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You know the story first!
You an see voice actors live!
Save up money
And then Number one....
Hey guys and girls and... - The director - Who used to work in anime and
in our previous video we talked about the bad things working in anime. Hope you watched that
it's also in the comments. This time we're gonna talk about the good things about working in anime.
I want you all to know about them!
Number 5 - You know how the story continues first!
Ah! Oh yes. You get all the spoilers!
We won't see the finished colored animation but...
In anime there is the "storyboard"
we get hold of these in order to help animate
And there we can tell how the story continues and if it's different from the manga
You know it all before everyone else does!
Sometimes we know up to 10 episodes in advance. - Wow
That's tempting. - It was great. - But that's probably an NDS secret
We were forbidden to say it, otherwise it would destroy the anime industry.
But it was great. - Did you have some surprises?
You know what I meant when I said storyboard?
It describes at what scene what lines are spoken
What was fun with those, some are only sketched
sometimes they are drawn with a lot of detail
- Even though they are just a draft? - Yes
When there is enough production time, those are drawn properly
when there is no time, they just write circles and the name of the character.
It also says on the storyboard how people are moving and talking
It also says how many seconds a character has to move and speak
How the background looks and what pose the characters are in
The animators pic that and start drawing
Number 4
You can see the voice actors live! - You saw that? - If course!
I would go to the recording studio with all the voice actors
and see how they add their voice. Seeing that in real life....
was quite an amazing experience. They really add their life and essence
The way they express the stories climax or when they cry...
When they fight and cry. That's a job that normal people cannot do.
They are voice specials-its. I learned so much then.
Also what was funny was seeing them speak super important lines and bloopers
Seeing that, I realized some advantages of my job there.
I hope that one day people will allow Ask Japanese to film voice actors in motion
I want to do that! That would be great.
Number 3 - You save up money. - What?
You said you don't earn much. - Funny right. Yes we earn very little
but we save up money because we don't have time to use it. We only work.
There is no time to spend it. We only spend it on utility charges
like water and electricity, internet and food.
Are you working on weekends. - The dark companies do.
If they would at least get paid properly... - That's hard to say
Number 2 - Having your name in the credits
Ohhhh - That moved me very much.
Your name is in some famous anime endings? - Yes! When seeing that I was moved
a lot. "I have left something behind."
I think people are also curious about Hentai anime production
People that work in Hentai anime generally use fake names
With their real name they work on daytime TV anime
so they don't want that known. When doing Hentai they use different names
So many animators have 2-3 names depending on the works
So up to 3 pennames.
Number 1 - There are SUPER animators
and being able to see their pictures. We call them "super animators"
when they are anime geniuses. - Anime Gods? - Yes
God of anime. - They make AMAZING pictures
they draw moments nobody else can. Just seeing their pencil drawings
has moved me. How can they even draw like this?!
Watching anime, sometimes you see
movements that I have never thought of. - Especially in some Naruto episodes.
The pictures that one super animator drew are out of this world
Amazing. And some animators that worked on Guren Lagan.
Seeing their pictures ... Their pencil drawings go on TV
It was sooooo exciting to see.
In Anime we don't just draw one pictures, right?
We MOVE a picture. That's what's fascinating.
Depending on the animator, just a running scene will greatly vary
Broken running or having the camera move around while running
The way they draw the joints. Having a female character run
in a strong way or in a cute way. All that depends on the animator.
They think a lot about how they draw that.
The animators put a lot of thought into it. - Yes and they move
not in a normal way but in an anime stye.
Anime is moving pictures. Animations.
In a way you are making the drawn characters act. If you make it too real
you won't need to animate it. Anime has it's own style.
Writing how a character is supposed to move, that's a skill.
Those are thoughts only animators know. - Those Super animator
draw in pencil? - I have seen them draw before
Are you glad you worked in Anime?
You took a while to answer that. Too many bad sides?
Hearing that I think so. - I am glad for the experience. Not everyone can work
in this environment. Especially people from abroad...
don't have a chance to work in the Japanese anime industry much.
Recently some westerners are working in anime. It's a hard work
I am glad I got the experience.
Thank you for sharing so these were 5 good things about working in Anime
we've also made a video about BAD things don't miss that one it's gonna be in the description
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so much for being in the video director and I catch you soon for more stuff here on Ask Japanese.
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