ButinoneoftheseboxeswithElonMuskAnd I mean, like, heavierthan I remembersolittlewhileback a goodfriendofmine, Charlottetweeted a picture, andshewaslike, I absolutelyhavetohavethis.
Isitgonnabe a funthatthere's just a bigholeElonMusk.
Andtoday, Ellenand I aregonnawalkthroughTokyotogetherso I candeliverhimfullsizetoCharlotteforherbirthday.
Yeah, I couldcollapsehimdown, butthisisjust a lotmorefun.
A littlebit.
And I haveonemoregiftshop.
It's a pigeonholderTwitterthing.
Sowe'reheadingtoanotherbarnow, andit's Charlotteresponsibilitytocarrybefore I forget.
I wasgonnasayTokyo, you'regonnahavetowatchCharlotte's video E feellikeit's goingtobe a lotmorecomprehensivethan, like, fivesecondsoffootagethat I'veshared.
Soyouhad a goodnight.
I definitelyhad a goodnight.
I'm a little I'm a littlecuriouson, like, now, thelungstakingthewholewayonyourdefinitelythebestfirstdate.
I lookforwardtoseeingapartment.
It's nopressureatall.
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