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  • we've managed generate over $1.2 million which still blows my mind.

  • I have a team of 10 and Portugal, our work has won.

  • Awards have been featured in books, and I've gotten to speak on stage is in front of 3000 people.

  • So many pinch me moments since I've joined the school.

  • My name is Jonah, and I'm the creative director and co founder of Gift Design Studios, a design agency based out of Portugal.

  • My joint be school.

  • When I was 22 years old, I hadn't even been in the workforce for a full year.

  • But I just took the leap, and it all happened very quickly, like things to be school.

  • After three months, I was able to quit my job, and after five months I moved back home with my husband to Portugal, where we started our Web design agency.

  • Now that we had around business, we could just move wherever we wanted.

  • And not only that, but create jobs for other Portuguese people and give them better conditions and better wages.

  • When I think about everything that's changed since I started be school, it blows my mind every time, um, makes me emotional to think about it.

  • I am so grateful for the life that I get to live now that I can define success on my own terms, that it can work with the clients that I love do the work that excites me most because of B school.

  • I get to do what I love every day.

  • My favorite parts of B school is the community.

  • I've made some of my very best friends there.

  • I've traveled with them.

  • I've cried with them.

  • I laughed with, um, The community gives you everything you need to go through the course to get the support you need to learn from each other and make really great friends.

  • If you feel butterflies in your stomach, that's probably a good sign.

  • It means that you know you're meant for something more, and this will definitely be like a springboard to that.

  • So trust your gut, listen to it and go for it, because I actually believe that there's no going wrong with that.

we've managed generate over $1.2 million which still blows my mind.

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Joana Galvao如何從自由職業者到擁有120萬美元的網頁設計公司|B-School Review (How Joana Galvao Went From Freelancer To Owning A $1.2M Web Design Agency | B-School Review)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary