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all right guys
which one was the worst?
so it is night time in Brisbane Australia and I'm here with two Japanese
shamisen players named Kiki
And Earlier today, we swing by a 7/11
And saw some strange products that you definitely wouldn't see in Japan so
we've decided that we're gonna go buy as many of them as we can find and have
Kiki try them tonight and 7-eleven is right here
we are finally back to the hotel.
for those of you who don't know and just stumbled
upon this video this is Kanami and this is Hikari.
let's jump right into the Slurpies
Hikari: "what was this again?"
Despite japan being where 7-eleven is from oddly enough japan
doesn't have Slurpees now I'm just thirsty so I'm gonna jump right in
This is amazing!
a much stronger flavor than I was expecting
its really goo!
you weren't kidding!
hikari: its kind of like shaved ice
the flavor is really strong!
watermelons really good too
time to trade
what flavor was this? I dont even remember...
this one is a bit more refreshing
wow ok...
the flavor is pretty strong right?
it's just like a sugar punch
it was something like "coconut berry"
some kind of coconut berry
is it carbonated?
yeah.. its kind of... well.. it tastes...
well for those of you who have never had a Slurpee they taste
kind of carbonated and speaking of carbonated I have been waiting all day
you try this right here this is sparkling coffee
I wonder what this one is like...
yeah... well we have glasses so we can all... okay okay
whats it smell like?
ahhh... like coffee~
oh yea it does!
alright im going to start over here~
looks like cola
yeah yeah
now im going to try~
I want to mix it with alcohol~
I think it would go great with Japanese Shochu!
how is it?
it would probably go good with whisky or something
this kind of reminds me of the coffee coke
its like eating a coffee-flavoured candy!
yea it kind of does!
but I wouldnt buy it again...
yea it was fun to try, but..
this (drink) is really good though I want to go buy it again tomorrow!
and it was cheap!
I wish we had this in Japan
what do you guys wanna do next? we have sour patch kids, we have...
We have spicey skittles Kanami: "im wondering about those!"
We have this, Caramel Popcorn Drink...
see... they really dont want to try the caramel popcorn...
I dont even know what it is....
it literally just says concoction and then there's the mystery flavor of
this one!
ive never had these!
they're going with the skittles
ok are you ready?
These are good I like them!
my timing was way off
its spicy!! aahhh its spicy! I can feel it!
its spicy
kind of like how ginger is spicy
like spicy ginger ale
ah! is this it?
Kanami: it just hit Hikari: It's spicy (again)
ahh.. it hits the throat
but why? Why? is it like chili peppers or something?!
oh!! This is so good!
Hikari "SPICY!" Kanami: ITS SO GOOD!
I like this
I REALLY like this
yo... im dying of spiciness here...
(completely ignoring hikari) I REALLY like this!
hikari: spicy (>_
its way too much sugar we're getting really thirsty
kanami: that was really good
I might have been ok if I had just eaten ONE
But I ate FIVE at once...
I ate 5 at once, so it was really spicy
this is good!
Im really glad that you guys enjoyed the slurpies so much!
its like theres a traffic jam of flavours in my mouth right now...
haha yea all the flavors
and since my mouth was so spicy, after drinking this, I have no idea whats going on anymore!
that is not a good mix...
youre not kidding!
its like it changed into something else...
yea, it was terrible!
okay what's next
shall we try this?
try these mystery flavor Pretzels (Norm dude... they are "Pringles")
Kanami: I wonder what these are like Hikari: me too~
first thing's first!
weve already had so many flavors today!
did you figure out the flavor?!
it smells japanese
smells like kelp
no way! I dont think there are going to be any "kelp-flavored" pringles...
yea... theres something japanese about it...
is there a hint?!
here we go!
they're good!
I feel like I know this flavor....
Ramen? no...?
Close to ramen.
hikari: maybe its chicken ramen!
Ive got my money on this being some form of like...
Japanese flavor... something with cooked meat
I wonder what it is....
hikari: its good
kanami: its good and i feel like I know the flavor, but I cant put my finger on it
we've been on the pringles for like 10 minutes now
weve eaten a serious number of them
hikari: I seriously cant figure this flavor out
we will loop back to this later!
ok, now this!...
Sour Patch Kids is by far one of my favorite snacks. ..... probably on earth
and Ive never had these ones
there's purple, pink, and yellow...
Hikari: Purple
Kanami: Yellow
oh realy?!
perfect! I love the pink ones~
I do not like the yellow!
they stick to my teeth....
Kanami: these are addictive!
We are on to the last thing for tonight...
cant believe were going to end on that...
Not looking forward to this!
I really dont know what this is....
were just going to open it up and go for it~
smells like caramel milk
it was ok!
hikari: its pretty sweet!
hikari: its just like really sweet milk
me: and you guys were the most worried about this one!
hikari: its good eh!
*lots of talk about it being good and like sweet milk*
kanami: they should use this flavor as a base for pudding!
hikari: it would also be really good over corn flakes!
oh my God... so many calories...
hikari: so many calories! kanami: yea.. you're right!
actually, thats really good
good job Australia, on the Oak Caramel Popcorn in a box
its better than that (the carbonated coffee)
it was all actually good!
well... except for the coffee
I will say one thing though... haha yea except for the coffee!
kanami: im still really wondering about these
I cant.... I cannot do it...
I just ... nope
its stressing me out!
ahhh that was good
we gotta stand!
me: shall we step outside?| girls: good idea!
I just kind of wanted to share this experience with you guys
cuz it was something new for Kiki something new for me and I just kind of wanted to
immortalize the moment if you guys enjoyed this one...
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have you probably hanging out in the comments for a bit on the release and
otherwise thank you guys so much for joining you know I will see you again
real soon
let's look over there