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  • For years, people have asked how we make our videos.

  • So. let's finally talk about it.

  • How to Make a Kurzgesagt Video in 1,200 Hours or More

  • (Kurzgesagt intro)

  • Kurzgesagt in a Nutshell

  • But first things first, we need a topic.

  • Our potential topic list is already endless, and every time we research something, it grows longer.

  • So, we just work on whatever we find exciting at the time. This could be something serious,

  • fascinating, personal, or just really stupid. The variety is half the fun.

  • We want to explain complicated things in an easily graspable way and make science-y topics fascinating and beautiful.

  • But we also want to tell stories and express how we feel about the universe from time to time.

  • Laying the Foundation: Script

  • Our research begins by reading books or scientific papers and by talking to different experts who point us in the right direction.

  • We want to have a fact-based worldview and our videos are trying to reflect that.

  • So we often have to change our view on an issue while working on it.

  • Usually after a few weeks of researching we start writing.

  • A script begins with a rough first draft that's then rewritten and edited over and over again.

  • To make sure we don't misrepresent something, We asked experts to fact-check and correct us.

  • Writing is the bottleneck for our videos, and very hard to speed up.

  • Usually, finishing a script takes between a few weeks and literally years to complete.

  • Let's Visualize: Illustration

  • When the script is ready,

  • we begin sketching out the video. We try to think of visual metaphors, transitions between ideas, and decide which scenes need the most attention.

  • On average, 200 panels need to be illustrated in Adobe Illustrator.

  • Although we have built up an illustration library, We still do most illustrations from scratch to give our videos a more unique look.

  • The general idea is to find the right images to the words in the script to explain as clearly as possible,

  • while also having interesting things to look at.

  • Also, here we include all the visual easter eggs.

  • In total, two to three illustrators spend 8 to 12 weeks illustrating the video.

  • Now It's My Turn: Narration

  • When the whole video is illustrated, the narration is recorded in a small recording studio on a Neumann TLM 103 microphone and Pro Tools

  • It's important to keep the flow,

  • so I try to get one version done and then go back through, retaking paragraphs and sentences

  • Until they feel right and a full version is ready.

  • It's Alive: Animation

  • Now the scenes and audio need to be animated.

  • We make things move in Adobe After Effects and recently, we've begun experimenting with Cinema 4D.

  • The first thing to do is take the illustrated scenes apart and organize them.

  • The hundreds or thousands of parts are then imported into After Effects.

  • Each character is rigged, so we can move them more naturally.

  • Aside from a few plugins that help us save time, every single thing that's moving on-screen has been moved manually.

  • So, two to three animators animate scene after scene for about eight to ten weeks in total.

  • Ending On a High Note: Music and Sound Design

  • The final step is the music.

  • Every song is original music composed to the finished video to create a unique atmosphere and to highlight the important parts.

  • You can listen to all of the songs on SoundCloud and Spotify.

  • The icing on the cake are the sound effects.

  • Many of you might not even really notice them, which is a shame because they really add an additional layer.

  • So, try watching a video with headphones if you want to get the full depth of it.

  • All of these steps happen in parallel, since we usually work on two to four videos at the same time in various stages.

  • What we haven't mentioned are the countless revisions and edits.

  • Every few days, we sit together and review our work and tweak it until it feels just right.

  • And that's it - at least 1,200 hours for a single Kurzgesagt video.

  • As you can imagine, making videos for thousands of hours as a big team

  • and then putting them on the internet for free is a weird business model.

  • Over the years, we've relied on a number of different things to stay afloat.

  • Commercial work for NGOs, startups, or corporations

  • Sponsorships and grants by companies or organizations.

  • We struck a deal with Funk from German public broadcasting to revive the German channel and with Wix to start a Spanish channel.

  • But the reality is, we can only do what we do because of you.

  • Our two most important sources of income by far come from your direct support,

  • merchandise and Patreon.

  • So, if you want to help us stay afloat and keep making more videos,

  • You can directly support Kurzgesagt by getting something beautiful from our store, or by becoming a patreon and joining the bird army.

  • Don't feel obligated though. Watching, engaging, or sharing our videos is already helping us a lot.

  • But if you want to support us directly, thank you so much. You're making our videos free for everyone.

  • You are enabling us to practice and improve, to stay independent and to work on ambitious projects

  • that would be too scary or too big otherwise.

  • Kurzgesagt did not start with an end goal in mind.

  • It began as a personal project because it felt good to make something with time and love, and this is still true today.

  • Making these videos is our goal. Doing the work every day and getting better.

  • To make science beautiful and interesting.

  • Thank you so much for sticking with us for seven years and from our first subscriber to the ten millionth.

  • This journey has been so wild and so much fun, and we can't wait to share the stuff

  • We're working on right now with you; in a year, or maybe two.

  • We want to make matter videos like this from time to time now.

  • If you want to ask us questions that you want us to answer, you can do so on Reddit. Link in the description.

  • (Nice music)

  • (Kurzgesagt outro)

For years, people have asked how we make our videos.

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如何在1200小時內製作一個小故事視頻? (How to Make a Kurzgesagt Video in 1200 Hours)

  • 46 1
    Summer posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary