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My name is Andres Herrera.
我是 Andres Herrera。
And on this video I'm going to teach you a very interesting topic: language and phrases that you can use during a job interview.
Now, let's meet our characters.
The boss
The candidate
If you have got to this step, then well done.
It means you're a strong candidate and are closer to getting the job you want.
However, practising for the job interview is crucial, as this will help to reduce your stress levels, increase your confidence, and boost your chances of being hired.
Wait a second, wait a second.
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Now, let's see some of the most popular questions that candidates get asked while on a job interview.
Why do you think we should hire you?
Why are you suitable for this position?
These are typical questions that you might have to answer.
For these type of questions, a good idea is to tell them about your professional and academic background, giving some examples of your previous job positions.
Very important: make sure you know how to use the past simple and the present perfect before going to a job interview.
You could start by using this sentence: I think I'm suitable for the position at, name of the company, and give the reason.
你可以從「我很適合 (公司名稱) 的職位」開始,然後說明原因。
Then you could add some information by letting them know about your academic and professional background.
I think I'm suitable for the position at HSS because I have more than ten years of experience in imports and exports.
我認為我很適合 HSS 的這個職位,因為我已經從事進出口相關工作超過十年。
Following my degree in marketing, I started getting interested in international sales.
I have also worked in retail sales, so I have a lot of experience in customer service.
When you're finishing the interview, it's good to give the main points again, so here you can use, "to sum up."
To sum up, I think I'm suitable for the position of import manager at HSS. Firstly, because I have a lot of experience in the field.
總結來說,我認為我是擔任 HSS 的進口部經理的適合人選。首先,因為我在這個領域有相當豐富的經驗。
And, secondly, because I can adapt to any difficult situation.
Another common kind of question is, "what are your weaknesses?"
It's always hard to tell people about your weaknesses, so try to soften them with words like, a little, a bit, sometimes, occasionally, and then say something that has helped you to overcome them.
I sometimes lack the confidence to speak up and voice my opinion, but I have worked really hard on my confidence and communication skills over the past year and I have improved a lot.
Here is another example question: Tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision.
You have to be careful with your answer, because the interviewer wants you to give him or her a specific example of when you had to face a difficult or challenging situation.
But don't worry, there is a method that you can use, the STAR method.
不過不用擔心,你可以採用 STAR 策略。
S for Situation (give the context).
S 是情景(講述背景),
Here you set the scene and give the context of a situation you faced in the past.
When I was working for Export Leather, my boss offered me the opportunity to work in Australia for a year, but that meant that I had to leave my family and my home country for one year.
T for Target (describe the purpose).
T 是任務(描述決策的原因),
Here you tell them what was necessary to improve the situation.
I had to make my family understand that this trip would be beneficial for us in the future.
A for Action (explain what you did).
A 是行動(解釋你做了什麼),
Here you describe the action that you did in order to improve the situation, why, and when you did it.
I decided to take the offer in Australia, and after six months of working, the project turned out to be a huge success.
R for Result (share the outcome).
R 是結果(分享你的結果),
Finally, you describe the outcome of the situation.
It was so successful that I made enough money to bring my family over to Australia, and we lived (there) for six months.
That was such an amazing experience.
The job is yours.
Now, let's have a look at the expressions we have learnt today.
"I think I'm suitable for the position at, name of the company", and then you give the reason.
「我認為我適合 (公司名稱) 的這個職位」,然後解釋原因。
To talk about your academic background, you can use "following my degree", and then you add your piece of information.
You can use the past simple to talk about your life experiences.
You can use present perfect, as in "I have worked in".
To organize and give a conclusion, you can use "to sum up".
Remember to use words like sometimes, occasionally, a bit, when talking about your weaknesses.
Use the STAR method when you have to describe a challenging situation.
使用 STAR 策略來講述你之前面對最具挑戰性的兩難狀況。
Do you know any other phrases related with job interviews?
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