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  • The Portuguese capital Lisbon,


  • lies on the Western Iberian Peninsula,


  • where the Tagus River meets the Atlantic Ocean.


  • Settled almost 3000 years ago,

    這座城市 3000 年前即開始發展

  • the city predates Rome, Paris and London by centuries,

    遠比羅馬 巴黎和倫敦早好幾個世紀

  • and possesses an epic narrative to match.


  • From its early days as a Phoenician outpost


  • to it's expansion into a 16th century trading giant,

    到發展為 16 世紀的貿易巨人

  • from the Great Earthquake of 1755

    從 1755 年的大地震

  • to its glorious reconstruction,


  • Lisbon has long been a city of shifting fortunes.


  • For much of the 20th century the city floundered,

    20 世紀大半時間,這座城市都在苦痛掙扎

  • but the winds of fate have again shifted in Lisbon's favour.

    但命運之風終於轉向 再次吹向了里斯本

  • No longer a place of faded glory,

    21 世紀的里斯本,不再是一座褪色的榮耀之地

  • 21st century Lisbon is again a place of possibilities.


  • This is a city whose journey has forever been tied to the sea,

    長久以來,這座城市的更迭起伏 都與大海緊緊相繫

  • so it's not surprising that many of her most important landmarks

    因此, 這裡最重要的地標

  • can be found along the waterfront.


  • Rising from the banks of the Tagus River,


  • the fortified elegance of the Torre de Belem stands as a reminder

    堅固與優雅兼具的貝倫塔 這座塔宣示著

  • of Portuguese prestige and power in days of old.


  • Just upriver, rises the Monument of The Discoveries,


  • which celebrates the nation's most revered seafarers,


  • such as Prince Henry The Navigator, Vasco da Gama, and Ferdinand Magellan.

    像是航海家亨利王子 瓦斯科·達伽馬和斐迪南·麥哲倫

  • Climb to the rooftop and look down upon the Mapa Mundi below,

    沿著階梯登至塔頂,俯瞰下方的 世界地圖

  • which charts the routes and discoveries of Portugal's intrepid mariners.

    可以看到葡萄牙勇敢航海家 航行過的路線和沿途的新發現

  • Nearby, continue your voyage into Lisbon's seafaring past

    接下來繼續往附近探索 里斯本的航海歷史

  • at the Jeronimos Monastery.


  • Vasco da Gama spent his last night in prayer on this site,

    瓦斯科·達伽馬在 1497 年啟程前往東方的前一晚 曾在此祈禱

  • before departing on his epic voyage to the Orient in 1497.

    接著就展開 他留名青史的偉大遠航

  • The vast monastery that stands today


  • was funded by the incredible wealth da Gamma's spice routes brought to the city.

    仰賴的就是達伽瑪所發現的香料之路 以及隨之湧入里斯本的大量財富

  • This vast monastery complex is also home to the city's maritime museum,

    這座占地廣闊的修道院建築群,同時也是 里斯本海洋博物館的所在地

  • which preserves relics from Portugal's Golden Age of Sail.

    博物館保留了葡萄牙航海 黃金時期的古物與遺跡

  • In the early 1800s,

    在 19 世紀初

  • Portugal's rulers forced the resident monks to vacate their beloved monastery.

    葡萄牙的統治者強迫當地的修道士 讓出他們鍾愛的修道院

  • Destitute, the monks sold a prized possession


  • their secret egg tart recipe.

    也就是: 蛋塔食譜秘方

  • Five generations later,

    150 年後

  • the neighbouring Belem Patisserie serves over twenty thousand pastel de nata

    旁邊的貝倫法式糕點店, 每天供應超過兩萬份葡式蛋塔

  • to sweet-toothed devotees each day,


  • and the recipe remains a guarded secret to this day.

    而秘密配方直至今日 仍是最高機密

  • Once you've stocked up on the world's finest pastel de nata,

    當您飽嚐世界頂級美味的 葡式蛋塔之後

  • set sail to the newest horizons in creativity


  • at The Museum of Art, Architecture and Technology.


  • Further upriver,


  • the Portuguese love of the sea continues at the city's acclaimed Oceanario,

    葡萄牙人對大海的熱愛,也體現於 大受好評的里斯本海洋水族館

  • where hundreds of species glide by in a celebration of the global ocean.

    遊客可以欣賞到來自世界各海域的 上百種生物,在其中自在優游

  • From here, climb aboard the cable car and glide upriver again,

    從這裡搭乘纜車 繼續往上游前進

  • for birds-eye views of the city and the eleven-mile long,


  • Ponte Vasco da Gama, the longest bridge in Europe.

    長達 11 英里的瓦斯科·達伽馬大橋

  • The waterfront is also where you'll find the city's grand gateway,

    您也可以在海濱處找到 這座城市的華美門戶

  • Praca do Comercio.


  • This great square in the centre of the Baixa District was once the home of the Royal Palace,

    這座位於龐巴爾下城區中心的大廣場 曾經是皇宮所在地

  • until a fateful All-Saints Day in November 1755

    直到 1755 年 11 月諸聖節

  • when a natural disaster changed Lisbon, and Europe, forever.

    一場天災讓里斯本和歐洲 遭逢劇變

  • At the Lisbon Story Centre, feel the devastating tremors of that six-minute earthquake,

    在里斯本故事館裡 可以感受當時劇烈搖晃長達六分鐘的大地震

  • and the terror of the tsunami and five-day firestorm that followed.

    隨之而來的海嘯, 以及肆虐 5 天的大火災

  • The earthquake obliterated 85% of the city,

    地震摧毀了 85% 的城市

  • but with calamity, came opportunity.


  • Within a year, the rebuilding of Lisbon was well underway.

    一年不到,里斯本的重建作業 就已有長足進展

  • Wide avenues replaced the medieval rabbit warrens of old,

    寬闊的大道取代了 老舊的中世紀狹窄住宅

  • and a new style of elegant, earthquake-resistant architecture was born, Pombaline.

    新型優雅的抗震建築 龐巴爾下城也隨之誕生

  • The earthquake also shook the city free from the religious dogma of old,

    地震也撼動舊有的宗教教條 讓城市從此蛻變

  • and from its cracks came the fresh new shoots of The Enlightenment.

    並從裂縫中冒出了新芽 開啟了啟蒙時代

  • Pass beneath the triumphal arch crowned with the figures of Glory, Valor and Genius,

    穿過凱旋拱門,上頭雕刻著榮耀女神 Glory 為 Valor 和 Genius 兩位英雄加冕

  • a tribute to the city's swift reconstruction.


  • Then simply drift down Rua Augusta, and into another of Lisbon's great squares, the Rossio.

    接著悠閒愜意地走過奧古斯塔街 前往里斯本的另一個大廣場: 羅西烏廣場

  • If Praca do Comercio is the city's gateway, the Rossio is its heart.

    如果商業廣場是這座城市的門戶 羅西烏廣場就是它的心臟

  • Since the middle ages, Lisbon's citizens have gathered here for bullfights and celebrations.

    中世紀以來,里斯本市民都會聚集在此 參加鬥牛活動和慶典

  • Today, it's the perfect place to relax by the cool of its fountains

    而今日,清涼的噴泉 和波浪花紋地磚的人行道

  • and on the waves of its patterned pavement.


  • Lisbon belongs to that club of great cities which are defined by seven hills,

    名列全球最棒城市之一的里斯本 又被稱為「七丘之城」

  • so wherever you roam, eventually you'll find yourself going up to take in the views.

    無論漫步到哪,最後都會往上坡走 才可以居高飽覽美景

  • Luckily, Lisboetas have come up with some innovative solutions

    幸運的是,里斯本居民 想出了一些創新方式

  • to save their legs on hot summer days.


  • From the Lower Town, ride the Elevador de Santa Justa, to the Barrio Alto District.

    從下城區,搭乘聖胡斯塔升降機 即可前往上城區

  • Here you'll find the Convento do Carmo,


  • whose unrestored arches bare testament to the devastation

    未經修復的拱門,正是這座城市曾在 1755 年 遭受嚴重破壞的

  • which befell the city in 1755.


  • Climb aboard Tram 28, which passes some of the cities most iconic sights.

    搭上 28 路電車,可以前往里斯本 最具指標性的景點

  • Then from Portas do Sol, make the climb to Castelo de São Jorge.

    接著, 從太陽門廣場往上爬至聖若熱城堡

  • From high on the battlements of this 11th century Moorish citadel

    從這座 11 世紀 摩爾人城堡的城垛上

  • the red tiled roofs of Lisbon spread out before you,


  • stepping down to the lower town and the blue Tagus beyond.

    還往下延伸至下城區 進而跨越湛藍的太加斯河

  • You'll find trams rattling all over Lisbon,


  • but the most beloved of all is Gloria,

    但是最受歡迎的路線,非 Gloria 莫屬

  • which runs between the Lower Town to Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcãntara,

    這條路線穿梭在下城區至 聖佩德羅阿爾坎塔拉景觀高地之間

  • the perfect place to watch the city light up at dusk with someone special.

    這座高地非常適合與心上人 一起欣賞日落美景

  • Although the Great Earthquake reduced much of Lisbon to rubble and cinders,

    大地震摧毀了里斯本 許多瓦礫和煤渣建築

  • the ancient suburb of Alfama was spared.


  • Lose yourself amid the ancient cobblestones and steps,

    讓自己迷失流連在古老的 鵝卵石與台階之中

  • where cafes, bars and artisan shops have taken residence

    咖啡廳、酒吧和手工藝店 已經佔據

  • in the dockworkers homes of old.


  • Yet the area still retains its village atmosphere,


  • especially during the midsummer festivals when over 50 street parties

    特別是在仲夏節慶期間 整座城市上上下下

  • pop up all over the city.

    會出現超過 50 個街頭派對

  • The Alfama is home to the Romanesque Towers of Lisbon's Cathedral,

    在阿爾法瑪,可以看到 里斯本大教堂的羅馬式塔樓

  • whose walls date back to the second crusade


  • when the city was liberated from the Moors.


  • If the stones of Alfama could sing,


  • then surely it would be the bittersweet lament of the Fado.

    所吟唱的曲調必定是苦樂參半的 法朵小調

  • At the Fado Museum, discover the traditional song of Portugal,

    在法朵博物館,您可以聽到 葡萄牙的傳統歌曲

  • which originated in the bars and laneways of the Alfama.

    這些歌曲 原是從阿爾法瑪的酒吧和巷弄間開始傳唱

  • Then as the sun gets low, join locals in a fado bar

    日落時分,在法朵酒吧裡 和當地人一起

  • and listen as professional and up-and-coming fadistas

    聆聽訓練有素的 法朵新秀歌手

  • sing the heartrending stories of the working class and the sea.

    唱出勞工階級和海洋 緊扣心弦的故事

  • Lisbon's walls may not sing,


  • but the tiles which adorn them possess a music of their own.

    但裝飾其上的瓦片, 卻擁有自成一格的獨特旋律

  • First introduced by the Arabs, over the centuries


  • the Portuguese have made the art of azulejo all their own.

    葡萄牙人已經將阿茲勒赫瓷磚畫 轉化為當地藝術

  • Housed in a former convent, the National Azulejo Museum

    國家瓷磚博物館的前身 是一座修道院

  • celebrates the evolution of Portugal's tile-craft across the centuries,

    為葡萄牙瓷磚工藝數世紀以來的演進 做了最完整的記錄

  • from the biblical tales of old to the new frontiers of tile design.

    從古老的聖經故事到 瓷磚設計的最前線

  • You'll find azulejo at every turn in Lisbon,


  • from the practical to the purely decorative,


  • but to see the Sistine Chapel of tiles,


  • head to the city's north, to Fronteira Palace.


  • Just to the east, at the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum,


  • you'll find another of the worlds' great collections.


  • The museum's six thousand art treasures and antiquities

    館內有多達六千件的藝術珍品和 古董

  • represent a lifetime of acquisition by the oil magnate Gulbenkian,

    為石油大王古爾本基安一生的收藏 提供最佳註腳

  • Lisbon's love of creativity isn't just confined to her galleries;

    里斯本對創意的熱愛 並不侷限於藝廊之中

  • you'll find it amid urban renewal projects like the LX Factory,

    也體現在里斯本的都市更新計畫 像是 LX 工廠

  • which has breathed new life into the city's fabric factories

    就為這座城市 早已沉寂多年的紡織工廠

  • which fell silent long ago.


  • You'll find creativity on the communal tables of the Mercado da Ribeira,

    您還能在里貝拉市場的共食餐桌上 發現創意

  • where some of the city's most innovative chefs and brewers reinterpret age-old traditions.

    里斯本最具創意的廚師和釀酒師 在市場這裡重新詮釋了歷史悠久的傳統

  • Lisbon has always been a city of discovery.


  • So when you're ready to explore a little further afield you'll find no end of adventure.

    當您準備好探索更遠的地方時 就會發現冒險永無止盡

  • Less than 20 miles west of the city is Cascais,

    往西不到 20 英里處,坐落著卡斯凱什市

  • an ancient fishing village that was woken from its slumber

    這是一座坐擁黃金海灣的古老漁村 直到 19 世紀末

  • when Lisbon's nobility discovered it's golden bays in the late 1800s.

    才由里斯本的貴族發現, 自此從漫長的沉睡中甦醒

  • Another playground for Portugal's Monarchs was Sintra,


  • the home of the Summer Palace.


  • A half hour drive to the northwest of Lisbon,


  • Sintra is more than a weekend destination;


  • it's a journey into a fairy tale.


  • Hans Christian Andersen fell under Sintra's spell,


  • returning time and time again,


  • calling it the most beautiful place in Portugal.


  • From Sintra it's just a short drive to the incredible coastline

    從辛特拉只需要沿著迷人的海岸線 開一小段車程即可抵達

  • of the Sintra-Cascais Natural Park.


  • Spend a few days exploring some of Europe's most beautiful beaches,

    您可以花幾天時間探索歐洲幾座 最美麗的海灘

  • such as Praia das Macas,


  • named after the apples which floated downriver


  • from nearby orchards and washed up upon its sands.


  • From here, venture southward and explore the remote beaches of Adraga and Ursa,

    從這裡,您可以往南邊探索 偏遠的阿德拉加及烏爾薩海灘

  • where Atlantic waves have carved a dramatic coastline straight from Homer's Odyssey.

    此處的壯觀海岸線,是由大西洋的波滔鑿雕而成 就像荷馬《奧德賽》所描繪的那樣鬼斧神工

  • At Cape Roca, stand upon the cliff top,


  • which until the 14th century was considered the end of the world.

    直至 14 世紀 羅卡角都被認為是世界的盡頭

  • Here, on the western-most point in mainland Europe,


  • 400 feet above the pounding Atlantic,

    往下 400 英呎就是波濤洶湧的大西洋

  • it's easy to understand how Lisbon's seafarers were drawn

    不難理解里斯本的水手與航海家 是如何受到吸引

  • to see what lay over those far horizons.


  • Yet no matter what wonders they saw,


  • what riches they found,


  • they always yearned to return to their city,


  • Lisbon, the Queen of The Sea.


The Portuguese capital Lisbon,


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