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  • Hello, everyone.

  • Welcome to this English course on adverbs.

  • And in this video we're gonna talk about adverbs.

  • Now the simplest definition of an adverb is that it's a word that describes or modifies a verb.

  • Now actually adverbs can modify other parts of the sentence like other adverbs.

  • But in this video, we will focus on verbs and four kinds of adverbs.

  • Adverbs of time. Adverbs of place. Of Manner and Adverbs of Degree.

  • Usually they will answer the following questions about the verbs:

  • When? Where? How? and To what extent?

  • Let's look at these sentences.

  • "The boy ran."

  • And then we have, "The boy ran excitedly."

  • Now this example shows the power of adverbs.

  • In the second sentence you find out how the boy ran.

  • In the first sentence you don't have any information on how the boy ran.

  • So in the second sentence, we find out that the boy was very excited.

  • So it's very important to understand adverbs and understand how to use them

  • because they will make you speak English a lot better.

  • So let's get started.

  • First let's talk about the position of an adverb.

  • So where do we put the adverb in the sentence?

  • Now that is a bit tricky because the adverb in an English sentence can be in different parts of the sentence.

  • Let's look at a few examples:

  • She climbed the mountain slowly.

  • Slowly she climbed the mountain.

  • She slowly climbed the mountain.

  • Can you guess which word is the adverb?

  • The word 'slowly' is the adverb.

  • It describes how she climbed the mountain.

  • And as you can see, the adverb is in three different parts of the sentence but the meaning is exactly the same.

  • So let's practice pronunciation.

  • Repeat after me please.

  • She climbed the mountain slowly.

  • Slowly she climbed the mountain.

  • She slowly climbed the mountain.

  • Great guys. let's move on.

  • Let's now talk about how to make adverbs.

  • Now most adverbs, not all of them, but most of them end in -ly.

  • So it's actually very easy.

  • You take the adjective and you add 'ly' at the end.

  • Let's look at a few examples.

  • If you have the adjective 'nice', and you add 'ly' to it, you make the adverb 'nicely'.

  • So for example you could say,

  • "He is a nice speaker" using the adjective 'nice'.

  • But you could also use the adverb 'nicely' and say,

  • "He speaks nicely."

  • A second example - If we take the adjective 'quick', and we add 'ly', we can make the adverb 'quickly'.

  • So we could say,

  • "He is a quick runner."

  • But we could also say,

  • "He runs quickly."

  • Okay. Let's practice pronunciation.

  • Repeat after me please.

  • "He speaks nicely."

  • "He runs quickly."

  • Good job guys.

  • Let's move on.

  • Be careful guys.

  • Not all adverbs end in 'ly'.

  • Some adjectives don't change form when they become adverbs.

  • They're called flat adverbs.

  • Typical flat adverbs would be 'early' or 'late' and a few others.

  • And it's very important to know these flat adverbs.

  • Because a lot of my students try to add 'ly' to some adjectives

  • and unfortunately they make incorrect sentences.

  • So let's take a look at an example.

  • Okay. If I tell you

  • "The car drove fastly"

  • Do you think that makes sense?

  • Now it does make sense to try to add 'ly' to the adjective 'fast',

  • but unfortunately guys 'fastly' does not exist in English.

  • So the correct sentence is,

  • "The car drove fast."

  • Another example,

  • "He arrived 'late' or 'lately' to class."

  • What do you think's the correct answer?

  • Again, it makes sense to try to add 'ly' to the adjective 'late',

  • but 'lately' is not the adverb of the adjective 'late'.

  • The adverb is 'late'.

  • So the correct sentence is, "He arrived late to class."

  • Let's practice pronunciation. Please repeat after me.

  • "The car drove fast."

  • "He arrived late to class."

  • Great job guys.

  • I hope you now understand flat adverbs better.

  • Let's move on.

  • Let's now take a look at a few sentences to practice finding and making adverbs that modify verbs.

  • Now remember, adverbs tell us so much about the verb.

  • Usually they tell us 'when' or 'where' or 'how' or 'to what degree'.

  • So the first example we have is,

  • "He easily lifted the box."

  • Can you spot the adverb in this sentence?

  • Of course the adverb is 'easily' - ending in 'ly'.

  • Okay and it tells us how he lifted the box.

  • It's an adverb of manner.

  • Now the second sentence,

  • and this is a bit more difficult,

  • "I will download the file tomorrow."

  • Now where is the adverb?

  • Because there is no word ending in 'ly', so it's a bit more complicated.

  • Well the adverb is 'tomorrow' and it tells you 'when'.

  • It's an adverb of time.

  • And these are sometimes a bit more difficult.

  • Make sure you watch my next video. I will talk about them.

  • Our third example now.

  • "I put it there."

  • Again no words ending in 'ly'.

  • The adverb is the word 'there'.

  • And it tells us 'where'.

  • It's an adverb of place.

  • We will talk about them in our next videos as well.

  • And our last example,

  • "You didn't study enough for the test."

  • The adverb is the word 'enough'.

  • And it's an adverb of degree.

  • Okay. It tells us to what degree.

  • Again it's not a word ending in 'ly'.

  • And we will talk about adverbs of degree in our next videos.

  • For now, let's practice pronunciation a bit. Please repeat after me.

  • "He easily lifted the box."

  • "I will download the file tomorrow."

  • "I put it there."

  • "You didn't study enough for the test."

  • Great guys.

  • Remember guys - it's very important to understand adverbs and to know how to make them.

  • They will make you speak English so much better.

  • And this video was only a quick introduction to adverbs in English.

  • In our next videos, we will focus on each kind of adverbs.

  • So make sure you watch the rest of the course.

  • Thank you for watching my video and see you next time.

  • Thank you guys for watching my video.

  • I hope you liked it and found it useful.

  • If you have, please show me your support.

  • Click 'like', subscribe to the channel.

  • Put your comments below if you have any,.

  • And share the video with your friends.

  • See you.

Hello, everyone.

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副詞|介紹|學習基礎英語語法 (Adverbs | Introduction | Learn Basic English Grammar)

  • 114 1
    Summer posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary