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  • Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you

  • to a career and life you'll truly enjoy. And in today's video I am going to share

  • with you my five tips on how to communicate with ease in your next

  • interview so that you can communicate with confidence and hopefully that will

  • help you to land your next job offer

  • Ready to get the job you want? Top Notch Interview is coming soon! For more info

  • and free training head to JOINTNI.COM Now as a career strategist I've had

  • the honour of being able to help numerous professionals land their dream

  • job offers and so if this is something that you're interested in working with

  • me one on one I can give you details about that at the end of this video

  • recently I talked about the topic of how to feel comfortable in an interview and

  • the mindset change that you needed to make in order to accomplish that and if

  • you haven't seen that video then just simply click on the link in the

  • description box below and you'll be led to that video now when it comes to

  • communicating with ease this concept goes hand-in-hand with the topic of

  • feeling comfortable in an interview in order to do well in an interview you

  • need to be able to communicate in a clear and confident way and so here are

  • my five tips on how to communicate with ease in your next interview tip number

  • one know what the employer is looking for before you even go into the

  • interview knowing what the employer is looking for will help you in your

  • communication because the two of you you and the employer will be speaking the

  • same language you'll be able to put the employer at ease because you're at ease

  • because you fully understand what they are looking for from this position from

  • the potential employee that they're going to hire now I know what you're

  • thinking you're probably thinking to yourself okay well how do I know what

  • the employer is looking for if they haven't even told me what they're

  • looking for yet well I can tell you that you definitely can learn and figure out

  • exactly what the employer is looking for if not everything at least the majority

  • of it by simply reading in between the lines of the job description so you have

  • to know how to read a Job Description properly and then also know how to do

  • research on a company learning how to properly read a job description is a key

  • skill that you as a job candidate needs to have in order to be able to land a

  • job offer that you're going to be happy with you need to understand why is the

  • position open what are they looking for from this

  • role what is the goal of this position and what type of individual do they want

  • now I'm not going to spend the rest of this video talking about how to read a

  • job description I actually have resources for you to be able to learn

  • that so you can check out my free webinar it's my resume mastery workshop

  • the link is in the description box down below click on that sign up for a time

  • and you can watch the webinar and learn how to read a job description otherwise

  • you can just simply take my top-notch resume course which has been proven time

  • and time again to work successfully for other job candidates other ambitious

  • professionals like yourself who have successfully used this approach and

  • landed their dream job offers the links are down below tip number two have a

  • treasure chest of stories ready to be picked to be able to communicate with

  • ease you need to have a treasure chest full metaphorically speaking not

  • physically but a treasure chest full of relevant stories that you are going to

  • bring up in the interview and these are based on experiences achievements

  • projects tasks duties assignments that you have performed in the past that

  • relate to the position that you're interviewing for and you have to be able

  • to demonstrate what the results were and how you can do it again for them in this

  • role I've talked about storytelling in other episodes so feel free to click on

  • my channel to look for those ones but essentially you want to make sure that

  • your stories follow the right structure just like in a good movie you want to

  • set up the situation talk about the action steps and talk about the results

  • that occurred tip number three is to cut your explanations down one way to

  • communicate with ease in an interview is to make sure that you don't allow

  • yourself to ramble in the interview whenever you're giving an explanation or

  • telling a story you want to limit the number of sentences that you speak and

  • be mindful and make sure that you get to the point quickly and efficiently

  • otherwise the interview where it may start zoning out and thinking about what

  • they have to get for dinner tonight tip number four show that you want to help

  • when you're not at ease you're nervous in an interview it's

  • likely because you are over analyzing yourself you are overly criticizing

  • yourself and you are thinking about what the other person is thinking about you

  • rather than thinking about how can I help him or her the person that's

  • sitting across the table from me how can I offer them value what can I do or say

  • to showcase to them that I have the right skills qualifications experience

  • and knowledge to be able to help them with their open pain point their open

  • position that they have available the pain points that they're dealing with

  • and the problems that they need to resolve so when you can shift your focus

  • away from yourself and on to the other person it'll help you to be able to

  • communicate with ease you'll be able to tell your stories in a more articulate

  • way and it helps you to be able to demonstrate to the employer your value

  • what you can do for them and finally tip number five is to practice in the mirror

  • back in the day in a past life when I had to go on job interviews this is

  • exactly what I used to do it's such a classic and effective technique yet I

  • don't understand why not too many people do it practicing in front of the mirror

  • helps you to put things in perspective that you're actually talking to another

  • face I mean in this case it happens to be your own but you're able to control

  • the things that you say while you're talking so you're giving yourself eye

  • contact and that helps you to mimic the environment of when you do go into the

  • interview what you need to do when it comes to giving the right eye contact

  • telling your stories in a compelling way and you're able to hear yourself out

  • loud as well so practicing in the mirror is such an effective technique I highly

  • recommend it definitely practice your answers ahead of time in the mirror

  • before you go into any interview so there you have it those are my five tips

  • on how to communicate with ease in the interview now if you're someone who has

  • been going on job interviews you've been applying for positions you haven't been

  • getting many results and you realize that you need one-on-one professional

  • help from me then feel free to reach out to my website

  • fill in the application form and from there if it seems that you and

  • I are a potential match to working together then one of my team members

  • will be reaching out to you directly if you liked this video then please give it

  • a thumbs up subscribe share it with your friends thanks so much for watching and

  • I will see you in the next video. Ready to get the job you want? Top Notch

  • Interview is coming soon! For more info and free training head to JOINTNI.COM

Hey Ambitious Professionals! It's Linda Raynier of guiding you

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如何更好地溝通(在面試中)? (How to Communicate Better (in an Interview))

  • 4 3
    Summer posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary