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In 3 years over 3200 events
in 126 countries and 47 languages
13,000 TEDxTalks
one conversation.
Anwar Dafa-Alla: Typical TEDxsters
they are dreaming about big stuff.
How they can do something bigger than themselves.
And they are dreamers.
Jim Stoltze: And if you find somebody who shares your dream,
step up to him or her,
and ask, "How can I help?"
"How can I bring your idea further?"
Y. AlAbdeli: I told him, "I have a dream."
"I want to bring this experience to Iraq, to Baghdad."
TEDx is what brought me back to my home country.
And the reason I waited so many years,
I didn't want to go empty-handed.
I found something that could make an impact in my country.
And in this case, it was TED.
I started watching videos on
I was really inspired, didn't sleep the whole night.
The next day, okay, if this thing inspires me,
then, why not? I'm going to share this
to my community in Ethiopia.
Part of my community in Serbia.
This is my community.
My community.
Communities that are tucked away in villages across the world.
To tell the world that we have great thinkers and great doers.
The sum of the local is the global.
Turn off the TV, log off from the Internet
and stand up and start doing something!
With rubber bullets, fire bombs,
a wall of human chain of young Egyptians
decided to hold hands to protect a museum.
It's an opportunity to contribute to their communities
and change the world in their own way.