nuts.

  • It have this, like sweet, nutty taste, and it literally feels like you're eating biscotti.

  • But otherwise, if I want chocolate, I'll just eat chocolate.

  • I usually get dark chocolate.

  • I don't have a huge, sweet crude and more like a person that will eat like six bags of popcorn today.

  • Okay, dinnertime.

  • So we are so getting our food service delivery.

  • So I do that for about 2 to 3 meals a week, which has been really helpful now that we're in quarantine.

  • We got this week two meals and I'm gonna cook one for dinner so I usually try to do more plant based, and then something will have chicken.

  • OK, tonight's dinner this'll warm.

  • Atlanta salad squash plant owes some bread tribes lettuce in sauce.

  • Yeah, and you have extra posting.

  • I've been, honestly, just trying Teoh work with what I have and not stress too much about making different meals.

  • I also do feel better about ordering takeout because I am so happy to support or the local restaurants that are so amazing.

  • And, you know, obviously the situation hit them the hardest, but also just the basics.

  • Gerry's doesn't need any carbs anymore, so that's great for me.

  • So a lot of like chicken or fish, things like that.

  • And, you know, twice or three times a week you get inspired and managed to cook something interesting.

  • But otherwise it's gonna like salad, steamed veggies and then using the two recipes that we still get from our meal delivery service.

Okay, We're doing a new want to eat in a day.

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我在自我檢疫中的一天吃了些什麼? (What I Eat In A Day In Self-Quarantine | Quick And Easy Meals)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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