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  • Gibraltar is a small peninsula with an epic profile that lies at the south of Spain.


  • Just a 3-hour flight from London, it is a tiny slice of the British Empire, with a heroic colonial history and 300 days of sunshine each year.

    距離倫敦僅三個小時的航程,它是大英帝國的一小塊,有著英勇的殖民歷史和每年長達 300 天的充沛陽光。

  • Although it covers less than 3 square miles, Gibraltar's strategic location has made it one of the most fought-over places in Europe.


  • For centuries, it has withstood political maneuvering, sieges, and battles.


  • And today, with its red phone boxes, Union Jacks, and high street shops, Gibraltar staunchly stands as a small pocket of England in the heart of the Mediterranean.

    而現今的直布羅陀街上林立著紅色電話亭、英國米字國旗和高級街頭商店 成為了地中海心臟地帶上屹立不搖的英國領地。

  • No matter where you go here, the Rock of Gibraltar looms large.


  • Take the cable car right to the top of this 1,400-foot-high limestone ridge, and enjoy the spectacular views, south across the Strait of Gibraltar to the African coastline and north to Spain.

    搭乘纜車可以到這座 1400 英呎高的石灰岩山頂欣賞壯闊美景;巨巖南邊跨越直布羅陀海峽,直達非洲海岸線,而往北則是西班牙。

  • According to legend, this is where Hercules separated Europe from Africa, and the cliffs on each side were once known as the Pillars of Hercules.


  • If the Rock of Gibraltar is famous around the world, so are its residents, the Barbary Macaques that have lived here for centuries.


  • Visitors flock here to watch the antics of the only population of wild monkeys in Europe.


  • Be warned, though; they can be a little light-fingered if they think there are treats to be enjoyed.


  • It is said that as long as the monkeys remain on the rock, so will the British.


  • It's a legend born during one of the longest sieges in history when the French and Spanish tried unsuccessfully to take Gibraltar by force during four bloody years in the 18th century.

    這個傳說可追溯至一場史上歷時最長的圍攻行動。18 世紀時,法國和西班牙遲遲無法強行攻下直布羅陀,而血腥戰爭因此持續了整整四年。

  • The way locals tell it, at least one surprise attack during the siege was thwarted by the monkeys who alerted the night watch to the invaders with their commotion.


  • Take a tour through the Great Siege Tunnels built during this time.


  • They remain one of the most impressive feats of military engineering and helped the English to a seemingly impossible victory.


  • Using only hand tools and gunpowder, 18 men dug this 82-foot tunnel in less than 5 weeks to provide access to the rock's north face.

    當時有 18 名男子只靠著雙手和火藥,便在五週內挖成了這條 82 英尺長的隧道,讓軍隊得以進入巨巖的北面。

  • From this position, they were able to fire onto enemy lines and hold off the invaders.


  • Discover more stories of battle and bravery with a tour of the Military Heritage Center, a former artillery battery near the entrance to the Tunnels.


  • Here, you'll find relics from the Great Siege as well as a memorial chamber, which pays tribute to all those who gave their lives in defense of Gibraltar over the centuries.


  • During the Second World War, the Mediterranean became a main theater of war, and Gibraltar, again, became a key target.


  • To withstand the attacks, almost all the civilians were evacuated, and more than 30 more miles of tunnels were built, creating an underground city beneath the rock.


  • Hike to the Moorish Castle, a medieval fortification which is one of the most recognized features of the rock.


  • The Union Jack you'll see flying from the tower was first raised in 1704 and has flown proudly ever since.

    塔樓上飄揚的英國米字國旗自 1704 年首次升起後,便一直威武地飄揚著。

  • A short walk downhill is St. Michael's Cave, a network of limestone caves that has fascinated visitors since Roman times.


  • Carved by thousands of years of rainwater, this cave, once believed to be bottomless, is open to visitors and is a dramatic backdrop for concerts, ballets, and theater performances.


  • For another dramatic backdrop, visit the very southern tip of Gibraltar.


  • Here, you'll find the Europa Point Lighthouse with its classically British design, as well as the Ibrahim-Al-Ibrahim Mosque, one of the largest mosques in a non-Muslim country.


  • Gibraltar's cultural blend is truly unique, and nowhere is this more evident than along Main Street.


  • Almost every building here was destroyed during the Great Siege, and it has been rebuilt over the centuries, creating a streetscape like no other.


  • Stroll to the northern end to Grand Casemates Square and the Old Town, which dates back to medieval times.


  • Once, this was the site of hangings, but today, it is a thriving hub of pubs, bars, and restaurants, and a great place to relax with a pint of lager.


  • From English pints to Spanish paella, historic battles to cheeky monkeys, Gibraltar's magic lies in its unexpected mix of the familiar and the exotic.


  • A small taste of England right in the heart of the Mediterranean.


Gibraltar is a small peninsula with an epic profile that lies at the south of Spain.


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