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It is beautiful today.
Every day has been a little different lately.
No, like also, I'm in pajamas.
So I spent the last while putting something together for you guys.
And I think you're gonna like I hope you're gonna like Internet tourist.
Okay, let's go with a bit of context.
When I first started Tokyo Lens, the gold was very simple.
On top of obviously sharing the things that I love of Japan.
I wanted you to feel like you were traveling with me vicariously.
Partially selfish.
I've always enjoyed Japan more when I'm showing people around.
But I also know that not everybody I can travel, whether it be health or responsibilities or any one of the multitude of things that ties people to home.
And now almost all of us are type home all the time.
And we have all the tools we need to have a bit of a window into the world that sometimes that window just sucks.
So I wanted to give a little bit of a break and give you guys a chance to fill your years and your time with something a little more positive longer than like a attended 12.
Many YouTube video and so, for the past couple of weeks have put together something north of six hours of interviews with creators at home all over Japan.
And I can't help but smile.
It's been a long ah fun, and I'll give you all the details after I show you a bit of a preview.
So let's call this episode zero of what I've dubbed the at Home Show.
I'm sitting here with Dogan.
Everyone on Duggan, without giving away the farm completely, would really give a little preview, maybe talk a bit about what we talked about in our epistle.
Yeah, so, uh, we focused primarily on Japanese.
We talked a kind of about aspects of the language that people who are learning it might not know about but would be good to know about.
And we covered some very we actually covered one really useful, Ah, phonetic rules.
So kind of a secret for knowing the hitch accent of a whole bunch of verbs just by looking at the word.
Then we also talked about some funny kind of anecdotes about learning Japanese but misusing it in real life and also kind of the classic the jungle jewels and kind of how people interpret that over there.
Japanese learning journey.
I would say I couldn't have given a better summary myself.
I'm gonna leave it exactly like that.
Will will talk to you soon.
My pleasure.
Hope you guys enjoy the podcasts or video.
Castaic you're watching Makayla.
What did we talk about in our episode?
In our episode, we talked about life down in southern Japan and Fukuoka city.
I love for food and the challenges of having pets in Japan.
After our fought gas episode, I'm kind of feeling like Coca might even be one of the best places to live in Japan.
And you shared a couple cheap travel tips that I didn't even know about it.
So I guess we will talk to you in a few days.
All right now, joining us from the island of Shikoku in Mott CMA.
I guess that's kind of backwards.
It's Matsuyama in Shikoku.
That makes more sense.
We were sitting down with Sherry.
How you doing today, Sherry?
And what are recovering in our episode, or what did we cover?
What's in our episode?
Sherry way Cover.
Ah, whole variety of topics and from a business because I started my own business from zero.
So we had some recovered.
Some tips for those who want to work in Japan.
Uh, who wants to start their own company?
To how I how I started my business and how I grew up in a born and raised in the countryside.
Yeah, a place that you seem to have a great deal of love for and a business that you've grown from literally.
Just this tiny little being to this giant like this is a terrible, terrible visual description.
You know, it's a fun episode.
Had a great time recording it.
I'm gonna leave it it that Thank you so much.
All right.
So, Hannah from currently hand, I think we had a lot of fun in our episode.
There's so many different topics that came up.
Can you give us a little peek at what we talked about?
Yeah, A little good fun.
We talked about travel, travel, traveling solo.
Uh, couch stuffing at the age of 20 is a naive female traveller in Europe by herself on and, you know, travel, filmmaking, and we'll gain and blah blah, blah way also touched on a lot of Japanese culture, obviously country that we're both in, um, different, like little subcultures and, uh, different types of people in Japan.
Like whether it's got of what was the other one?
He said, Yeah, number.
Yeah, yeah, number, which is new to may I know what you're doing as soon as on.
And then we talked about novelty taxis as he do drifting taxis, karaoke taxis on send taxis.
You know thing are they not?
Who knows?
We'll find out when you listen to me.
Oh, you all right?
So, Chris, from abroad in Japan, can you share a little bit of, ah description of what we covered in our part gas episode?
We talked about feed and travel, Norm because I like food.
I like travel on especially together.
We talked about the tea restaurant chains in Japan.
You need to try and we talked about our favorite place in Japan, including where I'd like to live if I had to start over in Japan tomorrow afternoon.
The very city I would live it those just some of the highlights in the take a lens norm super legal podcast that you should definitely listen to right now and who is.
It was so hard to keep a straight face through that entire thing.
Thank you very much.
We will see you in a couple days.
Jolly good.
Thank you.
Sharlow, What did we cover in our podcast episode?
Oh, everything from the current craze of animal crossing.
My current obsession Teoh tips for finding really amazing apartments in Japan.
If you're planning on living here, um, to our plans for the future, once we're allowed to leave our houses again sounds good.
I am excited and we will talk to you.
I guess in a few days, what did you think?
I'm pretty excited.
As for the role of planets are gonna be coming out on the Tokyo Lens podcast, which obviously will be linked down below.
And with the goal being to take a break from the craziness of the world right now, we actually go out of our way to actively avoid the topic of the current situation.
Except for Friday's episode Friday's episode we thought it was best just to address that situation head on right from the beginning.
So in that episode, pretty much every creator across Japan currently involved in the project comes together and shares their situation and experience and everything like that.
But from Monday for Monday, there's none of that from Monday is just fresh.
Just today's coffee turnover and just to be super clear on things.
No, it's not coming out on YouTube.
Everything's gonna be over home.
The podcast.
If you do want videos or if you don't wanna wait the two months, all of it is already available for the amazing community of people over on Patri on who basically made this entire thing possible to begin with.
So if you want all the content right now, it's all there.
Also massive thank you to suit of the knees.
Who did the base work for all of the arbour used in this project?
Like all of it, all those beautiful colors and the map and the building, it's It's all her, thank you, and that is pretty much it.
We had a lot of fun putting it together, so we hope that you have even a fraction of his much fun just kicking back at home with us and I just listening to the content, Or should you be so inclined watching the content also, if you're not at home.
If you're one of those essential workers who has to be out there braving it every single day?
Thank you.
From each and every one of us.
Genuinely means over world.
Thank you.
Now that it really everything is linked down below on a coffee cup is just about empty.
So I am going to grab a refill.
Thank you, guys.
So much for joining.
We'll see you again.