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hey everyone it's two for Tuesday Jennifer from Tarle speech let's jump
right in we have two words today would a modal
verb expressing desire or a request and would material from a tree so good news
we have a silent letter here we don't even have to worry about it we are not
going to pronounce that l would and wood are pronounced exactly the same
let's start with the easiest part the ending everyone can get this to do this
you're going to touch the tip of your tongue to the back of your top front
teeth your voice box is on and moving for the d d d easy right you got
it you already have one out of three sounds that you need to know for this
word let's move to the initial sound w w this is usually pretty easy for
everyone to you're going to pucker your lips for the W sound www
your tongue is not touching your teeth it's just in the middle of your mouth w
okay here's where it gets challenging this ooh sound this is a relaxed short
sound now this sound is not ew and it is not uh sort of in the middle so again
it's not ew and it's not uh it is ooh ooh ooh so really watch my lips my lips are
slightly rounded ever so slightly rounded but still relaxed ooh ooh ooh now my
tongue is in the middle of my mouth and it is also somewhat relaxed I am NOT
making it tense because when I try to make everything tense what happens is I
do the ew ew ew and it's not wooood and it's not wud it's wood wood wood so again
I'm moving from that pucker to slightly rounded
or this oOh sound ooh and
i did use the phonetic transcription I typically don't
but I really wanted to make a point here so again move from very puckered and tense
to relaxed and slightly rounded and then touch the tip of the tongue for the D
I am going to go very slowly and show you and the key is is relaxing the mouth as you
go okay Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Wood Would the dark wood look good
Would the dark wood look good give it a try people are going to notice
the difference if you found this helpful please share us with your friends and
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Tarle speech thanks so much everyone see you soon