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  • Hello everyone, and welcome back to English with Lucy today I am going to

  • teach you eight ways in which you can improve your listening skills, your

  • English listening skills. Now number one is take advantage of YouTube's subtitle

  • system but make sure you understand and use it properly so in order to improve

  • your daily English, the English that you'll use every day. I want you to find

  • vloggers and kind of daily youtubers that document their everyday life who

  • actually add their own subtitles or vloggers that don't rely on the

  • auto-generated subtitles. Nowadays YouTube has some very very good subtitle

  • software but it's never perfect when I post a video YouTube analyzes what I say

  • and it posts what it thinks I've said as auto-generated subtitles. However, for

  • every single video I do pay for someone else to actually write the subtitles and

  • there are a couple of reasons why I do this. Number one, I want correct spelling

  • and grammar YouTube software doesn't add in the correct punctuation and kind of

  • commas and quotation marks and things like that and that's important for you

  • to learn. It's important for you to see where a sentence starts and ends and

  • where there might be pauses. Also sometimes the software just completely

  • misses out words, it misspells things, it misunderstands what I've said. Sometimes

  • it puts very rude things in place of what I've actually said so I choose to

  • buy my own subtitles and a lot of creators do this and a lot of vloggers

  • do this and it's very very useful. Kn fact on my own vlogging channel where

  • I've been documenting my life, my personal life on the farm in rural

  • England, I do write the subtitles for you so you know that what I'm saying on

  • screen is what is also written on screen. How can you tell if the subtitles are

  • trustworthy or not? Well one indicator is the term

  • 'auto-generated' which will come up if YouTube's AI system has developed the

  • software if you follow some vloggers that speak a native level of English

  • watch their videos with subtitles every week or every day you will pick up on so

  • much vocabulary vocabulary that we use as natives in our daily lives

  • number two is listen to a variety of accents and dialects now I don't just

  • say accents I say dialects because different parts of my country England

  • have different dialects so northern slang is very different to southern

  • slang in fact British English is so unbelievably diverse so for example

  • something as simple for me as a can of coke well up north they might say a tin

  • of coke when that would sound ridiculous for me so to ensure that you understand

  • everything that you listen to or almost everything that you listen to because

  • let's face it everything would be quite the challenge because even I don't

  • understand everything that I hear you do need to listen to a variety of accents

  • and dialects the different sounds that they produce the different common

  • phrases that they use and the different slang words as well are really really

  • important and I have something in the pipeline that will massively help you

  • with this I'm going to talk about it more towards the end of this video

  • number three is of course speak with natives listen

  • to natives and speak to them but more than that it's ask for repetition and

  • ask for explanation so you want to speak with natives ask them to repeat things

  • and ask them to explain and justify things a lot of students ask me how they

  • can find well priced native teachers or native level teachers just because

  • someone isn't native doesn't mean that they're not an excellent teacher and

  • this segment is sponsored by a come and that I do genuinely highly recommend

  • and it's a talkie I talkie is a huge online database of both native and

  • non-native teachers who will give one-to-one video lessons with you 24

  • hours a day seven days a week from anywhere in the world as long as you

  • have a stable internet connection an emphasis on well priced teachers it's

  • incredibly affordable it's much cheaper than an offline Academy or an in-person

  • tutor the teachers set their own rates and you can browse all of them and find

  • the rate that's best for you and it's also really good if you just want to

  • practice conversation and listening to someone talk and asking for them to

  • correct your responses because not only do they have qualified teachers they

  • also have community teachers who are there to practice conversation with you

  • now they've given me an offer to pass on to you you can get $10 worth of I

  • talking credits in your student wallet 48 hours after making your first

  • purchase of any amount all you've got to do is click on the link in the

  • description box and sign up those credits could actually be an entire

  • lesson for free or more than that actually I've seen lessons for much less

  • money than that also if you are at home and you'll find yourself with a bit of

  • extra spare time for an extra motivational push you can also sign up

  • to their language challenge this is where you take itoki classes and win

  • prizes along the way this challenge starts on the 9th of April and lasts

  • until the 24th of May what do you have to do is set yourself a language goal

  • and then you can earn vouchers coupons and entries into a huge prize drawer or

  • you can earn prizes of up to 500 a talkie credits so once you've signed up

  • to a talkie using the link down below check out the language challenge page

  • set yourself a goal and start earning those prizes right let's move on to way

  • number 4 now this is a really simple way of making native speech easier to

  • understand it's so simple I can't believe that

  • people still aren't taking advantage of it do you know about YouTube's slowdown

  • function now when I look at videos that are explaining something technical like

  • how to use my new washing machine or why Mike Hoover isn't sucking sometimes I

  • find the person takes ages to get to the point or to explain something so I speed

  • them up I click on the little cog and then I click on playback speed and I put

  • them at one point two five times speed or one point five if I'm feeling really

  • energetic however the slowdown function would be

  • really really useful for language learners you can slow down speech to

  • three-quarters of the natural pace 0.75 speed if you're watching a video and

  • you're interested in what that person is saying but they are just speaking too

  • quickly try that 0.75 speed now 0.5 tends to be too slow the person sounds

  • drunk or deranged 0.75 for a very fast talker can actually be really really

  • helpful even for me as a native speaker there are some people that just go a

  • little more and I find it hard to follow so if there's a vlogger or a narrator or

  • a presenter that you have shunned in the past because they speak too quickly try

  • watching them on YouTube try slowing them down and let me know what you think

  • what would be even better is if they had their subtitles added as well so you can

  • watch them in slow speed without subtitles and then watch them again with

  • subtitles but more about that later on now number five this is a really common

  • listening tip but I'm going to talk about it because I've got something

  • extra to add it is watch English movies and TV shows now we all know this this

  • is one of the first tips that teachers will give you but it can be really

  • really hard and really daunting to try and work out which TV show and which

  • film is going to be at your level it's so annoying to finally find something

  • that you want to watch after reading loads of

  • and then you just can't understand it it's also really annoying when your

  • computer or your network won't allow you to access certain films and TV shows

  • because of where you live because your country is not allowed to view that

  • specific website I have got a video coming next week on my recommendations

  • for British TV shows and I start with beginner level and move to pre

  • intermediate intermediate and advanced I cover all the bases and they're all

  • shows that will help you develop a British English accent and help you

  • understand it as well I'll also talk about the variety of

  • British English accents as well now when this video is live I will link it in the

  • description box so check that out because I want to help you find

  • something that you can actually watch and understand and then you can move up

  • through the levels number six is learn responses that will buy you more time

  • because when we are listening to what someone is saying in a language that is

  • not our first language we do need that little bit of extra time to process what

  • they're trying to say I have a couple of tricks and phrases that will buy you

  • more time things that you can say without seeming like a strange person

  • going because that is what a lot of English learners do it's a natural thing

  • to want to fill the gap by just making one noise like

  • and you also don't want to just fill it with silence because that can be awkward

  • that person might think that you've not heard them when really you've just not

  • understood them what you want to do is fill the conversation with fillers or

  • interjections and I've made various videos on this topic I did a great one

  • with Harry from real English with real teachers on interjections things like

  • ooh

  • I will link that down below and also last week I did post a video on

  • different ways to say I know and I understand because those are very

  • commonly used in conversation whilst you're processing what someone has said

  • or you're just showing that you've understood and acknowledged what they've

  • said again I will link that I think both of those videos would be really really

  • useful they will give you phrases that you can use to buy more time whilst

  • you're processing speech number seven is listen whilst you read listen whilst you

  • read now I talked about this a lot in my videos because it really really works

  • I'm always talking about listening to audiobooks as you read the actual book

  • and I'm not just saying this for fun this is genuinely such a good method it

  • trains your brain to connect written words with spoken words it helps improve

  • your pronunciation it helps improve your listening it helps improve your spelling

  • as well the way a word is spelt in English doesn't necessarily give you any

  • indication as to how it's pronounced in English and the way a word is pronounced

  • in English doesn't really help you work out how that word is spelt this is why

  • English seems like such a hard language to understand when you're listening to

  • it and such a hard language to pronounce because you look at word and you just

  • have no idea how it should be pronounced if you take a book that you have already

  • read in English or a book that you would like to read in English and read that

  • book as you are listening to that same audiobook version your problems will be

  • solved now it's important to find a narrator you like and this is why I

  • always recommend audible audible is an amazing platform of audiobooks they have

  • the most incredible selection and you can also listen to quite lengthy samples

  • so you can work out if you like the narrator's accent if you like the speed

  • at which they speak you can also slow them down and you can speed them up if

  • you feel like you need to and the best part is you can get one free audio book

  • that's a 30-day free trial or an audible and you just have to click on the link

  • in the description box to sign up and there I've put some recommendations for

  • great books as well audiobooks to listen to and they're written book counterparts

  • it's a great method that's why I talk about it all the time now the last tip

  • number 8 is to create your own transcription exercises you know those

  • annoying horrible listening tests where you have to fill in a gap right what you

  • hear unfortunately they work however we want

  • to do something that's relevant for us don't we so if you find something that

  • is particularly interesting to you have you are interested in photography and

  • it's about cameras maybe you're interested in wildlife or skateboarding

  • I have no idea but everybody has their thing don't they I personally love

  • cooking and gardening well if you find something that's very very interesting

  • to you create your own listing exercise because it won't be so boring and

  • painful this exercise is all about listening blindly meaning that you are

  • not looking at any visuals so you don't see their mouth moving you don't see

  • their emotion nothing and you definitely definitely don't look at any subtitles

  • take one sentence or if you're feeling more advanced you can take a couple of

  • sentences and listen to it once then you can listen to it for a second time and

  • then you have to write down exactly what you've heard or what you think you've

  • heard after that you can listen to it one more time and you can look at the

  • transcription or the subtitles make sure they are accurate and there you have it

  • you've created your own transcription exercise using something that is

  • relevant and interesting to you the reason why these sorts of exercises are

  • included in so many different examinations

  • by so many different prestigious examination boards across the globe it's

  • because they really really work so if you can get into the habit of every time

  • you're listening to something interesting and you know there are

  • reliable transcriptions or subtitles available to you if you do this and make

  • it a habit you really really will learn so much and you'll get so used to

  • analyzing things from a listening perspective right that's it for today's

  • lesson I hope you enjoyed it and I definitely hope you take some of my

  • advice please feel free to add any more advice so we can all learn from each

  • other in the comments section and don't forget to check out I talk e you can

  • click on the link down below and get your ten dollars worth of I talk e

  • credits and you can start the language challenge don't forget to connect with

  • me on all of my social media I've got my Facebook I've got my Instagram and I've

  • got my Twitter and I've got my personal channel with fully subtitled vlogs of my

  • life here on a farm I do lots of cooking I do lots of walking I do lots of

  • chatting and just organizing my home it's meant to be relaxing for you and

  • I've had quite positive feedback so far so I hope you enjoy it as well I will

  • see you soon for another lesson

Hello everyone, and welcome back to English with Lucy today I am going to

Subtitles and vocabulary

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提高英語聽力能力,聽懂母語者的8個方法 (8 ways to improve English listening skills and understand native speakers)

  • 91 8
    Summer posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary