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  • Hey, guys, what's up?

  • Welcome to XPS Tech.

  • I am Vineet and regular views off this channel knows that here on XPS Tech, we are a big fan off DePino always, and almost every release off depend gets a new video.

  • So falling the rituals.

  • Today's video is about the latest release off Depend, which is version number 15.7, which Dole has brought important updates and improvements to the distribution.

  • But the release has been anything but smooth.

  • There have been two back to back updates within the 1st 10 days off the release, and it seems that this time the release has been a little rushed without time for sufficient testing.

  • But these things do happen in tech business, especially when you're bringing so many changes and updating so rapidly and in a way, pushing the boundaries off development off Lenox based desktop operating system.

  • We have seen other destroys like Man Jaro, also going through similar issues in the past so these issues can be ignored, and let's hope the team have learned lessons from all this.

  • So with that out of the way, let's check out what's new.

  • Depend 15.7 or it first of all from this release onward, Dip in has adopted a new numbering system for all its releases.

  • So now the release will have version number in x dot white dot z format, where X is the main version number, which denotes the year off development or initial release.

  • So the current version is being maintained since 2015.

  • Hence, 15 is the main version number.

  • Why is the subversion, which is released every three months?

  • And Z or Zed is a minor version number if there's any important system updates within the three month period between two wide releases?

  • But the important thing here is that now all, even my release will have more feature of dates, whereas the odd wide release will focus on system optimization and overall stability.

  • So this way depend has made its update strategy more streamlined.

  • So going by that format, now you know what to expect from this current release, which is version number 15.7.

  • This time, the emphasis has been on the overall optimization off the system, so let's check out those improvements or at first, today's a considerable reduction in the size off installation images.

  • Now, the I use of size.

  • Off dip in 15.7 is 2.5 gigs against 3.1 gigs that we had in depend 15.6.

  • This is done by removing some off the abs that was being stored in 15.6 days.

  • Abs include Spotify steam dip include deep in boot maker Skype, etcetera, which is no not available by default in 15.7.

  • But these APs can be installed later from the deep in store, and this is a welcome change right next.

  • After downloading, the years of the installation process remains the same, except for one new option that you get during the installation process, which is called full disk installed.

  • Now this option will automatically partition your selected Dr into three different partitions.

  • So at home and data partition the size off each partition depends on the total available disk space.

  • All right, next, the new release is no significantly lighter on memory.

  • The destroyer now uses almost 24% less memory, which is a huge improvement to the operating system.

  • In the past, we all know depend has been in famous for being one of the most resource hungry limits distribution So it's good that the team has now improved upon this issue and for this reason alone, I think it is worth upgrading to different release.

  • All right, next.

  • This also improvement on the power consumption for laptops.

  • Now a new power saving option is introduced, which can be activated from the control center when turn on.

  • This will increase the standby time off laptop while on battery power.

  • There's also an auto mode switch option which automatically puts your laptop on power saving mode when running on batteries depend claims there's a 20% increase in standby time, which is really impressive.

  • I have not really tested it yet, so I reserve my opinion on this.

  • But I'll post the results off my testing on this channel, so be sure to subscribe to Experience Tech Channel Alright.

  • Apart from these important changes, there have been lots off settled optimization and tweaks to the toys that makes the overall operating system much more stable.

  • Now there's a new change in the load off launcher, which gets a new APP category menu which we have usually seen in the expanded launcher.

  • More when Hugh Change is the support for NVIDIA Prime graphic cards, which enable the operating system to take full advantage off hybrid graphic cards.

  • Apart from that, they have been minor changes to the log in window animation, workspace and emission.

  • For a complete list off changes you can check out the release North page on Depend website, but dip in 15.72 off The most important factors off any operating system.

  • Memory and power has been significantly improved this time.

  • Therefore, I hugely recommend you update the operating system.

  • All right?

  • No, Before wrapping of this video, Arbit Elite one off the subscribers off XPS Stick Channel and regular views off my video wanted me to talk about the slow speed off depend mirrors.

  • So let's quickly address this issue now.

  • Depend is in famous for the slow speed off its mirrors, and the issue has been sort of a permanent issue of it.

  • Depend.

  • The official mirrors are in fact, really slow Now.

  • There are two things that you can do to resolve this.

  • The first is pretty simple.

  • You can go to control center and then goto updates.

  • So currently we're on the official mirror here at the top, you can click on test speed this, helping each report that are listed here and then show you the speed off each ripple.

  • If you find any reported medium or fast mentioned against it, you can select that.

  • And hopefully that should switch you to the fastest mirror available.

  • Now, the second method is little advanced.

  • So in this method we use the net Select tool to get the fastest mirror off.

  • Depend.

  • So this tool comes preinstalled indepent.

  • First, we need to get list off.

  • All available repose off.

  • Depend this weekend extract from the depend mirror page.

  • So go to the mirror page and then right, click and choose view source.

  • No, save this estimate file now to extract the u R l off depend mirrors from this HTML.

  • I use this grab command.

  • Don't worry.

  • I'll put this command in the description off this video.

  • But if you want to know all about grip, you can watch this complete guide to grip that.

  • I made a viol ago.

  • No.

  • Once you run this command, you get list off all the you are else that contains devoid mirror.

  • Now here you can see that these two are not in fact mirrors and weaken delete that, but they're not going to do any real harm.

  • So let's not bother about them.

  • Not the input for net select is you are in which are enclosed in single court and have a blank space between each year or so to get that we use this, said command.

  • This will also be available in the description.

  • Now let's copy the result.

  • You can also save it to a text file if you want.

  • No, let's give this as input to net selected.

  • So let's type Net Select Dash V for verbose Dashti 50 space and then pieced all the Ural Off depend mirrors and press enter.

  • Now this is going to take a few seconds, and once it's done here, you can see that against each unit you get approximate pink time number off network hops, percentage off, being request that successfully got through, and the last line here shows the server with the best school.

  • Now, once we get the fastest mirror, we need to then added the sources dot list file, which is under slash etc.

  • Slash apt.

  • Now here comment the current active mirror and then paste the entire line above it, and then replace this default Middle with the mirror that we got using the net Select Command.

  • Then save it on.

  • Close the fine and now run APT Update Command.

  • Now, this will switch your operating system toe the fastest mirror, and I'm sure this will resolve the slow Miller issue.

  • But remember, this Europe may not always be the fastest mirror, and it may get slower in future, so you may have to redo this all again.

  • So that was how you can solve the slow mirror issue off depend.

  • And thanks are bits for posting this issue and for all your lovely comments.

  • All right, so that was all for today.

  • Thank you guys for watching this video.

  • I hope you like this video.

  • If you do kindly press the like button.

  • If you have any comments, tradition or feedback, do type that in indica mint box and a huge shout out to all the subscribers off XPS take channel.

  • I thank you guys for supporting me.

  • Thank you.

  • Thanks for watching.

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評測.Deepin OS 15.7 + SLOW MIRRORSDeepin OS 15.7 + SLOW MIRRORS:解決了 (Review: Deepin OS 15.7 + SLOW MIRRORS : SOLVED)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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