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- Today we're gonna be drawing
Disney characters from memory.
- From my brain.
- I hope I do okay.
- It depends which movies they are.
'Cause some of them, I don't know.
- [Producer] Jimmy Cricket.
- Oh boy.
- [Producer] Maleficent.
- Ooh. - I don't (sighs).
- [Producer] From Sleeping Beauty.
- Are you serious right now?
- [Producer] Moana's Maui character.
- I know that guy.
- I haven't seen Moana.
- [Producer] Ooh!
- Just draw Dwayne The Rock Johnson.
- I mean, I know kind of what this character looks like.
He's like big and portly, anyway.
- Again, just draw Dwayne The Rock Johnson shirtless,
and you're there.
- So I think he's got like an oval face.
- Yeah. - Right?
- I think he's like--
- Now, does he have a nose?
I think he has a big nose.
- I remember she has these really distinct horns.
- I know she has a very narrow face.
- Lovely triangle face.
- Yes, a very angular,
this is bad.
I know she's green, and she looks like Angelina Jolie.
- Oh God, this doesn't look like him at all.
Okay, so I think.
- He's got a top hat, right?
- Yeah, he's got, he's definitely got a top hat.
Okay, but it's a small top hat.
And then I think his body, he's got a little bean body
and a vest, I think, and probably a bow tie.
He's a little dapper dude.
- But he's wider, right?
Is he a square?
- He's kind of a square, yeah.
- 'Cause I'm doin' him as a series of spheres.
- Uh-oh.
- His head's gotta be huge.
Disney cartoons have those big ol' heads.
I think he's got a, doesn't he have a nose?
I feel like he has a nose, like a big nose.
- I feel like, in my mind, he's looking like Joe Camel.
He's got Joe Camel's camel nose, kind of?
- I love Maleficent because her whole reason for being evil
is that she didn't get invited to a birthday party.
- (gasps) I remember this now.
- I love her.
- [Jackie] He has very beautiful hair.
- Right, it's long and--
- It's long and flowing.
Just like Dwayne The Rock Johnson's hair.
- Right.
He has lots of cool tattoos with his life on them,
or something, like every time he did something cool.
- Do the tattoos move?
- Yes, they do, they do! - They do?
See, I do know that.
Wait, what props does he have?
- He has a hook, right?
- She has a staff!
- Oh, yeah!
- I'm like, Oh, I don't know her.
Actually I do.
- I'm drawing him and he's not looking
like what's in my head.
- I think he's got a little vest, right?
- Like a 1920s suit?
- Okay, and he's got gloves.
So they gave him gloves because
Felix the cat had black hands,
and whenever his hand went over his body it would disappear.
So they started giving cartoon characters white gloves.
- Does he have a cane?
- I don't think so.
- Oh, I'm gonna draw him a cane,
'cause it just looks right for me.
- He's built, right?
- Yeah, he's built. - But he's not Rock built.
- No, I think he's even builter than Rock,
but I don't think that's The Rock's fault.
The Rock isn't animated!
- Listen, it's never The Rock's fault.
- I'm gonna give him antenna.
I know he didn't have 'em,
but it's just gonna make my picture look more
like I want it to look.
- Okay.
- I think I just drew an alien.
- Oh no, he's gotta wear pants, right?
He's gotta wear pants.
I'm feeling good about this.
- I'm not feelin' good about this.
- (gasps) Green and purple.
She's like the queen of those colors.
- She's a green woman.
God, I'm having a hard time, okay.
- Oh, she's a nice--
- [Producer] Five minutes.
- No!
- He has a necklace that he stole that I don't--
- Oh, that's right!
He's got like a puka shell necklace, right?
- Yeah, but he stole it from Moana.
- Okay, I don't care where it got it,
I just gotta put it in my drawing.
- He just gotta, I'm gonna make him shy.
I'm gonna make him blush.
- [Kevin] I still gotta color.
- I'm done.
- Well, great Jackie.
Gimme a second.
See,his is what happens when a cartoonist
goes up against an animator.
You animators are so fast.
- So I remember her being incredibly triangular.
The most defining feature of her in her silhouette
is the horns, which I hope I got right.
If I didn't, I will be very bad character designer.
- Her body is the thing that I just don't remember the most.
I think it's just like a cloak?
- I think she is just cloak.
- Yeah.
Like she's mostly cloak.
- I don't remember seeing her legs.
- Okay, he looks like the Planter's Peanut Guy or whatever.
- Yeah, I think that's a pretty accurate description of him.
- I think I'm just drawing that person.
I don't know if this is what Jimmy Cricket looks like.
Oh, that doesn't look great.
You know what, I'm just gonna draw
my own original character.
My own Brent Sievers original Jiminy Cricket.
- I'm already there.
I've been drawing an original alien cricket for a while now.
- See, you've got the right idea, man.
I don't know what I've been doin'.
- I would say that a cartoonist
usually works in static images,
whereas an animator would work in moving images.
Do you think that's appropriate to say?
- Yeah, sure.
- Are you just humoring me?
- A little bit. - Okay.
- You know what, this looks like Jiminy Cricket.
I'm gonna go the extra mile
and start giving him some shading.
- (beep) this lady, she sucks.
I hate her. - [Kyra] (laughs) I know.
- She's a bad lady and she's hard to draw.
- She is incredibly hard to draw.
- The one thing I remember is she has these green things.
These weird rings on her horns.
- I think I drew,
what's the name of the alien from the Flintstones?
- Isn't it so weird how you can have
such a vivid idea of what a character
looks like in your head.
- And then you've got to draw him.
- But then once it's actually, push comes to shove,
to recreate it, it's like you just can't?
- Yeah, that's kind of what's goin' on right now.
I think this is as good as it's gonna get.
Unless I get another hour!
- [Producer] Are you sure you're not missing anything?
- I'm missing plenty.
I'm missing so much
in this drawing - Actually, my drawing
looks exactly like the movie.
- Does it?
- Yeah, I think it's perfect,
and if anyone has critiques for me, don't tell me them.
- All right, I'm done.
- Okay.
- [Producer] And, time. - All right.
- I wanna be confident.
I think I got the feel of her down,
but I am not sure about that staff.
- I think that I have drawn Queen Amidala from Star Wars,
but just green, like she's real sick.
(upbeat rock music)
- Oh, wow. - Yeah.
His hook is a lot bigger than I thought it would be.
- That's his hook? - Yeah.
- He's got a lotta tattoos.
- Yeah, that's why I didn't really--
- Like a lot of tattoos.
- I knew that, and I just didn't wanna do it.
- Yeah.
- That's my excuse.
- Also, I drew him with a bald spot.
- Why?
- And he's got a full head of hair.
- No! - Thank you.
- (gasps) I forgot her collar.
- This is not this thing that I have done at all.
- Oh my God, okay.
- I think that I was really thinking
about the queen from Snow White.
- Mine looks like a Party City Halloween store costume.
- Okay, yeah, that's ah.
- Yeah?
- You know what, sort of, yeah,
I got the color kinda good.
Oh, he's got an umbrella!
- It's an umbrella, not a cane.
- He's got a little spats on.
- He does look like Joe Camel a little bit though.
- The top hat's bigger.
It's more of a mad hatter top hat.
- It is.
- Also he's wearing a little blazer.
You know what, I'm not ashamed, though.
I got the nose, I think the eye shape was kinda good.
- Yeah.
- I think I did all right.
- I don't think I did all right,
but I think I did as best as I could (laughs)
without watching this movie in 20 years.
(whistle blows)
- Whoa, yours is great! - Oh my god.
- We both thought that her horns were sort of stripey.
- Which they are.
- Yeah, they are a little bit stripey.
- They are stripey.
- Yours looks a lot like a villain
from the Powerpuff Girls, or something.
You've got a very--
- I love the Powerpuff Girls, so thank you.
- Oh, you did great.
- Why does he have a bald spot?
- I told you I gave him a bald spot
because I thought for some reason he had a bald spot.
- It looks like Danny DeVito.
- Listen, if I were casting it,
I would have Danny DeVito play--
- [Jackie] Yeah, everything, right?
- Yeah.
- Is the laughter at my talent or at the picture?
This is a pretty good picture.
- Oh my God!
Here's the thing.
Okay, so it's not a bad picture.
It's just not at all like what I was expecting.
You got his face better than me, I think.
- I did get his face.
- You did get his face and his hat.
- I think you got his energy more.
There's a lot of character in yours.
- It's good, I'm just, the bald spot really,
it really is a bald spot, like you really--
- I haven't seen the movie, Jackie!
You know what, I drew him older.
I drew retirement age.
The later years. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Moana Two, Retirement.
- Retirement Boogaloo.
- Yeah, Retirement Boogaloo.
- Hi, I'm Brett.
- Hi, I'm Jason.
- We are redrawing cartoon characters from memory,
specifically Pokemon.
- Can I make a confession?
I've never seen Pokemon.
- Oh my God!
- I'm old. Jackie.
- You don't look a day over my age.
- [Producer] Today, you guys are drawing Ash.
- That's not a Pokemon! - Oh no.
- [Producer] Pikachu.
- Okay.
- I got this.
- I don't got this. - I got this.
- Vaporeon.
- Vaporeon, it's an Eeveelution.
You use the water stone to get it from Eevee.
- I have no idea what any of those words mean.
- He has spiky hair.
- Yeah, he has spiky hair.
- They update his look, I feel like, every few years,
with the new generation. - They do, they do.
- So I'm trying to remember the OG look.
- Give me some clues to the construction.
- Okay, first of all, blue, it's blue.
It's a water Pokemon.
- Okay.
- So it's gonna be fish features
but not like really hardcore.
- Is it like a fish man?
- No, so this Pokemon closely resembles a cat.
- He's like a cat, electro cat?
- It's a mouse.
- It's a mouse, okay?
- But, as we've discussed,
they don't ever look like the animals they're based on.
- Well, I was starting with like
a kind of basic cat construction,
but it's kind of turning more into a dog.
- There's nothing wrong with a little flair of your own.
- I was one of those kids who loved drawing animals so much,
so I drew all of the Pokemon.
I don't think I've ever drawn Ash.
- Nobody cared about Ash.
He was just a vehicle for us to see cute Pokemon.
- I think that what's in my head is the electro tail.
- Yes.
- Right, and I don't even know if I got that right.
I think that's what it looks like.
Oh, I think I'm drawing a snowman
with an electro tail, actually.
- How do you get the baseball hat to not cover the face?
- Anime characters have like deceptively big heads.
- I know what you're generally supposed to do in Pokemon.
The guys name is Ash.
He collects Pokemon in order to
battle against other Pokemon collectors and they use,
- Pokemon trainers.
- Come on!
This is just cultural osmosis here.
This is just what I know from being a person in the world.
- I think of his body, I guess, maybe as a sack, I dunno.
He's kinda got like a slim frame.
- He's got a slim frame?
- He's not like fat, I dunno.
A sack of flour.
Yeah, he's a sack of flour.
- Anyway, when you beat someone in Pokemon,
you don't get their Pokemon.
- You don't?
- You just get the bragging rights.
What happens in--
- That's it?
- When you defeat someone in chess,
you don't get their chess pieces.
You just get bragging rights! - You don't?
- Oh my God, oh my God.
- I love Pokemon 'cause it's just,
you could just go, as a child, and explore the world,
- And your mom's just like, okay.
- [Sara] Your mum's like bye. - Bye.
- I think the hat is red and white?
- And he has like a green symbol on it.
- So Vaporeon is the evolved form of Eevee.
And Eevee is this Pokemon that's really popular because,
one, Eevee is adorable.
- Okay.
- Pikachu is an electric Pokemon.
The evolved form of Pichu
and the pre-evolved form of Raichu.
- (beep) Y'all put me up against him?
- And two, because Eevee's one of the only Pokemons
that has multiple evolutions.
- Fun fact, Pikachu can learn the move surf,
so this is not an inaccurate thing I'm drawing.
- Doesn't he just say Pikachu?
- Could you do it for us, Jason?
Do you know how he sounds?
Doesn't he just go, pika!
- Pika! - Pika!
- Pika, pika!
- There we go. - There you go.
- There goes the extent of my knowledge on Pikachu.
- All right, well with this extra time I have,
I'm gonna start drawing Ryan Reynolds Pikachu.
- [Jason] Show off.
- In what situation would you use a Vaporeon?
- Against fire type Pokemon.
- [Kevin] Sure.
- But not against an electric type Pokemon.
- No, that would be dumb. - Yeah.
- So Ash, basically, just is on this never ending quest
to be the ultimate Pokemon master,
but he's a fool who only catches like five Pokemon.
- And he catches like the worst Pokemon too.
- [Kyra] Yeah.
- I am drawing something very interesting,
but it is most definitely not a Vaporeon.
- Uh-oh.
I kinda wish, again, mine was more simplified and cuter,
'cause I feel like I'm gonna see
what it really looks like
and I'm gonna be like, you know what?
All that time I spent making fun of you
should've been me practicing how to humble myself.
- Yeah, glass houses, Jackie.
- Yeah, glass houses, hubris, all that.
- Shall I give him an A for Alvin?
Like, the chipmunks? - Okay.
- Okay, I'm done.
- [Producer] Are you done?
- There's no pose.
It looks like he's flat Stanley.
- Oh my God, his arm is so long, I'm so mad.
Whatever, done!
I gotta stop.
- I was pretty darn accurate with the cartoon Pikachu,
I'm not gonna lie.
- You're not gonna lie?
- It'd be pretty embarrassing if I was like
way off the mark with this one.
- I think if you look at mine
you can say that is Pikachu.
- Yeah.
- I don't think I got the,
I guess, the shape of Pikachu right at all?
- I mean it's not a good drawing,
but I think that it is Ash.
- I think I got like the feel of him,
like a fan art drawing of him,
but I, oh, I did him so dirty on the outfit.
I'm so sorry, I love Pokemon.
- I think I did pretty okay.
If it doesn't look like Vaporeon,
I think the drawing's really cute.
- So mine is both not Vaporeon,
but also not quite really a great drawing.
- Well, you know what, it really do be like that sometimes.
- It be like that sometimes. - There we go.
- It's true, it's true.
(funky upbeat music)
- Ooh, close though! - Okay.
- I actually did kind of better than I thought I would.
- You know, I tried my best and that's all that matters.
- Oh yeah, oh, come on.
Spitting image, looks exactly like him.
I'm proud of this.
- I should have given his eyes a little bit more character,
but, yeah, I think it still looks like a Pikachu.
- Oh!
- I think I didn't do horrible.
- Okay.
- How am I supposed to remember
all the Eeveelutions, you know?
So, if anyone has anything to say to me,
don't, because I'm really sensitive
and it's gonna hurt my feelings.
- Mine is not correct at all,
but it's a lot closer than I thought it was going to be.
- [Jackie] See?
- Oh, it's so cute!
- Yours is so cute!
- You got the shirt and the spirit.
- Dude, I love his vest.
It looks so comfortable.
- I gave him a puffy, sort of Marty McFly vest.
Yours is definitely a little bit more, I think, accurate.
- Oh, yours looks like water Garfield.
I love it, if Garfield was a water type,
that's what this would look like.
- Well, because you said it's like a water cat.
- It's like a cat. - And when I think water cat,
I think, well Garfield.
- And it looks like he has a mustache!
- Yeah. - It looks like he has
a little evil mustache! - I was trying to draw
the cat mouth.
- This Pikachu is pretty accurate.
- Yours is actually really close.
- I feel like, yeah, I forgot the whole head nods.
- You even remembered the bifurcated tail.
- We both remembered similar things, though.
The pants look like this
and he definitely has this going on.
- He's got like battle scars all over him.
Like these brown marks.
- I ran out of things to draw, and I was just like,
I'm going to do some hatching and lining.
- You were much closer than me.
- I think yours is good for someone who never watched
or got into Pokemon. - Thank you.
- From the very bad description I gave you,
you really made it work.
I really love the antenna.
- [Kevin] Right?
- I just don't understand.
Do fish have antenna?
- Some do.
- I know more about Pokemon than I do fish.
- Right? - Yeah.
- Put us together.
- Yeah, put us together, we're the perfect person.
We would be water Gym Leaders.
- I don't know what that means, but I'm in.
- That means that means we're the best
at water Pokemon, kind of.
There's more than Gym Leaders.
There's a lot of them.
There's the Elite Four and then Pokemon master.
- Okay, no, all right.
- We have to defeat-- - That's great.
Let's move on.
- Hi, I'm Sara.
- Hey, I'm Kyra.
- We are going to be drawing
- SpongeBob characters.
- From memory.
- Yeah.
- Did you grow up on SpongeBob?
You did, right?
- Spongebob was right at the end of my kid
cartoon watching career.
Like, it was Ren and Stimpy,
and then I discovered girls.
- Oh, that should do it.
- [Producer] Sandy.
- I feel like that's not too bad.
- Who is Sandy?
- [Producer] Mr. Krabs.
- Yes!
- Yeah, that's, okay,
I remember Mr. Krabs.
- Patrick Star.
- Patrick Star.
- Patrick Star.
- He is a starfish.
- Oh, he sure is.
I wonder what gave it away.
- You know what his body shape is?
- [Kyra] Egg.
- Or like a rice ball, I feel like, sort of?
He's got a big ol' body, little teeny limbs.
- I've seen the SpongeBob movie,
and I've never watched the show.
- Oh, no! - And I mean the movie
from the early 2000s.
- I used to watch it every day as a kid.
- I don't know who Sandy is.
- Okay, so Sandy is the squirrel
who lives underwater. - Is she in the spacesuit?
- She's in a suit, yes.
- It's not a space suit?
- It's sort of, it's got a big glass dome.
- Does he have a nose?
- Well, you're just gonna have to draw it
and see it looks right. - You're not gonna to help me?
- Well, not this time!
- Okay, I don't think her head's too big.
She wears mittens and she's got boots.
Her body is pill shaped.
- Pill shaped?
- Kind of pill shaped, yeah.
- Yeah, I like also how his clothes,
if I remember correctly, just kind of,
they're just on his body.
There's not much volume, I guess.
They're just lines on an egg.
- You know what's weird is I can't remember her tail now,
but she's gotta have a tail, right?
That's what a squirrel is.
- Yeah. - But I don't remember
the tail being a prominent feature in her design.
- Are you more of a SpongeBob or are you more of a Patrick?
- Like my personality?
- Yeah.
- Out of like, that's not a lot of choices.
I feel like I'm hardworking like SpongeBob,
but I do sometimes feel like a Patrick.
Doesn't everyone have a little Patrick inside of them?
- Yeah.
- Big cheeks, she's got the buck teeth,
I know that for sure.
- Does she basically look like Bugs Bunny with short ears?
- Yes, actually, that's not totally inaccurate, I think.
- I definitely made him way cuter
than he actually is. - Me too.
- I'm sorry, Mr. Krabs. - I also made him really cute.
- Am I crazy, or does he have a big belt?
- Doesn't he wear it all the time?
- He's got one look and it's crab, baby.
- Patrick doesn't really have a lot of clothes.
- Yeah, he's shirtless,
or at least I'm putting him shirtless,
and he's got pants, and I want to say
that they're dark purple?
You're not going to tell me if I'm right?
- I don't know, man, are they?
You should try it out.
- I'm just gonna give her a tail.
I don't think she has it.
No, she does have a tail, she's gotta have a tail.
God, why can't I think of the tail?
- Does he have anything else on his face?
- Eyes.
- Well, yeah, he has eyes, obviously.
(Jackie laughing)
- Come on.
- Something that makes Mr Krabs
one of the best crab designs in animation is his eyes.
They're just super memorable and unique.
If you saw a silhouette of him,
you would instantly recognize it.
- I can't remember if his pants
actually go onto his legs.
- I'm trying to remember that too.
I think a little bit?
- Yeah, I just gave him little shorts.
- So I remember her limbs being
tubular and kind of narrow.
She's not a buff squirrel.
She's got sort of a tiny head inside of this big space suit.
- She's got a tiny head?
- It's crazy how you can watch a cartoon a million times
and stare at these cartoon characters forever,
but then the moment someone's like, draw it out,
you're like, I can't.
- [Producer] One minute.
- One minute, okay. - Uh oh, oh God.
- I'm almost done. - Oh my God.
- You know why, Jackie, 'cause I kept it simple.
- Oh, well, I should've done what you're doing.
- I'm even gonna shade him.
- Yeah. - No.
- Yep. - No!
- Yep.
- I think she has a bow on the outside of her--
- [Jason] Of her helmet?
- Of her helmet.
I think she does, or a flower?
I'm gonna draw a flower.
- I'll draw what looks like a bow to me.
- All right, you draw a bow, I'll draw a flower.
- Okay, I think I'm done.
- I'm done too.
- I know that there's gonna be some details
that I didn't get, that I didn't remember,
but I feel like, overall, I got the construction right.
I feel like the fact that I didn't
give him a nose was the right choice.
- Well, you know what, now that we're not drawing anymore,
I would like to confirm to you that he does not
have a nose. - He does not have a nose.
- Yeah.
- Good, how do you think you did?
- I think I did really good!
I love this drawing that I did.
He looks really cute, he's really happy.
It's making me happy, and I hope it makes you happy.
- I'm sure it will.
- And I hope it makes the viewers happy.
- I think I got the general shape of him down,
but I feel like I messed up on the clothes, for sure.
- I'm not sure if I got his clothes
or if this is just like a wishful thinking look.
- It's just laundry day for everybody.
- It's just laundry day.
- I think I did all right.
- You think you did all right?
- Yeah.
- I think I did God awful.
I still have no image of who this person is
in my head other than animal in spacesuit.
(upbeat rock music)
- Yeah!
- Yeah!
- I did so good!
I didn't give him a belly button for some reason.
- I gave him the belly button!
- Oh, you win, you won! - Yeah, yeah!
- Oh, I forgot his ridges on his back.
- Oh yeah, I did not give him a little ridges.
Mine does look like a really, really cute version of him.
- Same.
- I also did not remember he had
weird little things on his eyes.
- I did remember those, but I was trying my hardest
to remember what the eye shine looks like.
- She does have a tail, okay.
- Yeah, I'm so far off.
- Okay, I'm not far off.
- I'm on a different planet.
(instrumental music)
- Oh!
- This is pretty close.
- Dude, that's not bad!
- Oh, yours is so much more accurate.
- Yours is so cute.
I love his claws, they're really cool.
- This one looks like one
that Nickelodeon sponsored.
- Aw, thank you.
- You gave him like gnome pants.
- Yeah.
- I love it!
- And yours is perfect,
you nailed it. - Oh my God.
(Kevin laughs)
I'm perfect?
- You did do full black eyes, as opposed to
the white with the pupil. - Okay, but like.
- You got the general shape of the face.
You got the tin body, the flower on the outside.
I think you got a lot of it.
- For someone who's just seen the movie
and barely knows--
- Over 10 years ago.
- Barely knows anything about SpongeBob,
this is pretty good.
- We remembered the same things.
- We definitely did.
- We got the fact that he has a collar and a pocket.
- Oh yeah, well, he doesn't have a pocket in this picture.
- We just imagined, ooh, Mandela effect.
We just imagined that he had a pocket and he doesn't.
- Yeah, yours is so cute.
I would buy merch with this little crab on it.
- Spongebob, it's iconic and it's like,
definitely permeated our culture more than most properties.
- You remember it because you spend all your free time,
as a child, just watching television.
What else am I gonna do, pay my taxes?
I don't have taxes yet.
I'm a kid.
- I had taxes when I was a kid.
No, I didn't.
- I was gonna be like, you were a really advanced child.
(Kevin laughs) - A prodigy.
- Hi, I'm Brent.
- Hi, I'm Jason.
- And today we're gonna be drawing.
- Looney Tunes characters from memory.
- Our brain.
- That's a big universe.
- I feel like the human characters are gonna be hard.
- There's human characters?
- Looney Tunes are hard.
- Yeah.
I don't think I've ever drawn any Looney Tunes.
I probably drew Bugs Bunny as a child.
- Oh boy, well, let's get into it.
- [Producer] His name is Marvin the Martian.
- He's my favorite!
- He's my favorite!
- I still can't draw him
'cause I haven't seen him in 400 years.
- I have slippers of him.
- Oh, you win!
- [Producer] Bugs Bunny.
- Oh, wow. - Oh god,
I actually didn't want him.
(laughing) Oh, crap.
- [Producer] Yosemite Sam.
- No!
Oh no!
- Yeah.
- I don't know who that is.
- Wait.
- Oh, the turns have tabled.
- So I have an advantage for once.
- You're gonna kill me today.
- Yes!
- So he's got massive cheeks, big buck teeth,
and then the big eye,
okay, wait a minute, maybe I can draw him.
- Oh my God, you're so confident
so fast. - Maybe I'm amazing,
maybe I'm great.
- He's adorable, I love aliens.
I love that you could only really see his eyes.
His voice is fantastic.
- His voice is the best.
- He has like a, I'm Marvin the Martian, kind of voice.
- So here's the thing, Jackie.
Since you don't know, feel free to ask me questions
and I will answer truthfully.
- Oh, I feel like Kevin's just gonna have a field day.
- I'm gonna be nice to you.
- So who's Yosemite Sam?
- So he's the little cowboy
with the big hat and the big mustache.
- I have all these like vague, vague,
cloudy memories of this guy.
- Let me put it in your terms.
He has Chibi construction.
Big head, small body.
(Jackie laughs)
- He's got more human construction
than most cartoon characters.
Like his head is not ginormous
compared to the rest of his body.
- His ears are like long as hell, right?
- Yeah, he's got long ears though.
- Does he have a little fuzzy thing on his butt?
- He's got a tail.
- It's funny how as soon as you start drawing this,
you're like, I'm going to fail.
But then you start, you're like,
you know what, I can remember surprisingly a lot.
- That is some people's experience.
- He has a big beard, right?
- So he has a big red mustache.
- Do you see his mouth ever and his nose?
- You do see his nose.
I think it's just that separation
of the beard and the mustache creates his mouth.
I mean he's a cowboy.
- Was Indiana Jones a cowboy?
- Seriously?
- I mean, he has a cowboy hat.
(bell dings)
- Doesn't he wear a little green skirt?
- He wears a skirt!
Very Spartan.
- Yeah, it's very Spartan.
- So he has a big hat.
- Bigger than his mustache?
- Yes.
It's a comically large hat.
- This drawing is getting even more confusing
than I started.
- I don't remember if he also has big bushy eyebrows too.
I'm gonna try the big eyebrows
and see if they work. - You know what?
I'm just gonna do what you're doing
'cause I don't like being left out,
so I'm gonna give him some bushy eye,
but now he looks mad, so I think that's more accurate.
- Cool use of colors.
Like, he's only black, green and red and white, right?
- Where's the red?
- Shoes?
And the hat, right?
- His helmet's red?
- It has red on it.
It's like a Spartan helmet.
- If Kyra says that's what's happenin' on Marvin's bod,
then that's what's happening.
- So he has attitude, right?
- Oh yeah, he's gotta have attitude.
- I don't know if I'm getting the attitude right.
- He's always holding a carrot.
- Maybe it's outta the side of his mouth.
- He's not holding anything in mine.
He's holding on for dear life to look like himself.
- He's usually holding two large guns.
- Oh, I don't know how to draw guns.
- Good for you.
- Thank you.
I'm gonna give him a cup, a cup of coffee.
- That's why he's so angry.
- Yeah, he's caffeinated all the time.
In his other hand, he's gonna hold a cat.
- You said there was a red thing on here,
so I'm gonna put a red thing on here.
- Oh, he feels so naked.
It feels like he should have a shirt.
- Maybe he does have a shirt.
Do you remember him with a shirt?
Like a little black body and then that green skirt?
- Does he have shoulder pads?
- I don't remember shoulder pads.
- Yo, he's got gloves, right?
- He has definitely got gloves.
I don't know if he has a crotch or knees,
but I gave him a crotch.
He has a white chest, right?
- I don't think so?
- I gave him a belt.
- I'm pretty sure he has a belt, like a big belt buckle.
- Does he wear a colored shirt?
Well now he does.
- I think he wears a vest.
- Oh, he probably has those cowboy spinny...
- Spurs?
- Spurs.
- Does he have whiskers?
- I think he does have whiskers.
- I feel like those would be so annoying to draw
if you were animating him, though.
I don't know, maybe he does.
No, that looks weird.
I'm taking away his whiskers.
- Help me out with the colors.
I have no idea what his colors are.
- All right, his mustache and beard is like a reddish brown.
His hat, I wanna say, is a tan?
- Guy's got bad taste in hats.
- I'm done.
There he is.
- Wow, okay, thanks Brian.
- I'm like doing a new Bugs Bunny,
if I don't think this is any more accurate.
- The inside of his ears are pink, right?
- I want to say yes.
You could really pull this one out, Jason.
Maybe you got this and I don't.
- I'm gonna to make his belt gold, 'cause he's a cowboy
and I just feel like that's correct.
I don't know what color to make his shirt.
- Neither do I.
I'm going go with like an orange.
- Okay, then I am going to go with the opposite of that.
- Green?
- Green.
Ooh, that looks wrong.
That looks very wrong.
I'm just gonna go with white.
Now he looks like an office worker.
- (laughs) Just a white collar cowboy.
- Yeah!
- I just realized I didn't give him arms.
There we go.
Now he's got arms, and then he's got little sneaker shoes.
I think this is as good as it's gonna get.
- I think I did okay.
I think I got the spirit of him.
I think a lot of the details I got wrong.
- You know what they say, wrong and strong.
- Strong and wrong.
- Same words, different order.
(sped up record scratching)
- Wait, yours is so good!
(Jason laughs)
You did it!
- Oh my god! - Yeah.
- Okay, yeah, this is Bugs Bunny.
- Oh my God, he's amazing! - He's so cute!
- Look at him!
Oh, he's so good.
Look at his little skirt.
- Oh, okay. - Okay.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
I feel like you should've made the mustache bigger.
I feel like my mustache--
- Your mustache is very large.
- I think we're right that he didn't have a shirt.
I think that's accurate.
- I love this rabbit on the right.
He is the man.
(upbeat swing music)
- You got his skirt more accurate than I did.
- Oh, you got his hands right, completely.
- Oh, you are really close!
I remember his beard being,
I mean his mustache being way bigger.
- And his mouth floats in his mustache.
- Yeah.
- That's weird.
- Yeah, whatever.
- I just didn't draw the carrot.
- Have you been practicing this one?
How'd you get his feet so good?
- His feet are iconic to me.
- We both were on the same wavelength
of the brush thing on his head, but we weren't quite.
It's literally a brush.
- And all that talk we had about him not having a shirt.
Look at him, he's in a full on jumpsuit.
Well, I think you did an amazing job.
- Thank you, I think you did too.
- Even if these colors are somewhat off.
- Yours is ridiculously cute.
- Well, you know what?
You win some, you lose some, you know?
- And as you taught me before, sometimes it be like that.
- There we go.
- Hi, I'm Kevin.
- Hi, I'm Jackie.
- And today we're drawing more SpongeBob characters.
- From memory.
- [Producer] And today's character is Mrs. Puff.
- I love Mrs. Puff (laughs).
- Who?
- [Producer] Squidward.
- No (laughs).
- Why no?
- I don't know if I can draw that.
- [Producer] Spongebob.
- Oh! - All right.
Okay, okay. - All right.
- I grew up without television,
so I don't know any of these characters.
- Everybody knows SpongeBob.
- I know what SpongeBob looks like.
- Jason, what shape is Spongebob?
- (laughs) He is a square.
- I don't know!
- You did such a great job with Patrick Star.
- Yeah, but Patrick is one shape
and Squidward is four shapes.
Minimum. - What four shapes is he?
- Circle, maybe like a triangle,
mayhaps a pentagon.
- Mayhap? (laughs)
- Mhmm.
- It's interesting that I don't watch the show at all,
but there's no way not to know what this guy looks like.
- I think I've drawn this character
so many times in my youth,
this should be second nature to me.
- I've never drawn Spongebob before.
- Have you done research since the last time?
- You know what, I have watched a little bit of SpongeBob.
- How did you like it?
- I liked it a lot.
- Ooh!
- Can you tell me a little bit about her?
- So Mrs. Puff is SpongeBob's driving instructor
and she's at wit's end with him
because he has failed his driving test over a hundred times,
I think. - Really?
- His head is quite large.
The thing is that he has a really big nose.
- Right, and it dangles.
- Yeah, and it dangles.
- Like over his mouth?
- Yeah.
He's got lots of tentacles.
- Oh, yeah, he's got like--
- He doesn't have human hands, don't draw human hands.
- Okay.
- That's gonna really freak people out.
- Just think of a cereal box, kind of like that shape.
He's got wavy lines on the outside,
and then just give him some Swiss cheese holes.
His limbs are kinda tubey,
he's got the rubber hose thing going on.
- I will never get tired of SpongeBob.
It is ingrained into our culture.
- Into some people's culture (laughs).
- And he's got big eyes like SpongeBob, right?
- Yeah.
- He's got a big ol' nose.
- I know that much.
I think that's the only thing I know about him.
Does he have gloves?
- No.
- [Jason] No, okay.
- No, cause he's yellow.
- [Jason] Okay.
- So his hands already stand out.
- The shape of his head.
- Mhmm.
Is it a bullet shape or is it something different?
- It's like a mushroom.
- It's like a mushroom?
- Imagine a mushroom, you know it's bulbous
- [Kevin] Uh-huh.
and then it's got the stem.
- Okay, next question. - Yes.
- Is he wearing clothes?
- Yes, he sure is. - Okay.
Like shirt and pants?
- What do you think?
- Oh no.
Oh this is the limit of you helping me here?
- Mine looks like a cookie.
Wait, can I ask you for any hints?
Are her fins like hands or are they just like fins?
- They're like fins.
- He's got buck teeth, though, right?
- I think he has buck teeth.
- I'm not wrong on that, okay.
Oh, now I know I got it.
Okay, I think I got it now.
- So I've made an executive decision.
I'm giving him both a shirt and pants.
- Mhmm, sounds good, I'd support you.
- It feels, oh wait, now hold on.
- No, you're right, keep it goin'.
- Now I think you're effing with me.
- No, I'm not.
I would never do such a thing.
I'm actually really cool and awesome and kind.
- What makes something a sailor's dress?
Sailor Moon is a very good reference of a sailor.
- You were in Japan.
They had uniforms that are inspired by sailor.
- Yeah, okay.
Does she wear shoes?
- Yes.
- Are they fabulous?
- Yeah.
- They're like little high heels, I think.
- (gasps) Cute!
- It's an interesting take on a blowfish, which is cool.
I don't really think I've seen
any other blowfish designs like hers.
- How old is she?
- She's middle aged.
- Does she wear makeup?
- Yes.
- Ooh, okay.
I'm gonna give her some lipstick then.
- [Producer] Five minutes.
- Ooh! - Five minutes, oh boy, okay.
Oh boy, I better get coloring.
- You should maybe restart the clock.
Oh my God, I spent too long
on the niceness of the lines, I think,
and now I don't know if I'll be able to color it.
- I have to decide what colors I want to make him.
He's a very drab color, I know that.
- You should try all sorts of colors.
- Now you're just actively trying to screw with me.
- I don't even know if I have space for the tie.
- Jason, do not forget the tie.
- All right, I won't forget the tie.
- They're gonna come at you in the comments
if you don't do the tie. (Jason laughs)
- I should have formatted my drawing
like one of those drawing tutorials
where it's like, just draw a square.
- And I'd be listening to you, and doing it?
- Yeah, and you're just following along.
I'll do that next time.
Who needs art school when you can watch Buzzfeed videos?
- Oh wait, but does she have arms,
as well as fins? - Yeah, they're fins.
They're arm-fins.
- You could take any frame of SpongeBob out of context
and probably make a meme out of it,
just because there's so much character and expression in it.
SpongeNar or Caveman SpongeBob,
it's like when future SpongeBob goes to the past
and meets his caveman counterpart,
and SpongeNar is like, (grunts).
What about you, Jason?
You got a favorite Spongebob meme?
- (laughs) No.
I don't know about the memes much.
Sorry, audience, I live in a cave.
- [Producer] Two minutes.
- Oh my God. - Ah, don't do that.
- Oh my God.
Can we have a loose two?
- Yeah, right?
- Oh no.
- Just doesn't look right?
- I'm coloring in his pants
and I feel like I made a bad decision.
- It's too late to change it now.
- It's too late to change it? - You gotta commit.
- So I gotta live with it,
but I feel like it was wrong for me.
- To give him pants?
- Yeah.
- Oh, this is definitely not Mrs. Puff.
- Mine looks like an airline stewardess.
- Oh.
- [Producer] Pens down.
How do you guys think you did?
- I think I did really well.
- I think this looks like the character
more than anything else I've done on this challenge.
- You know what, I'm confident.
- Yeah?
I'm confident in my decisions.
- I feel somewhat okay.
I feel like the pants were the wrong thing to do,
but we're going to find out.
He doesn't have pants, does he?
(high pitched cackle)
(fast paced guitar music)
- Oh my God! (screams)
- It's so cute.
- She is so cute.
- Wait, that is adorable.
- You made her look like a Sailor Scout, she's adorable.
- Did I kill it?
- You did amazing.
- I killed him with a knife. (record scratch)
- With a real knife. - You didn't.
- I stabbed him over and over until he bled.
- Jackie, you're misunderstanding me
- Bled until he died. - No, no, no.
- Yes!
- Yeah! (laughs) - Wow! (laughs)
- This looks, honest, literally the exact character.
- Wait, but like what?
He's robbing us at finger point.
- At finger point, yeah (laughs).
- What the hell?
- This looks kind of like the first draft
that they made of Squidward.
- Okay.
Before they refined it?
- Yeah, they drew this and they were like,
this is the guy.
- And then they like quietly gave it
to a real character designer, and they were like--
- I'm not saying it's a bad drawing.
- They were like, listen,
can you clean this up for Ted here?
- Can you remove the pants?
I don't really know what he was doing with those.
(upbeat guitar music)
- Oh yeah, exactly that.
- I forgot he had the blue eyes.
- Aw, man. - Yeah.
- Oh, and socks.
- I didn't know he had socks.
- Wow.
- I thought his holes were more 3D-ish,
but they just look like--
You seriously gave him divots into his skin.
- Yeah.
- You did it.
You made my gritty live action remake of Spongebob.
- Oh, would you look at that.
- Wow, I mean you were dead on.
- Was I?
- Yeah.
- Did I even get his like suckers colors right?
- He has darker suckers, small circles are darker,
but you got the purple.
You didn't give him a collar on his shirt.
- I was gonna say that,
you got the collar on your shirt for some reason.
- That's a weird thing for me to remember.
- For you to remember right?
- Oh my God, look at it!
Oh, she has a lot more hair than I remember.
- Yeah, she does have spikes.
- I incredibly got the legs right, I don't--
- Oh you got them perfect.
- I don't know how.
- You got the colors spot on.
- I sorta got it, but.
- So cute.
- Good try! - Good job.
- Yeah.
- SpongeBob is literally,
he's kind of like Mickey Mouse at this point.
I don't know who the rest of the characters of the show is,
but there's no way you can avoid
knowing what Spongebob looks like.
- Yeah, your SpongeBob's gonna beat up my Spongebob.
(Jason laughs)
- You did good, Kevin.
- Thank you, Jackie.
- I'm so sorry I never help you,
but I really like not helping you.
- That's weird, but I'll take it.
- I just think it's funny.
(Kevin laughs)
It's just a good time to watch you struggle.
- Please, everyone likes to watch me struggle.
- What up gamers, it's me, ya boy, pog champ.
- And I'm Kevin.
- And today we're drawing.
- 90s characters from memory.
- From our brain, our little memories.
I was born in the 90s, but I don't remember it.
- You had to be there.
- I was there.
- I was little baby.
- I was 21.
- Yikes.
- [Producer] Your character is Arnold, from Hey Arnold.
- Oh I think--
- There you go.
- I have his head in my head, but I don't have his body.
In my head. - I know.
- [Producer] Dexter, from Dexter's Laboratory.
- Oh.
- Sweet.
I'm excited (laughs).
- [Producer] Chuckie Finster.
- Who?
- From Rugrats.
- Oh, his last name is Finster.
Ah, I would bully that kid.
(Kevin laughs)
- Jason, what shape is Arnold's head?
- It is obviously football head.
- Nice.
- Yeah.
- I know who Dexter is, so I'm happy.
I'm just trying to remember all the details
that make Dexter, Dexter.
- He's a kid, so he's got a big head.
- They got huge brains.
- Yeah, let's not go that far.
- Now, I like forgetting his face, his eyes.
- Okay, so Arnold's like the chill dude.
So his eyes are always kinda like he's got his lids closed,
like halfway.
- Nicktoons was always,
they always had the cooler cartoons.
Nicktoons had like Aaahh!!! Real Monsters and Rugrats,
which felt safe but always had like adult jokes in there,
hidden in there somewhere.
- Yeah.
- You know, I didn't watch a lot of Rugrats,
but the Rugrats that I did watch,
I remember not liking his character 'cause he's like,
he's like whiny, right?
- Yeah, he's like the worst Rugrats character.
- What was great about Hey Arnold for me
is that Hey Arnold took place in like a city.
- Yeah.
- I was born and raised in the Bronx and it was great to see
a show that--
- [Brent] Reflected that.
- That reflected that.
- So the city that's in Hey Arnold is actually a mix
between New York and Seattle,
which I always thought was super cool.
- So you didn't watch Rugrats?
- I watched some of it, I don't really remember it.
- I watched Dexter a lot as a kid.
- Yeah I used to watch it a lot when I was younger.
I would say not as a kid 'cause I mean
I was kind of in high school and getting into college
when Dexter was coming out.
- Rugrats and like Ren and Stimpy was like the end
of my Nicktoons watching.
- And then you discovered girls.
- Yeah.
- You gotta live life without any shame.
- Exactly.
- Everybody knows why incognito mode exists.
- Wait, what?
- You know it's funny you never remember what
the feet look like a lot of the time.
- His boots are hard.
I don't like, I remember them, but I don't think
I'm gettin' the shape quite right.
- Doesn't he wear like big chunky shoes?
- Chunky Finster.
Am I right ladies?
- Can we open the door and let some of these puns out.
- One thing that I remember very distinctly about Dexter
is he is like super square.
- The character designs on Rugrats were like super freaky.
Like they were vaguely unsettling.
- I think it was probably a product of its time.
Things just didn't look right.
- It was like that, the era of squiggle vision.
- Yeah, I don't know what that is, I just pretended like...
- Dr Katz, anyone?
Squiggle vision?
Home movies?
- A thing that I've struggled with a lot on here
is remembering the small details of characters clothes.
- I'm totally making his clothes up right now.
- I think he's wearing like a flannel shirt
underneath though.
- I remember flannel.
- He has something on his shirt.
- Is it a dinosaur?
- Does he have a dinosaur on his shirt?
- His shirt's blue, I think.
- Oh, what color was his hat then?
- It's like a dark blue, his hat's red.
- Oh, oops.
- And his hair, do you remember anything about his hair?
- He's got blonde hair.
- [Jason] Yeah, he's definitely got blonde hair.
- He's got like big frizzy hair, right?
- Yeah, he has like big orange hair.
- He's got like, you know when you're drawing
something poofy and it has like that little circle
in the middle of like where the tiers are?
Where it's like (makes vocal sound effects).
- Oh yeah.
- Yeah, the little loops.
- I don't know what I'm drawing.
- I think mixing up Chuckie and the aliens from Toy Story.
- The aliens from Toy Story have like three eyes
and are green, Chuckie Finster is a human child.
- Is he though?
- Yes.
- I remember actually asking my mom when I was a kid
what accent Dexter had,
and she said that it was a made up one,
but I think he think it's supposed
to be like Transylvanian right?
- Gee gee, look at this beaker.
I make him sound French,
okay, that's great. - You were French.
(bell dinging) - [Producer] Five minutes.
- Oh my God.
- Uh-oh.
- I'm gonna need a little more time.
- I can't wait to see yours.
- I know, I can't wait to see what you drew.
- My final touches is a cigarette and making his eyes
kind of red because he's high.
- So Jason, we feeling more confident about this one?
- Kinda, yeah, I know it looks like Arnold.
- It's okay, I think it's, you know.
- I think it's getting closer to what
he probably looks like.
- I think I'm done, I gotta stop fiddling with it.
Just leave it.
- I think I did okay,
I think I got a lot of the details wrong.
I'm pretty sure the color of his shirt and his diaper,
I put him in a diaper, he may be wearing shorts.
- It's Arnold, he's an adult and he's had a hard life.
(upbeat swing music)
- Ah! - That so cute!
- Nailed it!
That's so good, oh Kyra.
Oh my god.
- Thank you.
- Oh hell yeah. - Dope, yeah.
- This Arnold's chill as heck.
I like this guy.
- Agh, why is his diaper purple though?
- I dunno, I feel like he needed a purple diaper.
- I love his expression, you nailed the character.
- Thank you.
- Like that's totally, that's totally, I'm jealous.
- You're, the body of your Arnold
feels like the real character design.
- Yeah, you gave him like, you give him like a human body
this is like some, straight up anatomy.
- Are you disappointed in me?
- I just, ah, it's good Kevin.
Just why wouldn't you immediately make the diaper white?
I did the diaper purple and as soon as I did that
I was like, ah, he's probably wearing shorts.
- Yeah, I think your brain is mixing up concepts.
- Yep, yep.
I love yours.
- Aw.
- I think it's great.
- Thanks.
- I'm not gonna lie to you though.
I don't think it's very on model.
- Maybe that's true, but I tried my best.
- You did try your best, you got the dinosaur
and like I said, it's not on model, but it is very cute.
- And you are right about yours.
- It being vaguely unsettling?
- Vaguely unsettling, I think I'm more disturbed
by the diapers than anything.
(light swing music)
- Oh, oh.
- Wow you were spot on.
- Oh no, wait, his hat was blue.
- His hat was blue.
- Okay, wait, I feel like I remember his hat being,
no, maybe it was blue.
- I was close enough. - Nailed it.
- I did remember a lot of things.
- Yeah.
- I somehow remembered that his nose is pointy,
even though I started drawing it round, wait you did too!
- Yeah, I got the pointy nose and you got the gloves.
You got the gloves and the boots, the boots.
You got the boots.
- I sorta got the boots.
- Did I give him shoes in my drawing?
- You did, you gave him a little purple shoes.
- Okay.
Yours is actually like really close.
Like it's just, if Chuckie was pants-less.
- Your design is spot on except for
the different color of the feet.
- Yeah. - That's literally it.
- Yeah, I'm pretty great, aren't I?
- Okay, so here's the thing.
There was something on his shirt,
but it's a planet, not a dinosaur.
We both got the glasses correct though.
- Yeah.
- And you got the eye style right in that,
it's just the glasses with the pupils in it.
- Yeah.
- I think it's simple, but it's deceptively simple
in that you've got to get all those details right
or else it's not Dexter.
- I think we did pretty good for two people who
didn't really watch Rugrats.
- Nobody can tell us that we did bad.
- Except for the internet.
- Hi, I'm Brent.
- I'm Jason.
- Today we're drawing comic strip characters.
- From memory.
- I mean, I know some comic strips, definitely.
- Easier than comic book.
- Yeah, if you said comic book,
I'd be having a heart attack right now.
- You're on my turf now.
- I don't like that.
- [Producer] Today you were going to be drawing Snoopy.
- Oh, okay.
Oh. - I think yeah.
- That's not too bad, right?
- He's pretty iconic, yeah.
- [Producer] Today you're drawing Garfield the cat.
- Oh, come on.
I don't, I only know that guy from memes.
- [Producer] Archie Andrews.
- Watch us fail.
- Oh, I'm just gonna do some scribbles and I'm done.
There he is.
- Okay, he's got a big nose.
- He's got a massive nose, isn't 90% of his body nose?
- He's chill too,
he's usually got like an eye closed, right?
- Yeah, I think I'm seeing that too.
- Oh, what does his eye look like?
That's the thing, all Peanuts characters
are made up of like three lines.
- Yeah.
- So if you don't get those lines down,
there's no hope for you.
- (laughs) I feel so good now.
- I'm just saying.
- Thank you.
- It's like Riverdale, right?
- Yeah.
- Not that I watch that show, I don't watch that show but--
- You can admit it if you do.
- No, I don't watch that show.
(Kyra laughs)
- I grew up drawing Garfield,
so this is almost muscle memory for me.
- If I see it and it looks nothing like Garfield,
I'm gonna be peeved.
- You're gonna be peeved?
- I'm gonna be peeved.
- I mean I remember like, you know,
he's like this high school dude who hangs out
with Jughead he usually has like a sweater on.
- That's what I'm worried about, is the clothes.
Does he change clothes often? - I think like
a sweater and like jeans, and then usually his sweater
has like R on it for Riverdale.
- Okay, so what does Garfield look like?
- Garfield's a cat.
His construction is big head kind of a bean body,
like a beer belly, he's got like a gut.
- Bean, beer belly body?
I feel like some of these things are contradictory
to each other.
- No, it makes sense.
- All right, he's just gonna be sleeping on top
of his little dog house.
- He's got big feet.
- Big feet.
- Like not, not like cat feet.
- Wait, so he has like human feet.
- No.
- Okay.
- They're like, think of clown shoes.
Like if clown shoes had toes.
- I don't like that,
this description makes me uncomfortable.
- Is Riverdale like a supernatural sort of show?
- I've never seen it, I don't know.
- You do.
- I just know it was loosely based off the comic.
- How can one cat be so difficult to draw?
What am I drawing?
What is this?
- Oh.
I don't understand.
- Not so easy to be a cartoonist now, is it Jackie?
- What a mess, what a mess this is.
So I take it you didn't read Garfield as a kid?
- No, read Garfield, who's reading?
- For some reason I remember what he looks like
when he dances.
Like he has his head all the way up
and you don't see his eyes,
you just see his like little happy face.
- Uh-huh.
- I'm gonna draw him dancing too.
- There's poses that I sort of draw a lot,
so I'll just be like, you know what?
Don't know how to draw this guy,
but I do know how to draw this pose.
I'm gonna draw him sitting with his leg over
his other leg and hope that the drawing comes out okay.
- I'm just drawing him standing there again.
- Wait does Snoopy have like flat kind of feet?
- I don't, god I feel like he's got like people feet.
- I drew him with people feet.
- Yeah.
- I don't know what I'm doing.
He just, it doesn't look like a cat.
This looks like an alien.
- He does kind of look like an alien.
- Like he's, I feel like the character has been around
so long and he's been refined so much
that he no longer really looks like a cat.
- Yeah.
- He just looks like Garfield.
- It's like a meme.
- What dog is Snoopy?
- I don't know.
- [Producer] Snoopy is a beagle.
- Oh, okay.
- Oh, okay.
Are Beagles, they have like sad eyes, right?
Or my thinking of like a, something else.
- My brain refuses to make this into a thing.
- But you've seen Garfield before, right?
- I have, but I've never looked at him.
I just, oh wait, you know what?
I think his ears are together, that feels like it's correct.
- Yes, his ears are together.
- I am some kind of genius.
- As I'm drawing in this hand,
I'm realizing that I really don't like drawing hands.
- Hands are definitely one of the hardest things to draw.
- Okay, I don't know what his attitude is.
He's sassy in my drawing.
- Yeah, he is very sassy.
- Like what are you doing for your drawing?
Like stylistically?
- It's kinda like a mix of what I remember
from the comic style and just general cartooniness.
- What characters did you grow up drawing?
- Sailor Moon.
- Oh yeah?
- Yeah, I just drew her all the time.
- But you know what?
We don't have to color anything, 'cause guess what?
- He's black and white.
- He's black and white, baby.
- Does he have a pink tongue though?
- I mean if you're gonna include that tongue
then I guess, yeah.
- I think he has a tongue.
- His house is red and that's all I need to draw.
- I kind of want to make the lines smoother.
It kinda felt like when he was drawing them,
he drew them with like a smooth line.
Like he did them very quickly.
- Yeah, they were very gestural, sort of lines.
- What I like about Archie from what I can remember of him
is he's really happy looking.
Everyone in that comic just looks so happy.
What era does it take place in?
- Obviously a happier time.
(Kyra laughs)
- Not gonna lie Jackie, I'm feeling pretty good about this.
- This is not okay.
- Why is it not okay?
- Someone should not,
nobody should be forced to look at what I'm doing.
- Oh Jackie, I've never seen you go through
this many emotions before.
- I'm very stressed out, he's horrifying.
I've never seen such a monstrous creation
come out of my own hands.
- Okay, I drew three versions of Snoopy.
- You through three versions of Snoopy?
- One of these is gonna be super accurate.
- Does he have like those things that dogs have,
those little those spots?
- No, no.
- No, okay.
- I don't think so.
- Okay, and his eyes are always closed.
- I think he's pretty minimalist as far as designs go.
- Stop overthinking this Jason.
- Finish your drawing.
- It's done.
- Are you done?
- Yeah, I don't know what else to do to it.
- How about we have a positive attitude,
how about that?
- Hey guys, I'm done with my drawing, I love Garfield.
What a guy, what a guy that Garfield.
- He hates Mondays.
- Oh, he loves lasagna.
- I drew a guy, let's call him Archie.
He's got freckles and a big R on his shirt
and that's all I remember from Archie, so I feel great.
(upbeat bouncy music)
- Yeah. - Oh, yeah.
I like his five fingers.
- You got the, the Peanuts dancing is spot on.
- Yeah, okay, that's the thing I remembered.
I was like, yeah, they do that little like--
- They do that yeah.
- Peanuts dance.
- It's not fair.
- What do you mean?
- It looks just like him.
- Yeah, 'cause I grew up drawing Garfield.
Wow, you gave him some disturbingly human hands.
- I, you, ugh.
- I just noticed his feet, his feet are frightening.
Jackie I said he had human-like feet
and you literally gave him human feet.
- Yours is like ridiculously appealing.
- He's got an R and freckles.
- We remember.
(upbeat bouncy music)
- Yeah boy. - Yeah.
- Okay, he's got like a big expressive mouth, he's got--
- He does.
- Wow, okay.
- I think yours is way closer to it than mine.
I mean, he has a collar.
- He does have a collar.
- Yeah.
- Whoa.
- He's got freckles, yes. - You remembered.
- Oh, did have whiskers, but they're up on his head.
They're like, up on the side of his head.
- Why does your look so much like Garfield.
Garfield is such a weird looking cat.
- He is a weird looking cat.
It's because it's, you know, 40 years of refining
the character, that it just becomes more and more abstract.
- He also had, did you say he had hair on?
- I know, I thought he had like whiskers
is what I was thinking, but he has eyebrows
that I didn't notice.
- I guess he has eyebrows, yeah.
- He does have thick eyebrows.
- Yeah, oh yeah, you got the thick eyebrows.
- I was way off on the hair.
- His mouth thing was so weird.
- Right?
That was the one thing that I remember the most
about him was his mouth and how they constructed it.
- I don't like Garfield, he's my enemy now.
- How can you not like Garfield?
- Garfield has made an enemy today.
- Wow.
- Yeah.
- Garfield is the most beloved cartoon cat in history.
- That's not true, Hello Kitty would like something to say.
- Snoopy, yeah.
He's been perfected by Schulz over decades of comic drawing.
There's some kind of beauty in that simplicity.
You just get him down to his basic forms, you know,
his iconic shapes.
- Yeah.
- And he's unforgettable, you know.
- Except when you have to draw him from memory.
- Guess what Kevin.
- What?
- Today we are drawing Pixar characters
from memory. - From our brains.
We should have done that in sync.
- I know.
from mem-brains. - From our brains, come on.
- It's funny 'cause the minute that I heard it was Pixar,
everything blanks out of my mind.
- Yeah, I know, I was like, what's a Pixar?
- Yeah.
- I mean you say Pixar and it's like, you know,
every kid has seen Toy Story.
- Yeah, I feel like I've seen most Pixar movies as a kid.
- [Producer] Your character today is Carl Fredricksen,
from Up.
- I may have a distinct advantage, I have a T-shirt of him.
- You're gonna to beat me.
- [Producer] Wall-E.
- Oh (laughing).
- What the hell is?
- [Producer] Buzz Lightyear.
- No!
- Whoa, okay, he is complicated.
- Yeah I don't wanna draw him, can we,
Matt give us another one.
- Nope.
- Okay, let's start with the head.
- Yeah.
- I haven't watched this movie in a long time,
so I really gotta remember.
- He's got binoculars for eyes.
- Yeah.
- That I recall.
- Just gonna rely on the cuteness factor again.
If you do it wrong, but you make it cute.
Sometimes it's okay.
Just like murder. - Sometimes it works out.
Wait, say that again.
- So Hae-Joon, what's your favorite Pixar movie?
- That's a loaded question.
I mean I really like Ratatouille actually.
- Me too, yeah, it's really good.
- Ratatouille is solid, but I feel like it's not really
the one people pick when they talk about their favorite.
- My favorite Pixar movie is, I really like Wall-E.
- For me, Wall-E was like a little preachy.
- Really?
I absolutely loved it, I watched it and I was just like
this movie barely has any sound.
- Yeah.
- And it's like, it's doing it for me.
- Do you remember what Wall-E purpose is?
- To find vegetation?
- No.
- No, oh to like squeeze things in his box.
- Yeah, so he's got like a little trash compactor.
- He's a triangle right?.
- He's a square boy.
- I think he's a rhombus.
(Kyra laughs)
- He has like underwear on,
like he has like a barrel body and then undies.
- Well 'cause he's an action finger.
So he has to have points of articulation.
- You need points of articulation.
- He has like three fingers, right?
- Yeah.
- Two out and like a thumb-ish thing.
- Yeah he's got like a thumb.
- And he has like a 'roach friend.
- Yes, that he keeps in his box.
- Did Toy Story make you cry?
- I don't think the first Toy Story made me cry.
I think I was a kid so I was probably like,
I don't have emotions yet.
- Cried in the second one, super hard.
- Yeah.
With the--
- With the montage.
- It's just so sad.
- What's keeping the binoculars on the box?
- Yeah, that's what's getting me.
There's some like mechanism that causes the,
that lets the eyes curl a little bit.
Am I correct or am I tripping?
- 'Cause he can kinda emote.
- Yeah.
This is feeling a lot harder than I thought it would be.
- Nah, nah, we got this.
- I'm feeling good about this pose,
I'm feeling good about the construction
and now it's just the details,
it's just where it all falls apart.
- Yes.
- This is like looking more like Grunkle Stan
from Gravity Falls, they're both square men.
- Oh, you know what I remember that's a really weird detail.
He has the swirl on his chin.
- Oh, does he?
- Remember he, or is that?
- Does he?
- Now that you're questioning me, no I'm not sure.
- No, he very well may, I just, I don't--
- I feel like I tricked you.
- Ugh, yeah this is where it gets tough, man.
I don't like, I don't draw robots like a whole lot.
- Right now, I'm just drawing binoculars on a box.
- Yeah.
- He doesn't have hair, right?
- The hair is so hard to remember.
- I'm just improvising if I'm being honest.
- That's what it's all about.
- He has that thing, that astronaut thing.
- Right.
- It's over his head.
- Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, the hood thing.
- Hood thing.
- Okay.
- He has like a battery schematic on him, right?
I mean like a, to let you know how much energy he has.
- Oh yeah, wait, yeah, he's got the sun thing.
- I can't remember this character from the knees down,
- But I know he has like army tank wheels, kinda.
- Yeah, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, he's got like tank treads.
- I feel like he's got like,
his legs are kind of like bent under him.
- From sadness.
(Hae-Joon laughs)
- I don't know what to call these types of feet,
his like boot feet.
- So he has boots?
(duck quacks)
I'm like so hesitant to commit to any details now.
- I think maybe we should stop drawing.
- No.
- No?
- We have to keep going to infinity and beyond.
Jackie, Jackie come back.
- Ooh, I got a good little detail.
Do you remember he has like a little laser thing
in between and that's how he cuts things.
- Oh I didn't--
- Like a little laser dot.
- I didn't know that.
- Yeah.
- That doesn't look right, but you know what?
I'm gonna go for it.
Jackie, come on.
- How ya doin' Jason?
- I think I'm almost there.
- You're almost there?
- I drew a Wall-E like substance.
- A (laughs) Wall-E like substance?
Okay, time to color.
- Very dull, right?
- Yeah, very dull, but I'm kind of making 'em bright.
- I think you're going to do way better at this than me
'cause I'm really not confident in this one (laughs).
- I'm givin' him blue gloves even though
I know he doesn't have blue gloves.
- Why is he doing that?
That's wrong.
- I'm gonna give him some highlights,
some like chrome highlights.
- You're already on highlights?
- Yeah, get on my level.
- I feel like there's so much wrong with this.
I'm just kind of making it up and hopefully it looks okay.
- Okay.
I think that's as far as I'm gonna get.
- [Producer] Brent, how do you think you did?
- I think I did super good.
- Wow.
- I don't remember ever drawing Wall-E,
but he's pretty simple.
Like if you can draw a couple of inanimate objects,
I think you're like already 90% of the way there.
- Uh-huh.
- So I think I captured his essence,
but I kind of made him into more of a convention.
- Yeah, I think I got his essence as well,
but I'm sure all of the details are wrong.
- Yeah, I think once I see what he looks like,
I'm gonna feel like just a big old fool.
- Yeah, can't wait to reveal this one.
- Oh! (laughs) - Yeah.
- Oh man, yours looks a little sinister.
It looks like he's gonna smack his 'roach.
- Yeah.
- Oh my God. - I love the shave.
- You got him like way closer than I did, I think.
- Your Carl looks like he has had enough of business.
Screw you, corporate America.
- Just looking at yours,
I can tell you what's wrong with mine.
- Oh.
- You got the ear covering.
- Okay.
- You got the three colored things on his suit.
- Yeah, the thing I remember the most for some reason
is those three colored buttons.
- Yeah, I would say I think you've got his legs pretty good
'cause now that I see it, I remember the lines on his--
- Like the boots.
- [Kevin] The boots.
- Yeah, boot feet.
- Yeah.
- Boot feet, boot feet, boot feet.
- Jackie, I think you're gonna be surprised
with how well you did.
- Okay, I hope so.
- Oh boy.
- Yeah, look at that.
- Oh wow, yours is the picture.
- Yeah, mine's Wall-E, baby.
- Oh yeah. - Oh there he is.
- Oh my God, I forgot his little,
his thing from Ellie, the button.
- I made him much more colorful,
like you've got the drab color palette much more.
Oh and I forgot he's got a little hearing aid.
- He's such a complicated character.
- He has so many like, toy stuffs too.
- Yeah.
- Like he has like the fingers and like ball joints.
- He has the screw holes in his legs.
Yeah, even like the little air vents on his forearms
and like, how are you supposed to remember that?
- It's too much, I have one brain.
- I think it's like an iconic look,
it's made up of really simple shapes, you know?
- Yeah.
- So it like, works.
I think we both know what Wall-E looks like in our head.
- Yeah.
- Both of them, you could clearly look at them
and say that's Wall-E.
- Yeah.
- We made a lot of mistakes this time around.
- We did, but you know what?
You don't improve as a person without making mistakes.
- Positivity Jackie.
- P-M-A,
Positive mental attitude.
Thank you, thank you. - That's right, that's right.
(upbeat swing music)