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  • [upbeat music]

  • - Hi Glamour, welcome to my house!

  • I hope you're hungry.

  • My name is Courtnee Futch, I'm 25 years old,

  • and I live in Jersey City, New Jersey.

  • By day, I'm a marketing manager

  • at a food startup in New York City,

  • and in my spare time I run two food e-commerce businesses.

  • My businesses are called the.spred,

  • which is my private catering service

  • and dinner party service,

  • and thundercakes, which is my e-commerce bakery.

  • And here's how I spend my money.

  • I make $98,000 a year in my nine to five,

  • and anywhere between four to six thousand dollars a month

  • depending on what events I'm throwing that month.

  • I have around $12,000 in a traditional savings account.

  • I have no money in retirement, yet.

  • I have $60,000 in student loan debt,

  • all of that actually comes from my undergraduate degree.

  • I do have my master's, but that was paid for

  • in full by a fellowship.

  • I have one credit card, I typically

  • put most of my business expenses on it,

  • and for everything else I use my debit cards.

  • I'm pretty strict now about the way

  • that I use my credit cards because

  • coming straight out of college,

  • I was not the most fiscally responsible

  • and wracked up a good bit of change on a few retail cards.

  • I live in a lofted one bedroom in Jersey City

  • and it's 1100 square feet.

  • I spend $1750 a month in rent and about $190 in utilities

  • I spend a little over $300 a month in subscription services.

  • I travel into New York City Monday through Friday

  • for my nine to five, and I spend about $81 a month

  • for my unlimited commuter card.

  • My apartment is eclectic and cozy and warm and lived-in.

  • On the morning of an event, I typically wake up around 9 AM.

  • My bedroom is really cozy,

  • so because the space is pretty open,

  • it's kind of hard to close it off

  • and really have that sense of privacy,

  • so I like it to feel very airy, very light.

  • So my favorite piece in my bedroom

  • is actually my nightstand,

  • so I bought it for $5 at a yard sale on the side of the road

  • and took it home, sanded it down,

  • painted it like this really pretty midnight blue,

  • and gave it a lot of really funky, gold detailing,

  • changed out the knob for some crystal,

  • and I really love the complement of the orange.

  • I ended up getting into DIYs because both of my parents

  • are incredibly crafty.

  • Growing up with that influence

  • made it really easy for me to kind of

  • find pieces of my own that are really quirky

  • and colorful and remake them.

  • The piece that I get the most compliments on

  • is my periwinkle blue vanity.

  • Also a Craiglist find, I found it for $150.

  • At first I painted it black,

  • which ended up being a very terrible choice for the space,

  • and then later decided I wanted to paint it

  • a really festive, kind of dainty periwinkle blue.

  • Another way that I decorate the space

  • using my own resources is with painting.

  • I recently picked up portraiture,

  • so I'm attempting to teach myself how to paint faces.

  • On this particular day, I'm getting ready

  • to host a dinner party.

  • On the day of an event, the first thing

  • that I'm going to do to prep for it

  • is I'll usually get started working on the sides

  • and putting all of those in the oven.

  • The most used space in the apartment

  • is definitely the kitchen.

  • I wanted the kitchen to feel loved.

  • I wanted the kitchen to feel very colorful

  • I wanted it to not take itself too seriously,

  • so I think food has to come from a place

  • of a lot of love and lot of energy and a lot of character,

  • so I tried to incorporate as much of my personality

  • into it as I could.

  • The kitchen when I moved in was all white,

  • there was no back splash, I actually was able to put that up

  • myself, which is pretty exciting, peel and stick.

  • And also, in an attempt to cover up a fridge

  • that's pretty regular, I put temporary wallpaper on it.

  • Both projects in total cost about $50.

  • I've had my main company, thundercakes, for seven years.

  • On a busy month with thundercakes

  • I'm spending anywhere between four to $500

  • on ingredients, about $30 per month on my website,

  • $400 for my photographer, and about $100 for marketing.

  • Every so often, I'll have the need to hire a courier service

  • to handle deliveries that are too large for me

  • to deliver myself, and I typically end up paying

  • somewhere between $100 to $250

  • depending on the size of the order.

  • Each cake sells for about $40, and I typically

  • make $30 profit per cake.

  • In a busy month, I'm typically popping out

  • about 200 orders.

  • I started the sister company to thundercakes,

  • which is the.spred, about a year ago.

  • Per event, I'll spend about $550, maybe 600

  • to feed about 30 guests.

  • The smallest dinner party that I've had so far

  • was for six guests, and the largest was for 50,

  • so it really depends on the event and the occasion.

  • The liquor and wine costs associated with that

  • are typically like always $200 each.

  • I typically spend about $300 per event

  • for my tablescapes and decor.

  • There are no location fees because I host here.

  • I charge between 60 to $70 per ticket

  • and I usually come out of the event

  • with about $1200 in profit.

  • My other business expenses are about $300 a year

  • to maintain my food processing license

  • and $299 a year for my liability insurance.

  • In the future, I'll be spending about $250 a month

  • to rent freezer and refrigerator space

  • at a commercial kitchen nearby.

  • I love working out of my kitchen,

  • but I'm getting to the point where I really have to expand

  • and expand into a more professional space.

  • I really wanted an ode to spices in my apartment,

  • and I wanted to be able to display my love

  • for all the spices that I use,

  • and so I put them on a rack and purchased all of them

  • from one company, which sources a great deal

  • of their spices from Africa, which I think is pretty cool.

  • Spices can be moderately expensive,

  • especially if you want to invest in quality.

  • At some point in the very near future,

  • I plan on upgrading my current oven,

  • so I am hoping to get a really beautiful

  • stainless steel one that will allow me

  • to kind of optimize my baking.

  • One appliance I definitely wish that I had

  • was a dishwasher, but I also really enjoy

  • washing the dishes by hand after each of the parties,

  • it's pretty therapeutic for me, actually.

  • So truth be told, I really don't mind.

  • I spend a lot on flatware, I also spend a lot

  • on my cooking appliances,

  • so I feel like that's definitely,

  • if there's ever a place to invest,

  • invest in your pots and pans and definitely in your knives,

  • and of course in your flatware.

  • Now we've got about four to five hours

  • before the start of the event, and I've got

  • a little bit of downtime.

  • I'll typically spend that time sitting on the couch,

  • re-watching Scandal, scrolling through Twitter,

  • or maybe if I have a little bit of time,

  • I'll start on a DIY project.

  • So my living room is actually the opposite of my bedroom.

  • If my bedroom is warm and cozy, then the living room

  • is kind of cool and collected.

  • There's a lot of mixed metals and cool colors

  • and I really wanted it to feel kind of like, sexy.

  • My favorite piece in the living room

  • is absolutely my green velvet couch, and I also really

  • wanted to start investing in pieces

  • that I felt like I'd carry with me into my future homes,

  • and would also match with all of the other furniture

  • that I've either DIYed myself,

  • or have been collecting throughout the years.

  • A reoccurring theme in my apartment is definitely texture,

  • so the blue velvet wall kind of came to me

  • kind of in a dream, I just wanted something

  • that felt like very lush and kind of sophisticated

  • and just me and my staple gun.

  • Now I move on to prepping drinks.

  • And I like to do them about two, three hours in advance

  • so the flavors have an opportunity to meld with one another

  • so that they don't just taste like pure alcohol.

  • Fun fact, I actually have a French bartending license.

  • One of the first companies that I worked with

  • coming out of grad school sent me over to France

  • for like a month and a half, and during that time

  • I took an expedited crash course.

  • So the cocktail that I'm making today

  • is called the Miss Rodgers,

  • because it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood,

  • and it includes vodka, mint, elderflower,

  • sparkling rosè, and lemonade.

  • Final touches before guests arrive

  • are usually putting on my playlist for the dinner party

  • and then lighting the candles and just kind of

  • setting up the table that the food will be going on.

  • Aside from the chairs, which are the only product

  • that I rent for my dinner parties,

  • I buy all of the tablecloths, all of the plates,

  • all of the napkins so that I can start to build

  • an event inventory.

  • Once the table is ready and the food is holding

  • in the oven to stay warm is the time

  • for me to get myself ready.

  • So my closet's a little atypical.

  • It's kind of like, long and you can tell

  • it was a DIY from the previous tenant,

  • who put rods up at the top instead of

  • having more of the traditional shelf format.

  • One area that I might splurge on myself in

  • is definitely shoes.

  • Just recently, I bought a pair of gorgeous Louboutin

  • heeled sandals, which I'm very excited

  • to pull out this summer.

  • I like shoes because they help my posture,

  • I do a terrible job of slouching,

  • but I also really love how powerful they make me feel.

  • And if I particularly like a pair,

  • I'll send a picture to my mom and see how she feels

  • and if she likes them, I'll buy her a pair too.

  • I have to literally force myself

  • to participate in self-care.

  • It's very important for me now to find pockets

  • in my month for dedicated relaxation.

  • So I pretty recently got into skincare,

  • one of my best friends is an esthetician

  • and she makes a lot of recommendations for me.

  • The price of skincare products is pretty high

  • and I'd definitely rather spend that money

  • getting actual services for my face with an esthetician,

  • but I'm coming around to the idea of spending

  • quite a large chunk of change

  • to maintain my face on a daily basis.

  • The area that I splurge on the most in my life

  • is definitely in my apartment.

  • I really want to invest in feeling at home

  • when I come home, there's not the greatest separation

  • of work and play here in my space,

  • because I do use my kitchen for work purposes,

  • but I really think that it's very important

  • for the rest of the space to kind of reflect me

  • and be a place of comfort and solitude.

[upbeat music]

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澤西市收入15.8萬美元的大廚是如何花錢的? (How a Chef Making $158K in Jersey City Spends Her Money | Glamour)

  • 21 2
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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