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Cello gang cello gang!
Welcome to another episode of TwoSet Violin.
All right, so today we have a very, uh...
interesting sightreading game.
Okay. Was that Dance of the Elves?
We had a friend, back in music camp,
that used to practice that piece like, 6 hours a day.
It's burnt in my memory.
But yes!
Today we're doing a sightreading challenge.
5 levels, except it's cello music.
Yeah, it's not gonna turn out well.
And for those of you that don't know,
cellists use a different clef.
- So, it's gonna be interesting. - They actually use multiple clefs.
And sometimes they do hit treble clef.
- Yes, that's true. Yeah. - But on rare occasions.
For every mistake that we do,
hit the accent button.
I mean, accent the like button!
Accent the like button, legato the subscribe button.
(both) Scissors, paper, rock!
Alright, I'll go first.
Dude, he wrote a cello sonata but not a violin sonata!
Dude, Rachmaninoff!!
Dude, how is this level 1? I don't read that clef.
Tenor clef.
Nah. It's my first time with tenor clef.
- Special... chance! - Oh, yeah!
- He's got 3 lives. - Yeah.
No, it's ♪ duh ♪
Dude, I can't...
- Dude, this is level 1 as well. - This is level 1 for cellists, but it's level...
- 40 for violinists. - I know, it's a bad start.
All right, next one.
Oh you got tenor clef too!!
Oh, f...
Beetho... Oh, pfft.
I can't even sightread text.
This is Brahms, I was about to say Beethoven.
Key signature.
- Dude, how is this level 1? There's 5 sharps! - I know, it's messed up.
Dude, it's so hard!
You did pretty well.
- I actually know this piece though. - Oh, you do?
- Yeah, I played it. But the violin part. - Ohh...
- It's funny, 'cause it's meant to be legato, like... - Yeah, I realized -
And you were like...
'Cause I couldn't commit to the note.
- I was like, "I'm not even sure." - Yeah.
Bro, how is this level 2?
- Where's the D sharp? - What?
Dude, how is this level 2?
I think we messed up on the leveling.
Someone added +10 difficulty points
- in the levels this time. - Yeah.
We're trying to challenge a boss
that we weren't meant to challenge.
- Yeah yeah yeah... - You're like, "Oh whoops, wrong place!"
"Get outta here!"
Alright, let's try again.
That was way too many wrong notes.
I think I can read bass clef.
'Cause I play a bit of piano.
Aw, f...
Whoa, dude!
- F! - Yeah!
I switched to treble clef.
- Yeah! It's so easy to, like... - Yeah.
Damn, man. That's hard.
Level 3, bring it on! We will not give up.
Level 3.
I mean, I've heard it...
But that's offset by the fact
- that it's Shostakovich's concerto. - Yeah, exactly! It's like...
The fact that we heard it is actually
something that we need, otherwise...
- Yeah! - ...we can't even play it.
No, you played it treble clef!
Ohh! Wait wait wait, what note is that?
It's G!
Alright, ♪ bum bum bum bum ♪
Alright, I got it.
Treble gang!
Transposed the whole thing.
You know what level 3 is?
It's treble!!
Treble clef!
- Dude, treble's so much easier. - That was a G flat.
Oh, really?
- Wait, which one? Which one? - Aha...
But even though it's double stops,
- I think that's easier than the single notes in bass clef. - that's so much easier.
That's crazy.
My brain keeps wanting to switch back to treble.
Yeah. Automatically, right?
You guys can forgive us, right? This is cello.
Oh, I... kinda know this one.
Brett: Yeah yeah.
Oh, yeah!
I think this one was easier.
All you had to do is just adapting to bass clef.
You did pretty well, though.
Dude, that actually felt good to play.
'Cause I could actually play it.
- "Finally, I'm playing more than one note at a time!" - Yeah! Level 3 was easier than level 2.
This is rigged.
Oh, dude! That's not fair.
Haydn Cello Concerto, everyone knows that!
Brett: I like this one.
Nah, that's not fair!
- Oh look, it's... treble clef! - Oh, it's treble!
Okay, that's harder.
- Ah, whatever. - Ah! You messed up.
- Next! Ehehe. - No...
My turn.
What is this??
How come I get a piece I don't know?
G, A!
Wrong note, wrong note!
It's funny 'cause I could recognize it by ear.
Oh, you know it?
Yeah, I don't know it that well, but I know it.
Damn. I don't know this one.
Alright, last level.
Okay, it's actually getting hard now.
To be honest.
One of the few Debussy pieces I don't know.
Bass clef to tenor to bass clef to te—
Oh my god.
That's right, right?
- What is that?? - And then it's E.
Bro, nah.
- This just shot to level 10,000. - Yeah, it's over 10,000.
It's so hard!
Nah nah nah...
In the name of Debussy!
Dude, we're just like, butchering the piece now.
I can't.
- Yeah, it's... It's actually hard, right? - I can't switch between tenor and bass.
Like, bass is more doable, but tenor's like, I don't know.
And especially the rapid switching.
Dude, what is this? Imagine doing this.
I didn't even get to the agitato, I'm already agitated.
All right, last one.
Bro, I'm not even gonna try.
Reger "Federer" Cello Suite.
The Reger "Federer" Cello Suite. Okay.
It sounded like playing Ysaÿe.
Or like, trying to practice Ysaÿe.
How about you read the bottom note?
- Or top. - All right!
No no no no, B.
What the...
Oh, f...
Cello gang, so much respect for your clef changes.
And piano players.
You guys are probably laughing.
Pianists are like,
"Ha ha ha."
"Violinists. Ahahahaha."
Alright, guys!
This one was for you guys, cello gang.
And anyone with the bass clef and tenor clef.
If you liked it,
make sure to accent the like button,
and legato the subscribe button.
And we'll see you...
...after you practice!
PRACtice now!