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Which looks better?
This, or that?
Well, what if I told you that you may have been paying a premium to see the worst version?
[How movie theaters ruin your movie.]
You know those black bars you sometimes see on the top, bottom, or sides of a movie?
They occur because movies are filmed at different frame sizes, or aspect ratios.
"Lady Bird", shot in widescreen, should appear differently than Star Wars, which was shot in CinemaScope.
A CinemaScope movie on your TV will have black bars on the top and bottom, while a movie theater masks the frame with retractable curtains.
These curtains at Night Hawk Cinema in Brooklyn absorb the light and create a frame around the projected image.
紐約布魯克林 Night Hawk 電影院內的布簾會吸光,並在投影像周圍形成一個邊框。
But take away the curtains and...
"Spirited Away"
When you don't have masking, what happens is, you've got this gray area of screen which isn't reflecting picture; it's not reflecting image.
It just, sort of, sits there and looks ugly.
There is a move afoot by some theater circuits—I guess in order to save money—that have decided that that's a waste of money and they're not gonna do it.
That's Chapin Cutler.
那是 Chapin Cutler。
He's been working in the projection and theater business for over 40 years.
他已經在投影和劇院產業工作超過 40 年。
The empty screen space can be distracting and takes away from the immersive experience of seeing a movie on the big screen.
Another problem?
Projector brightness, which can be affected by the age and cleanliness of the bulb, along with any dirt or smudges that may be on the window of the projection booth.
Some "Solo" attendees reported seeing extremely dark, almost unviewable projections, with a few saying that they had to struggle to see what was onscreen.
If the standard that's been established for the amount of light that is supposed to be on the screen isn't there, then not only does the picture look dark but you don't see anything that goes on in the shadows.
All of that information disappears.
And if there was a 3D showing in the theater before a standard 2D showing, a lens meant only for 3D movies may still be on the projector, making the image two-thirds darker than it should be.
如果一場 2D 電影前已放映了一場 3D 電影,3D 專用的鏡頭可能仍在機器上,使影像比原本應有的亮度暗了三分之二倍。
Showing something like that with a very low light level is gonna take away from it.
If that's the experience you walk away with, that's going to impede your positive judgment of the film; that's just gonna ruin it for you.
Hurting both the team behind the movie and its viewers and possibly creating customers who may not come back to that theater for a subpar experience.
These issues aren't limited to "Solo".
The past few years have seen numerous reports of theaters not doing enough to ensure quality screenings.
Standard 2D movie tickets average about $9 in the U.S.
一般的 2D 電影票在美國平均約 9 每元(約台幣 270 元)。
And almost twice that in places like New York City.
But is the price of admission worth seeing a movie that is not being shown the way it is meant to?
You can get a full 4K movie for 15 bucks.
你花 15 美元就可以買到完整的 4K 畫質電影。
Why bother with what may be a questionable theater presentation if you can get cinema-like quality at home?
The picture may be bigger and the sound may be better, but if you're having a bad theater experience, take note.
If a theater has a dark, blurry picture or leaves empty areas of the screen unmasked, try a different theater.
Many are still working hard to bring you the best picture possible.