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Wow, this is very weird. This is the place of the Hiroshima bombing. Yeah. And these people were there before and took the picture. Yeah
That's so crazy. Imagine-imagine their life.
I wonder if there-if it has the radiation.
Hey guys, it's Mikan, and I'm here today with Hirokazu.
Today we're going to be looking at basically these really really old photos we have. We're not entirely sure how old they are yet,
but apparently Hirokazu is very good at knowing these things
So he's going to be able to point out around what area he thinks it was.
So the reason I brought Hirokazu here is actually because Hirokazu is really into history
Like you just generally love-you love old buildings, you love old clothes, you love old people
I just love those things. Yeah, you love to like experience history for yourself. Yeah. So this was a really interesting thing I thought-
Cause like basically I found out that my coworker..she collects old pictures, and then I was like, oh my gosh
That sounds like such a fun thing to do.
And so I thought it would be a really nice idea to actually show you guys and look through them together.
So that was the background behind this video. Yes
But yeah, when I look at old pictures and stuff
it's so weird to me to think like, those are like real people. Do you get what I mean?
Do you know what I mean? Yeah, it feels like..yeah, I can't even imagine like how they look like and like how they lived
Or how they acted on like a day-to-day basis. Yeah, and sometimes I even doubt like they were actually existing
Yeah, it really it was like they were not even like people? Yeah, yeah, yeah
But when you look back at pictures like this.. like we've got some albums and stuff-
It's like we get to have a peek into their life.
So first of all, when we ordered these we got them off Yahoo auction.
And I actually asked you to not show me them and just choose them yourself.
So I wouldn't know anything about them before. Just because I want this to be like a completely raw reaction
Like obviously I can see a little bit- the ones in front of me here,
But I haven't actually looked through them and we've had them like in a bag for a really long time. Like hidden away
Yeah. No chance to look cause i'm so excited about this. I want to like really fully experience it on camera
Also i'd like to say that this is going to have a lot of war stuff just because there was war,
While these pictures were being taken. And so we don't want this to be any kind of like social commentary or anything like that
This is just the way that the war and life was for these people through their angle.
So this is completely just from their perspective like we're not here to be like this is right, this is wrong.
We're just looking at how things work for them from their perspective. Yeah, we don't have any intention to argue about things like that.
Yeah. Yeah, but also like do you think that there's a specific kind of family that would be able to have cameras back then?
Umm back then, especially like Japanese people..they couldn't afford to get this kind of a very nice camera
So I think this family is quite well off. Yeah
So we feel like these are kind of like upper middle class families. Yeah.
I think so, definitely true.
But isn't it so crazy that people would just auction these off? Like imagine having this of like your ancestors? I know
It makes us sad!
Yeah, I don't know- I don't know why did like- you know just
Started selling these things.
I know, that's so beautiful. Some of these are such nice quality from what I can see here as well. Yeah
This is dusty.
I'm allergic to dust. Yeah me too.
*continues coughing*
And also when Hirokazu got these,
I specifically asked him to get albums that have writing in them.
Because I want to see like what they thought about these pictures themselves when they took them.
So I'm so excited! Let's start by looking through...
Do you want to start by looking through the pile of pictures? Or do you wanna start by looking through the albums?
Let's get there later. You want to do this first? Yeah,
Ok then where should we start?
There are a lot
It's like-
They're so beautiful
Let's start with this picture then.
What's he wearing?
Um, he's wearing's a very specific one, which is called umm-
Jugum, which is like,
You know the- when you have the gun?
there's the..
I don't know the path name.
I think so..if it's not, ugh sorry.
Ah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
And G canes like this. Oh like-
What is that? A knife? Or a-
Knife on the like top of the- gun? Gun, Yeah
Cool! *sarcasm*
So scary
Yeah, it is scary.. because.. back then, like, like all soldiers used to use this one.
Really? Yeah
When do you think this was?
I think this is around 30's.
The 30's? Yeah
Or 20's. Like end of the 20's. Really? Yeah, it is very old
That's so crazy
The way he looks in the picture is really like.. not definitely 40's
It's more earlier I think.
Oh! This one's nice!
This is such a beautiful picture! I know yes. This is such a beautiful picture!
This looks like it could be in Ghibli like- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah, yeah,yeah, Yeah, I know what you mean. It's like-
It feels like the character in lobster and stuff. Yeah, he's using some, some-
Like the telephone thingy
Yeah, yeah. Like that
Is he a soldier?
I think, yeah definitely. He's the sol- yeah
*unintelligible* *I have no clue what they're talking about..srry ^-^
Wait wait, can I check?
Yes, Eshima
And the place where it has the bridge.. like the, the huge * ? *
Oh! Like the famous part of Eshima?
Wow that's-
I want a speaker like this!
Look at the back, it used to be like on an album
And has now been peeled off.
What's this dude doing?
I have no idea
But why's he so skinny if he's ** ? **
I think back then, Japanese people couldn't eat that much so-
This was like the biggest dude? Yeah, not surely.
That's so crazy
I wonder! But they were actually really like strong muscles. Yeah, he looks like he could beat both of us up.
This is a family picture. Yeah. Why do they all look so sad?
This kid looks sad..
Uh because you know back then they couldn't move that much. they had to like, yeah, yeah, yeah. It could take so long to stay still. I'm surprised the kids even stayed still.
It's like
Which is like 1922.
I love how the little boy is wearing like western clothes, but everyone else is wearing Kimono. Yeah, that's so weird.
And also, I love her glasses.They're rounded glasses
Oh, this is the one! Which one? The-the gun
Oh yeah! Oh yeah!
Is it the same dude? It is the same dude.
This is sooo cuuttteee!!
Wait is that the same kid? I don't think it is. No it's a totally different kid.
The family- this is the same family.
Yeah same family.
They were huge
Compare to Japan now..
How quickly it changed in 100 years. And look, they all have same haircut.
Yeah, it looks like they all cut their own hair. Yeah, it's like magical. Yeah, it's like magical.
This is so cute! Look at her school uniform..
It looks a little bit different from today's school uniform. Or, maybe I just haven't seen enough young children school uniforms, but I love this fluffy ribbon.
That's exactly what I was gonna say!
Now these days they have more straight ribbons. Yeah, but this round ribbon is so cute! It's cuter than today.
I find these pictures interesting, because this is exactly the style you like now
Yeah. You love this style. You've been looking for a good hat for a really long time. Yeah
Like this is so what you wear a suit, but this kind of hat or like Kimono but mixed with Western styles.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. What time period is this? I think this is end of *??* or start of *??*
So around 30's?
Thirties. Yeah, I think so. Okay this one. Okay, the big album, the one we've been waiting for,
Yeah, I'm so excited. This is this I think this is the perfect when we got.
Yeah, this is the one we were really excited about. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Whoa, so they will have this film on them
I think it's kind of like
To protect them?
These, these are really nice quality.. wow. They're so clean. What does it say?
Oh now we know we have confirmation. Yeah
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. What time is this?
The before and after what like,
Look at the Hitler mustaches.. this is really bad Japanese history..
It's 1943
This is like shocking for me to look at now. I know..
This is a nice picture, yeah, this is nice big joke cherry, they look like buddies
Yeah, I think so though.
Me and Yonada.. Yeah, me and Yonada
Okay, like buddies, oh you're gonna you're gonna like this Oh where's that?
There are lots of places. Oh
These are so cool.
No Hiroshima, this is so rad. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm here
I think this is the place the bomb. This is the place the atomic bomb hit.
Can I see the picture? Well, I just wanted to it's the same building
This is so crazy. Well is the same building? It's the same. I think it's the same building cuz look in this. Oh, yeah
Yeah, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. This is the place where the bomb I'm sure are tucked. Wow
This is the place of the Hiroshima bombing. Yeah, these people were there before and took the picture. Yeah, that's so crazy
Imagine in that in their life. Do you know what I mean? Like imagine the things they've seen? Yeah like this. Wow
Wow, this is solar. I wonder if there it has the radiation
Well, well, if I don't know if they survived past this and I feel like they weren't in Hiroshima the time oh, yes
So yeah, oh how lovely
Oh how lovely!
So cute... Look at this picture with the baby and the father
This is so adorable
So Hirokazu was investigating and they are luckily not from Hiroshima
Yeah, they seem to just travel to a lot of different places exactly. So there's some pictures from like Yokohama
Probably not good radiation on it.
Anyway, I love this picture of them hiking. Ah, oh great
This is before the war. Yeah, really?
Yeah, because after yeah after the war, they can't just walk around like this because they all had to go to the wall
That's so sad
He does kind of look like you right? Yeah kind of.
That's so funny!
I love the pictures of the fat babies. Look at this, baby
She was so cute
These people love to travel yeah
Super rich. So what's this? What are they doing?
The sending the kids through the wall
That's so sad
Yeah, this is the guy gonna go to the war. Ohh I don't like that
Yeah this guy
He looks tiny
Yeah, this is so crazy! Because this is like their life before and after the war, you know
I think he must've been a chef or something like that
Yeah, because the after the after the these pictures there are lots of like cakes picture
Yeah, this is 1935. No, no, it's a family. Oh, yes. It's 1935 nine and they were invented
That's so weird. Like this is like a family in 1935
It looks totally different. This is a picture new it. Yeah mobile more than boy. Oh, really?
Yeah, what still use that? Yeah, no, no, no like Oh
Very old one. He he looks like he's doing exactly what stuff yeah
19:34. Oh, they got a little bit autistic
Here. Yeah, I know he unknown. Oh, I love seeing how they got created with this. Yeah
I think this fun is what used to be really artistic and creative
So that's it for today's video I really hope you found it interesting
We had so much fun looking through these so I'm really happy that I get to own these it's like a part of history
I hope you guys find it interesting as well. Yeah, it was very inspiring
It's just so weird to see how people like used to live before everything changed so much. Yeah
So like imagine being there with them.Yeah actually they did look like more Japanese, you know what I mean?
Yeah, I guess more traditionally Japanese. Yeah. T
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