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If you want a food scene with bombs, fires and out-of-this-world flavors, I have just the place for you.
You might be familiar with Spanish dishes like jamón and paella, but we're in Barcelona and this city has its own food culture.
I have 50, USD or 44 euros, and I'm on a mission to try the local flavors in one day, without breaking my budget.
我身上有 50 美元 (44 歐元),而我的任務是在一天之內嚐盡道地美食,不可以超出預算。
One of Barcelona's signature dishes is la bomba, a potato and meat croquette topped with garlic aioli and romesco sauce.
巴塞隆納的招牌美食之一就是 la bomba (炸彈),炸馬鈴薯肉丸加上蒜泥蛋黃醬和烤番茄紅椒堅果醬。
It was invented by Maria Pia more than 60 years ago, and her secret recipe has been passed down at her family's tapas bar, La Cova Fumada.
這個小吃是由 Maria Pia 在六十多年前發明的,她的秘方在自家開的小菜酒館 La Cova Fumanda 傳承了下來。
(Speaking Catalan) The name "la bomba" (the bomb) comes from when the first person tried it.
(加泰隆尼亞語)「La bomba (炸彈)」這個名字來自第一個試吃的人。
(Speaking Catalan) Upon taking a bite, he said, "Wow, this is a bomba!"
(加泰隆尼亞語) 他一咬下去就說:「哇!這太炸了!」
Josep Maria Sole is Maria's grandson, and sells about 250 bombas a day.
Josep Maria Sole 是 Maria 的孫子,他每天都賣出大約 250 個 bomba。
If grandma knew what this whole bomba thing became, how nowadays everyone copies it everywhere, she would be super proud and super happy.
如果奶奶知道整個 bomba 會變成現在這樣到處人人模仿,她一定會超驕傲、超開心。
Other tasty and popular items at La Cova Fumada include octopus and artichokes.
La Cova Fumada 其他好吃的熱門品項還有章魚和洋薊。
And part of La Cova Fumada's charm is the good company, Joaquin, Felix, and the local patrons.
La Cova Fumada's 一部分的魅力在於有很多人作伴,像是 Joaquin、Felix 和當地的常客。
After lunch it was hard to leave them, but there was more food to try, and I'd spent only 12 euros.
吃完午餐之後我很不想離開他們,但是還有更多美食要品嘗,而且我在這裡只花了 12 歐元。
A trip to Barcelona isn't complete without a visit to La Boqueria, and this market's been around for centuries.
沒有去 La Boqueia 就不算去過巴塞隆納,那是個開了好幾個世紀的市場。
It's a maze of jamón, nuts, seafood, and produce stalls, which led me to this cup of fruit for just two euros.
La Boqueia 是個西班牙火腿、堅果、海鮮和新鮮農產品的迷宮,還讓我找到了這杯只要 2 歐元的水果。
Spain is the world's third largest wine-producing country, so of course I had to try some.
Vila Viniteca sells and distributes more than 3,000 varieties of wine and distillations from around the world.
Vila Viniteca 販賣並配銷來自世界各地超過三千種的紅酒和蒸餾酒。
But just one place in the world makes the sparkling wine Cava, and that's Catalonia, the Spanish region I'm in.
但是世界上只有一個地方出產 Cava 這種氣泡紅酒,那就是我身處的西班牙加泰隆尼亞地區。
You can find different profiles inside the Cava "style."
在 Cava 這個風格的氣泡酒當中還有不同種類面向。
Gonzalo Fernandez is the Vila Viniteca's sommelier.
Gonzalo Fernandez 是 Vila Viniteca's 的侍酒師。
You can find young Cava.
有輕熟 Cava。
It's very crispy and fruit-forward.
Or you can find aged Cava.
或是也有陳年 Cava。
More complexity, teeny bubbles.
To Barcelona!
Our toast with a medium-aged Cava was dry, a little fruity, and surprisingly just four euros a glass.
我們用中熟度的 Cava 來敬酒,偏澀、有點果香,而且驚人的是一杯才 4 歐元。
My big splurge was dinner at Racó de la Vila.
我最大的揮霍是在 Racó de la Vila 的晚餐。
Spain's Catalonia and Valencia regions make a dish similar to paella called fideuà.
西班牙的加泰隆尼亞和瓦倫西亞地區有一道和海鮮燉飯很像的菜,叫做 fideuà (海鮮燉麵)。
And pasta, not rice, is the main ingredient.
Peppers, cuttlefish, crayfish, shrimp and mussels are added.
Stock, and then into the oven for the flavors to bake together into a truly delicious dish.
The restaurant serves other traditional Catalan dishes like calçots, pan con tomate, and crema catalana.
This sweet treat might look like crème brûlée, but it has two important distinctions.
The crema is cooked with lemon peel and cinnamon, and it gets its caramelized crust from a hot iron.
These two things combined made it impossible for me to put my spoon down.
But I dropped 25 euros on just the fideuà and crema catalana.
海鮮燉麵和焦糖布丁就花了我 25 歐元。
After a full day of feasting in Barcelona, I spent 43 out of 44 euros.
在巴塞隆納大吃了一整天之後,我花了預算 44 歐元當中的 43 元。
The fideuà was 19 euros and took a big bite out of my budget.
海鮮燉麵要 19 歐元,讓我的預算大失血。
But it's meant to feed a crowd and the price reflects that.
Barcelona was a lot more wallet-friendly than I would have guessed for a major tourist destination.
So I give it a ten out of ten.
所以我給它滿分 10 分。
It was worth every dollar and delicious bite.