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Welcome to Economy Candy 2
where we have over 2,000 varieties of candies, 3
chocolates, dried fruits, nuts. 4
One large box of candy, please! 5
This is how Economy Candy, a legendary sugar shop 6
on Manhattan's Lower East Side 7
is staying afloat during the novel coronavirus pandemic, 8
one handful of treats at a time. 9
Inside Edition profiled Economy Candy this past December. 10
Mitchell Cohen, the store's third generation owner, 11
showed us around. 12
Things looked pretty sweet. 13
Back here, we have a huge table of all the candies 14
that you might remember from your childhood. 15
Then, well, you know what happened. 16
Roughly 25,000 new COVID-19 cases every day. 17
The administration looks into where the outbreak began. 18
The coronavirus pandemic is one big moving target. 19
Like many businesses, 20
Economy Candy has had to close its doors to the public. 21
The store has now just two employees, Mitchell and his wife. 22
They're trying to stay in business as best they can. 23
The Cohens say they're still doing 24
curbside pickup for locals. 25
For those father afield, 26
they're sending candy care packs via mail. 27
So far, they've sent out 2,000 28
and they say the demand is good. 29
They hope it'll be enough to tide them over 30
until they're able to resume business as usual. 31
This is