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-All right. Ready?
Here we go. -Are we good?
Did we get the distance and everything
and the noise and all that good?
-I think it's good, right?
My head was like this the first couple of weeks.
-And I got letters and complaints.
-Well, you have got --
you have got a huge moon face anyway, though, haven't you?
You have got a huge face.
[ Both laugh ]
-I have a lot of face. I do have a big face.
-Too much face for the head. It goes around the side.
It goes around the side. -Yeah, it's almost like a lion.
-My hair is terrible.
Honestly, my hair is -- it's an atrocity in the back.
-But it looks very clean and posh.
-Yeah, 'cause if you don't see, I cut it in the mirror.
So I just cut what I can see.
[ Both laugh ]
-From behind, it's gonna be awful.
From the sides or from behind, yeah.
-Yeah. -How are you with Zoom?
Are you good with Zoom? I assume you're not.
-Um, hold on. Have we started?
-Oh, yeah. -I'm sorry --
[ Laughing ] I'm so sorry!
-I've gotten better at my job. -I was just having a talk.
I didn't know we'd started. Yeah, I like --
I'd never heard of Zoom like four weeks ago.
Now I'm using it all the time.
And for things like this, it's better for me
'cause I don't need to sit anywhere near you.
You know what I mean? So, um...
Also, I don't have to get dressed up.
Like, I'm naked from the waist down.
So that's... -Yeah, that makes two of us.
[ Both laugh ]
Here's one hand. Here's one hand.
-You don't get depressed when you look down.
[ Both laugh ]
-I sadly -- I sadly do. [ Laughs ]
It humors me a little bit.
I laugh when I look down. -Yeah, exactly, yeah.
-Were you all set for the quarantine?
Were you fully stocked?
Do you have all your supplies? -Yeah, yeah.
I've always got enough booze in the house for a nuclear winter.
So that was -- that wasn't any different.
We have our shopping delivered.
-I mean, toilet paper -- Toilet paper was a big deal.
-Yeah -- no, as long as I got booze,
I don't care about toilet paper.
Honestly, I would swap my last toilet roll for a bottle of beer
if I didn't have anything else.
I'd use -- I'd use --
There's no substitute for beer and wine.
But, you know, there's books, there's grass.
We -- We -- [ Both laugh ]
-Books? [ Both laugh ]
-People don't got their values right.
-Dude, oh, my gosh.
-If people are fighting over toilet rolls
instead of booze there's something wrong.
-Dude, Charmin should come out with a book, a set of books,
where you just rip the page out.
-Yeah, exactly. You can substitute that.
You don't need the bidet.
I've never used a bidet in my life, you know?
That would come into its own, wouldn't it?
That would really...
-Hey, I've got to say, I loved "After Life," the first season.
I think, what a better time than now for season two to come back.
I think it's funny.
I think it's touching and moving.
I know we talked about it already with the first season,
but you really did it. It was great.
I loved it. -Thank you very much. Yeah.
It's about a man who's going through
the seven stages of grief, but it's funny, as well.
You know, he's trying to -- It asked the big question,
"If you lose everything, is life still worth living?"
and that's the premise of the show.
But it is --
-People are thinking about that now kind of more than ever.
They're going, "Hey, wow. I was doing a lot of stuff
that I didn't even think I could survive without,
and we are." -I agree.
And I think people are starting to realize what matters.
People are phoning their family more
or Zooming their family or Skyping their friends.
And I think that people are realizing that it is
those little things that matter,
and it is the things that you don't think you miss
until they're gone, and the show is about that,
the normal things in life.
A sort of savior, his dog.
You know, he nearly kills himself,
but the dog's hungry, and that gets him
enough to think, "Okay."
But, you know, the dog sort of metaphorically
and literally saves his life.
And I think that's true, as well.
I think pets are so important in this time.
-Yeah. -And dogs are --
You know how much I love dogs. I know you do.
They're just incredible. They're off the charts.
They're the best -- They're the best invention ever.
[ Both laugh ]
-They really are great.
I'm surprised my dog's not in here right now,
'cause she's been all over me all day,
and maybe she just got tired of me.
-They must be loving it, that their --
their parents are home now, you know?
That must be great for a dog.
-Is she, or is she like, "Get out. I need my space"?
-I don't think dogs are like that.
I don't think dogs go, "Do you know what?
I need a little bit of time. I just got time to think."
A dog will just go, "Whatcha want to do?
Whatever you say, that's the best idea ever.
Do you want to go out? Yes.
Do you want to go home? Yes."
-[ Laughs ] -Everything's the best.
Everything's the best thing ever.
-Best to everything. Say yes to everything, yeah.
-You'll never walk into a dog, and it'll go, "Uh, I'm busy."
They're just -- they're there.
"What do you need? What do you need?
Do you need a kidney?
-They always say, like, "Let's go.
Party? Let's go." -Exactly, yeah.
You're a bit like a dog.
You're like a big puppy, aren't you?
You're always there, you're ready.
-I'm always ready, yeah.
I have a bigger head --
I have a bigger face than a puppy.
-[ Laughs ] Exactly.
You'll grow into it. You'll grow into it.
-[ Laughing ]
You know, we talked about different charities,
and if there's any one, and you just said, in general,
let's just help any animal charities right now, if we can.
-There's so many, and they're all so in need
more than ever now.
You know, even, like, pet rescue centers are in trouble.
There are so many --
Local rescue or ASPCA are great, nationwide.
So, yeah, if you can even just follow one
or donate a little bit, if you can,
it really, it really makes a difference.
And, you know, it's great that you're doing this, as well,
because things like this, people --
You know, they don't think about it.
You know, they think that everything's coming on,
and everyone is worried about themselves, quite rightly.
It's a tough time.
But all those things are still going on.
Animals are still in need.
They're still suffering, they're still being made homeless.
And that's one of the reasons that I do, you know,
probably do more for animals than any other charity.
Because they can't speak up for themselves, you know?
Except parrots, obviously. -[ Laughs ]
Do you think if you are a parrot,
you're basically on your own, at this point?
-They can call emergency services.
-[ Laughs ] -They can go, "I'm starving."
-[ Laughs ] -"I'm starving."
-Yeah, but don't you think that the paramedic
could hear that it's a bird calling?
-No. It could --
No, it could be just a strange little man.
[ Both laugh ]
-We're just laughing at ourselves.
Everyone at home is -- -I know. I know.
You've got to laugh. You've got to laugh.
-Yeah, you have to.
Ricky, you always make me laugh, you always make me happy.
Thank you for playing that game, even though you didn't want to.
And "After Life" is on Netflix. It is fantastic.
Season two. Keep it up, buddy.
And I really can't wait to see you in person.
I miss you. -Thanks, man.
See you soon. Stay safe.