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  • hello and welcome to News Review I'm Neil and this is my temporary studio

  • while we are on the coronavirus lockdown but I am joined by Kathryn on the other

  • side of London hi Kathryn hello everybody

  • what story have you got for us today well today is a cycling story it turns

  • out that during the coronavirus lockdown a lot more of us are taking to two

  • wheels okay well let's find out some more from

  • this BBC news report the fear of catching coronavirus on public transport

  • is leading to a boom in cycle to work schemes which allow new bicycles to be

  • bought tax-free bike shops have reported a surge in sales so in the UK a lot of

  • people are avoiding public transport and one way they're doing this is to cycle

  • and cycle to work schemes have reported a massive uptake and psycho shops are

  • busier than ever okay cycling to work schemes what are

  • they well the cycle to work scheme is where your employer kind of helps you to

  • buy a bicycle and you don't have to pay any tax

  • so the bicycle becomes a lot cheaper so lots of people buying bikes and getting

  • out old bikes and getting them repaired you've been looking around the various

  • news websites and you've picked out three really great expressions what have

  • you got yes we have boom time golden age and at the crossroads boom time golden

  • age and at the crossroads so your first headline please yes and we're going to

  • start here in the UK with the BBC the headline is coronavirus boom time for

  • bikes as virus changes lifestyles okay so boom time a period in which

  • there is a large increase in demand for something yes

  • it's a two-word expression the first word boom bwm and the second word time t

  • I am a boom time now new what noise does an explosion make ah it

  • makes a boom it goes boom yes boom is a lovely onomatopoeic word that describes

  • the word the sound of an explosion or a very very very loud noise now as we know

  • explosions make things move all over the place and

  • we often use them to describe rapid expansion rapid growth so if some people

  • a lot of people start doing a particular activity all around about the same time

  • we can describe this as a boom now we often use the word boom in economic

  • terms or business terms if people buy a lot of a particular product we describe

  • that activity as a boom we can also talk about boom time when a lot of people do

  • as the same thing it's a boom time in this case it's boom time for bicycles

  • it's boom time for cycling it's boom time for cycle manufacturers and notice

  • the preposition there is for it is boom time for this activity so in that usage

  • we saw boom as a noun but it's also used as a verb isn't it yes something can

  • boom now we often that use the set phrase business is booming to describe

  • any business that's doing really well yeah so the cycle business is booming at

  • the moment often used in the continuous form something is booming now I've also

  • heard an expression boom or bust what's that all about yes boom or bust

  • and we use this expression boom or bust to describe the experience of taking a

  • risk with a new idea or a new venture it means that you're either going to be

  • very very successful it'll be a boom or it's going to be a complete disaster

  • which is described as burst so boom or bust describes a risk

  • um you did a kind of boom or bust activity recently didn't you kneel with

  • your wonderful video series English for cats remember yeah I I had a feeling

  • that it would be very very successful but I also had a bit of a doubt that it

  • would be a terrible crushing failure and so the decision to go with this series

  • was in fact boom or bust and unfortunately everybody hated it so it

  • turned out to be bust I could have told you that dad Fran Smith could have saved

  • you the trouble I just don't understand it

  • try another one French for dogs French for dogs is coming up I can tell you

  • great ok let's have a summary of that word please

  • your next headline then please Catherine yes we're now going still in the UK to

  • cycling weekly the headline is Prime Minister Boris Johnson says this should

  • be a new golden age for cycling so golden age a period in which a

  • particular activity is popular or successful yes so two words again golden

  • gol de n and the second word age AG e so golden age now this is slightly

  • confusing for me because I know what golden means it's an adjective which

  • describes things that are gold that material or color so what's the

  • connection yes the precious metal gold the

  • adjective form is golden it can be golden gol te and if something is golden

  • it's literally made of gold or it's golden color but we're using this in a

  • more figurative sense so if something is golden it means that it's valuable it's

  • successful it's important everybody loves it everybody wants it so golden

  • here describes success and popularity and age a GE is a period of time so

  • together the expression golden age means a period of great success and great

  • popularity now with the headline Boris Johnson is saying but it's Prime

  • Minister Boris Johnson is saying that there will be lots of popularity and

  • success with cycling it will be a golden age he's saying but you can use it not

  • just for transport for any phase in any really sphere of life it can be business

  • it can be politics it can be your own personal life where a Golden Age is

  • successful period in your life now I know that you really love old films

  • Catherine we often hear about the Golden Age of Hollywood yes you can talk about

  • the Golden Age of Hollywood and that was in their 1950s when they made lots of

  • movies with big production values lots of dancing singing they were very very

  • glamorous lots of movie stars this is described as the Golden Age of Hollywood

  • and you can really talk about any success period being the Golden Age of

  • something for example the two day the early 21st century can be described as

  • the Golden Age of social media when lots of companies were having a lot of

  • success with it yeah okay do we hear any other precious metals used in this way

  • well we have a lot of expressions with silver but their word silver as an

  • adjective often describes older people in fact you can talk about a silver

  • surfer being an older person who uses the internet for example okay let's now

  • have a summary of that expression Golden Age

  • if you would like to watch another program and learn an expression

  • connected to cycling we have the perfect thing for you don't we Catherine yes we

  • do click the link in the description to find out what the English phrase like

  • riding a bike means and how to use it ok let's now have a look at the final

  • headline please let's do that and we're going to the telegraph in the UK the

  • headline reads at the crossroads why coronavirus could turn Britain into a

  • cycling nation at the crossroads at a point when an important decision needs

  • to be made yes three word expression this time at 80 the tha crossroads C R o

  • SS ro ad s at the crossroads now Mia you know what a crossroads is don't you yeah

  • crossroads is when you've got one road going like that and you've got another

  • road crossing it yes so two roads going in different directions that meet and

  • cross each other so you haven't least four different options for directions of

  • trouble when you reach it crossroads don't you you do yes so are we talking

  • now about figurative changes of direction well we are yes if it's not to

  • do with transport even though this story is about transport and that's probably

  • why they've used this expression you can be at a crossroads meaning you have a

  • decision to make about what's going to happen next now this could be a big

  • decision in your life it usually is a big decision something like shall I get

  • married or which university shall I go to or maybe you want to change your job

  • so it's when you're at a point in your life when you've got a big decision to

  • make I'm sure you've been at the crossroads a few times in your life here

  • I guess we all have yes deciding whether or not to have children as you as you

  • said or deciding to change your career I worked as a journalist before for

  • example I decided to change my career that was I was at the crossroads when I

  • made that decision yeah and there's a fixed phrase at the crossroads

  • crossroads is always plural in this phrase it's not just about personal

  • decisions it can be about bigger big business decisions a company can be at

  • the crossroads deciding whether it's going to branch out into a new area or

  • whether it's going to close some online stores or how it's going to kind of

  • develop next big decisions when a big decision is facing you you are at the

  • crossroads we often hear about the climate being at a crossroads at the

  • moment yes we could say this planet is at the crossroads what happens to it

  • next depends on human activity yeah so it's future direction is in the process

  • of being decided I suppose it's up to us okay

  • well let's have a summary of that final expression

  • time now then just for a summary of our vocabulary

  • yes we had boon time a period in which there is a large increase in demand for

  • something we had golden age a period in which a particular activity is popular

  • or successful and we had at the crossroads at a point where an important

  • decision needs to be made I bet you would love to test yourself on that

  • vocabulary which you can do by checking out our website BBC learning

  • stay safe and join us next time bye

hello and welcome to News Review I'm Neil and this is my temporary studio

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