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-That doesn't seem like someone who's given up
-She's coming back
-Who's that with her?
-Like hell I reckon. This is nothing, Seamus is worse
-Hey Ab, we've got a couple more coming through
RON: Don't remember this on the Marauder's map NEVILLE: That's because it never existed 'til now
-The seven secret passages were sealed off before the start of the year
-This is the only way in or out now
-Ground's are crawling with Death Eaters and dementors
HERMIONE: How bad is it with Snape as headmaster?
-Hardly ever see him, it's the Carrow's you need to watch out for
HARRY: Carrow's?
-Yeah, brother and sister in charge of discipline
-They like punishment, the Carrow's
HERMIONE: They did that to you? Why?
NEVILLE: Today's Dark Arts lesson taught us practicing the Cruciatus Curse... on first years
NEVILLE: I refused
NEVILLE: Hogwarts has changed
-Lets have a bit of fun, shall we?
NEVILLE: Hey! Listen up you lot! Brought you a surprise
SEAMUS: Not more of Aberforths cooking, I hope
-Be a surprise if we can digest it
SEAMUS: Blimey!
(clapping, cheering)
-Get the word out to Remus and the others that Harry is back
Ok, Ok! Lets not kill him before You-Know-Who does
-D.A. Call, do you read? We have a new weather report
Lightning has struck, I repeat, Lightning has struck
-Whats the plan Harry?
-There's something we need to find
-Something hidden here in the castle
-And it may help us defeat You-Know-Who
-Right, what is it?
-We don't know
-Where is it?
HARRY: We don't know that either
-I realize that's not much to go on
-That's nothing to go on
-I think it has something to do with Ravenclaw
-Um, it'll be small, easily concealed
HARRY: Anyone any ideas?
-Well, there's Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem
-Oh bloody hell, here we go
LUNA: Lost diadem of Ravenclaw?
-Hasn't anyone heard of it?
-It's quite famous
-Yes, but Luna, it's lost
-For centuries now, there isn't a person alive today who's seen it
-Excuse me, can someone tell me what a bloody diadem is?
CHO: It's a sort of crown, you know like a tiara
-Hi there
-Six months she hasn't seen me and it's like I'm Frankie first year
-I'm only her brother
SEAMUS: She's got lots of those though, there's only one Harry
-Shut up Seamus
-What is it, Ginny?
-Snape knows
-He knows that Harry was spotted in Hogsmeade