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Hey Hey and welcome to the slang and idioms section.
In these videos we will
teach you important slang and idioms we think you should know and use.
But what is slang?
Slang are informal words that are only spoken with friends.
For example, "yo yo yo what's up".
I would probably not say that at an interview, but I might say that with friends.
Next we have idioms. And idioms are a little more confusing.
But why?
Well idioms usually mean one thing but say another.
For example, "he's under the weather."
We're not really talking about under the weather.
And we're not really talking about weather.
It means that he's not feeling well.
So you can see how it's a little more confusing.
But we have some great teachers here who will help make it more simple for you.
There's no time to waste.
Let's watch these videos and I hope you enjoy the slang idiom series.
Hi everybody. I'm Esther.
And in this video we're going to talk about a slang word.
And that word is 'pissed' or 'pissed off'.
Now before I start I want to tell you that pissed can actually have several meanings.
But today we're going to focus on one meaning
and the meaning that I want to focus on is angry.
So pissed or pissed off can mean very angry
or maybe upset or annoyed.
So before I explain a little bit more, let's look at these example sentences.
The first one is 'I'm pissed'.
This just means I'm angry, I'm upset.
So again, 'I'm pissed'.
The next sentence is very similar 'I'm pissed off'.
I'm pissed off.
Again these two sentences have the same meaning.
They both mean I'm very angry about something.
Or I'm very angry at somebody.
Please also notice that we have to say pissed in the past tense.
We have to say it with -ed.
if you say I'm pissed, with the -ed, it actually has a different meaning
So again you must say I'm pissed or I'm pissed off to show that you're angry.
Here's the last sentence.
I get pissed off when he lies to me.
That means I get angry when he lies to me.
Again, I get pissed off when he lies to me.
Let's make sure we also notice the pronunciation - pissed off.
pissed off
And let's look at the example sentence one more time.
I get pissed off when he lies to me.
And for all the women out there you understand what I mean, right?
When someone you care about or someone you love lies to you
you get angry or pissed off right?
So let's look at a few more example sentences together.
I was pissed off when the other car cut in front of me.
I was pissed off when the other car cut in front of me.
Don't get pissed off it was a mistake.
Don't get pissed off it was a mistake.
I'm pissed off that he didn't pay me back yet.
I'm pissed off that he didn't pay me back yet.
Okay so we looked at a couple example sentences.
And we learned the word pissed or pissed off.
So just remember it's a very common slang if you use it in America or another
english-speaking country.
Everybody will know that that means you're angry or upset.
But remember, you should probably only use this with your friends because
if you say this to somebody that you don't know well, it can seem a little bit rude.
Okay, so please remember that when you're angry try saying pissed or pissed off.
I'm pissed. I'm pissed off.
All right well I'll see you in the next video. Bye.
hi I'm Molly and today we are going to learn about the expression bummer
now bummer is usually used if something bad has just happened to you or you're
having a bad day or just really bad luck I know something is just not right it's
a bummer now we have one sentence that says I drop my phone in the toilet
bummer no one likes dropping their phone in the
toilet this is just bad luck it's gonna be a bad day it's a bummer okay and now
we have the second sentence that says it's raining and I forgot my umbrella
you might say what a bummer you know it's pouring outside your shirts gonna
get wet you are just you're really it's just bad luck it's a bummer what a
bummer we have bummer here and what a bummer
now it's more common to say bummer but you could say what a bummer or it's a
bummer or that's a bummer but it's more common to say bummer so remember you
want to use this when something bad has happened to you or you have some bad
luck bummer now let's look at some example sentences
let's look at the first example sentences I just miss my bus bummer I
just missed my bus bummer
next the dog next door won't stop barking I didn't sleep at all last night
bummer the dog next door won't stop barking I didn't sleep at all last night
bummer last my niece accidentally dropped my computer off the table and it
broke bummer my niece accidentally dropped my
computer off the table and it broke bummer so now you know how to use the
expressions bummer and what a bummer remember these are not bad words to use
as long as you use I'm in the right situation as in that's
such bad luck or I'm sorry that happened to you what a bummer
bummer well now you know how to use bummer and what a bummer be confident
and these are great expressions to use so see you next time
in this video we're going to learn a very important idiom I'm broke
and as you can see I'm broke means I have no money
okay I'm broke very common idiom very easy to learn idiom let's take a look
here it is I'm broke all right you have to be careful you can
only use broke a lot of my students say broken date late they say I'm broken and
sometimes they say I'm break or I'm going to break these are wrong don't say
I'm broken don't say I'm break okay it's only I'm
broke I'm broke I have no money all right
another example my brother is broke my brother is broke my brother has no money
and the last example after I pay my bills on my bills every month I have to
pay my phone bill my cable TV bill my power bill so after I pay all my bills
I'm broke I have no money alright so to help you understand let's
look at a few examples I'll logs okay let's look at the first one my friend
says hey Robin can I borrow some money sorry I'm broke
a second example Robin let's take a trip to Busan this weekend oh no I can't
I'm broke and the last example my mom says don't spend your money so fast why
not you're going to be broke soon
okay I hope you understand very clear now what I'm broke means it means I have
no money alright again very easy to learn very
easy to use I hope you have confidence using it now so the next time someone
asks to borrow some money from you and you don't want to lend money you just
say I'm broke alright that's it see you next time
hello everyone my name is Robin and I am not married but I'm gonna teach you two
idioms that mean to get married all right now the first one is tie the knot
or to tie the knot now to tie the knot means the same as to get married all
right now remember it's an idiom so don't
think about the words in the idiom tie the knot okay you're just going to be
confused all you need to know is tie the knot is a common idiom and it means the
same as to get married all right so let's take a look at just one example
here I will tie the knot next week okay so again it's an idiom don't focus on
the words tie a knot don't focus on that it is just an idiom that means to get
married so I will tie the knot next week is exactly the same as I will get
married next week all right let's look at a few more examples okay let's look
at the first example for tie the knot to find happiness you must tie the knot
okay so someone said that to find happiness you must get married let's
look at the next example Tammy and Steve are tying the knot at
the church okay so Tammy and Steve are getting married
at the church and the last example after dating for five years we finally decided
to tie the knot all right everyone I hope you have a good understanding of
tie the knot let's move on to the second idiom the second idiom is get hitched
now get hitched is not as common as tie the knot but it is pretty common so you
should know it so again get hitch it means get married okay they mean the
same thing so let's take a look at my example here Steve got hitched last week
okay so instead of get hitched I'm using the past tense got because it's last
week get got Steve got hitched last week so we have
the word hitched it's an idiom don't think about the meaning of hitch it has
no meaning don't focus on the word just focus on what this means and this means
get married all right so Steve got married last week all right
let's look at a few more examples okay let's look at the first example forget
hitched they just got hitched last Sunday
okay so they just got married last Sunday the next example sally is getting
hitched next week okay so sally is getting married next week
and the last example I'm scared I may never get hitched okay so this person
scared they may never get married okay so we have a good understanding of tie
the knot and get hitched again they mean the same thing to get
married I'm not sure when I will get hitched hopefully I'll tie the knot
sometime soon anyway that's it for this video see you next time
hello everyone my name is Robin and in this video I'm going to teach you a very
special and fun expression to use eye candy now I candy is a little bit common
okay and it's very easy to learn very easy to understand very easy to use and
I'm sure you'll learn it very quick okay so what does eye candy mean well simply
eye of course means your eye and candy is some treat we usually give to
children something sweet and delicious now also you should give candy to your
girlfriend on white day that is candy so when we bring these two words together I
in candy eye candy that means something is sweet and delicious for your eye okay
well another way to explain that is you you like to look at something okay you
like to look at beautiful attractive and pretty things
those things are eye candy all right now both things and people can be eye candy
now I'm going to explain here I have two examples the first example your car is
eye candy okay so I'm telling someone your car is eye candy that means their
car is very attractive very nice-looking okay when I look at it I think wow it's
very very beautiful very nice car so I'm gonna describe it as eye candy your car
looks good my eyes like it the second example
she is eye candy okay now this is a thing but most of the time we describe
people as eye candy now I'm a man so I will probably describe women as eye
candy she is eye candy so she is hot she is
sexy she is very attractive I like to look at her all right I want to look at
her she is eye candy so usually Hollywood movies and TV shows
they get a lot of actors and actresses that are eye candy okay the man have
lots of muscles very handsome so you know when you're watching the show
you're very interested in them they are eye candy same with the women very
beautiful and sexy women they are eye candy
so like Girls Generation okay that's a very popular k-pop group they are eye
candy the men like to watch them sing and dance all right to understand I can
be a little bit better let's take a look at a few examples all right so the first
one Megan Fox was hired as eye candy for transformers Megan Fox was hired as eye
candy for transformers I'm enjoying all of this I candy at the beach there are
many girls wearing bikinis I'm enjoying all of this I candy at the beach there
are many girls wearing bikinis I come to this bar because the bartender's are eye
candy I come to this bar because the bartender's are eye candy okay so those
were some simple examples of how to use eye candy as I said before very easy to
use very easy to understand and a fun expression alright to me in Korea when I
watch TV or movies I like to see kim taehee okay whenever I see her I'm very
attracted to her I like to watch her she is certainly eye candy for me alright so
again this very good expression I hope you use it and I'll see you next time
hey this is Bill and I'm just gonna talk to you about some things you can know
for when you want to go to a bar to have a drink
and a good time all right simple ones today what we have here is a lot of
places you see in Western countries they will have a sign that says happy hour
now happy hour doesn't mean everyone stands around
smiling well hopefully they are because in a happy hour that means all the
drinks at a bar are a discount price there's a lower price for drinks maybe
you can get a beer one plus one or there are cocktails with
a lower price than what is on the normal menu now just because it's called happy
hour that doesn't mean it's only one hour it's not just sixty minutes
sometimes happy hour can go for two hours but it's still just called happy
hour because it really means discount time all right when all the prices are
lower than what you see on the normal menu okay we also have this one here it
is draught beer okay now this is beer that comes from a keg now a keg is a
large metal container that gets delivered to the bars especially okay
and they have to connect it so they can pour the beer into a mug what you all
know as sang Mex you we say draught beer now a lot of bars offer different
varieties of beer on draft they have many different kinds so if you're
talking you could ask the bar bartender excuse me what beer do you have on draft
that just means what beer can you get in a glass mug and not a bottle
right we also have this one right here a round okay
now around in a bar means drinks for everyone at your table okay so maybe you
say I will buy a round that means you will buy a drink for everyone at your
table all right let's look at some more examples sentences of these three things
okay let's look at the first example happy hour is from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00
p.m. cocktails are half the normal price
happy hour is from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
cocktails are half the normal price let's move on to the next example
draught beer tastes fresher than canned beer draught beer tastes fresher than
canned beer and the last example let me buy everyone a round of whiskey shots
let me buy everyone a round of whiskey shots so as you can see these are some
good things to know if you plan to go out drinking and your do remember happy
hour can be longer than an hour so read the sign carefully and just know you get
a lower price on the drinks you want to have so it's good to come for happy hour
and pay a discounted price and then also draught beer the beer that comes in a
nice mug and not a bottle alright it's very popular because many people you
can't get draught beer unless you go out for a to a bar and then also around hey
I'll buy a round makes you very popular with everyone in your group thank you
and have a good time
hello everyone my name is Robin and in this video we are gonna talk about a
very common important useful slang sucks okay you must know it it is so common
you've probably already heard it in American TV or movies all right now suck
or sucks is not a bad word but it is slang and it is a little bit rude or
impolite so you should only use it with your friends okay be careful using suck
or sucks now before we talk about the meaning of soccer sucks let's look at
the grammar now the grammar is where most of my students make make the
mistake using it okay so you have to follow this I suck you suck we suck they
suck all right she sucks he sucks it sucks ex sucks what's X will X's maybe
someones name like Steve sucks or some book this book sucks all right so we
have to follow this grammar you know it is a verb these are the rules for using
a verb never say they sucks okay so my students they sucks that sounds very
strange okay don't do that she sucks she suck oh don't do that that
is terrible okay they suck she sucks okay be very clear and careful with the
grammar please all right let's look at the meaning of suck there are two main
meanings the first one you're not good at something okay you're not good at
doing something you're terrible in my example here I suck at math I suck at
math so this means very simply I'm terrible at math okay I suck at math so
after suck you probably want at this means I'm not good at this subject
kid math so remember the grammar I suck I suck the next one he sucks at French
he sucks okay so he sucks at French he sucks at
French okay he's not good at friend at French okay so you're not good at
something you suck the other meaning you don't like something okay you're very
disappointed you don't like something this movie sucks okay this movie this
movie we would put under the X category this movie sucks
this movie sucks this movie is terrible this sucks it sucks
okay many ways to express you don't like the movie homework sucks of course
homework sucks I hate homework I don't like homework homework sucks
alright so that's the two meanings of sucks all right you got to be very
careful using suck or sucks follow the grammar it's very good to use very
useful let's look at some examples right now alright here are the examples the
first one you suck at playing basketball you're terrible you suck at playing
basketball you're terrible the next example this food sucks
do you have some other food this food sucks do you have some other food the
next example my new iPhone sucks it has too many problems my new iPhone sucks it
has too many problems the next example your car sucks it is dirty and old your
car sucks it is dirty and old the next example my job sucks I will
quit soon my job sucks I will quit soon and the last example this restaurant
sucks let's go somewhere else this restaurant sucks let's go somewhere else
ok so I hope you have an excellent understanding of how to use soccer sucks
make sure you know the grammar and I just want to talk about that again
because so many of my students say it wrong they want to express something as
bad so they say this suck or this suck okay this is so wrong and you sound
silly okay you sound stupid when you use wrong grammar with this slang so you
gotta be careful this has to be sucks this sucks this
sucks that S is so important okay don't forget it and you want to insult someone
you want to say a bad thing to someone and you say you sucks okay if you said
you sucks to me I'm not angry I'm laughing okay cuz it's so funny cuz
you're using wrong grammar you sucks haha that's funny it has to be you suck
okay so if you want to say something bad to someone you suck and they're gonna be
very angry if you say you sucks they're laughing at your grammar okay
be careful with this grammar it's a good slang word to use you must know it okay
so good luck and I hope you learned a lot in this video
hello everybody my name is Esther and in this video we're going to talk about a
slang word that comes from California that's where I'm from
this slang word is actually from Northern California in areas like San
Francisco San Jose and Oakland and this word is the slang word hella mm-hmm and
it actually has two different meanings so let's look at how it's used in some
sentences okay so here's the first example sentence this room is hella hot
hmm how is hella used it's used to mean the word really or very right this room
is very hot or this room is really hot in that case we can say this room is
hella hot mm-hmm so that's the first meaning let's move on to the second
meeting and here's another example sentence there's hella food at home hmm
that doesn't match the word really right let's look there's really food at home
it doesn't make sense actually in the second sentence hella is used to mean
there's a lot of or there's many things right so in this case instead of saying
there's a lot of food at home we can say there's hella food at home so hurry and
go home and eat some of that food now under hella I've written the word hecka
and that's because some people feel uncomfortable using the word hella right
because hella has the word hell right and hell can sometimes be used to
express an emotion that's negative or very strong right and in that case
people use heck right so again instead of hella some people say hecka mmm-hmm
so we can say there's hecka food at home again it means the same thing there's a
lot of food at home there's hecka food at home but if you don't want to use
hella you can use this one and in the same way you can use hecka to substitute
Halla in the first sentence as well this room is hecka hot right
this room is hecka hot it's very hot in here but I don't want to say hello but
remember again this slang word hella and hecta is actually from Northern
California so you might not hear it or people might not understand what you
mean if you use it in other places such as New York or the UK so keep that in
mind okay so let's look at a couple examples sentences this pizza is hella
good this pizza is hella good you look hella pretty you look hella pretty your
hair is hecka long your hair is Haeckel long there's hecka people at this
concert there's hecka people at this concert now
remember this is the sentence where you would use hecka to mean a lot of right
so again there's hecka people at this concert I have hella things to do I have
hella things to do okay so those are the ways that we can use
hella or hecka in our everyday speech but I want to remind you guys one more
time this slang is used mostly in Northern California now for those of you
who like and enjoy hip-hop music some hip-hop artists from
that area such as efore tea and the Federation use the slang word in their
music they use hella mostly so next time you decide to listen to some of their
music I hope you guys can understand a little better what they're saying and
what that word means okay well thanks see you guys next time
hi I'm Molly and in this video we will be talking about two of my favorite
expressions no worries and it's all good now usually
you can use these expressions you can use no worries the same way you can use
it's all good these are for small problems you just
want to let someone know that you're not upset it's okay it will be fine
not a problem so for example maybe you bump into somebody and you say oh I'm
sorry for bumping into you and that person might say no worries or they
could say it's all good I'm not hurt I'm not angry but thank you for
acknowledging that if we can now look at these two dialogues it will give you a
better idea of how to use no worries and it's all good I'm sorry I forgot your
gift this person can say no worries I'm not upset it's okay or we can say
sorry I spilled coffee on your shirt and you're not upset maybe you have another
shirt somewhere you can say it's all good I'm not hurt I'm not upset
and now these phrases are good to say for small problems but you would never
say for a big problem like I'm sorry your grandma died you would never
respond by saying no worries that's not appropriate
do you never never use that also one way to use no worries you can only say no
worries never say no worry it just it doesn't make sense so no worries and now
we're gonna look at some example dialogues let's look at the first
example dialogue I'm sorry I bumped into you no worries dialogue - I'm sorry I
had to cancel our plans so last minute no worries I had other plans anyway
dialogue 3 I'm running a few minutes late it's all good take your time
dialogue for I'm sorry I can't make it to your party tomorrow it's all good
maybe next time so now you've learned how to use these two phrases it's all
good and no worries no worries and it's all good are for small problems someone
bumps into you or spill something it's reassuring to let them know no worries
it's all good I'm not upset and you're okay and I'm okay so be confident and
don't be afraid to use these phrases so see you next time
hi I'm Molly and today we are going to learn about the idiom a breath of fresh
air now you may have heard this before but we're gonna break it down so a
breath what is a breath a breath is taking in air in and out like breathing
but only one so a breath now a breath of fresh air is usually used when either
the room is physically uncomfortable maybe it's too hot or too stuffy there's
too many people in the room there's too much going on but it can also mean
mentally you just need to get out you need to clear your mind maybe you're in
the middle of an argument or there's too many people and things going on and it's
uncomfortable you need to leave the room and just clear your mind so let's look
at the example sentence we have here I was too hot in the room I needed a
breath of fresh air you'll notice they don't say I need a breath of fresh air
just one breath a breath of fresh air so you're in a really crowded room and
there's lots of things going on and you decide I just need to leave I need to go
get a breath of new air of fresh air so that's it for a breath of fresh air
we're gonna look at some more example sentences let's look at the first
example it was too hot in the room so she needed a breath of fresh air it was
too hot in the room so she needed a breath of fresh air the next example she
was getting angry and her boyfriend so she left the room to get a breath of
fresh air she was getting angry at her boyfriend so she left the room to get a
breath of fresh air next it's nice to get away from the desk and go on a walk
to get a breath of fresh air it's nice to get away from the desk and
go on a walk to get a breath of fresh air
and finally the room was too stuffy he needed a breath of fresh air the room
was too stuffy he needed a breath of fresh air so now that you've had a
chance to see some example sentences about a breath of fresh air we'll review
the two meanings one is that you are physically uncomfortable the room is too
hot there's too many people in it you just need to leave you're going outside
to take a breath of fresh air the second meaning is that you are mentally
uncomfortable maybe you're in the middle of an argument or there's too many
people or something is uncomfortable and you just need to leave you need to clear
your mind you need to take a breath of fresh air so now that you've learned
these two meanings I'll tell you a quick story many times when I am teaching and
my seven-year-old students are going wild they are running around I just
can't keep control of them sometimes I just need to leave the room to get a
breath of fresh air so be confident in using this phrase and have a great day
hello everyone my name is Robin and in this video we are going to talk about
two very easy idioms the first one is a piece of cake and the second one is as
easy as pie okay so one uses the word cake and one uses the word pie
now cake and pie are both very delicious food but the idioms are not talking
about food let's take a look at the first one it's a piece of cake it's a
piece of cake okay so that's an idiom again idioms the meaning and the words
don't match so the word here is cake but the meaning is very different it's not
talking about cake so what does this idiom mean it's a piece of cake well
very easy it's easy okay so it's a piece of cake this is the same as it's easy
let's look at my second example sentence riding a bicycle is a piece of cake okay
so riding a bicycle is again a piece of cake is easy riding a bicycle is easy
okay so this first idiom is is a piece of cake it's very easy let's look at
some more examples the first example dialogue did you do your homework sure
it was a piece of cake the second example dialogue how did you do on the
test it was a piece of cake I got a plus and the last dialogue how's your new job
it's a piece of cake those examples were a piece of cake let's move on to the
second idiom alright it's as easy as pie so as easy as pie
we're not talking about cake anymore we're talking about pie we have to say
as easy as pie but it has the same meaning if you say it's as easy as pie
it's easy okay it's very easy now you can already see it uses the word easy
why it says as pie I don't know but it's an idiom it just means it's easy okay so
it's easy as pie riding a bicycle is as easy as pie so again as easy as pie
easy okay don't forget to say the ass as easy as pie
alright so let's look at some more examples alright the first dialogue that
math test was difficult it was as easy as pie to me
the second dialogue did you finish your work yes it was as easy as pie and the
last dialogue can you speak English yes speaking English is as easy as pie those
examples were as easy as pie okay very easy so again the two idioms it's a
piece of cake it's as easy as pie they're idioms remember they're not
talking about cake they're not talking about pie these idioms both mean
something is very easy again they're very common okay so you should know them
but also don't confuse them don't mix them up never say it's a piece of pie
okay that's wrong it's a piece of cake and never say it's as easy as cake that
sounds terrible it's wrong it's as easy as pie don't confuse them alright I hope
you learned them I hope you know them and I hope you can use
that's it see you next time
hello everyone my name is Robin and in this video we're gonna talk about two
slang using the word jawed okay now before I talk about the slang John I'm
gonna talk about the name John okay it's a very common name around the world John
and it usually comes from Jonathan Jonathan is the full name so when
someone is born they're given the name Jonathan that's very big so most people
will just say hey John okay so it's a very common name but it is also slang
that means something else and let's take a look at the first slang I have a
sentence here I need to go to the John alright now when it's a capital J a big
J it is a name of a person but this is a small J okay we know it's not the name
of a person and I need to go to the John this is slang for a place okay what
place I need to go to the John well this John means the restroom or the washroom
I need to go to the John okay very common slang the means I need to go
to the restroom alright the second sentence very similar
I am sitting on the John okay again I'm not sitting on a person John
this is slang and this John means the toilet or the toilet seat okay I am
sitting on the toilet seat so I need to go to the John and I am sitting on the
John both of them.this slang is talking about the toilet all right
again it's very common you can hear it in America around the world and you
should know it let's look at a few more examples of this slang term John alright
so the first example dialogue excuse me where is the John it's over there thank
you the second example dialog where are you
going I need to use the John and the last example dialog there's no toilet
paper in the John here's some tissue Thanks
alright let's look at the second slang term for John I have two example
sentences here this John is a person their name is not John it's just a slang
to mean a type of person so my two sentences the first one John is lonely
okay and the second one police caught many John's okay
this John is also a little bit bad like the previous link John is toilet this
John means a slang that means someone a man it's never a woman a man who was on
the street trying to buy sex from a sex worker okay so if the man is on the
street trying to buy sex from a sex worker we call him a John okay so as I
said John is lonely they're looking on the street they're trying to get some
female to have sex with them and of course that is illegal to try and get
sex from a female on the street so police caught many John's okay they
caught many guys doing that it's an illegal thing so this is the second use
of the slang term John let's take a let's take a look at a few examples of
this one all right the first one there are many John's on the street tonight
there are many John's on the street tonight the next one the John was
arrested after trying to buy sex from two girls
that John was arrested after trying to buy sex from two girls and the last
example all John's have their real names published in the newspaper
all John's have their real names published in the newspaper so that's the
two slang use of John again if you need to go to the toilet you just say I need
to go to the John or you could ask where is the John all right and this second a
meaning of John the John slang of course is the guy who's looking to buy sex on
the street I hope you're not a John anyway so those are the two slang terms
using John that's it for this video see you next time
i this is bill and in this video I'm going to explain to you some easy online
gaming slang all right many people love to play games online because there's so
many choices out there Warcraft has been going for a long time there's the
Starcraft there's the new Diablo and of course every year there's a new Call of
Duty where people run around shooting guns killing each other online so what
people have been saying when they've been doing this for a long time are some
easy phrases here now a simple one here is to start off noob
okay now noob it was first newbie and that means a new person to the game so
someone is still learning how to play the game and they're probably making a
lot of mistakes so when people playing a game use the term noob they usually use
it to tease someone they mean it in a bad way kind of this noob has no idea or
this noob is easy to kill or I don't want a noob on my team because we will
lose all right now on the other side of that one someone who's been playing a
game for a long long time they have a lot of skill so they know the tricks
they know where to go they know how to win so someone who's very good at a game
they're gonna win a lot and what they say is poem it's pronounced pwned okay
they don't type the O but they say pwned and what this means is if you're playing
a game like Call of Duty with guns you shoot someone
say I just pwned you alright because it's like I just owned you I'm better
than you so I own you because I'm better alright so yeah use that but only if
you're winning all right if you winning you can say I just pwned you
because then you look very strong then simple ones here for like online games
with teams and things like that there are what we call NPCs that's just how
you pronounce it you say n P C but then like plural so just NPCs don't say s now
this means non-player character so in a game like Diablo these are like the
monsters that you fight that another player is not controlling they're just
part of the game that you have to go through so maybe you're playing on a
team in Warcraft and you say things like these NPCs are really tough that means
difficult you're having a hard time finishing the level because all the
monsters or soldiers you have to fight are very difficult to get through so we
say NPCs characters that are part of the game non player characters now if you
think that means non-player character there's also pcs now not personal
computers like the PC room when online gaming slang when you're talking or
typing if you write pcs we say pcs this means player characters these are the
characters in the game that other people are controlling alright so maybe we need
more pcs to join so maybe you're trying to plan something in a game that
requires a lot of players so you need more pcs to join your team before you
can go and finish what level you're trying to do so one more time
we have noob for the new person so if you see someone running around in
circles they don't know what they're doing this noob has no idea or I hate
newbs because they don't understand the game and of course I just pwned you or
I'm honing a lot today means I'm winning a lot today there
have these NPCs are really tough these monsters are tough the NPCs of the game
are giving us a lot of difficulty and then PCs we need more pcs to join Oh
there's many pcs playing today just means there's many people playing today
okay I hope that helps you with your online gaming and I hope to see you next
time thank you
hi my name is Molly and in this video we are going to be learning about the idiom
not my cup of tea now you might be thinking we're talking about tea but
we're not not my cup of tea is talking about anything that you don't like for
example I don't like wearing makeup so I might say wearing makeup is not my cup
of tea I prefer not to wear makeup so you never want to say it's not my cup of
coffee or it's not my cup of coke it's never talking about anything besides tea
okay so now let's look at an example sentence scary movies are not my cup of
tea now a movie isn't tea but we're just
saying here that I don't really like scary movies maybe you like comedy or
romance but scary movies are not your cup of tea
so now let's look at some example sentences let's look at the first
example the movie wasn't my cup of tea I didn't like it the movie wasn't my cup
of tea I didn't like it and next the play was okay but it was not my cup of
tea I felt a little bored the play was okay but it was not my cup of tea I felt
a little bored next I don't like Chinese food it's not my cup of tea it's a
little too greasy I don't like Chinese food it's not my cup of tea
it's a little too greasy and last I prefer fiction nonfiction is not my cup
of tea I prefer fiction nonfiction is not my
cup of tea so now that you've seen a few examples sentences let's review it's not
my cup of tea so we're not talking about tea we're just talking about anything
that you don't like to do so you don't like scary movies you don't
like going to the beach it's not my cup of tea now you never want to say it's my
cup of tea if you look behind me it says it's my cup of tea
this phrase is only used for things that you do not like to do so never say it's
my cup of tea only it's not my cup of tea so that's it for this video see you
next time
hello everyone my name is Robin and in this video we are going to talk about a
very common and popular slang awesome okay now awesome is slang we shouldn't
use it in any formal writing like essays or business emails okay
it is slang so it's a spoken word also it's a very casual word so we should use
it just with her friends what does awesome mean well it's a it's a very
positive word to describe someone or something very positive so someone or
something is cool great impressive wonderful amazing fantastic all of these
words put together that is awesome all right very very positive so let's take a
look at two examples here he is awesome he is awesome all right so you're
describing someone is really really cool and great he is awesome this movie is
awesome this movie is awesome okay so you really like the movie it's really
impressive wonderful great movie this movie is awesome alright so that's how
we use awesome but there's a stronger expression using awesome and that is
using totally awesome okay so in this sentence my trip was
totally awesome totally is used to emphasize awesome so very very awesome
this is very strong expression totally awesome
okay so if something is really really really amazing and great you want to say
totally awesome okay but wait there is one more powerful expression
the top of the top the best of the best using awesome using totally awesome and
that is totally fucking awesome okay totally fine
looking awesome is the most powerful positive expression to describe someone
or something totally fucking awesome now it has the word fucking but it's not
used in a bad way actually this is used in a very very
positive way so it's not a bad thing to say
totally fucking awesome okay so let's take a look at some examples now so you
could understand awesome better let's look at the first example this
samgyupsal is awesome this samgyupsal is awesome and the next example I'm getting
married that's awesome I'm getting married that's awesome
the next example my teacher is totally awesome he always plays games my teacher
is totally awesome he always plays games and the last example this is awesome
whether to go to the beach this is awesome whether to go to the beach oh
hey well I hope you have a better understanding of how to use awesome
totally awesome and totally fucking awesome ok be careful where you say
these words remember they should be said in just a casual situation and of course
never write these words anyway that's awesome and I hope you liked this
totally fucking awesome video
hi everybody I'm Esther and in this video we're going to talk about an
important expression especially for those of you who are in relationships
for those of you who have a boyfriend or girlfriend and that expression is to
dump someone to dump someone well what do you think that means well for those
of you who are in a relationship maybe you're not happy hmm maybe you don't
love that person anymore or maybe that person is just really
horrible really bad so what do you do well you break up with them right you
say I don't want to be with you anymore and that's where the expression comes in
to dump someone so when you tell your boyfriend or girlfriend I don't want to
be with you anymore you are dumping them okay so let's look
at these examples first he dumped me hmm he dumped me this is a sad situation
right maybe my boyfriend didn't love me
anymore or maybe I did something that made him angry so he dumped me he
doesn't want to be with me any longer hmm I dumped him the next sentence I
dumped him this one is not so bad maybe my boyfriend was really bad or he
lied too much so I kicked him I got rid of him I dumped him okay so let's look
at some more example sentences together she dumped him because he lied to her
she dumped him because he lied to her I'm thinking about dumping my girlfriend
because she's getting fat I'm thinking about dumping my girlfriend because
she's getting fat he dumped me I'm so sad he dumped me I'm so sad
okay so in this video we learned the expression to dump someone remember you
can dump a bad boyfriend or girlfriend but they can also dump you now I want to
tell you about one of my ex-boyfriends he never had time for me he was always
busy and he couldn't talk or hang out so I had to dump him and it felt great okay
well see you guys next time bye
hi everybody I'm Esther and in this video we're going to talk about an
important idiom hit on now hit on doesn't mean to hit right
it means you punch someone or you use your hand to hurt someone so that's not
what it means hit on means well when a guy maybe likes a girl he sees someone
and he thinks that girl is cute he wants to know her better he wants to know her
more so he might go to her and ask for her phone number
try to talk to her that's hitting on that's hit on right he's hitting on her
okay so yes a girl can hit on a guy as well usually but it's usually the guy
that hits on the girl and in Korean they say the word hunting right but in
English we have to say hit on so let's look at these examples he hit on her he
hit on her again this means he went to the girl and tried to talk to her and
know her better so maybe they can be a couple later or have a relationship
again he hit on her the next sentence says she got hit on she got hit on this
is not the same as this sentence right she didn't hit on someone she got hit on
which means that somebody hit on her so don't get that confused let's look at
some more examples sentences together okay let's look at these examples she
always gets hit on at the bar she always gets hit on at the bar many guys hit on
me many guys hit on me I saw man hit on a pretty girl
I saw man hit on a pretty girl he's a womanizer he hits on every girl he's a
womanizer he hits on every girl okay so let's review one more time we learned
the idiom hit on again hit on means you like someone that you don't know you go
and talk to them again maybe try to get to know them better or their phone
number or something like that now in America yeah guys hit on girls of
course but I think in Korea a lot more Korean guys tend to hit on girls in
public places like the bus stop or on the street or maybe even on the subway
so that's the word we learned in this video and I hope to see you guys next
time bye
hi I'm Molly and in this video we are going to be talking about the expression
couch potato now a couch potato is someone who is lazy and doesn't go
outside just sits on the couch all day long maybe plays video games or watches
TV but they're really lazy this is a bad thing you do not want to be called a
couch potato now you might be thinking picturing a potato on a couch now we all
it has nothing to do with potatoes we just say that a potato is round and fat
right so this person might be round and fat from just sitting on the couch all
day and not exercising or leaving or getting up or doing anything so let's
look at this example sentence he's a couch potato now it doesn't have
to be a he it can be a she it could be anybody and you're saying you're lazy
you are a couch potato this is not a good thing and now let's look at some
example sentences so you can learn how to better use this phrase let's look at
the first example after he broke his leg he turned into a couch potato he watched
TV all day after he broke his leg he turned into a couch potato he watched TV
all day and next when he got fired he was so depressed he turned into a couch
potato he just stayed home and watched TV when he got fired
he was so depressed he turned into a couch potato he just stayed home and
watched TV and last all the boy did was play video games and watch TV he turned
into a couch potato all the boy did was play video games and watch TV he turned
into a couch potato so now that you've seen some example sentences you know how
to use the phrase he's a couch potato now I have a friend a Korean friend
named Han and he is a big boy he's like a hundred kilograms and after
work he just goes home and he sits on the couch with a big bag of junk food
and I can't get him off that couch for anything I'll ask him if he wants to go
to the park or do yoga or play tennis and he doesn't want to leave the couch
he's just like a couch potato so now you know how to use the phrase couch potato
see you next time
hi this is bill I've got a special video for you about slang now I hope you
already know but I'll tell you slang is a different way of speaking English it's
kind of like people use words differently than you see in the
dictionary but it's normally a large group of people are saying it this way
so it becomes more common than you'd think
okay now I'm gonna tell you some examples of British slang because if
you're ever watching television from England or a movie from England you may
hear the characters speak differently than you would hear in from American
speakers or Canadian speakers so I've got some examples here on how they speak
British slang because well the British invented English but they speak it very
differently all right so the word we all know woman okay oh that is a very
beautiful woman or she's a pretty woman now we understand that but now British
slang oh she's a pretty bird oh look at that bird over there
now when they say look at that bird over there they don't really mean like that
bird woman from someone living in England say oh look at the bird at the
bar she looks good cheeky all right now that's one there we
also have truck we all know that trucks making noise on the road all right hey
well when the truck drives by it's very loud now over in British slang they call
a truck a lorry okay I'm waiting for the lorry to deliver my
package or there's a delivery lorry on the road or the moving men are coming in
a lorry the moving men are coming in a truck have that one trunk for lorry
now we all know this apartment my apartment is too small well in ink
and British slang my flat is too small I want to move to a bigger flat I want to
move to a bigger apartment it's all the same thing again slang of britain same
thing here we all know elevators we I hate being in elevators
but in an elevator you got to get in the elevator or if you're in England you use
the lift please take the elevator to the fifth floor ah please take the lift to
the fifth floor that again British slang they changed elevator to lift now here's
one that I really like an old friend of mine used this a lot we have air in here
we say an idiot you know what an idiot he's stupid all right but British slang
they say ah what a knob he's stupid or like oh look at that knob over there I
don't like him alright we use knob to refer to a stupid
person in British slang okay now there's lots of different ways that people speak
English all around the world that's probably why it's so hard to learn but
these are just five examples of British slang from words we all know and we see
almost every day okay I hope that helps you and I'll see you again next time
thank you
hi everybody I'm Esther and in this video we're going to talk about a slang
word that is what's up mm-hmm so what's up can be used in two ways the first way
is a way to greet people to say hi and actually when we say what's up
it means hi how are you or what are you doing these days right what are you up
to these days so that's the first way we use what's up
the second way is to ask what's wrong is something wrong is something bad
happening to you right so those are the two ways that we can use what's up so
let's look at these example sentences here's the first one
hey Susie what's up hey Susie what's up so this person a is asking Susie hey
Susie how are you or hey Susie what are you up to these
days what are you doing these days and here are some ways you can answer
nothing much that means there's nothing special happening in my life I'm not
doing much or maybe if they said hey Susie what's up
Susie can say I'm going to the movies she would just say what she's doing
right another way remember the second way is to ask what's wrong is everything
okay so here is how we would use it you look upset
what's up again you look upset what's up what's wrong and maybe this
person would say I lost my wallet that's why they're upset I lost my wallet so
you can say why you look upset what's going on what's wrong now let's look at
how to pronounce it one more time what's up it's almost like what's and up are
blended like they're connected what's up and I also
want to mention that some people say what up they take out the s what up or
some people even just say sup right sup that means the same thing
but I want you guys to make sure that you use what's up and that's the best
way to say it let's look at a few more example sentences together okay let's
look at some examples long time no see what's up long time no see what's up I
was surprised to get your call what's up I was surprised to get your call what's
up what's up with you these days what's up with you these days
are you crying what's up are you crying what's up okay so we've looked at some
example sentences now let me remind you that what's up is a great way to say
hello or how are you but remember only to somebody that you know well so maybe
a friend maybe family if you're very close but never in a business
conversation and never in a formal conversation where you're meeting with
somebody very important in those cases you just want to say how are you not
what's up okay all right well I hope this video helped you guys learn more
English and see you next time bye
hi everybody I'm Esther and in this video I'm going to teach you an
important sling used to describe women now women in Korea are very beautiful
and maybe the reason is that they spend a lot of time and money on things like
their hair clothes makeup nails things like that right so in English the Shlaim
that we use to describe women who spend a lot of time and money to look nice are
called high maintenance again high maintenance
maybe they spend maybe one or two hours getting ready right they spend a lot of
time to look nice so maybe they're always late and people always have to
wait for them and remember high-maintenance girls also spend a lot
of money so I don't know what's a lot of money to some people but yes they spend
a lot of money or maybe their boyfriend's money on clothes hair and
any other things to look nice so let's look at these examples sentences first
she is high maintenance again high maintenance describes the girl so she is
high maintenance now the opposite of high maintenance is low maintenance
right opposite of high is low so we say a girl is low maintenance if she doesn't
spend a lot of time or money to look nice she can still look nice but maybe
she's a little bit more casual right instead of wearing a dress maybe she'll
wear a t-shirt and jeans and maybe some sneakers instead of high heels or maybe
she won't wear that much makeup anyways a low maintenance girl doesn't spend too
much time or money on the way she looks so here's the next example sentence
he likes low maintenance girls right there are some guys who like low
maintenance girls more he likes low maintenance girls ok well let's look at
some more example sentences together let's look at these examples she's very
high maintenance she spends $200 on makeup every month she's very high
maintenance she spends $200 on makeup every month his girlfriend is too high
maintenance he's thinking about breaking up with her his girlfriend is too high
maintenance he's thinking about breaking up with her I like casual low
maintenance girls I like casual low maintenance girls she never wears makeup
she's low maintenance she never wears makeup she's low maintenance okay so in
this video we learned the slang high maintenance we learned that we use it to
describe a woman who spends a lot of time and money to look nice and we also
learned that the opposite is low maintenance a woman who doesn't spend
too much time or money to look nice now you can use high maintenance or low
maintenance to also describe men but it's not very common and yeah lots of
people wouldn't really say that and I also want to point out that in America
most men like low maintenance women being high maintenance isn't a bad thing
but men think that if a woman is low maintenance they don't have to spend so
much money or time or be stressed because of that woman so they think it
will be a simpler relationship and things like that so I think that
important to remember all right well thanks for joining and hope to see you
guys next time bye
hi I'm Molly and today we're going to be talking about a sweet expression puppy
love now we're not talking about puppies we're talking about older children or
teenagers and it might be their first relationship it's not it's not a sexual
relationship it's very sweet and innocent and they're young and they're
in a relationship and it's called puppy love
maybe they spend all their time together or they just really enjoy a young and
innocent relationship here's an example sentence they spend all their time
together it must be puppy love now usually when
you just meet someone you're excited and you just spend a lot of time together
it's a very playful innocent young love now let's look at some example sentences
the first example puppy love is always sweet and innocent puppy love is always
sweet and innocent the second example they were too young for a real
relationship it was just puppy love they were too
young for a real relationship it was just puppy love and the last
example it was her first boyfriend it was puppy love it was her first
boyfriend it was puppy love so now you've seen
some examples of puppy love and just to review we're not talking about puppies
we're just talking about a young innocent love between older children or
young teenagers my niece called me the other day and she told me I have this
new boyfriend and I'm not worried because she's 13 and it's just an
innocent young love it's puppy love so I hope next time you see a cute couple
walking by and they look young and innocent that you know it's puppy love
see you next time
hi I'm Molly and in this video we're going to be talking about the expression
I don't kiss and tell now this is usually used if someone
really wants to know the details of a new date that you had or maybe an outing
that you had with a boy and they are curious they want to know all the juicy
details what did you do where did you go maybe what you did after the date
usually this is kind of a sexual question like so what do you do last
night on your date and you might say you know I don't want to tell you that's
private I don't kiss and I don't tell I don't kiss and tell
so let's look at our example sentence hey Sara what happened on your date Sara
this friend of Sarah's is really curious she wants to know all the juicy details
and Sarah's saying I don't kiss and tell so I'm not gonna tell you that's private
that's not your business so a lot of friends might ask you you know what
happened after the date they'll wink at you or something and you'll say I'm not
gonna tell you I don't kiss and tell so hopefully now you can use this phrase
let's look at some example sentences let's look at the example dialogues did
he kiss you goodnight I don't kiss and tell
did he kiss you goodnight I don't kiss and tell what did you do after the movie
I don't kiss and tell what did you do after the movie I don't kiss and tell
and the last example was he a gentleman to you I don't kiss and tell
was he a gentleman to you I don't kiss and tell
now that you've seen a few examples of I don't kiss and tell
the next time a friend of yours a friend who is way too curious about your
personal love life they might ask you you know how was the date and you can
just say I don't kiss and tell so hopefully that's a helpful phrase for
you and I'll see you next time
hi my name is Nicole in this video we are going to be talking about a slang
term ding when you use the word dang it has many different meanings being from
Chicago it is used pretty often and in America it's a pretty good amount myself
personally I use it probably every day it's just one of those words that it's
common in your vocabulary so you're saying you can use ding for surprise
like you see something or you hear some shock and you're like ding also you can
use it for a filler like dang I just want to go home I hate school things
like that also dang you can just say dang I hurt myself dang
I want to eat some food just like when you're thinking and you speak your
sentences out loud is most of the times when you say it and these are some
examples first one dang this food looks too good you would use this when you're
really hungry or you go to a restaurant that you've been wanting to eat at for
ever and you finally go and your food comes you're like dang this food looks
too good like I can't wait to eat this food it's gonna be so good
this one it's hot in here ding you use the sentence just it's hot in here
it's really hot it's summertime and there's no air or fan and you're just
feel your sweat coming through your skin like hot in here ding I need to leave
things like that now let's take a look at the examples
dang I'm hot dang I'm hot dang I'm starving
dang I'm starving stop staring at me dang
stop staring at me Jane can we leave dang
can we leave dang okay so dang dang remember dang is a word that you can use
it for anything if you need something to say and you don't know what to say you
just say dang you see something good and you're like dang I want that also dang
is not a bad word it's no swear word if you say dang out in the street yelling
it nobody will care it's just a regular word but you shouldn't say it in front
of your mom or business meetings because it's more of a informal word you use
with your friends just like a relaxing word okay thanks for watching
hi my name is Nikhil in this video we are going to be talking about a slang
word chill chill is one of the most common slang words used in America and
others english-speaking countries it has many different meanings to relax calm
when things are going steady and good that's when you use chill so in this
first sentence this is a chill place you would use this sentence when you are out
with your friends or out with anybody and you look around and things are going
good and the service is good and it's not too busy and not too good and it's
just like calming so you say this is a chill place it's a good place it kind of
means the same in this sentence this one let's chill sometime you would use the
sentence when you want to see your friends like let's hang out let's chill
it would just be with your friends not calling your boyfriend or girlfriend
let's chill that's kind of doesn't work at all so when you use this gel it's not
like go on a date or a movie it's just like let's hang out let's go get some
coffee and chill chill out chill out is one of the most common expressions used
in America and other country in Bush speaking countries when somebody is
getting riled up and getting it's getting hectic and you just want them to
chill out you just say chill out relax calm down
no reason to get all hectic and riled up so let's take a look at the examples
just chill everything is going to be fine just chill everything is going to
be fine this restaurant is chill this restaurant
is chill
hey men just chill out don't panic hey man just chill out don't panic let's
chill tomorrow at the mall let's chill tomorrow at the mall okay so in review
for chow you can use it for many different things like relaxing and calm
good things like that also with the word chill there are some words that people
use to combine other words that are not so common but people do use them first
word is chillax it's chill and relaxed put together just like you need to chill
out and relax Oh chillax next one is choose it it's means chill
and take a shit like take a shit when you're on the toilet and you just need
to sit and people are calm for a while on the toilet that's what it means it's
just a funny word chill pill take a chill pill you know pill medicine it's
like you need to relax just take a chill pill calm down
no big deal so I hope you like the word shell cuz it's a good one and thanks for
hi my name is Nicole in this video we're going to be talking about two different
ways you can use the word ugly now everybody knows what ugly means it's
really just ugly and disgusting and horrible so two words you can use our
feet and nasty now the first word we're going to talk about is beep when you use
the word beat it is when you're describing somebody very ugly a person
you don't like just appearance-wise so this sentence she has a beep face you
can use that when you're out with your friends or you're just having a good
time with some people and this girl comes and her face is ugly so you would
say she has beep face her face is ugly it I want to puke turn my eyes next one
that is a beet looking girl now you use this when you see somebody maybe some of
you don't like maybe just some stranger or just some ugly person and she's just
all over beat her hair is dirty her face is not cute she needs more makeup her
clothes don't match her shoes are ugly and garbage looking and she just looks
horrible and you would just say that is a beet looking girl she is all over ugly
she needs to stay home things like that so let's take a look at nasty alright my
next word is nasty now remember nasty beat and ugly all
mean the same thing so this sentence she is nasty looking now when you say that
it means her face is horrible her face is ugly you see her and you just want to
turn away she looks like the trashcan alright this one she has the nastiest
hair now you use this when you see this girl but you don't like
or something like that and her hair is long and two-tone but not pretty like
it's blond and black and it just needs to get colored and it looks like she
hasn't taken a shower in a week it's just dirty and it's so ugly and that's
why you would say nastiest like the worst ugliest hair ever like if you were
to walk out of the house like that you would be so embarrassed now let's look
at the examples I don't like to date beat girls I don't like to date beat
girls beat girls make me uncomfortable big girls make me uncomfortable there
are some beat girls in this bar there are some beat girls in this bar her face
is so beat her face is so beat that is a nasty outfit that is a nasty outfit her
new dress is nasty her new dress is nasty she has a nasty
face she has a nasty face his girlfriend is so nasty his girlfriend is so nasty
all right to review nasty and B they mean the same as ugly so don't forget
that they are all the same and you could use them for many different expressions
but if somebody calls you beat or nasty you just want to punch them in the face
because if you got a good-looking face you know you shouldn't be called nasty
or being so they deserve a punch and thanks for watching
hey this is bill and I've got a video for you about smoking cigarettes all
right now in a lot of foreign countries they don't really like people smoking
cigarettes everywhere so you got to be careful when you're traveling that you
choose to smoke in the right places now usually you will see a sign that just
says smoking area whether this is in an outside place or even a bar or
restaurant you should try to find a sign that says smoking area if you cannot
find a sign an easy thing to do and this is what I always did in America is just
check the ground and if you see people have thrown down their trash cigarettes
on the ground that means many people have been smoking there so it's probably
okay if you do too all right now but if you are in a nice
place that's gonna let you smoke the first thing you should ask for is an
ashtray okay this is so you can it properly
put your cigarette ashes and then also trash out your cigarettes in the nice
ashtray so may I please have an ashtray let's check the read you say oh yeah I
just did that okay now if you're the kind of person you don't know where to
buy cigarettes or your ran out or maybe you just want to have one what you can
say to ask someone for a cigarette a very common expression would be can i
bum a smoke now smoke means a cigarette okay so if you say to someone can i bum
a smoke you're just asking may I have one cigarette please you say that to
someone you see someone smoking in the restaurant or in the bar you ask them
and if they're nice they will share their cigarettes with you or they'll say
I don't bum cigarettes if they're rude who knows
but now also sometimes you go into a convenience store or maybe you're in a
bar and maybe you don't usually smoke maybe smoking is something you don't do
very often so here's a phrase you can ask you can ask do you sell lucy's now a
loosey means a single cigarette because you don't want an entire box of
cigarettes you just want one so that's what we call a loosey and they'll sell
it at you know a low price because you're just buying one cigarette some
bars do this and also some convenience stores for the people who don't really
smoke maybe just on the weekend or maybe you're in a bar and you had too much to
drink so now you want a cigarette you can ask do you sell Lucy's so one
more time find your smoking area because that's
okay nobody's gonna bother you if you're
smoking in a smoking area if you're sitting in a restaurant or a bar ask for
an ashtray please may I have an ashtray that's where you can put your cigarettes
when you're finished and then there is oh I have no cigarettes
well maybe you see someone smoking or maybe your friend has some cigarettes
hey can i bum a smoke and if you're nice and you smile they'll probably give you
one but if nobody has any ask the bartender or the convenience store
person hey did you sell Lucy's and maybe they'll have a pack that they'll take
out one cigarette and they'll sell you just one cigarette if that's all you
need okay I hope this was helpful for you and I hope to see you next video
thank you
hi this is Bill and right now I'm going to teach you an idiom
now this idiom is very common people use it a lot and actually everybody uses it
old people young people it's that common that it's easy to use with whoever you
are talking to and that idiom is gut feeling okay now you see it here I
underlined it in blue now first let me explain to you gut because that might be
a new word for you now your gut is just right here this part of your body kind
of your stomach okay but now a gut feeling isn't like a sick feeling that's
not what it means okay a gut feeling is just kind of like an
inside feeling you have just kind of a instinct maybe but just something you
have an idea you can't really explain why you have this feeling it's just a
gut feeling okay and sometimes a gut feeling can be a good thing or a bad
thing now the sentence I have up here I have a gut feeling today's going to be a
good day now by saying I have a gut feeling that just means something inside
you is just telling you today is going to be a good day you don't know why you
just have this idea today's gonna be a good day or there's the opposite here
you could just say I have a gut feeling this is gonna be a bad day now that just
means something is telling you today's not gonna be good okay again more of
like an instinct kind of feeling alright now we're gonna look at some written
examples of gut feeling being used now take a look at sentences you
the idiom gut feeling that couple fights all the time I have a gut feeling they
will break up soon the sky is so dark I have a gut feeling that rain is coming I
have a gut feeling something good is about to happen okay so there you saw
ways that we can use the idiom gut feeling now there's lots of different
ways you can do it as long as you remember it's just an inside feeling
that's giving you an idea about what's going to happen okay
maybe you look out the window and you see a lot of gray clouds so you have a
gut feeling it's gonna rain soon okay maybe you buy a lotto ticket and
you have a gut feeling it's going to be a winner just you get a feeling from
inside that tells you something's gonna happen maybe it's good maybe it's bad
but your gut feeling it's just a feeling you got more about instinct than
anything all right and I have a gut feeling that your English is getting
better and you learned a lot from this video see you next video
hi I'm Robin and in this video I'm gonna talk about the idiom it's raining cats
and dogs all right now this is example of a perfect idiom okay it's a good
example of a idiom and remember an idiom means the words in the expression or the
sentence does not match the meaning of the sentence
okay so idioms are very difficult to understand sometimes so let's look at
this again it's raining cats and dogs so the words in the sentence does not match
the meaning of the sentence if you just looked at the words it's raining cats
and dogs that means it's raining cats and dogs
okay so you got to be careful with idioms don't focus on the words so it's
raining cats and dogs what does that mean well that means very simply it's
raining a lot okay there's a lot of rain so when someone says it's raining cats
and dogs of course that does not mean it's raining cats and dogs it just means
it's raining a lot now this is a very fun idiom to use and it's very common
and there's one more thing I want to tell you about this idiom okay so it's
raining cats and dogs as I said is really fun idiom to use when it's
raining a lot alright but I'm going to teach you another joke we can use or say
when someone says it's raining cats and dogs now look at my dialogue it's a
little bit difficult to understand so listen carefully person a says the idiom
it's raining cats and dogs now person B says a joke he replies and
this is a common reply as a joke don't step in a poodle don't step in a poodle
okay now why is this funny well it's a little bit difficult to understand
because first you have to understand what a pun is now a pun is a word with
they can have two meanings and the pun in this sentence is poodle it has two
meanings now it's raining cats and dogs that means it's raining a lot so when it
rains a lot on the ground or on the street some water collects okay now that
is called a puddle okay so when it's raining and there's some water you can
step in the water that is called a puddle okay so when when it's raining
you don't want to step in the puddle but he's telling a joke it's raining cats
and dogs don't step in a poodle okay so he should say don't step in a puddle
the water but as a joke he says poodle don't step in a poodle now why does he
say that because it's raining cats and dogs and the poodle is a type of dog so
that don't if it's raining cats and dogs don't step in the poodle okay this is
just a joke okay anyway the common idiom it's raining cats and dogs feel free to
use that it's very common everyone knows it some people might add this joke it's
not so funny but it's just a joke all right I hope you understand see you next
hello everyone I am Robin and in this video we're gonna take a look at the
idiom nature's call or sometimes it's said as the call of nature
okay now this idiom means one thing and that means if someone said that they
need to go to the toilet they need to go to the restroom alright so they don't
want to say directly I need to go to the toilet that might sound a little bit
rude okay so they use this idiom to be more
polite and it's a little bit funny okay nature's call or the call of nature
let's take a look at a couple of dialogues here so maybe I'm at a party
and I have to go to the restroom so I stand up and someone asks me where are
you going okay I again I don't want to say I'm
going to the toilet that sounds a little rude so I could just say nature's call
okay and then that person would understand I'm going to the restroom
okay instead of nature's call sometimes some
people will say nature's calling okay that's okay too nature's call nature's
calling alright let's move on my teacher asks
why are you late why are you late I had to answer the call of nature
okay this one looks a little more complicated but they mean the same thing
okay so why are you late I had to go to the restroom he doesn't want to say that
or she doesn't want to say that so they say I had to answer the call of nature
all right and then the teacher would understand oh they were in the restroom
that's why they are late all right let's take a look at a few more dialogues to
understand it better all right let's look at the first dialogue did you sleep
well no I kept waking up to nature's call did
sleep well no I kept waking up to nature's call the next dialog why did
you leave the movie I had to answer the call of nature why did you leave the
movie I had to answer the call of nature and the next dialog where are you going
so fast nature's calling where are you going so
fast nature's calling and the last dialog why are you starting
your break early nature calls why are you starting your break early
nature calls so this is a great idiom to use when you don't want to say toilet or
restroom okay it's polite and it's a little bit funny you know both men and
women can use it it's very common when you say it everyone will understand okay
nature's call or some people say nature's calling or the call of nature
alright that's it for this video see you next time
all right hi this is Bill and I just so you know I love baseball longest game in
American history all right now what we have here is I've made a very bad
drawing but it'll do us well here so what we have here is I've made the
infield and of course you know it all starts at home with the hitter you know
and then of course we've got our first base our second base and our third base
and this right here that's where the pitcher stands right like that so he can
throw the ball to home plate here all right now what I'm going to explain to
you today is just how a player how the hitter is gonna get on base now the
first way a hitter can get on base is what we would call a walk or a base
on balls now that means that the pitcher here he's throwing bad and the hitter
just watch one no two three four he throws four balls okay that's not a
strike you know three strikes out but four balls there you go you get to go to
first base that is a walk or a base on balls now that might not be exciting
because no one's actually hitting the ball that's more exciting so now if the
hitter at home plate here he's standing there and he swings and he hits the ball
out here and he gets to first base that's a single okay he gets to first
base he's safe that's a single for him all right now if he's very lucky he goes
ahead and he hits the ball it goes a little farther and then he can run four
space to second base he gets to second base
all safe he gets a double that's a double he hit a double all right and
then not very common this one's not normal but sometimes a very fast man
like a jong-wook he can hit the ball and it goes out here and someone fast like a
John Wilk he can run to first to second to third
and third base safe that we call a triple okay
not many baseball players can hit a triple but the fast ones they can do it
now again if you're the strong baseball player the strong hitter well then maybe
you can hit a ball so far that it goes out of the stadium and when that happens
don't don't don't don't home run okay what they say is he hit a
home run now he's going to touch them all touch first touch second touch third
home all is good home run the most exciting thing in baseball so if we
think about it one more time you get to first base safe
you got a single you get to second base that's a double you get to third you got
a triple or boom Big Shot home run and then remember if the pitcher he's
throwing bad you might get a walk or a base on balls and it's like a free walk
to first base all right that's words for getting on
base I hope it helped you thank you for watching
hi I'm Robin and in this video I'm going to teach you a common catchphrase
what's a catchphrase well a catchphrase is something that people like to say it
can be a sentence or a word and they like to use it for fun
okay now the catchphrase today is see you later alligator see you later
alligator all right I wrote it here see you later
alligator now see you later alligator is a catchphrase and it's more for fun with
children all right see you later this is a way to say goodbye see you later
but when we're talking to children we can say see you later alligator okay
why because later an alligator they sound similar they rhyme
see you later alligator okay so when you say that to someone usually a child see
you later alligator they will reply after a while crocodile
after a wild crocodile so later rhymes with alligator while
rhymes with crocodile so it's a catchphrase it's something fun to say
with children and sometimes adults use it too just for fun so if someone says
to you see you later alligator you should answer after a while crocodile
all right that's the catchphrase it is common that's it then see you next time
hello everyone my name is Robin and in this video we are going to talk about
puns okay now puns very difficult to
understand very difficult to hear and very difficult to use so this video is
an advanced video and I don't expect my students to start making their own puns
very soon so this video is more for fun just to understand a little bit of
English word play now what is a pun well a pun is kind of
a word used in a joke and the word has two meanings okay so to help you we're
just gonna jump into an example and I have a very simple example here Korea
has Seoul this is a pun the word that is upon is soul because soul has two
meanings of course now when I say Korea has soul this is s
o UL that soul means Korea has some spirit or some energy but of course it
has another meaning because soul the spelling is different but the sound is
the same soul is a city in Korea so when we say Korea has soul that's kind of a
joke because the soul has two meanings okay now pun jokes are kind of not
really haha funny usually when someone says a pun joke everyone is kind of
quiet and maybe we hear crickets so if I said Korea has soul maybe everyone's
yeah okay all right so let's take a look at a couple other examples of pun jokes
to help you understand I have two more examples here to help you understand the
pun jokes okay the jokes they use a pun again they're not really haha funny you
just kind of okay so the next one here my bicycle fell my bicycle fell because
it's too tired my bicycle fell because it's too tired all right so the blue
word that's the pun and again a pun has two meanings so why is this funny or not
so funny too tired alright so again two meanings the first meaning my bicycle
has two tires okay the front tire and the back tire so
has only two tires so it fell but there's also a second meaning T it's too
tired sounds like T 0:02
very tired so my bicycle fell because it's very tired alright so too tired
sounds like two titres and too tired very tired
alright so that's what makes the pun funny yes two meanings the next one I
used to be a banker but I lost interest I used to be a banker but I lost
interest okay this is the pun this word has two meanings the first meaning is
interest I'm interested okay so he lost interest he's no longer interested in
banking so he's not a banker anymore that's one meaning a second meaning is
interest is actually a bank term bank vocabulary when you put money in the
bank okay every year the bank will give you
interest for example six percent or 4 percent they give you interest every
year so he's not a banker anymore because he lost interest which would
mean he lost money all right so this is funny I used to be a banker
but I lost interest because interest is a pun it has two meanings first meaning
he's not interested in the banking business anymore and the second meaning
he lost some money okay all right let's move on to one last one all right the
last joke I'm gonna show you actually has two puns
and you can decide if it's funny or not alright here's the joke so there's a
question in answer the question how do celebrities stay cool
how do celebrities stay cool of course celebrities are famous people stars
talents how do celebrities stay cool they have many fans okay that's the joke
and as I said there's actually two puns so the question how do celebrities stay
cool okay so cool has two meanings the first meaning is cool cold okay not hot
not warm so how do they stay cold the second meaning is cool you know wearing
sunglasses they're cool all right very good very cool so the two meanings of
cool they have many fans of course there's
the pun and the pun has two meanings the first meaning is fan when you're hot you
have the machine blowing air that's the fan and of course the other meaning the
second meaning of fan is when you're very famous and popular people like you
they're your fans they're screaming and they want your signature your autograph
those are fans okay so how do celebrity stay cool they have many fans all right
so this is funny because we can recognize there's two meanings here so
you could read this the first way how do celebrities stay cool not hot they have
many fans machines at them to stay cool or how does
celebrities stay cool they have many fans people screaming all
right funny okay yeah well these are pun jokes some people like them very
advanced English okay because you have to know you have to have a very good
vocabulary you have to know the word and it's two meanings to understand the joke
all right that's it I hope you enjoyed the puns video and I
hope you can maybe create your own pun one day or understand it when someone
tells you a pun joke that's it and I'll see you next time