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Our Year In History 2019
Tintagel Castle: A Cornish icon reunited
Myths and Legends: Hundreds of stories mapped & retold
Stonehenge: 10,000 people witnessed the Summer Solstice
Skyscape: Took Stonehenge's skies to the world
Whitby Abbey: Ancient stories retold
David Mankin: The spirit of Tintagel captured
Osborne: Victoria and Albert's 200th birthdays celebrated
Kenilworth Castle: Elizabethan gardens revitalised
Blue plaques: Celebrating iconic figures
Iron Bridge: Restoration project completed
Walmer Castle: Glen garden reopened
Uncovered: The changing face of England
Protected: Fragile wall paintings
Beeston Castle: Bronze age roundhouse rebuilt by volunteers
Conserved: Historic places
Recreated: Tastes of the past
Educated: The next generation
Jousted: With VAR technology
Welcomed: Over 10 million visitors to sites in our care
Thank you - our work this year was only possible with the generous support of our members, donors and supporters
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