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(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] Once upon a time in the Land of Eight
there stood a castle very great
and eight flags waved in the air
for the King of Eight had put them there.
- I'm the King of Eight and I'm here to state
that everything here has to total eight,
the guards for instance by the gate
must always number exactly eight.
- [Man] One. - [Man] Two.
- [Man] Three. - [Man] Four.
- [Man] Five. - [Man] Six.
- [Man] Seven. - [Man] Eight.
- In my castle in back of me
are eight windows you can see,
one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
In those windows are my daughters,
show yourselves my dears.
- [Daughter] One. - [Daughter] Two.
- [Daughter] Three. - [Daughter] Four.
- [Daughter] Five. - [Daughter] Six.
- [Daughter] Seven. - [Daughter] Eight.
- [King] Each daughter has a silver crown
with eight jewels going round.
- [Daughters] One, two, three, four,
five, six, seven, eight.
- Though I love eight, eight is great,
eight is the number I do not--
- Wait, important news comes from the Queen,
a new baby and I have seen
that she is well and doing fine.
- Good grief, it's princess number nine.
(upbeat music)
♪ One, two, three ♪
♪ Four, five, six ♪
♪ Seven, eight, nine ♪
♪ 10, 11, 12 ♪
♪ The ladybugs came to the ladybugs picnic ♪
♪ One, two, three ♪
♪ Four, five, six ♪
♪ Seven, eight, nine ♪
♪ 10, 11, 12 ♪
♪ And they played games at the ladybugs picnic ♪
♪ They had bug sacks so they ran sack races ♪
♪ And they fell on their backs ♪
♪ And they fell on their faces ♪
♪ The ladybugs 12 at the ladybugs picnic ♪
♪ They played jump rope but the rope is broke ♪
♪ So they just sat around telling knock-knock jokes ♪
♪ The ladybugs 12 a the ladybugs picnic ♪
♪ One, two, three, ♪
♪ Four, five, six ♪
♪ Seven, eight, nine ♪
♪ 10, 11, 12 ♪
♪ And they chatted away at the ladybugs picnic ♪
♪ They talk about the high price of furniture and rugs ♪
♪ And fire insurance for lady bugs ♪
♪ The ladybugs 12 a the ladybugs picnic ♪
- [Man] 12.
♪ One, two, three, four, five ♪
♪ Six, seven, eight, nine ♪
♪ She's a real martian beauty ♪
♪ My number nine cutie ♪
♪ She has nine hairs on her head ♪
♪ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine ♪
♪ Tied up in ribbons of red ♪
♪ She has nine little eyes, all the same size ♪
♪ Looking up, down, round and straight ahead ♪
♪ She has nine little holes in her turned up nose ♪
♪ And she snores when she goes to bed ♪
♪ She has nine arms that's one of her charms ♪
♪ Each just like the other ♪
♪ Some people say she looks like her Dad ♪
♪ Some say she looks like her mother ♪
♪ She had one, two, three, four, five, six, seven ♪
♪ Eight, nine little toes on her foot ♪
♪ She doesn't go shopping 'cause she doesn't like hopping ♪
♪ So usually she just stays put. ♪
- [Man] Nine.
- [Man] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven.
♪ Said the alligator king to his seven sons ♪
♪ I'm feeling mighty down ♪
♪ Whichever of you can cheer me up ♪
♪ Will get to wear my crown ♪
♪ His first son brought seven oyster pearls ♪
♪ From the bottom of the China Sea ♪
♪ The second gave him seven statues of girls ♪
♪ With clocks where their stomachs should be ♪
♪ The third son gave him seven rubies ♪
♪ From the sheikdom of down there beneath ♪
♪ The king thought the rubies were cherries ♪
♪ And he broke off seven of his teeth ♪
♪ The fourth son tried to cheer him up ♪
♪ With seven lemon drops ♪
♪ The king said ♪
- I'm sorry, son, since that ruby episode,
I just haven't got the chops.
♪ The fifth son brought the king perfume ♪
♪ In seven fancy silver jars ♪
♪ The king took a whiff and he broke out in spots ♪
♪ Because it smelled like cheap cigars ♪
♪ The sixth son gave him seven diamond rings ♪
♪ To wear up on his toes ♪
♪ The king snagged his foot on the royal red rug ♪
♪ And crumpled up his nose ♪
♪ The seventh son of the alligator king ♪
♪ Was a thoughtful little lad ♪
♪ He said ♪
- Daddy, appears to me like you could use a little help.
♪ Said the alligator king to his seventh son ♪
- My son, you win the crown.
♪ You didn't bring me diamonds or rubies ♪
♪ But you helped me up when I was down ♪
♪ Take the crown, it's yours my son ♪
♪ I hope you don't mind the dents ♪
♪ I got it on sale at a discount store ♪
♪ Cost me all of seven cents ♪
- [Man] Seven.
- [Person] 12.
(upbeat music)
♪ One, two, three, four, five ♪
♪ Six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12 ♪
♪ One, two, three, four, five ♪
♪ Six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12 ♪
- [Children] 12!
12, 12.
♪ One, two, three, four, five ♪
♪ Six, seven, eight, nine, 10, 11, 12 ♪
(ominous music)
- Now don't forget,
a loaf of bread, a container of milk and a stick of butter.
If you can't remember, I'll write it down for you.
- It's okay, Mommy, I won't forget, I'll remember.
(upbeat music)
- A loaf of bread, a container of milk
and a stick of butter.
A loaf of bread, a container of milk
and a stick of butter.
A loaf of bread, a container of milk
and a stick of butter.
A loaf of bread, a container of milk
and a stick of butter.
A loaf of bread, a container of milk
and a stick of butter.
A loaf of bread, a container of milk
and a stick of butter.
Sir, could I have a loaf of bread, a container of milk
and, I can't remember.
Can you remember what my Mommy said?
(erratic music)
- A loaf of bread, a container of milk
and a stick of butter.
- A stick of butter.
I remembered, I remembered.
I remember, I remember,
A loaf of bread, a container of milk
and a stick of butter.
- [Mom] You have a good memory, honey.
- [Kid] Thank you, Mommy.
(upbeat music)
- [Girl] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven,
eight, nine, 10.
♪ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 ♪
♪ Seven ♪
♪ Seven ♪
♪ Seven ♪
♪ Seven ♪
♪ Seven, seven ♪
♪ Seven ♪
♪ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 ♪
- [Narrator] Ladies and gentlemen,
the teeny, little super guy.
♪ Teeny, little super guy ♪
♪ Pops right up before your eye ♪
♪ He's no bigger than your thigh ♪
- Snap your fingers, here I come.
Now stop me if you've heard this one.
♪ Don't look the sky, don't look in the sea ♪
♪ He's inside of you and me. ♪
Did I ever tell you about the time?
♪ You can't tell a hero by his size ♪
♪ I'm just a teeny, little super guy. ♪
- [Announcer] A beautiful day for a baseball game.
Seventh inning, here's the pitch.
- Just a little while ago I was watching some kids
play a game of baseball and having lots of fun.
- [Announcer] The pitcher has the ball, here's the pitch.
Stretch it is, he throws, a swing,
a fly ball into center field.
Looks like cookie cutter--
- Then I noticed another friend.
That was Alice Gum-ford, she was sad.
I figured I'd see what the matter was.
Hi Alice, I said, why so sad?
- Those kids are rude!
- How is that?
- I've been standing here for a long time
and they haven't even asked me to play.
- Well I said, maybe they don't know you wanna play, Alice.
- Maybe you're right, maybe they don't know I wanna play.
- That's right, I told Alice, you gotta tell people
what you want otherwise how will they know.
- [Announcer] Into center field,
should a routine play for a center fielder.
(cup rattling)
- Ask 'em, the worst they can say is no.
Alice asked.
- Would you guys let me play with you.
- [Man] The other kids looked at each other
and one of 'em said--
- Sure, why didn't you say something beforehand?
- Hooray!
- [Man] Said Alice and it was her turn at bat.
Hey, give one hit a ride, I told her.
- Strike one.
Strike two.
- Way to go, Alice, that was teriff--
Alice doubled down the right field line.
All the kids loved her
and my dentist tells me my new teeth
will be ready in about a month.
♪ You can't tell a hero by his size ♪
♪ I'm just a teeny, little super guy ♪
Oh yeah!
- [Woman] One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
nine, 10, 11, 11 o'clock, time to get up!
♪ It's a lovely 11 morning ♪
♪ I heard 11 worms yawning ♪
♪ I saw 11 cows sleeping ♪
♪ It's the buttercups I said ♪
♪ How's it got its cheese ♪
♪ And they said oh dry up ♪
♪ 11 pretty birdies in the trees ♪
♪ Bright yellow beaks and pygmies ♪
♪ 11 chicks hatching, 11 cats scratching ♪
♪ 11's the number for me ♪
♪ 11 ducklings quacking ♪
(ducks quacking)
♪ 11 pigs lips smacking ♪
♪ One, two, three, four, five, six ♪
♪ Seven, eight, nine, 10, 11 ♪
♪ 11's the number for me, don't you see ♪
♪ 11's the number for me ♪
- Goodnight, dear. - Goodnight, Gerald.
Goodnight, Sparky. - Goodnight, Sparky.
- Goodnight, Mom, goodnight, Dad, goodnight, Sparky.
♪ Imagine me an alligator ♪
Mom, there's an alligator in my room!
- I don't see an alligator.
- Well sure, it's not there now
but when you turn out the light it's there.
- Go to sleep, Gerald, it's just your imagination.
♪ Potato, alligator ♪
- Mom!
- What is it? - What is it?
- The alligator, it's back!
- Go to sleep, Gerald.
♪ And you are for me to munch on ♪
♪ I'm afraid of getting bigger ♪
♪ At least become my dinner. ♪
- Sparky!
It was you all the time.
- [Mom] What is that singing?
- Oh nothing, Mom, just your imagination!
(slow music)
- I think I'm lost.
I'm lost, I knew it, I'm really lost.
I don't like it here, I must really be lost good.
- How'd you get here?
- Oh well let's see,
first I passed the street clock,
then I passed the plastic house,
then I passed the animal fountain
and then you came along.
Can you help me get unlost?
- Well you should figure it out for yourself, little guy,
but I'll give you a hint.
- Oh, thank you.
- Try to remember everything you passed
and when you go back make the first thing the last.
- Wow. - [Man] Yeah!
- Try to remember everything I passed,
but when I go back make the first thing my last.
I get it, I just go back past all those weird things again
until I'm home, that's it.
♪ Behind your face, there is a place ♪
♪ That's called your brains and your mind ♪
♪ If you could sneak a peek inside ♪
♪ Oh what wonderful things you'd find ♪
Hi Mom, boy was I lost.
(slow music)
♪ A ♪
♪ B ♪
♪ C ♪
♪ D ♪
♪ E ♪
♪ F ♪
♪ G ♪
♪ H ♪
♪ I ♪
♪ J ♪
♪ K ♪
♪ L ♪
♪ M ♪
♪ N ♪
♪ O ♪
♪ P ♪
♪ Q ♪
♪ R ♪
♪ S ♪
♪ T ♪
♪ U ♪
♪ V ♪
♪ W ♪
♪ X ♪
♪ Y ♪
♪ Z ♪
- Good morning, Junior.
- Good morning.
- You still sound a bit sleepy.
I better wind you up in the back.
(dial cranking)
- Back.
- That's right, Junior, and your other side is the front.
- Back.
- Yes, yes, and this is your front.
- Back.
- You see, Junior, almost everything in the world
has a front and back.
A clock has a front, back.
Your old high chair has a front, back.
Why even your teddy bear has a front and back.
- Teddy.
- Show the front.
- Back.
- The front, the front.
- Back.
(door shutting)
Now teddy, this is your back and here's your front.
Back, front, back, front, back, front,
back, front, back, front, back.
(upbeat music)
♪ We all live in a capital I ♪
♪ In the middle of the desert ♪
♪ In the center of the sky ♪
♪ And all day long we polish on the I ♪
♪ To keep it clean and shiny ♪
♪ So it brightens up the sky ♪
♪ Rubbing it here and scrubbing it there ♪
♪ Polishing the eye so high in the air ♪
♪ As we work we sing a lively tune ♪
♪ It is great to be so happy on a busy afternoon ♪
♪ And when we're through with the day's only chore ♪
♪ We go into the I and we close the door ♪
♪ Capital I, capital I, capital I, capital I ♪
- Hi, who are you?
- I'm pretending to be Mommy but I'm really me.
- Well you look like a cat to me.
- No, silly witch, it's me.
- No, you're a spoon.
- No, I'm still me.
- You're not, you're a teddy bear.
- No, I'm me. - You're a train!
- I'm me. - You're a dragon.
- I'm me. - A TV?
- Me. - A clock?
- Me! - A bird!
- Me! - A chair?
- Me! - Flower!
- Me, me, me, me, me, me, me.
I have to go now, my mother's calling.
- Oh you're no fun, just one more.
- Come on witchy, I really have to go.
- Okay, okay, oopity, bloopity, blid,
look now just what you did.
- There, now I look like me, I always was me
and I always will be me.
Here, bye.
- I'm still me!
(mirror shattering)
- Hello!
(upbeat music)
- Uh-oh.
- Play nice, yeah.
- Nice, yeah!
- Play?
- Okay! - All right.
- Hooray!
- Okay.
- Bye bye.
- [Narrator] And now it's time for another exciting
adventure with Flash Gizmo, space cadet.
Today's mission, fast and slow.
- Fast.
- [Narrator] And so ends another exciting adventure
with Flash Gizmo, space cadet.
("Hip To Be Square" by Huey Lewis and the News)
♪ I'm a square, look I'll show ya ♪
♪ I got four sides on me ♪
♪ All my sides are the same size ♪
♪ Like a good lookin' square should be ♪
♪ Well I look like my friends here ♪
♪ We look the same but hey ♪
♪ When I go round the neighborhood ♪
♪ Not everybody looks this way ♪
♪ Well I like to hang around ♪
♪ With the others that I find ♪
♪ Still I always keep in mind ♪
♪ It's hip to be a square ♪
♪ It's hip to be a square ♪
♪ To be a square ♪
♪ So hip to be a square ♪
♪ When I go to the playground ♪
♪ And a triangle says how do you do ♪
♪ Then comes in a circle ♪
♪ And a rectangle shows up too ♪
♪ Well I play with the triangle ♪
♪ And the circle did join the game ♪
♪ I play with the rectangle ♪
♪ Who cares that we're not all the same ♪
♪ Cause no matter where I am ♪
♪ No matter where I go ♪
♪ No matter who I think I know ♪
♪ It's hip to be a square ♪
♪ It's hip to be a square ♪
♪ Hip to be a square ♪
♪ So hip to be a square ♪
♪ I said I shouldn't be a square ♪
♪ You're so hip to be a square ♪
♪ Hip to be a square ♪
- One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
- Five!
- Tickles me, I tell you why.
♪ Oh there's a funny farm down the road from me ♪
♪ Where the silliest things happen that you ever did see ♪
♪ Late at night when everything's dark ♪
♪ Five dogs ♪
(dogs clucking)
♪ Five hens begin to ♪
(hens barking)
♪ Five cats start ♪
(cats ribbiting)
♪ Five frogs ♪
(frogs meowing)
♪ And this goes on til morning and the crowing of the cows ♪
(cows crowing)
(cow mooing)
- [All] Five.
- [Narrator] In the garden of the Queen of Six
is where the queen gets her kicks,
walking on her path of bricks,
she did do a number six.
The queen knows lots of magic tricks
like making trees from candlesticks,
one, two, three, four, five, six.
Six birds as you can see
makes six nests in each tree,
one, two, three, four, five, six.
Within these nests of twigs and sticks
are six little hungry baby chicks,
one, two, three, four, five, six.
In the garden down below
is where six magic flowers grow,
one, two, three, four, five, six.
Six little kittens play nearby
as Queen sings a lullaby,
one, two, three, four, five, six.
The queen makes up six little beds
and there the kittens lay their heads,
one, two, three, four, five, six.
And dream their dreams of magic tricks
that all end up with the number six.
(upbeat music)
♪ Oh everything comes in its own special size ♪
♪ Yes it can be measured where you put your eyes ♪
♪ It's so big when you're close ♪
♪ It looks smaller back a bit ♪
♪ That's about the size of it ♪
♪ That's about the size, where you put your eyes ♪
♪ That's about the size of it ♪
♪ Oh the big becomes the little when you see it back a bit ♪
♪ The huge becomes a dinky which is just the opposite ♪
♪ Now the larger that get smaller it never seems to quit ♪
♪ And that's about the size of it ♪
♪ That's about the size, where you put your eyes ♪
♪ That's about the size of it ♪
♪ Let the big become the little ♪
♪ That's the way it seems to go ♪
♪ But they make up a larger thing is something good to know ♪
♪ It's nice to know though we're small ♪
♪ There's always room to grow ♪
♪ And that's about the size of it ♪
♪ That's about the size, where you put your eyes ♪
♪ That's about the size of it ♪
- V.
- Dance, dance, duh, dance.
Duh, dance.
Dan, no wait, hm?
Duh, da, dan, dance, dan, dance, wrong.
Dan, dance, dance.
Dance, dance!
(tap dancing)
(upbeat music)
- [Narrator] It was a slow day for detective work.
(detective music)
On slow days I like to get in a little exercise.
You never know when some unexpected case may come up.
I've got to be ready for it.
Plenty of crooks would like to get rid of me
so I've got to be prepared.
Exercise is what does the trick.
It makes me stronger so that I can climb that rope
and escape or leap across a yawning chasm,
run fast to catch a thief or rescue someone in distress.
Exercise keeps me healthy and prepared
so I'm ready for anything.
You can't expect a crook to tell you
when he's about to strike.
You've got to be ready for him.
That's why I exercise.
It sure is a slow day.
(upbeat music)
♪ Madlenka, Madlenka lives in the universe ♪
♪ Madlenka, Madlenka lives right near all the earth ♪
♪ With all her friends and neighbors ♪
♪ Who come from far and near ♪
♪ Madlenka, Madlenka where are you ♪
♪ I'm here ♪
- Today is the super intergalactic World Cup
greatest soccer game ever,
with the best soccer player ever, me!
I can see it now.
- [Announcer] She's out the door.
Around the corner.
Blocked by a crafty defender.
(speaking in foreign language)
- Madlenka.
- [Announcer] Got past him, still in possession.
What dog an opponent, that's using her head.
- Vamos! - Uh-huh.
- [Announcer] Stiff defense!
She has an opening.
(cat meowing)
She shoots.
- Goal!
- And the crowd goes wild, three cheers for Madlenka.
(upbeat music)
- Ready to play, Madlenka?
- Let the games begin.
- [Narrator] Animal department store,
elevator going down.
♪ A kitty and a cat, mittens brand new ♪
♪ Got into an elevator ♪
- Top floor.
♪ Then there were two ♪
♪ One, two ♪
♪ Two little animals feeling carefree ♪
♪ A bull came from market ♪
♪ Then there were three ♪
♪ One, two, three ♪
♪ Three little animals waiting to arrive ♪
♪ In came a mule and a mare ♪
♪ And then there were five ♪
♪ One, two, three, four, five ♪
♪ Five little animals at the said date ♪
♪ The doggy family joined them ♪
♪ And then there were eight ♪
♪ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight ♪
♪ Eight little animals standing in a line ♪
♪ Shep the sheep's on the end and then there were nine ♪
♪ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine ♪
♪ Nine little animals waiting and again ♪
♪ Mister hog got on and then there were 10 ♪
♪ One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, 10 ♪
♪ 10 little animals, ride's all done ♪
♪ Let the elevator empty ♪
- [Narrator] Ground floor
♪ Then there were none ♪
- [Kids] Higher!
- [Kids] Go higher.
(suspenseful music)
- [Kids] Go higher!
That's it.
That's it, Higher!
- Let's get a drink, Heathcliff.
It is dying of thirst.
- Here It, help yourself.
- How does this faucet work anyway?
- I'll show you how a faucet works, Sheila.
You turn the handle and it releases
a rain cloud named Sam inside the faucet.
(thunder crashing)
Sam gets higher and higher until it starts to rain.
The pipe fills up and the rain water runs out the faucet.
- Oh, I have an idea.
Faucets have a giant ice melter in them.
When you want a drink you turn the handle.
The handle tells a block of ice
which is inside the water pipe,
the block of ice gets into the toaster
and gets melted into water
which runs out of the faucet and into your drinking glass.
- Would you mind getting me a towel
while I tell you how a faucet really works?
There are faucets in your bathroom, in your kitchen
and usually in your basement or laundry room
and when you turn these faucets on
the water comes from a reservoir
through pipes under the ground into your house
but the water can't come up until you turn on the faucet.
Inside of your faucet looks like this.
You can see that the bottom of the faucet
is screwed into the water pipe.
And when the faucet is open, water comes through this hole
and out the spout.
To close the faucet,
you turn the handle which lowers this shaft
to plug up the hole.
To turn the faucet on again
you turn the handle the other way.
This raises the shaft and lets water
through the hole again.
This little rubber piece at the end of the shaft
is called a washer.
It makes the shaft fit tightly
and it keeps the water from leaking out.
- Well it's supposed to keep the water from leaking out.
♪ In the northern far off place ♪
♪ There was a lowercase N ♪
♪ Lonely and cold she would stare off into space ♪
♪ And it was known that she would cry now and then ♪
♪ Lowercase N ♪
♪ Standing on a hill ♪
♪ The wind is very still ♪
♪ For the lowercase N ♪
♪ Then one day a rocket ship ♪
♪ Came racing from the sky ♪
♪ He landed on the hill and it opened up a door ♪
♪ Then something started coming outside ♪
♪ A lowercase N ♪
♪ She's not lonely anymore ♪
♪ They are standing on the hill ♪
♪ There are two that meant for sure ♪
♪ The wind is very still ♪
♪ For the lowercase N ♪
- Hello, this is the smartest person in town,
Ellis Braith-wait Goodyshoes again.
This time I'm going to show you what through means.
I'm going to pour this paint into the top of this pipe
so that it goes through the pipe and comes out the bottom.
Hm, I'm the clever, most marvelous person.
Okay, now.
(paint spilling)
It didn't come through!
(paint gurgling)
Now that's through.
- Hi, are you the bridge keeper?
- Yes, I'm the bridge keeper.
(thunder crashing)
- Oh good--
- Anyone crossing by my border
must do exactly like I order.
Any shape like a circle that you carry today
must be eaten or thrown away.
Now open the bag, let's see if you have any circles.
- It's just groceries.
- Ah-hah, cookies.
Cookies are circles.
Look, all of them perfectly round,
they are definitely circles.
They must be eaten or thrown away
and it's very wrong to throw food away.
- Okay, okay, then I'll eat 'em.
And what is this?
A pizza!
Thought you'd sneak it by me, huh?
Look at this, a great, big, round circle.
Why there are even little circles inside the big circle.
Eat the pizza.
- Okay, okay, how about this watermelon slice?
- It's a circle, isn't it?
- Yes, definitely.
Looks just like a wheel and wheels are circles.
- You know what to do.
All right, you may pass.
- I didn't come up here to cross the bridge.
- Then what are you doing here?
- I just came to deliver your groceries.
(country music)
♪ Well I'm happy and I feel glad ♪
♪ I'm in love and that ain't bad ♪
♪ But sometimes I feel real sad ♪
♪ And I sing the blues ♪
♪ These are feelings that are real ♪
♪ That we all feel ♪
♪ Sometimes I get real mad ♪
♪ There are things that make my moods bad ♪
♪ When I'm frayed I start to shake ♪
♪ Rattlesnake ♪
♪ These are feelings that are real ♪
♪ That we all feel ♪
♪ Well happy, sad, love, fear, mad ♪
♪ Ups and downs and lows and highs ♪
♪ Sometimes I'm blue and sometimes we're cooking ♪
♪ But there's a feeling when you ain't looking ♪
♪ Close your eyes ♪
♪ Surprise ♪
- My name is Christopher Clumsy
and you think I'm going to fall into that hole, right?
Wrong, I'm just going to jump right over it.
Nobody told me there were two holes!
- [Narrator] Ladies and gentlemen,
Miss Gloria Globe will now attempt
to pull a rabbit out of a hat.
As you can see, the hat is completely empty.
- Guitar a rabbit.
Oops, rabbit?
Say, you're not a rabbit, you're a kangaroo.
You belong in Australia.
(water splashing)
That's not Australia.
Don't worry, I know where it is.
Here's Australia.
Now where did that rabbit go?
- Hi, I'm Suzy Kabloozy and you know what I can do?
(upbeat music)
♪ I can fly up in the sky ♪
♪ I can eat a 40 foot pie ♪
♪ I can jump a great big hurdle ♪
♪ Or dance with a purple turtle ♪
♪ I can ride on the back of an ant ♪
♪ Well, no I can't ♪
♪ But in my head up there in my imagination ♪
♪ In my head I can it, it's a great sensation ♪
♪ In my head, in my head, in my head, in my head ♪
♪ I can do it in my head ♪
♪ I can drive a racing car ♪
♪ I can be a movie star ♪
♪ I can meet the fish in the sea ♪
♪ Go to the moon with a manatee ♪
♪ I can even be a prickly plant ♪
♪ Well, no I can't ♪
♪ But in my head up there in my imagination ♪
♪ In my head I can do it it's a great sensation ♪
♪ In my head, in my head, in my head, in my head ♪
♪ I can do it in my head ♪
♪ Try to do it in your head ♪
♪ You can do it in your head ♪
♪ Imagination's in your head ♪
♪ I can do it in my head ♪
- [Dad] Now, now, it's time for bed.
- Sorry, Dad.
- What can you tell me about this apple, Jasper?
- Well Julius, it's round and red.
- Go on.
- And juicy.
And sweet.
And gone.
(upbeat music)
♪ Zippity zap ♪
♪ A boy-doy-void ♪
♪ Picked up a signal from an asteroid ♪
♪ I done me some duds ♪
♪ And lickety split ♪
♪ Check this checker it's a hip spaceship ♪
♪ Oh yeah ♪
♪ Come and hop aboard a rocket ♪
♪ Swing on a star ♪
♪ Till you seen it don't knock it ♪
♪ Whoever you are ♪
♪ Everybody's different when you're way up town ♪
♪ Live at the Lunar Lounge ♪
♪ We're so happy that you stop in ♪
♪ At the lovely Lunar Lounge ♪
♪ All the aliens are hopping ♪
♪ At the famous Lunar Lounge ♪
♪ We extend to you our kudos ♪
♪ For we know how far you came ♪
♪ From Andromeda or Pluto ♪
♪ You are welcome just the same ♪
♪ In the universe of hipsters ♪
♪ Of many persuasions ♪
♪ Hip times four, the quadratic equations ♪
- One. - Two.
- Three. - Four.
♪ Four of me ♪
♪ I'm really hoping you adore me ♪
♪ Please don't ignore we four ♪
♪ My galaxy gal ♪
♪ On Saturn's rings she does a thing ♪
♪ A vision in neon tights ♪
♪ She loves to skate her figure eights ♪
♪ Up here in the pale moonlight ♪
♪ Space cats and kitties ♪
♪ Something really stellar ♪
♪ A scat cat singer by the name of Ella ♪
♪ Hail bop ♪
♪ A-be-bop-be-boo-bee-dee ♪
♪ Hail bop ♪
♪ Be-be-be-be-be-doo ♪
♪ Hail bop ♪
♪ Do-do-do-do-dee-do ♪
♪ Hail bop, hail bop ♪
♪ Yeah, hop aboard a shuttle, swing on a straw ♪
♪ All together we can huddle, wherever you are ♪
♪ Everybody's hipper beyond the big dipper ♪
♪ Come on out here, y'all ♪
♪ Live at the Lunar Lounge ♪
♪ Yeah ♪
- [Narrator] In the early days of the west
the peaceful town of Sniddler's Gulch
was threatened by one of the meanest desperadoes of all time
Cowboy X, a man who left his mark everywhere.
- It's Cowboy X!
- Letter X, letter X!
- [Narrator] Cowboy X left X's everywhere.
On the houses, on the streets, in the schoolhouse,
X's on the horses, X's on the town hall,
even on the good citizens of Sniddler's Gulch themselves.
- X, X, yipee!
- [Narrator] The citizens finally decided
that Cowboy X had to be stopped.
(crowd shouting)
- Hey, what if we just ask Cowboy X
to stop marking up our town with X's.
- The kid's got an idea!
- It's so crazy it might work.
- Here comes Cowboy X now.
- X, whoohoo, X, yipee, X!
- Cowboy X, would you please stop marking X's
all over our town?
- Why sure I'll stop.
(relieved exhaling)
From now on I'll be known as Cowboy O!
- [Narrator] And the citizens of Sniddler's Gulch
lived happily ever after
because they really weren't very smart.
(birds chirping)
- What a nice tree.
- That's a monster.
- Oh Molly.
Hey wow, look at that cloud!
- It's an elephant.
- What a beautiful rock!
- A throne for a princess.
- Aren't they pretty stones?
- Jewels, expensive ones too.
- Isn't that a nice bush?
- A dress for a ballerina.
- You sure have imagination, Molly.
- You mean you can't see those things?
- Oh, it's just your imagination.
I'm tired, I think I'll sit on this hill.
- Be careful, it's a huge, giant.
- Sure.
- Oh, a secret pool.
Oh look, it's so beautiful and mysterious.
Look Mary, can you see into the secret pool?
- Oh be serious, Molly, it's just a mud puddle.
- [Molly] No it isn't, it's a secret pool
full of beautiful things, come look.
- Oh alright.
- See? - Yeah sure.
Hey, I do see something.
- Hey, you found a dime.
- That's right and it's all mine.
- What about my share?
- Well use your imagination.
- [Narrator] Noodles and Nedd!
(soft piano music)
- Hmm, hmm.
- [Narrator] The end!
("Blowin In The Wind" by Bob Dylan)
♪ How many pigs will jump into this mud ♪
♪ Into this mud from their pen ♪
♪ The answer my friend is ♪
- One. - Two.
- Three. - Four.
- Five. - Six.
- Seven. - Eight.
- Nine. - 10.
♪ 10 pigs in the mud from their pen ♪
- 10!
(suspenseful music)
(phone ringing)
- You say Wrong Way Willie can't get himself together?
Well hold on tight, everything's gonna be alright.
I'm Billie Joe Jive, super crime fighting ace.
My partner Smart Suzy Sunset and I are on the case.
We decided to shadow Wrong Way Willie.
That way we could get him together if he did anything wrong.
- Oh boy, I'm gonna show them dudes some moves today.
- Hey Wrong Way, hold on a minute
- Dig it, man, you can't wear a football uniform
to play basketball.
Now let's go back to your pad so you can check yourself out.
(thunder rolling)
- We skipped back to Wrong Way's pad and--
- Waited for him to change his clothes.
- Wow, Wrong Way, there you go again.
Don't you know it's raining and it's cold outside?
- Come on, Wrong Way, let's get it together.
Since you're going to play basketball
wouldn't it be better to put on a basketball uniform?
And since it's raining,
wouldn't it be better to put on a raincoat?
- With Wrong Way dressed the right way
we headed back to the gym.
It looked like we had finally gotten him together.
- Here we are, just in time for the big game.
- Oh no, Wrong Way, you've done it again.
You never go in a door marked out.
- Well Sunset, looks like we need another day
to solve the case of Wrong Way Willie.
- This is an H.
How many words can you think of
beginning with the letter H?
- Hello.
- You're fine.
- Handshake. - I did--
- Hot dog. - I wasn't thinking--
- Hats. - Not--
- Hair. - Wait--
- Hide. - To continue--
- Happy. - Wait--
- Hiccup.
- I didn't-- - Harp.
(harp strumming)
- Hard. - Please if you--
- High, hand, horn.
(horn blowing)
- You're in-- - Horse.
- Finally, as I was saying--
- Head, hero, hot, halt.
- Hole.
Now, I'd like to-- - [Man] Help!
(upbeat music)
♪ 11 ♪
♪ Two 11's ♪
♪ Three 11's ♪
♪ Those carrots are the favorite chow ♪
♪ Let's take away two, how many are of you ♪
♪ Just one rabbit now ♪
♪ Three takeaway two is one ♪
(bell ringing)
- Here bellhop, by the elevators Mrs. Steen,
take her bags to floor 16.
- 16, 16, floor 16.
- 16 floors, there go the doors.
- One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
nine, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.
(bell ringing)
(soul music)
♪ There's a letter A ♪
♪ Listen while I say ♪
♪ Can sound like A for apple ♪
♪ Or a whole other way ♪
♪ It starts ape ♪
♪ It starts age ♪
♪ Here's where it's at ♪
♪ The letter A is tearing up the stage, ow ♪
♪ Answer me, that's A ♪
♪ A sole A, A ♪
- [Narrator] This weird story of Wanda the Witch
is brought to you courtesy of the letter W.
Wanda the Witch lived somewhere
west of Washington.
Around her waist, instead of a belt, she wore a worm.
Wanda had a pet weasel.
- I am a weasel.
- [Narrator] And on her head, a wiry wig.
On Wednesday in the middle of winter
Wanda walked to the well
to get water to wash her wig
but the wheel on the well was worn
and Wanda grew weary so she waved her wand
and her washtub filled with warm water
but just as Wanda was about to drop her wig
into the warm water a wild wind whipped the wig
from her hand and blew it away forever!
Which taught Wanda this lesson,
witches who wash their wigs
on windy winter Wednesdays are wacky.
This witch story was brought to you
courtesy of the letter W.
- [Narrator] What do you do with a pet?
You hug him but don't slug him.
You squeeze him but don't tease him.
You love him but don't shove him.
You give him water to drink,
sometimes a bath in the sink.
You give him food to eat and sometimes a treat.
You walk with him and you talk with him.
You run with him, have fun with him.
But what do you always do with a pet?
You pet him.
(upbeat music)
♪ This is the very beginning ♪
♪ This is a once upon a time ♪
♪ Somebody starting something ♪
♪ These are the opening lines ♪
♪ Seymour is waking up ♪
♪ He's wearing striped pajamas ♪
♪ He's jumping out of bed all smiles ♪
♪ He yells this is the beginning ♪
♪ 'Cause every story has a beginning, middle and an end ♪
♪ And when it's over we can go back and tell it all again ♪
♪ Yes every story has a beginning and ♪
♪ This is the middle of the story ♪
♪ Here's where we get to the meat ♪
♪ Somebody's up to something ♪
♪ We're on the edge of our seats ♪
♪ Seymour looks out the window ♪
♪ He waves to Mrs. Bez-ee-nee ♪
♪ He catches a ride on a friendly pterodactyl ♪
♪ He shouts this must be the middle ♪
♪ Yes every story has a beginning, middle and an end ♪
♪ And when it's over we can go back and tell it all again ♪
♪ Yes every story has a beginning, middle and ♪
♪ This is the end the story ♪
♪ This is the how it all worked out ♪
♪ Somebody winds up somewhere ♪
♪ This is the one it's all about ♪
♪ Seymour flies way back in time ♪
♪ He goes in to visit with some cavemen ♪
♪ He runs a very successful frozen yogurt stand ♪
♪ He says it's a happy ending ♪
♪ Yes every story has a beginning, middle and an end ♪
♪ And when it's over we can go back and tell it all again ♪
♪ Yes every story has a beginning, middle and ♪
♪ An end ♪
(cat meowing)
- [Woman] Okay, okay, I know, just a second.
(phone ringing)
Oh hi, Harry, how are you?
I'm fine, no, I wasn't doing anything important.
Are you coming to the bridge club tonight?
Now you gonna bring the chips and the dip?
Oh that would be just swell.
You'll bring the cookies too?
How about one of those party mixes?
Oh gosh, we could put peanuts and Chex.
Oh, wouldn't that be wonderful?
Well how about dinner,
what are you making for dinner tonight?
Are you trying that new recipe
that you got in that magazine?
Did you clip it out?
Oh I know, I've never seen stroganoff look quite like that.
Well I tried to get one of those patterns,
it just didn't work out.
Yeah, if I came home with that on
Ralph would just kill me.
Oh my gosh, wait a minute.
(can opener buzzing)
There you are, come and get it.
(upbeat music)
- E.
- Moo.
- Eat?
(gentle music)
♪ I love summer showers ♪
♪ I love pretty flowers ♪
♪ But most of all I love mud for hours ♪
♪ I love, love, love being a pig ♪
♪ I love how mud feels ♪
♪ I love how mud sounds ♪
♪ I love mud on the ground ♪
♪ I love, love, love being a pig ♪
♪ I love mud on my tail ♪
♪ I love mud on my snout ♪
♪ I love mud all about ♪
♪ I love, love, love being a pig ♪
♪ I love to feel the sunshine ♪
♪ I love mud all the time ♪
♪ And I love being a swine ♪
♪ Pig ♪
♪ Love being a pig ♪
♪ 'Cause I love how mud feels ♪
♪ I love how mud sounds ♪
♪ I love mud all around ♪
♪ I L-O-V-E, I love ♪