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  • What do Emperor Xerxes Freddie Mercury and Ireland's richest citizen blondie mystery have in common.

    薛西斯皇帝弗雷迪-墨丘利(Freddie Mercury)和愛爾蘭最富有的公民金髮女郎奧祕有什麼共同之處。

  • All of them are Zoroastrians, the ancient religion of Iran.


  • This is one of the oldest ongoing religions and altered the course of human history.


  • But in influencing Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Greek philosophy, but today it only has a fraction of the millions of followers it once had.


  • So what is our Atrian is?


  • What do Z Atrian believe?

    Z 阿特里安人相信什麼?

  • And where do others fit into all of this?


  • Well, let's find out Zoroastrianism was born in ancient Iran at least 3500 years ago.

    讓我們來了解一下拜火教吧,它誕生於至少 3500 年前的古伊朗。

  • It all began around 1500 BCE give or take a few centuries with the prophet Zarathustra or Zoroaster as the ancient Greeks called them.

    這一切都始於公元前 1500 年左右,或多或少有幾個世紀,先知查拉圖斯特拉(Zarathustra)或古希臘人稱他們為瑣羅亞斯德(Zoroaster)。

  • And so English speakers do too while we call the religion.


  • Zoroastrianism, actual Zoroastrians tend to call it Mazda, Yasna, meaning worshiper of Mazda.

    瑣羅亞斯德教(Zoroastrianism),真正的瑣羅亞斯德教徒傾向於稱之為 "馬茲達"(Mazda)、"亞斯那"(Yasna),意思是馬茲達的崇拜者。

  • No, not that Mazda, but it actually was named after the Mazda that I'm to explain.


  • Shortly.


  • Zoroastrianism was the chief religion of Iran for around 1000 years between the sixth century BCE and the 10th century C.

    從公元前 6 世紀到公元前 10 世紀的約 1000 年間,瑣羅亞斯德教一直是伊朗的主要宗教。

  • It was the state religion of three huge Iranian empires.


  • The came in an empire of 300 fame along with the Parthian and Samian empires.

    這個帝國與帕提亞帝國和薩米亞帝國並稱 300 個名城。

  • Back then, the priests of nationalism were known as Magi.

    那時,民族主義的祭司被稱為 "瑪吉"。

  • The ancient Greeks thought these Magi had secret magical knowledge since they understood complex astronomy.


  • This led to the English world, magic, mage and magician.


  • The Mai would even show up in the Bible.


  • According to the gospel of Matthew, three, Zor Tri and Mai came to visit the baby Jesus.


  • These three wise men as they are known in English are still celebrated by Christians around the world on January 6th.

    每年 1 月 6 日,全世界的基督徒都會慶祝這三位賢人。

  • Eventually the Sian Empire would fall to the Muslim Arabs during their invasion of Iran in the seventh century ce which started the decline and persecution of Zaro Asan in Iran following this in the 10th century.


  • Some I or Austrians fled to India forming the Parsi community named after where they came from which the Indians called Persia.


  • This one refugee community now forms the largest group of Zar Atrian anywhere on Earth.


  • And they've settled in quite well.


  • One of India's largest businesses tata group was founded by Zar Atrian and parties played a massive role in winning Indian independence from Britain.

    印度最大的企業之一塔塔集團是由扎爾-阿特里安(Zar Atrian)創建的,各方在印度從英國贏得獨立的過程中發揮了巨大作用。

  • Zoroastrians can now be found all over the world.


  • Historically, they've emigrated to areas such as Singapore, Hong Kong and parts of Africa, such as the island of Zanzibar where Freddie Mercury's parsi parents would later emigrate from to the UK.


  • In the last 100 years, small Zar Atrian populations have moved to the UK US, Australia and Canada.

    在過去的 100 年裡,扎爾-阿特里亞人的少量人口遷往英國、美國、澳洲和加拿大。

  • Today, there are about 200,000 Zar tris left about 60,000 live in India.

    如今,大約有 20 萬 Zar tris 人,其中大約 6 萬人生活在印度。

  • While the second largest group of about 25,000 lives in Iran with a religion being called Zar Atrian is I think maybe it's about time we spoke about Zoroaster.

    伊朗的第二大群體約有 25 000 人,他們信奉的宗教被稱為 "扎爾-阿特里安"(Zar Atrian),我想也許是時候談談瑣羅亞斯德(Zoroaster)了。

  • We don't know much about Zar Astra's life.


  • We can't even pinpoint when he lived.


  • The Greeks thought he lived 6000 years before the death of Plato.

    希臘人認為他比柏拉圖早死 6000 年。

  • So around 6347 BCE ish, while modern historians place him somewhere around 1700 to 1000 BCE.

    是以,大約在公元前 6347 年左右,而現代歷史學家認為他大約在公元前 1700 到 1000 年之間。

  • During this time, the peoples of Iran believed in many different gods, some of which were similar to the gods of their ancient Hindu neighbors.


  • What we do know is that Zoroaster was the priest of the pre Zoroastrian religion of Iran and that he was outraged by his society, roving bands of drunken warriors would have ravaged the countryside, they pillaged, tortured and slaughtered at will.


  • The common people lived in constant fear and misery.


  • While priests obsessed over obscure rituals and sacrifices that offered little guidance or hope to the suffering.


  • So Ester couldn't stand this injustice.


  • So when he was 30 years old, so Ester went down to a river to fetch water for a ceremony.

    於是,在他 30 歲那年,埃斯特去河邊打水,準備舉行一個儀式。

  • There, he received a vision from a being of pure light and goodness a Mazda who revealed that they were the one true God.


  • The truth of how the universe worked was revealed to Zora.


  • And he knew that it was now his divine mission to spread this truth to his fellow humans.


  • So what are the core beliefs of Zar Ash is well, one aura Mazda and anger.


  • Manu Zoroastrians worship one uncreated eternal god known as a Mazda, which means wise.

    馬努拜火教崇拜一位未被創造的永恆之神,他被稱為 "馬茲達",意思是智慧。

  • Lord Zoroaster describes Ahura Mazda as the Lord of order, something completely good, loving, infinitely wise and the creator of the world and all good things.


  • Ahura Mazda is supported by six holy immortals known as the Emesa spent.

    阿胡拉-馬茲達由被稱為 "埃米薩 "的六位聖仙輔佐。

  • These six holy immortals are normally compared to arch angels in Christianity.


  • If that helps you kind of figure out what their position is.


  • Sometimes there is 1/7 spent called spent Manu, but maybe he's all.

    有時,有 1/7 花掉的錢被稱為花掉的馬努,但也許他就是全部。

  • So the Holy Spirit of Ahura Mazda, sometimes a Mazda also has a parent called Servan who is time itself, but that's considered heresy at this point.


  • Look, we don't have a lot of time to get into it.


  • Honestly, it's a very old religion.


  • There have been many different interpretations over the last 3000 years.

    在過去的 3000 年裡,有許多不同的解釋。

  • I'm really just simplifying and providing the most commonly accepted current beliefs.


  • So keep that in mind.


  • And as always, there's more information in the description opposed to her.


  • ASDA is anger Manu, the destructive spirit and his evil minions known as Davis.

    ASDA 是憤怒的馬努,他是破壞神,也是被稱為戴維斯的邪惡爪牙。

  • Anger Manu is the complete polar opposite of Ahura Mazda.


  • He is darkness, deceit, death and decay.


  • He is a corrupting parasite seeking to destroy Ahura Mazda's creation and is responsible for all negative things in the world.


  • Ahura Mazda is light and Grau is darkness.


  • Ahura Mazda is the creator and Grau the destroyer.


  • Ahura Mazda created light fire, compact Japanese vehicles, joy, humanity puppies probably.

    阿胡拉-馬茲達(Ahura Mazda)創造了光火、小巧的日本汽車、歡樂,可能還有人類的小狗。

  • And Graman gave the world disease rust and mold darkness and that little piece of skin that pops up around your fingernail that hurts so much.


  • Why?


  • And Grau why Zor Astri think everything is a battle between these two opposites or Mazda represents the truth.


  • And Gra Manu, the lie for humans, life is a constant choice between the truth and the lie, which may be difficult because Angra Manu can be very deceiving.


  • Before time began.


  • Ahura Mazda and Manu were separated by an infinite void.


  • They respectively lived in infinite light and infinite darkness.


  • Then Ahura Mazda created the physical or gig world.


  • Manu crawled into this new world and polluted it.


  • They made the ocean salty, they turned the good earth into desert, killed the first human made plants wither and polluted fire with smoke.


  • We now live in a time.


  • Zor Ash referred to as the Gomez or the mixture, good and evil truth and the lie both exist together in our world.

    Zor Ash 被稱為 "戈麥斯"(Gomez)或 "混合物"(mixed),在我們的世界裡,善與惡,真理與謊言並存。

  • But anger Mannus presence is temporary.


  • They are a stain on the world rather than a permanent fixture.


  • So Tris see the physical world as a trap that a Mazda lured anger Manu into now trapped in the physical world.


  • Anger manu can be defeated slowly by the good thoughts, good words and good deeds of humans.


  • Working with a Mazda two heaven and hell.


  • Zoroastrians believe that when a person dies, their soul leaves their body, their soul is then led to the bridge of judgment.


  • Above this bridge lies heaven below hell.


  • Here, the soul's good and bad deeds are weighed on a scale depending on the balance of good to evil deeds.


  • The soul ascends to heaven, a paradise of infinite bliss called the abode of song or falls down to hell to suffer.

    靈魂會升入天堂--一個被稱為 "歌的居所 "的無限幸福的樂園,或者墜入地獄受苦。

  • Quote long age of my, the darkness, bad food and the crying of woe.


  • This is called England.


  • I mean, sorry, sorry.


  • This is called Du Zach.


  • There is also a medium place for people who are neither good nor evil where they kind of just float and experience nothing servants as well as masters can reach paradise.


  • People will be judged according to how they chose to live their lives rather than wealth or prestige.


  • For as our Atrian death represents the highest form of pollution.


  • Death only exists because of Reagan upon the death of a czar.


  • Atrian, a priest will be called to perform a ceremony after which the soul of the person will no longer be considered connected to the body.


  • The family then says their goodbyes without touching the body and the body will be placed on a stone slab and carried away by special corpse bearers.


  • Since dead bodies are so polluting Zor Asians would never think to pollute any of the sacred elements with them.


  • Those being fire water, earth, et cetera.


  • So the traditional method to dispose of bodies used for thousands of years has been the tower of silence.


  • Within these open roofed stone towers located on the top of barren hills, bodies will be laid to rest on stone slabs as to not pollute the earth and then eaten by vultures.


  • Normally within a few hours, the bones are bleached in the sun and quickly disintegrate into dust by feeding the birds to the sea offers up one final good deed of charity before crossing over the bridge.


  • However, in the 19 thirties, the Iranian government banned the use of the towers and currently towers in India are suffering from a shortage of birds due to increased urbanization and pollution.

    然而,在 19 世紀 30 年代,伊朗政府禁止使用鳥塔,目前,由於城市化和汙染的加劇,印度的鳥塔正在遭受鳥類短缺的困擾。

  • Today, many Atrian communities use special burial grounds or have turned to electrical cremation or even using solar reflectors to harness the power of the sun to break down the bodies rather than polluting fire.


  • Three, the apocalypse, the battle between a Mazda and anger Manu will continue for thousands of years.


  • But eventually a savior or so, Shan will be born to a virgin mother who will lead people against the forces of evil.


  • And bring about the end times, the earth will be swallowed by fire.


  • Molten metal will cover everything.


  • The good people will pass through this molten river while the bad people will burn and be purified.


  • The gates of hell would open the souls of the damned will be released and redeemed and everyone will live together in eternal bliss.


  • Honestly, it all sounds pretty meadow and manu finally defeated by a Mazda and humanity's good thoughts, words and deeds will we tossed back into the black abyss they crawled out of and defeated forever.


  • This last judgment slash apocalypse is called the fra OK, meaning renewal as in the renewal of a Asda's originally perfect creation or the three Gs.

    這最後的審判被稱為 "fra OK",意思是更新,就像阿斯達最初的完美創造或三個 G 的更新。

  • The most important concept in Zoras after Hura Mazda is ASHA.

    繼胡拉-馬茲達(Hura Mazda)之後,《索拉》中最重要的概念是 "阿夏"(ASHA)。

  • This is an ancient ave in word and is difficult to translate is truth, wisdom, goodness, justice, perfection, order and progress.


  • All rolled into one word.


  • ASHA is the path of Ahura Mazda.

    ASHA 是阿胡拉-馬茲達的道路。

  • Zor Tris.


  • Try their best to follow the path of ASHA to help humanity follow ASHA.

    盡力遵循 ASHA 的道路,幫助人類遵循 ASHA 的道路。

  • Mazda gave them vou mana or good mind.

    馬自達給了他們 "鄔法力 "或 "善心"。

  • This allowed humans to recognize right from wrong.


  • Good mind lets us see injustice and feel that it is unjust through good mind who Mazda gave humans free will.


  • This means a lot to Zoroastrians because choice is extremely important to their belief.


  • From our good mind.


  • We can have good thoughts and from good thoughts, follow good words and then good deeds, doing good thoughts, good words and good deeds is the core of Zoroastrian belief, good deeds such as taking part in your community, supporting others through tough times, standing up against injustice, fighting poverty, nursing, the sick, and subscribing to education on youtube channels.

    善念、善言和善行是拜火教信仰的核心,善行包括參與社區活動、支持他人渡過難關、反對不公正、與貧困作鬥爭、護理病人、訂閱 youtube 頻道上的教育節目等。

  • all help in the battle against Angra manu.


  • This is why in India, Zor Astri ins are known for the support of orphanages, shelters and many different charities.

    這就是為什麼在印度,Zor Astri ins 因支持孤兒院、收容所和許多不同的慈善機構而聞名。

  • It was or as that said, happiness comes to them who bring happiness to others.


  • Five fire, Zoroastrians see fire as the sacred symbol of Ahura Mazda.


  • It is considered to be pure and represents the truth inside Zoroastrian fire temples.


  • Their priests conduct all rituals in front of fire because it shows the presence of a Mazda but the fire is never actually worshiped itself.


  • This is very important.


  • Z Atrian do not worship fire.

    Z 阿特里安人不崇拜火。

  • Z Tri is also isn't a con of religion.

    Z Tri 也不是宗教騙局。

  • Most worship is done at home and so Tris tend to only go to fire temples during the seven holy days or festivals they have each year.


  • The most sacred fires in Zar tri is need to be made up of fire from 16 different sources.

    扎爾特里最神聖的火需要由 16 種不同來源的火組成。

  • One of which needs to be ignited by lightning.


  • Six, the Avesta, the Avesta is the holy book of the Czar Atrian and one of the oldest scriptures, it is written in an ancient language known as AVA and which was the language spoken by Zara roughly 3500 years ago.

    六是《阿維斯陀》,《阿維斯陀》是阿特里安沙皇的聖書,也是最古老的經書之一,它是用一種被稱為 AVA 的古老語言寫成的,大約 3500 年前,扎拉使用的就是這種語言。

  • The vase that contains hymns from Zara himself known as gas.

    花瓶中裝有來自扎拉本人的讚美詩,被稱為 "氣體"。

  • These 17 gas are deeply important to Zar Atrian and most Zar Atrian belief is based on them due to the violence, Zar Atrian have suffered throughout history.

    這 17 種氣體對扎爾-阿特里安人來說非常重要,由於扎爾-阿特里安人在歷史上遭受過暴力,大多數扎爾-阿特里安人的信仰都是基於這 17 種氣體。

  • Only a fraction of the Eva to survive today.


  • For example, Zar Atrian believe that when Alexander the great conquered the ACA Empire, he burned the royal path at Persepolis and its library to the ground, destroying a complete copy of the Avesta written in gold on 12,000 gold skins.

    例如,扎爾-阿特里安人認為,亞歷山大大帝征服阿卡帝國時,將波斯波利斯的皇家大道及其圖書館燒為平地,毀壞了用黃金寫在 12 000 張金皮上的完整的《阿維斯陀》副本。

  • This might be why he isn't called Alexander the great in Iran, but rather Alexander the accursed even more of the eve that was lost during the Arab turkic Mongol invasions of Iran.


  • Yeah.


  • So Tris really couldn't catch a break there for a while.


  • You can read the Vesta online for free and a lot of it is extremely beautiful and thought provoking.


  • But if you're Dunce like me, you'll love this section about how hedgehogs known as the dog with the prickly back serve A H A Mazda and turtles have sided with anger manu or the following chapter atoning for the murder of a water dog, which is about how you'll be punished if you kill an otter.

    但是,如果你像我一樣是個蠢貨,你一定會喜歡這一節,它講述了被稱為 "背上長刺的狗 "的刺蝟如何為 A H A 馬自達和烏龜站在憤怒的馬努一邊,或者接下來為水狗被殺贖罪的章節,它講述瞭如果你殺了水獺,會受到怎樣的懲罰。

  • So you should be like the prickly boy and the water dog and help fight against evil.


  • When the founder of the Aam Empire, Cyrus, the great freed the Jews from Babylon.


  • He not only showed the world the religious tolerance that Zar tri rulers have become known for, but he changed world history at the same time for freeing the Jews.


  • Cyrus was praised as a Messiah in the book of Isaiah.


  • This meant that Jewish thinkers were obviously quite receptive to Czar Atrian and Zan ideas.


  • It is in that book of Isaiah that Yahweh is for the first time, spoken of as a single creator, God, like Ahura Mazda, neighbor, comic religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam owe a lot to Zoras is because while Zora's teachings don't sound too revolutionary today.

    在《以賽亞書》中,耶和華第一次被說成是像胡拉-馬茲達(Ahura Mazda)一樣的單一造物主、神、鄰居,猶太教、基督教和伊斯蘭教等滑稽的宗教在很大程度上要歸功於佐拉,因為佐拉的教義在今天聽起來並不太革命。

  • Ideas like one all powerful God, a cosmic battle between a loving God and their satanic nemesis angels and Archangels, a heavenly judgment that place the person in heaven or hell and a final cataclysmic judgment that would purify the world and bring about the kingdom of God where the good will live in eternal paradise, which is a person word were all brand new ideas at that time.


  • This means that while small today, Zar Asian is, has influenced the most sacred beliefs of billions of people.


  • Even George RR Martin borrowed some Zar Asan thought to make his religions in a song of ice and fire.

    就連喬治-馬丁(George RR Martin)也在《冰與火之歌》中借用了扎爾-阿桑的思想來塑造他的宗教。

  • As you can see here, Lord of Light is is based in part on, on a couple of the D list religions that actually existed in our world.

    正如你在這裡看到的,《光之王》的部分內容是基於我們世界上實際存在的幾個 D 級宗教。

  • One of them, the Zoras Zoar at, I can never say that.


  • Yeah, whatever that is.


  • And the other one, good thoughts, good words and good deeds are one of the most important things in Zar Atrian is, but they can be followed by literally anyone.


  • A simple good deed you can do today to improve the world.


  • Just a little bit is using tab for a cause.


  • Tab for a cause is a browser extension that donates to a charity of your choice.

    Tab for a cause 是一個瀏覽器擴展,可為您選擇的慈善機構捐款。

  • Every time you open a new tab without costing you a thing, almost a million dollars has been raised by a tab for a cause.


  • All just from people browsing the internet and right now with the global COVID-19 pandemic, your tabs can help raise funds for the COVID-19 solidarity response fund to help fight this virus.

    所有這些都來自於人們在互聯網上的瀏覽,在 COVID-19 全球大流行的今天,您的標籤可以幫助 COVID-19 團結應對基金籌集資金,幫助抗擊這一病毒。

  • And maybe just maybe let me leave my house sometime in the near future.


  • Tab for a cause is quick and easy to use.

    Tab for a cause 使用簡單快捷。

  • Just head to tab dot Gladly dot IO slash Cogito and start helping charities with a click of a button.

    只需前往 tab dot Gladly dot IO slash Cogito,點擊一個按鈕即可開始幫助慈善機構。

  • So those are the basics of czarism.


  • It isn't even close to covering everything.


  • I probably only covered about 1%.

    我大概只說了 1%。

  • 1 video simply can't cover everything.


  • Religions are too diverse, too deep.


  • I mean too many different things to different people but learning even the basics of anything that thousands of people deeply care about gives us an insight into our fellow humans, worldview and I hope you enjoyed it.


  • You can find all the sources used in the description.


  • If you like this content, please subscribe if you have any feedback, leave it in the comments below.


  • If you're interested in supporting the channel, there are links to my Patreon and T Shirt store also down below.

    如果您有興趣支持本頻道,下面還有我的 Patreon 和 T 恤店鏈接。

  • Thank you so much for watching.


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