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  • Just 3 hours from Miami and 8 from London,

    距離邁阿密只要 3 小時 距離倫敦 8 小時

  • is Antigua, the largest island in the nation of Antigua and Barbuda.

    安地卡 是安地卡及巴布達的最大島。

  • Whatever time zone you're coming from,


  • the moment you set foot here, you're walking in island time.

    從踏入此島的那一刻起 就可以盡情享受島嶼時光。

  • Christopher Columbus claimed this island for Spain when he sailed past in 1493,

    西元 1493 年克里斯多福·哥倫布航行途經此島, 便主張此島屬於西班牙所有,

  • but he was in too much of a hurry to stop.


  • Don't go making the same mistake he did,


  • or you'll miss out on some of the best beaches and mellowest vibes the Caribbean has to offer.

    否則您就會錯過 加勒比海最美的海灘和濃厚的島嶼風情。

  • Antigua's capital is St John's,


  • built by British traders 150 years after Columbus first rushed by.

    在哥倫布第一次匆忙途經此島後 150 年 才由英國貿易商所建

  • High on the hill, The Big Church looks down upon a town of plantation shutters,

    坐落在高高的山坡上 大教堂俯瞰著小鎮上的木頭百葉窗、鐵皮屋頂

  • iron roofs and colors as bright as our spirit.


  • Mix up a little history and shopping,


  • down by the city's quays,


  • where old shop-houses have been given new life as cafes,

    已重獲新生 改建成為咖啡廳、

  • bars and duty-free boutiques.


  • Take a break from the noonday sun in the cool shade of the old Courthouse,

    前往舊法院建築 在建築的蔭涼處乘涼,

  • now the home of the national museum.


  • From the days of sugar and slaves,


  • to cricketing legends,


  • the story of Antigua is all here to touch and enjoy.

    所有關於安地卡的故事 等著您來挖掘和探索。

  • Spend a lazy afternoon walking the ramparts


  • of the harbor's fortifications,


  • whose cannons made sure that pirates and other mischief-makers stayed well out to sea.

    看著大炮對著外海 阻擋了海盜和破壞者。

  • When the hustle n bustle of St John's


  • gets too much,


  • there's a whole island waiting to meet you.


  • Just to the north of St John's, you'll find Runaway Beach and Dickenson Bay.

    聖約翰斯的北邊 有逍遙海灘和迪肯森灣。

  • These beaches have everything a sophisticated beachcomber could need,

    這些海灘 應有盡有

  • from the purest sands, to some of the finest resorts in all the West Indies.

    從最純淨的沙灘 再到西印度群島中一些最頂級的渡假村

  • And the sunsets are pretty fine too.


  • On the island's Eastern side, spend an hour


  • or two at Betty's Hope,


  • the queen of all Antigua's sugar plantations.


  • The island was once covered with over one hundred mills just like this,

    這座島嶼以前 曾經擁有上百座的風車

  • whose great sails turned slowly in the trade winds,

    風車翼就在信風的吹拂下 緩緩地轉動著,

  • each one crushing up to 200 tons of cane per week.

    每座風車磨坊 每星期可碾壓 200 噸以上的甘蔗。

  • A few miles east from Betty's Hope,


  • feel the power of the trade winds again, at Devil's Bridge,

    您將再次感受到信風的威力。 這裡就是魔鬼橋

  • a natural arch carved by Atlantic waves pushed all the way from Europe.

    是由遠從歐洲來的大西洋海浪 所切割而成的天然拱橋。

  • When it's time for some gentle rhythms,


  • cool off in the sheltered waters of neighboring Long Bay.

    可以前往附近的長灣 清涼的海水讓人頓時暑氣全消。

  • Or let the breeze carry you further around the island,

    或者跟隨著涼爽微風的腳步 前往島上

  • to curvaceous beauty spots like Half Moon Bay, and Mamora Bay.

    其他誘人的美麗景點 像是半月灣及馬莫拉灣。

  • Sooner or later you'll wind up at English Harbor,

    最終, 您將會抵達

  • once one of the Royal Navy's most important bases,

    英倫海港 以前曾經是皇家海軍重要基地之一。

  • today, the prettiest town in the island's south.


  • Hi-Tech yachts have replaced the great ships of old,

    現代化的高科技遊艇 已經取代了舊式船隻,

  • and the timber and gunpowder stores are now boutique hotels.

    而木材行和火藥店 現在也成為了精品飯店。

  • But the smell of rum and tar still lingers around the Nelson's Dockyard,

    但是萊姆酒和焦油的味道 仍舊在尼爾森船塢附近久久不散,

  • in the windlasses that pulled weary ships ashore for repair,

    絞車碼頭 將受損的船隻拖上岸修理,

  • and in the former officers' quarters which now celebrate the great age of sail.

    而前軍官宿舍 現在則成為了闡述偉大航海歷史的地方。

  • Head up the hill to Clarence House,


  • and share the same views that admirals,


  • governors, and visiting royalty once enjoyed.


  • For even bigger views, keep climbing,


  • to Shirley Heights.


  • Once a place where lookouts scanned the horizon for prowling ships,

    這裡的觀景台 以前是用來檢視海面上徘徊的船隻,

  • today it's the perfect place to catch the breeze

    而現今則成為 一邊享受徐徐的微風

  • and think about your next swim.


  • From English Harbor, back to St John's,


  • it's just one perfect beach after another.


  • Pigeon's Point Beach is alive with local laughter.

    鴿子灣海灘 充滿當地人的笑聲。

  • Carlisle Beach comes straight from a dream.

    卡萊爾海灘 宛如夢境般的海灘。

  • Turners Beach is as calm as the sea can be.

    透納海灘 如同大海般寧靜。

  • And Valley Church Beach is like warm medicine for the soul.

    而山谷教堂海灘 就像是精神的良藥。

  • Some say there are 365 beaches in Antigua,

    據說安地卡擁有 365 個海灘,

  • one for each day of the year.


  • But you won't see every beach, don't even try.

    您可能無法 遊覽所有的海灘

  • Just take it eeeeasy, because the slower you move,

    沒關係! 您只需放慢腳步

  • the better you'll feel.


  • And Antigua is all about feeling good.


  • For thousands of years Antiguans have called this island, Waladli,

    數千年以來, 安地卡人稱此座島嶼為「Waladli」

  • which means "our place".


  • So come, set your mind to island time,


  • and make it your place too.


Just 3 hours from Miami and 8 from London,

距離邁阿密只要 3 小時 距離倫敦 8 小時

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