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Eat Sleep Dreamers welcome to a very special English because today we're going to be learning
English with Alexa. With Alexa! Alexa? Alexa! Alexa! Hey Alexa? Alexa? Alexa. Alexa. Alexa.
There she is.
Welcome guys. Ok, so today we're going to be looking at how to make questions. Particularly
with wh- question words. And then we're going to ask them to Alexa, ok? Oh, hi Alexa. Hi.
First of all let's look at the words order to make questions and then we're going to
have some fun with her.
Let's review our word order for questions. So we're looking specifically today at questions
that begin with a wh- word. So, when, where, who, why, what etc. or how as well. So the
word order would be the question word then the auxiliary. That could be be, do or have.
Then you've got the subject and then the verb. And then sometimes we have other information
afterwards but in this example we won't ok so my example is 'Where were you born?' So
where is the question word. Were is the auxiliary, that's be in the past. You is the subject
and born the verb, ok? So 'where were you born?' Now that's the general word order for
a question, ok? Now the reason that we are using the wh- question word is because we
want specific information. So where were you born? I was born in London. That's specific
information. Now the questions we're going to be asking Alexa also require specific information.
I'm not going to ask her 'Do you like chocolate?' Yes or no. That's not the kind of question
I'm going to ask her and that's a different type of question. These ones are wh- question
words questions and so we want specific information and so that's the word order. So question
word, auxiliary, subject, verb and then the rest after if there is extra information.
One thing we have to look out for is the difference between subject questions and object questions.
This is all about what's the answer to the question. A subject question is where we want
to find out about the subject. So for example 'Who sung the song Gangnam Style?' So who
is the subject of the sentence. Gangnam Style is the object. So as you can see here we've
got who, ok? Then we've got the verb so who sung and we don't have an auxiliary ok that's
the key thing here. When you are using a subject question you don't need to use the auxiliary.
So it's the question word and then the verb. Another example might be 'Which team won the
2014 world cup?' So there 'which team' is the subject and 'won' is the verb and 2014
world cup is the object. If we compare that to object questions. The answer to the question
is the object. Now, it's the regular word order that I showed you earlier so for example
'Who is your favourite singer?' So who is the object of the sentence. You are the subject
of the sentence. So who is your favourite singer? The answer would be 'My favourite
singer is whoever Beyonce or whatever Ed Sheeran.' So you are the subject and Beyonce or Ed Sheeran
is the object. So the word order is the same as a regular question I guess. Who is the
question word, is is the auxiliary and then you have the rest afterwards. So that's going
to be important when I'm asking Alexa questions be aware to see which ones are subject questions
and which ones are object questions. And remember the slight difference in word order. Alright
let's get to know Alexa a little better.
Alexa, when were you born? I' was originally released on the sixth of November 2014'. Ok
we're now going to do a very special quiz. I'm going to ask Alexa some questions and
then we're going to pause before she gives us the answer and you guys have to guess what
the answer is. Are you ready? This is the Eat Sleep Dream English super quiz. Are you
ready? Are you steady? Let's go! Alexa, which football team won the 2014 world cup?' Germany
national football team won the world cup in 2014. What is the largest city in the world?
The largest city is Tokyo. Tokiy, is that the same as Tokyo? Tokiyo! It's near Tokyo.
What is the tallest building in the world? The tallest building is Burj Kalifah. Where
is the Burj Khalifa? The Burj Khalifa is a skyscraper in Dubai. Alexa, how do you spell
banana? B-A-N-A-N-A. How do you spell Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious? That's right. Alexa, what is the smallest
country in the world? The smallest UN recognised country is Vatican City. Thank you. Alexa,
play Gangnam Style. Louder.
Eat Sleep Dreamers to practise your questions and everything that we've looked at today
what I'd like you to do is to write a question for me in the comments below, ok? Write a
question for me, it could be about English, it could be about me, it could be about England,
London, Britain whatever you want. Put them in the comments below and I'll check to see
if they are grammatically correct and then I'm going to make another video for you guys
to answer those questions, ok? So write your question in the comments below or you could
do it on my Facebook page or my Instagram account and I will answer them for you.
Thank you for hanging out with me, this has been a lot of fun guys I hope you've enjoyed
it. I think this is the first ever English lesson with Alexa. Alexa say goodbye, goodbye,
goodbye from me too.