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Is, um, it might seem like a relatively simple topic, but, uh,
the news, um, when I started researching this lesson there is, uh,
there are a lot of things that I can teach you about the news in English.
So welcome to this English lesson about the news. Um,
I'm going to jump right to the first page, uh,
today and talk about news sources.
But first let me make sure
that everything is working. It looks like everything is working well at my end.
Um, again, we are here for a lesson about the news.
People are curious about what is happening in the world and what is happening
around them. So most of us actually are interested in the news.
Um, the news can be local, it can be, uh, the news of your country.
It can be news from the world, uh,
and you can get the news in a variety of different ways.
So thank you for being here for this lesson about the news. As I said,
we're going to start by talking about news sources.
So when you talk about news sources,
that means where you get your news from.
So some of us are old and we still get our news from the TV.
So we watch TV news. Notice there I said that you watch the news.
Um, let's see here. Uh, yes, Deek,
I've changed the color of the form and I've limited people to one question again
that seemed to work well last Saturday. Uh, for those of you that aren't aware,
you can only ask one question today. We're trying to, uh,
limit the amount of questions. But news source, you can watch TV news.
I mostly watch TV news. You can read the newspaper.
So you watch the news on TV, you read the newspaper, uh,
perhaps you listen to the news on the radio.
That is still a very common way for people to, um, listen to the news.
Or maybe you read the news on the internet,
maybe you go to Google news or maybe you have an app, uh,
possibly on your phone that you use to read the news. Um, so those are,
I would think the four major news sources. Um, there might be others,
but these are the major four news sources.
The place where people get their news from. Um, so again, uh,
we're going to start by talking a little bit about TV news.
This is news that you get while you are watching television. Um, and again,
this is my favorite way, uh,
to watch the news are to get the news is on the television.
Sometimes after supper at 6:00 PM,
we turn on the television so that we can watch the news. Uh,
and when you watch news on TV,
you are most likely watching news from a news network.
So a news network is something like CNN. In Canada,
we have CBC news,
this stands for the Canadian broadcasting corporation news.
But generally you will watch a news network.
I think most of you are familiar with CNN.
This is a rather large news network from the United States.
Some of you might be familiar with CBC news. Um, interesting fact.
This news network has English broadcasting and French broadcasting.
So in Canada you can watch the news in English.
You can also watch the news in French. I, from time to time,
watch the news in French. Uh,
because that's a really good way for me to practice my French listening skills.
So if you watch news on TV, it is from a news network.
The person who is on the TV that is doing the talking would be most often called
a reporter,
but we would also call them a TV journalist. Okay.
So this is a reporter or a TV journalist. You can use either word.
Um, the, these are the people that go out into the world, uh,
and they research what is happening. Uh, and they will report on the news.
So a reporter has the name reporter because they report the news.
Okay? So, um, I think TV journalists is, um,
common as well. But for me, when I speak English, I would use the word reporter,
television reporter. Um,
if I knew someone who was on TV as a reporter,
I would refer to them as a reporter. Um,
I'm going to jump over and do some questions right away to get started.
First question is from Vitaly Smirnoff. Hi teacher Bob.
I hope you're having a great Friday. I'm going to say it again.
It's the best time for the stream, one hour before I leave for work. Um,
which news source do you prefer? I prefer,
so I said I prefer the news on TV, but I also read Google news,
so I go to Google quite often.
But my preferred method is to just sit on the couch and use the remote control
to turn on the TV and watch the news that way.
And it's definitely my favorite way to watch the news. Um, next question.
I'll just do a few questions here. Kaiya says, hi Bob news.
What's more popular in Canada? Just want to know the info boat Canada. Thanks.
I think all the different kinds of news are popular in Canada.
I think a lot of people get their news or read the news on the internet or on
their phone using a news app, but I'm not sure what is the most popular.
Um, next question from Gregory. Hi Bob. What is your favorite newspaper?
What is your favorite kind of news, thanks for the answer.
So my favorite newspaper is the globe and mail. Um,
I actually have a copy of the globe and mail rate here. Uh,
so this is, you can see there the globe and mail.
This is a popular Canadian newspaper. We get it at school.
So I often read it at work on my break. So anyways,
just a quick, quick, a quick pause.
There's no such word as quick in English. A quick pause if you're new here.
Thank you so much for being here. We have about 328 people watching.
We are talking about the news. If you are not a subscriber to my channel,
there is a button over there,
a red button that says subscribe and you should click it. Give me a thumbs up.
Also during the lesson you can ask questions using the link that either Dave or
Todd will put into the chat and I will try to answer as many of those questions
as possible.
And let's keep the chat for conversation and let's keep the chat in English.
That is the best way to do this. Let me do one more question. Uh,
Dick Shantz has the next question.
Do you prefer reading the news online or reading the newspaper?
Do you think newspapers will become less common in the future as reading the
news online is more convenient. That is already happening in Canada.
Newspapers, the print version of the newspaper, um,
is having trouble surviving in Canada. Okay.
So more and more people are reading online, so yes.
[inaudible] I think newspapers will eventually become completely digital.
Um, anyways, let's continue talking about TV news.
The person here is called an anchor. Okay. This is a news anchor.
Um, I think we used to say anchorman, but now there's men and women.
So instead of anchorman, we just say news anchor. Um,
because both genders can equally work in the field of TV news.
So here we have a news anchor.
The news anchor is usually at the news desk. Okay?
The news anchor is not usually outside of the newsroom.
The news anchor doesn't go out to report on the news.
The anchor is usually at the desk and they are the main person that talks while
you watch the TV news. So that is the anchor. Um, the person,
let me go here.
The person who goes out to report the news is the person that we would call a
reporter. Okay. So just a little difference there.
The anchor is inside the reporter is often outside.
We also have what we would call a correspondent.
So a news correspondent is usually, um,
from my understanding a person who is in another country or who is far away
reporting on the news.
Often when there is a war in some part of the world,
there will be war correspondence.
So a correspondent is someone who goes to a part of the world where there is
news to report on, uh, and they report back to, um,
the news desk or the news network.
So a little bit different than a reporter.
I mean a correspondent is technically a reporter,
but a correspondent would be someone who is out in the field. We would say.
Um, so we have camera man, camera woman.
So this is the person that you usually don't see when you are watching the news.
Um, but we definitely have the people who operate the equipment.
So whenever you see a reporter or a correspondent,
there is often a camera person,
a cameraman or a camera woman operating the camera so that you can see the news.
Sometimes we forget when we watch the news that there is a camera person
somewhere. Um, but there definitely is a camera person somewhere.
Um, when you are watching, um,
the news you would say that they are,
you are watching a news story or a news segment.
So this current segment is on American politics or this current story is about
American politics. You can use either words.
When I talk to my coworkers I would say things like,
did you see that story on the news yesterday about that plane crash or some
other news story. So we definitely refer to those,
um, who are reporting, they are telling the story. It is a news story. Um,
I, I'm just going to pause and say hi to everyone in the chat.
There are a lot of people saying hello to me.
Thank you very much for being here and seeing hi. I really,
really do appreciate it. Um, for those just joining us,
we are doing a lesson about the news.
I'm going over all different English words and phrases that you would use if you
are talking about the news.
And we are in the middle of talking about a TV news.
Let me find that sheet. We're about halfway through talking about TV news,
one of the four news sources. Um,
so I referred to this earlier. Um,
the people who are at the news or in the newsroom, uh,
we also call this a studio,
but these people are reporting the news from a newsroom.
So the room behind them, we would call a newsroom.
We would also call this a studio. Okay.
So that is where the anchors would be located.
They would be in the newsroom or in the studio.
And you'll often hear a reporter say,
and we're going to go back to bill in the studio,
or we're going to go back to the studio and Joe is going to talk about the
weather. Okay. So often you will hear them refer to the studio, uh,
as the newsroom. Um, or the new,
they'll refer to the studio as the place where the dues is coming from. Uh,
often when a reporter is out in the field,
we also say that they are on location.
So when a reporter is outside reporting on the news from the location where the
news is happening, we would say that they are on location. Okay.
So you'll even hear things like, um,
we're going to go to Jane who is downtown on location where there is a parade.
So on location means that they are at the place where some news event or a news
story is happening or unfolding. Okay.
Let me get a little drink of water here
and then we'll do a few more questions.
We talked about camera man and camera woman.
We would refer to all of the people involved in the news as the news crew.
So when you, uh, sometimes are in your downtown area,
you will see a news crew.
So you will see a sound person and a camera and a cameraman and the news
reporter, you will see all of these people. Oh,
Susanna just said on the scene in the chat. That is another location.
Yes or sorry, another way to refer to it. You could say, um,
Phil is on the scene at the, um, where the accident is downtown.
So on location, on the scene. Um, but yes,
the news crew is the group of people, um,
that goes out to report the news and often they will be in a news van and I
forgot to make a picture, but they could also be, uh,
reporting the news from a helicopter.
Some news networks have a helicopter in the air, you know,
[inaudible], you know, the sound of a helicopter. Um,
but I only made a picture of a news van. So you definitely have, um,
different vehicles that news reporters use in order to get to the location where
the news is happening. Um, and then the last one,
I kind of mentioned this earlier,
often a reporter who is reporting on a story from a location, uh,
out in the world where we'll say,
and now back to the studio where James is going to talk about the weather or
back to you. Jim. Um, thanks for letting me report on this story.
So you'll hear this phrase used when you watch the news. Uh, so that's TV news.
Um, I'm going to do a few questions.
I know I've been letting the questions build up. Oh yes,
there's Gaga has the next question. Gaga says,
what do you think about maybe people will abandon newspapers entirely in the
future with the development of technology?
I think newspapers will become fully digital.
I think they will definitely be online only in about 10 years.
Henry from Taiwan. Hi Bob.
How does teacher Bob deal with fake news or the spreading of misinformation?
Thank you. I try to read multiple news stories.
So if I read one news story and I find it hard to believe Henry,
I will try to find other new stories to read. Okay.
So that if I read three or four stories on the same topic and I try to always
get my news from a reliable source like CBC news,
the Canadian broadcasting corporation, um, Oh, thank you so much, uh,
for becoming a member.
I have trouble pronouncing names when it's not the standard English alphabet,
but sometimes [inaudible] will help me,
but thank you so much for becoming a member. That is awesome of you. Um,
next question. Let's see. Um,
next question is from Lala Lolita. Hi dear teacher. We miss you a lot.
How have you been? I've been good. How can we say what's new?
If we meet someone? Come on.
[inaudible] what other way to say that in English. Oh,
so not technically related to the news, but a yes,
we definitely just one sec here, Vitaly.
Thanks D chance for helping me with names. Vitaly,
thank you so much for becoming a member. That's awesome. Have you, uh,
in English we say a lot of things. Uh, we say what's new?
That is a very common English, so English phrase.
So a direct translation of quad NIF. Uh, totally works. Um,
remember, I'm only going to answer questions related to the news. Um,
and, uh, here we have a question from Shen. Um,
let's see here. Um, Shen says, do you watch the NBA often?
Not a lot, but I watched the Raptors a lot last year when they won.
I think the recent news about Kobe Bryant is still being followed by people.
I feel sad while Charlie Puth, Wiz Khalifa singing, seeing CU again to him.
Yeah, it is a very sad situation.
So Shen is referring to a news story from a little while ago that, you know,
Kobe Bryant was in a helicopter accident and passed away. Um,
and it is very sad news. So, um,
there are still new stories about that happening for sure. Uh, let's see here.
Next question from Valerie from Ukraine. Hello Bob.
Do you watch news about violence and crime?
Is Canadian television more boring than American? So first of all, yes,
Canadian television is a little more boring. Um,
and I don't usually watch the news station that reports on crime as one of their
first stories.
I usually watch a new station where they report on local news.
Both good and bad news first.
But there are some new stations where when you watch the news,
the first stories are always about crime and violence and I think because they
know that people are really interested in those news stories. But I watch,
um, a calmer version of the news where that is not the case. Um,
let's see here. Next question is from Nina at morning Bob. Morning. Nina,
what educational magazines would you like to recommend?
I usually watch national geographic and CBC news. Hi. Thank you.
I do recommend CBC news if you are learning English.
CBC news is a very well made new show. If you have access to it,
I certainly recommend it and I don't read national geographic for news,
but that is a great magazine for stories from around the world.
Um, let's see here. This next question is not about the news,
but I'm going to answer it anyways. Laila Lolita says, hi teacher.
Do you often celebrate Valentine's day in Canada?
So happy Valentine's day to all of you. Um,
I should put a heart in the chat. Should I um,
isn't that what you're supposed to do? Um, happy Valentine's day to everyone.
It is Valentine's day here in Canada. Yes,
we do celebrate Valentine's day in Canada. Um,
I'm probably going to celebrate it this evening by going out with Jen.
We might do a little bit of shopping and go out for coffee. Um, but yes,
Valentine's day is definitely celebrated here in Canada. Um,
and if you're wondering what Valentine's day is,
it's an evening that you spend with the person you love and you usually you do
something romantic. Um, let's see here. Um,
remember I will only answer questions that are related to the topic.
Okay. Uh, thank you Isabella Lopez for becoming a member.
That is awesome of you. I appreciate it. Thank you so much.
Enjoy your little crown and your, um, your name is in green now,
so I will see you in the comments or in the chat just a little bit better.
Thank you very much. Zarine says hello Bob.
What is the meaning of hard line journalism?
So hard line journalism means that they will always tell the truth and they will
most likely ask really hard questions if they are interviewing someone.
So hard line journalism tries to get to the bottom of things.
When you try to get to the bottom of something, it means you want the truth.
Um, and regardless of the consequences, you will always try to get the truth.
So that's definitely what hard line journalism is.
Um, let's see here. Another question about what I prefer real quick.
I'm all from KSA. Hi Bob. Thanks a lot for your efforts.
My question is which one do you prefer watching news on TV or the internet or
newspapers? It really depends day to day. I like the news on TV,
but when I really want to know something I go to the internet and if it's
the weekend and there is a newspaper, I will read it.
Let me do one more question and then we will move on with the lesson. Um,
let's see here. Amman says, hi teacher Bob.
My question is why is news called breaking news? I know that is urgent news,
but why brick? So it's breaking news.
So we say breaking news, I'm not sure why it's called breaking news,
but breaking news is news that happens outside of the normal time on TV.
So if the news is usually on at six o'clock and then all of the sudden you're
watching TV at 9:00 PM,
you're watching a different show just for entertainment and they stopped the
show and the news anchor or reporter comes on,
they would say breaking news and then they would report,
would report on something that just happened. Anyways, let's keep going.
Our next news source is of course the newspaper.
And I had a newspaper here. The newspaper is the print news.
It is one of the older forms of getting the news.
The newspaper in Canada has been, um,
the newspapers in Canada have been having trouble lately because people have
started to get their news from the internet,
so they don't buy newspapers as often as they used to. Um,
we also have what are called tabloids.
Tabloids are usually entertainment news, um,
and they are usually in Canada,
found in the checkout aisle of the grocery store.
So if you go to the grocery store and you're buying groceries,
when you go to pay for your groceries,
there are tabloids for sale in the checkout line.
and generally tabloids report on sensational news and sometimes fake news.
Okay. So that is what, uh, I don't buy tabloids.
I not a,
I'm not a big fan of sensational news or fake news or entertainment news.
I'm a person who is, uh,
works for a newspaper is called a journalist or a columnist.
This is hard to say. Columnist, columnist.
I'm a journalist and columnist are very much the same.
A journalist reports on all kinds of things.
A columnist usually writes on the same topic every week,
but they are somewhat interchangeable, so for sure.
Let me just check something here. Um, Nope, we're good. Sorry.
I just wanted to make sure the audio is still working. Um,
so the person who works at the newspaper is called a journalist.
Um, they write articles, so they write news articles,
but we do still just call them stories. Okay.
If you aren't sure what to call, um,
what someone is reporting on it is almost always just called a news story.
Did you read that news story the other day about the dog that ran away?
But particularly in newspapers we would also call them news articles.
Okay. I say okay. Luck. Okay. Okay.
Um, I think you're familiar with what headlines are.
The headline is the title of the news story or article.
So you will have headlines where the words are in a really,
really big font and headlines kind of give you an idea of what the news story is
going to be about. And of course we have with newspapers,
the front page,
it is exciting when you get your picture on the front page of the newspaper.
If it's for something good,
it's probably less exciting if your pictures on the front page of the newspaper
if you did something bad.
But the front page or front page news is the most important news of the day or
the news that the newspaper thinks is the most important news of the day.
Let me jump over and a few more questions. And then we will keep moving along.
Let's see here. This is a question from Sean.
Let me get pieced in here. Um, hello Shawn or Shawn.
Hello, I'm new here. Do the Canadians often watch us news? Yes.
So I will watch Canadian news most of the time,
but I also watch us news a lot.
We are close enough to the U S border, uh,
that we can watch news from the United States park. Hi Bob. How are you?
Who is your favorite anchor and who is the most famous anchor in Canada? Um,
well I don't really have a favorite anchor. Um,
my favorite anchor was a person. Uh, I'm just gonna check his stats here.
Let's see. Here is a person called Peter Mansbridge.
He was a reporter on the CBC. He was an anchor. Uh,
he was definitely my favorite. Currently I do not have a favorite anchor. Um,
Leonora, let me find Leonora. Hi Bob. Good morning.
Do you think reading news everyday is a good way to practice English?
So here is what I always recommend you do.
Read the news in your own language and then read the same news stories in
English and then watch those news stories in English.
So read it first in your own language so you completely understand the story.
So if you're reading a story about the Corona virus,
read about it in your own language,
then read stories about it in English,
and then watch the news in English.
It's a great way to help you learn new vocabulary and to learn new things.
It's just an awesome technique. Um, let's see here.
Kuo says, hi Bob.
What's the hottest news in Canada recently? Thank you.
I think the biggest news story in Canada is about the cruise ship just off the
coast of Japan where people are not allowed off the ship because they're the
Corona viruses on the ship.
And the latest story I read was that 12 Canadians on that ship are now sick.
So, and many other people. So that is probably the top news story.
Um, Matt from Taiwan high teacher. Bob,
do you like gossip news? No, I like normal, good logical,
true news. I'm not a big fan of, uh,
of anything gossipy or untrue. Uh,
Norma has the next question. Hello Bob.
I think newspapers will disappear little by little. Do you agree?
I think newspapers in this form,
I think these will disappear slowly. Um, but I think, uh,
the news on the internet will survive.
I think most of us will get our news from the internet as time goes on.
Let me clean up my questions here. Uh, let's see. Next question.
Let me find another one that's about the news again.
If you asked a question and it wasn't about the news,
then I'm just gonna skip over it. I, Layla, Lolita, hi again.
I don't like to watch a lot,
especially when it's not about bad news cause it affects in a bad way.
Do you agree? I like to watch happy news,
but I do also like to know what's happening in the world.
So I will watch mostly news that is uplifting,
that makes me happy. But I will also watch news that is more serious for sure.
Okay. Um, we were talking about where we're,
we were talking about the newspaper as a source of news.
A newspaper is divided into sections,
so there are different sections of the newspaper. Um,
and those sections can include,
the first part is really just the news section and it can be
local news news that's happening in your city.
It can be national news news that is happening in your country and it can be
world news news that is happening around the world. Okay.
So the first section of the newspaper is just really the news section.
It's where you will read stories about things that are happening around the
world, around your city and in your country. Um,
there is also a business section. In fact,
the one I've been holding up is the business section of the globe and mail.
And the business section gives you information about companies and business and
trade and stocks and money.
It just talks about all the things in the world that have to do with business
and money and finances. Um,
another popular section of the newspaper is the sports section.
So obviously this is the first section that some people grab notice.
A section of a newspaper actually comes apart.
Like you can take sections of the newspaper out. When I was a kid,
when the newspaper came, uh, I would always grab the comics.
There was a section that just had comics. Uh,
and when I was a kid I would grab that section and that would be the first
section I would read.
Many newspapers also have an entertainment section. Okay.
So you have a sports section, a business section and entertainment section.
They might also have a section called culture.
They might have a section for religion in some American cities.
The newspaper has a section for religion and they might have a section for
classified ads,
which are advertisements that people put in the newspaper to sell things.
Let me just look through, um,
the rest of my lesson here to see how to pace things. Um,
we talked about this one already. Um,
breaking news is news that happens outside of the normal news cycle.
So if the news is normally on at a certain time,
but all of the sudden the news is on at a different time,
it is probably because there is breaking news,
there is something new happening in the world that they want to tell you about.
Um, let me do a few questions, but before I do,
I just to thank everyone for being here.
Thank you so much for the people who are members help to support my channel.
That's awesome of you. Thanks for doing that.
I know Rachel and Shannon Lawley Lawley are here and we got a couple of new
members today. Thank you. That's awesome. Thank you.
To all of those of you who subscribe, if you're new here,
don't forget to click that red button and just a couple of things.
This video will be available again tomorrow or it's available right after I do
it, but tomorrow it will have English subtitles.
So if you're having trouble understanding parts of it, um,
you should come back tomorrow and watch parts of it again. And this is new.
There will be a, uh,
the audio from this lesson will be available as a podcast probably in about two
or three hours from now. I will put it up as a podcast.
It might take awhile for it to, um, go out to all the podcast providers,
but it's on Spotify, Apple podcasts, um, and everywhere else.
So I'm just so you know that I will put a link below to help you with that.
Let me do a few more questions here. Let's see.
Leo from Brazil says, um, hi Bob. How's it going?
How often do people in Canada spread fake news on the internet?
Because here in Brazil, people spread it a lot.
So it happens the most when there is an election,
when we are voting for a new prime minister or when we are voting for a new
premier, those are the names of our leaders.
That's when we see the most fake news, um,
that for sure. Uh, Divia says,
when should I ask questions related to the other topic?
Tomorrow morning at 11:00 AM there will be another livestream and it's open
question. Um, and if you get your question in early,
I will be able to answer it. Um, let's see here.
June Lynn says,
how to improve writing skills by reading the news or other ways.
So here's how you improve your writing skills with the news.
You read a news story in your own language,
you read it in English as well. You watch it in English,
and then you try to write what we call a summary.
So you try to remember all the details of the new story and you try to write
your own version of the story.
So if you read a story about a lost dog in your own language,
you read that story in English, you watch a news story about it,
then you sit down and say,
two days ago a dog named Fifi ran away from their owner.
Okay? So read, read, watch, and then tried to write yourself.
That would be a great way to practice your writing. Uh, let's see here.
Um, Lionel says,
what do your coworkers think about your job on YouTube and your passion for
teaching? Thank you so much. I don't, here's a little secret.
I don't often talk about my YouTube channel with my coworkers.
I actually don't often talk about my YouTube channel with anyone.
I talk about it with my wife Jen. Uh, we talk about it a lot. Um,
and how to make it better. Jen is actually, um,
part of making this work really well.
I talk about it with my older kids quite a bit cause they helped me, uh,
with ideas sometimes. Um,
and as a family sometimes we sit around and I talk about the next video and my
kids give me ideas,
but I don't actually talk about my YouTube channel with my coworkers very much
at all, once in a while if they ask. But, uh,
not a whole lot. A solo English. Oh, high solo English TV. Welcome again.
It's good to see you. Hi Bob.
How do you think 24 hours news 24 hour news channels have changed how we watch
the news. So I personally don't watch 24 hour news,
but I do find it nice that we have a couple of stations on our television that
have 24 hour news. So, um, I'm not sure how it's changed things,
but I certainly do enjoy that there are channels where I can get the news
whenever I want it, but mostly, um,
I just watch news or I read news on the internet if I in that moment wants to
know what's happening. Uh, let's see here. Sade says, Hey Bob,
what about broadcasting news or channels meeting debate that they have guests,
do you have specific words refer to those programs?
So I'm not sure what you're referring to,
but I think maybe you're talking about when there is an election coming up,
they will report on the election and there will be debates between the people
who are running for president or prime minister and those kinds of things.
Kenzo, next question. Kenzo says, hi Bob.
That's my first time here. Hi Kenzo. Um,
do you think podcasts could replace newspapers too? I think so.
I think that podcasts that talk about the news and report on the news could do
that for sure. Next question. Lily from Vietnam.
What is the difference between a newspaper and a magazine?
I don't have a magazine here, Lily. Um,
but a newspaper is printed on what we call newspaper newsprint.
So it's this big format of paper.
A magazine is actually more like a colorful small book.
I wish I had one with me. Uh, newspapers usually come out every day.
Magazines usually come out every month.
So that would be the difference between those two.
A Nazir from India. Hi sir, I'm a regular listener of your videos.
I off, I listened to them while I'm working. My question, you often say,
I'm losing track. What does that mean? Um,
so I'm trying to do a lesson about the news,
but if there was another thought in my head and I start thinking about that I'm
losing track of what I'm supposed to be doing because I'm thinking about
something else. So sometimes I'm distracted.
I have other things that I have to do after the live stream and while I'm trying
to do the live stream,
I start thinking about those other things so I lose track of what I'm doing.
Um, it doesn't happen too often,
but it does happen once in awhile. Let's see here.
And Nobrey how often do people around you?
Coral with each other over the political news. Thank you for your lessons. Well,
first of all, you're, you're welcome and not for the lessons. Um,
people argue they don't coral or get angry too often.
Canadians in general are quite reserved. We're quite, um,
polite to each other. Um,
but people do definitely watch the news and form opinions,
political opinions about the government and how things should be run.
And then they do definitely, uh,
talk about it and argue about it once in a while. Uh, let's see here.
Next question is from Agora pina high. When you watch TV news,
there is a line at the bottom of the screen with some news moving very quickly
on it. Some kinds of subtitles. How, what do you call this in English? So yes,
if you look here, this is a TV. There's we,
I just call this the ticker. I'm a news ticker.
This is not the same as what this person is saying. These are just,
um, titles of other news stories. Um,
so there's often a little string of newspaper titles or sorry,
news titles going along the bottom. So I would call it a news ticker.
I don't know what the official name is for it, but that's,
that's what I would call it. Hey, let's move on.
Any kind of news that's covering a certain story is called news coverage.
So this is news coverage of an election.
So they're talking about an event that's happening and this is news coverage of
that event. If there was a large, um, let's see,
uh, a large demonstration downtown,
if there was a protest where people were angry about something,
there would be news coverage of that event.
That means that the news reporters are at that event and they are reporting on
it while it happens. So we would call that news coverage.
This happens a lot when there is an election when there is a strike.
So right now in Canada there are a couple of unions that are on strike.
That's when the workers don't go to work because they are angry.
So there will be news coverage of that event. Okay.
That means that they are actively reporting on that event. Um,
we talked about this a little bit earlier.
There is now something called fake news. Fake news is, um,
something that has started to happen in the last five or 10 years. Um,
a lot on social media. Fake news, uh,
is when someone creates a news story that is not true. Okay.
And so this is fake news. Um, it's a problem,
especially during elections.
There is a lot of fake news when there is an election coming up in Canada.
So we have to really be careful about where you get your news and what you read.
Uh, let me have a drink of water here.
Thank you to the 547 people that are watching. That is awesome.
I'm always shocked at that number. I'm going to cough for a sec.
So just a minute. [inaudible] or clear my throat. It wasn't really a cough.
So a cough is when you like make that sound,
but sometimes you just need to clear your throat. Um,
we also have, um, I don't want to ruffle any feathers.
I don't want to upset anyone.
But in Canada we have what's called freedom of the press.
So the news is created by the press.
When you have freedom of the press,
it means that your government allows your news sources and your reporters to for
the most part report freely. Okay.
I know not every country in the world has freedom of the press.
I don't want to name names or accuse anyone of anything, but um,
definitely it is a privilege and I appreciate living in a country where we have
freedom of the press. It does help quite a bit, um,
to get to the bottom and to find the real stories. Um,
last thing,
sometimes the news person or the reporter will interview someone.
So this is the reporter. This is the TV journalist. Um,
this is just some lady in the background who didn't know she was going to be on
the news that day and this person is being interviewed. Okay.
So they are, this person is reporting the news,
there is news coverage of this event and she is interviewing this person here.
So here we see someone who is being interviewed by a news reporter.
Um, I'm going to do a few more questions and then we will wrap this up.
Let's see here. Uh, Allen has a great one here.
This is a great question. Ellen says,
please tell us about some expressions related to the news.
Like no news is good news. Thank you. So yes,
we do have the saying no news is good news and that means, um,
if you aren't hearing anything that's better than hearing bad news. Okay. Um,
the other phrase I can tell you is that news travels fast.
That's another English expression. Um, so when you say news travels fast,
sometimes you tell someone something you'd know and they've already heard it
from another person. So you could say, wow, news travels fast. Um,
and then one other phrase I can think of is sometimes you have to tell someone
some good news and some bad news. So we will say to someone,
I have some good news and some bad news. Which news do you want to hear first?
Um, so those are just a few phrases. Uh,
Ellen that I can think of off the top of my head is, let's see here.
Victor says, my grandpa made a big,
Oh my grandpa made a big collection of old newspapers.
It is so interesting to read old news. Do you collect newspapers?
I don't collect them,
but when I was a kid I lived in a very old house and my parents built a new
house and we tore the old house down. Okay.
So again, we had an old house.
We built a new house when we tore the old house down.
When we took it apart,
we found old newspapers in the walls and it was really fun to read them.
It was a really cool experience for me as a kid to read those old newspapers.
A REO says happy Valentine's day and good evening. Thank you very much. Uh,
are you, I hope you are having a good Valentine's day as well. Let's see here.
Danielle has the next question.
Is reading the news a good way to improve vocabulary? Thanks. Absolutely. Again,
as I mentioned earlier, read the news in your own language,
then read it in English and then watch it in English.
It is a great way to learn new vocabulary. Absolutely. Uh,
let's see here. Ramon has the next question.
How's it going? What's your favorite app of news?
I've recently read some news on BBC news, which really helps a lot. Um,
can you recommend one or two apps you love? I don't use an app to read the news.
I have an Android phone and if I swipe all the way in the one direction,
I get the news from Google news.
So I generally read Google news if I'm reading news on my phone.
Let's see here. Um, SEFA has the next question.
Greetings from Turkey.
Canadians prefer to read news from the newspaper or from the internet.
My friend Craig prefers to read the news from the newspaper.
He reads the globe and mail every day.
My mum prefers to watch the news on TV. So that's,
I think it's, it's,
it's a pretty mixed result when you start to think about how do people mostly
watch the news? Let's see here. Um, Oh,
Neary has the next question. Hi Bob.
What do you think about the newspapers,
which claim to be independent and unbiased,
but their owners have many business size with government and other companies.
So when a newspaper is biased,
it means that instead of reporting the truth,
they report the truth from their perspective so that they look good or their
friends look good. Uh, what do I think about that? I don't like it.
I think it happens in every country.
I think even in Canada where I said we have freedom of the press,
we still have reporting that is biased.
I don't think you can avoid it because we are all humans and humans do things
like that sometimes. Um, I'm just going to say a few last things here.
Thank you again so much for watching. I hope you have a great Valentine's day.
Two things.
Please watch this video again tomorrow with English subtitles on.
If there were parts that you did not understand,
please go back on my channel and watch last Tuesday's video.
I think you will really, really like it. I had a lot of fun making it.
I bake cookies.
If you want to see me bake cookies and learn English in the kitchen,
go watch that video, this video.
The audio will be available as a podcast in a couple hours. So look for that.
And, uh, I'm Bob the Canadian and I'm teaching you English. Uh,
if you're new here, don't forget to click the subscribe button. Uh,
and give me a thumbs up and I hope you all have a great weekend. Uh,
it's Valentine's day today,
so I'm going to have a nice day at work and then I'm going to head out
this evening. I with Jen,
we're just going to go out for some coffee and spend the night on the town.
So we're going to go to the city, maybe do a little bit of shopping,
maybe walk around,
although it's minus 15 Celsius right now outside that's a little bit cold.
So, uh, let's see. Your arms here says today,
Bob's face looks brighter than before. Yeah,
I think the light is acting a little weird or my camera is. But anyways,
thanks to Dave and Todd for helping in the chat.
Thanks to all of you for being here. Uh, Dick shan't says poor night bought.
Um, yeah, night bought, helps us know, uh, quite a bit.
He's still saying that you can ask questions, but I'm done now. But anyways,
have a good day. I'm going to push the button and we're going to end this.