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  • good morning good morning guys greetings from sunny Seoul South Korea it is early

    大家早上好,早上好問候 從陽光明媚的首爾韓國來看,它還早

  • in the morning it's only 8:30 and we're gonna be doing a 7-eleven Korean

    在早上它只有8:30而且我們是 要做一個7-11的韓國人

  • breakfast haul seven 11 is right behind me now Korean convenience stores

    早餐七運11是對的 我身後的韓國便利店

  • are everywhere in South Korea you can't walk a block without finding one so

    你不能在韓國到處都是 走一個街區,卻沒有找到一個

  • there are really three main convenience stores in South Korea there's 7-eleven

    真的有三個主要的便利 在韓國的商店有7-11

  • there's Family Mart and there's also CU Soon and what we're gonna make this


  • into is a bit of a challenge it's gonna be a ten US dollar breakfast challenge

    進入是一個有點挑戰 是一個10美元的早餐挑戰

  • obviously in the local currency which is Korean Won and at present exchange its

    顯然是以當地貨幣計算的 韓元和目前交換它

  • Maneecheon Won so twelve thousand won I'm gonna be taking that into the

    Maneecheon贏了一萬兩千韓元 我要把它拿進去了

  • 7-eleven grabbing some food bringing it out here and showing what you can buy

    7-11為了抓住一些食物 在這裡,展示你可以買到什麼

  • for that kind of money so let's go inside

    對於那種錢,讓我們走吧 內

  • see what we can get for breakfast bring it here and eat it right on the street

    看看我們早餐帶來的東西 它在這裡,在街上吃

  • so the first thing for me to do is to grab the drink I've had several coffees

    所以我要做的第一件事就是 我喝了幾杯咖啡

  • of the hotel I'm gonna get a juice silly thing these are really interesting guys these vitamin drinks To start off with

    酒店我會喝傻汁 這些東西真的很有趣,這些維生素飲料開始

  • Barbecue oh they have so these are rice rolls oh yeah the triangle gimbap all mangos

    他們有燒烤哦這些都是米飯卷 哦,是的三角形萬向節所有的芒果

  • is that stuff eating Bibimbap Bibimbap man


  • Oh they have waffles you think he'd make it a mess dude making a mess you're one of the yogurt

    哦,他們有華夫餅,你認為他會弄得一團糟 弄得一團糟,你就是酸奶之一

  • drinks as well not really paying attention to the price have you been

    飲料也不是真的付錢 注意價格你去過

  • open s I don't even know what it is - it's probably pretty close do you think

    打開我甚至不知道它是什麼 - 你認為它可能非常接近

  • so it's always okay to go over does not really Korean where you know this is

    所以過去總是可以的 真的是韓國人,你知道這是

  • actually this is like you can't break Korean oh yeah oh yeah they like the

    實際上這就像你不能打破 韓國人哦是的哦是的他們喜歡的

  • sweets in the morning see the hardest part is that sam hasn't really been

    早上的甜點看得最難 部分原因是山姆還沒有真正去過

  • keeping count of how much each thing costs so happens when he gets up there

    記住每件東西的數量 當他到達那裡時會發生成本

  • you might go over so let's see let's see what happens here Sam got one thing that

    你可能會過去讓我們看看讓我們看看 這裡發生了什麼Sam有一件事

  • costs almost ten thousand so he almost ruined the challenge here yeah oh I

    花費差不多一萬,所以他幾乎 毀了這裡的挑戰是啊我

  • think I'm good whoa


  • right good good can't believe I was even counting and I was able to get it like

    正確的善良不能相信我是平等的 計數,我能夠得到它

  • bang on like it's all I have left its equivalent of like less than 20 less

    像我這樣的一切都離開了它 相當於少於20少

  • than 20 cents the most 15 cents is left super happy is my haul crazy but it's

    超過20美分,剩下最多的15美分 超級快樂是我的瘋狂,但它是

  • funny because that squid I thought it was priced at 4000 and there's actually

    有趣,因為我認為這是魷魚 價格為4000,實際上是

  • 9000 Won so like 8 9 US dollars alright guys so this is a breakfast haul it ended up

    9000韓元就像8 9美元一樣好吧 所以這是一頓早餐,最終結束了

  • getting eight items for just under 12,000 won so less than ten US dollars

    得到八件物品 12,000韓元不到10美元

  • that's like unbelievable value and it's a combination of savory and sweet items

    這就像是令人難以置信的價值而且它是 鹹味和甜味的組合

  • and so I've also got two different drinks and I'm gonna eat them from eat

    所以我也有兩個不同的 喝,我要吃它們吃

  • and drink them from left to right now 711s are different from what you'll find

    現在從左到右喝 711s與你會發現的不同

  • back in the US or Canada or even Europe there's a lot more inside of these ones

    回到美國或加拿大甚至歐洲 這些內部還有更多內容

  • in Asia it's just an experience to go in there because there's just so much to

    在亞洲,這只是一種體驗 因為那裡有很多東西

  • purchase and anyways I'm hungry so let's dig in I am starting off with a vitamin

    購買,反正我很餓,所以讓我們 挖我開始用維生素

  • drink it is called Vita 500 (비타 500) which means but vita means basically vitamin

    喝它叫做Vita 500(비타500) 意味著vita基本上意味著維生素

  • 500 so you're getting I think 500 milligrams of vitamin C and it's in a

    500讓你覺得500 毫克維生素C和它在一個

  • sweet drink actually I remember when I was feeling sick as an English teacher

    實際上我記得我喝的甜飲料 作為一名英語老師感到噁心

  • here some co-workers brought me this as a very nice gesture

    在這裡,一些同事把我當作了 一個非常好的姿態

  • you know booster booster your immune system with some vitamin C and so yeah

    你知道助推器可以增強你的免疫力 系統含有一些維生素C等等

  • this is awesome yeah exactly 500 milligrams of vitamin C let's try that

    這真棒,真的是500 毫克維生素C讓我們嘗試一下

  • that's quite sweet it's got like the giver have you've ever had the chewable

    這很甜蜜,就像是 你有沒有給過咀嚼者

  • vitamin C tablets dissolve them in water it tastes very much like that really

    維生素C片將它們溶於水中 它的味道非常像真的

  • good hey I need to stay healthy on this trip to you so how could you be having

    好嘿我需要保持健康 這次旅行你怎麼能擁有

  • this one shot like it is soju dude moving on now this is really cool gimbap (김밥)

    這個鏡頭就像是燒酒老兄 繼續前進這是非常酷的gimbap(김밥)

  • is probably like one of the most classic kind of Korean fast food breakfast items

    可能是最經典的之一 一種韓國快餐早餐食品

  • in fact you can order at any time of day lunch dinner there's actual restaurants

    事實上,您可以在一天中的任何時間訂購 午餐晚餐有實際的餐館

  • that specialize in it and what it is is Korean rice rolls and in the middle you

    專注於它,它是什麼 韓國大米卷在中間你

  • have various ingredients now the one that I chose today is bulgogi 불고기 one of my

    現在有各種各樣的成分 我今天選擇的是bulgogi불고기我的一個

  • favorite Korean foods marinated beef and so I'm just gonna open it up and show

    最喜歡的韓國食品醃製牛肉和 所以我只是打開它並展示

  • you guys what's going on so there's quite a bit of packaging here look at

    你們發生了什麼,所以有 這裡有相當多的包裝看看

  • that oh my gosh look at all the look at all the bulgogi in there there's not the

    哦,我的天哪看看所有的看 那裡的所有烤肉都沒有

  • bulgogi you've got carrots it looks like we have

    烤肉 你看到我們的胡蘿蔔了

  • cucumber as well so a nice mix of meat and veggies obviously rice on the outer

    黃瓜也是如此美味的混合肉 和蔬菜顯然米飯在外面

  • layer and the far outer layer is the kim the seaweed so let's try that I

    層和遠外層是 kim the seaweed讓我試試吧

  • really taste of bulgogi mmm love that meat man if anyone's coming to Korea for

    真的很有品味的烤肉嗯嗯愛那個 肉人如果有人來韓國

  • the first time a really safe item to try is bulgogi because it's not too spicy I

    第一次嘗試一個非常安全的項目 是烤肉,因為它不太辣我

  • love that man nice dense rice roll and this is a part of food that really fills

    愛那個男人好的密集的米飯卷 這是真正充滿食物的一部分

  • you up like if you finish this hole then you're pull this looks like a it's

    如果你完成這個洞就好了 你拉這看起來像是它

  • basically just a prepackaged waffle I I'm a I'm actually seeing like these are

    基本上只是一個預先包裝好的華夫餅乾 我是一個我實際上看到的就是這些

  • more I I don't think these are Korean characters and if so they're written in

    更多II不認為這些是韓國人 字符,如果是這樣,他們寫的

  • such a way that I can't read them so I'm not sure what it's called is saying

    這樣我無法閱讀它們,所以我 不確定它叫什麼

  • Sakura sak so this could potentially be a Japanese product that sold in Korea I

    櫻花sak所以這可能是 在韓國銷售的日本產品

  • I don't know entirely but these kind of pastries is kind of like a prepackaged

    我完全不知道,但這些 糕點有點像預包裝

  • waffles are quite common in convenience stores in Korea so I'm just gonna hold

    華夫餅很方便 在韓國的商店,所以我要堅持

  • that up for you so it's not a crispy waffle like the

    那對你而言 所以這不像是一個脆脆的華夫餅乾

  • kind you would get if you put it into the toaster you can see that it just it

    如果你把它放進去,你會得到的 烤麵包機你可以看到它就好了

  • feels kind of soft in the hand right what is that it's fairly sweet you

    感覺有點柔軟 那對你來說相當甜蜜的是什麼?

  • can tell that like soft it soft has a soft texture but it's like he tells not

    可以說它像柔軟它有柔軟 柔軟的質地,但它就像他說不

  • freshly-baked so this is an item that is a big hit or miss for me it's also

    新鮮出爐所以這是一個項目 對我來說也很重要或者想念它

  • something that I love more about now I'm still moving on to the fourth item I am

    我現在更喜歡的東西 還在繼續我的第四個項目

  • getting a red bean paste bar I don't know the name of this it's like yeah

    得到紅豆醬吧我沒有 知道這個名字就像是的

  • obviously has like a Chinese characters and even the Korean I can't really tell

    顯然有一個漢字 甚至韓國人我也說不出來

  • I think it's young yang-gon gang young young gang could be wrong about that

    我認為這是年輕的楊剛幫少年 年輕的幫派可能是錯的

  • comes in a gold wrapper probably looks like a chocolate bar but it isn't

    可能看起來像金色包裝 像巧克力棒,但事實並非如此

  • wiggles like a jelly so smooth and sweet and you get the intense red bean flavor

    像果凍一樣搖晃,如此光滑甜美 你會得到強烈的紅豆味

  • it's also obviously got a considerable amount of sugar this is kind of like a

    它顯然也是相當可觀的 糖的量有點像

  • dessert bar tense red bean paste I really like this one I remember trying

    甜點吧緊張的紅豆沙我 真的很喜歡這個我記得嘗試過的

  • it many years ago in Korea I've had in a long time so I was happy to pick that up

    多年前在韓國,我曾經在一個 很長一段時間,所以我很樂意接受這一點

  • moving on to the fourth item this is called yoga yoga rigidly a yogurt drink

    轉到第四個項目 瑜伽瑜伽剛剛叫酸奶飲料

  • I'm not sure what flavors that says nom young I don't know what that means to be

    我不確定哪種口味可以說是nom 年輕我不知道那意味著什麼

  • honest you can read the Korean and pronounce it kind of poorly but I don't

    說實話,你可以閱讀韓語和 發音很糟糕,但我沒有

  • know what it means it's gonna crack that open oh it's got one of those tops seals

    知道這意味著它會破解它 打開哦,它有一個頂部密封件

  • in the freshness to make sense since it's kind of a milk it's a milk product

    從清新到有意義 它是一種牛奶,它是一種牛奶產品

  • that's a tough one to pop there we go

    這是一個很難流行的人 我們走了

  • Oh super-sweet yogurty milky drink no I think it's got a lot of sugar in the

    哦,超甜的酸奶乳飲,不是我 認為它有很多醣

  • there man it's very sweet not my favorite that's another item that

    那裡的人很甜蜜 不是我最喜歡的另一個項目

  • I probably won't get again now this is one of the most classic items you can

    我現在可能不會再這樣了 你可以做的最經典的項目之一

  • find in a Korean convenience store this is called oh this is Bibimbap oh this is

    在韓國便利店找到這個 被稱為哦這是石鍋拌飯哦這是

  • actually a bibimbap flavor but I believe this is called Samgak (삼각김밥) got triangle gimbap

    實際上是拌飯的味道,但我相信 這叫做Samgak(삼각김밥)得到了三角形的萬向節

  • anyways the most fascinating thing because there's a procedure to open it

    無論如何最令人著迷的事情 因為有一個打開它的程序

  • it gives you instructions like one two three and so I'm going to attempt to do

    它給你一兩個指令 三,所以我打算做

  • this I'm probably gonna screw it up but let's try so step one I go like this

    我可能會搞砸了但是 讓我們試試第一步,我就這樣吧

  • okay


  • on that part step two I believe I just take it out try two

    在那一部分第二步,我相信我 嘗試兩個

  • ready remove this plastic oh look at that came out step 3

    準備好取下這個塑料哦看看 出現在第3步

  • I pulled it out from there and Wow guys it's basically just rice with

    我從那裡把它拉出來,哇伙計們 它基本上只是米飯

  • ingredients inside look at that this is called the bibimbab got different kinds

    裡面的成分看看這是 叫做bibimbab有不同的種類

  • of vegetables it appears to be a little maybe a little bit of meat or mushroom

    蔬菜似乎有點兒 也許是一點點肉或蘑菇

  • it looks like we have onions and carrots and then of course the classic red

    看起來我們有洋蔥和胡蘿蔔 然後當然是經典的紅色

  • pepper paste sauce which is the gochujang and a shaped like a triangle

    辣椒醬醬是哪個 gochujang和形狀像三角形

  • hence it's called triangle gimbap Sam in Korean means 3 so that's why I think

    因此它被稱為三角形的萬向節山姆 在韓語意味著3這就是我想的原因

  • it's called Samgak but I could be wrong please correct me

    它被稱為Samgak 但我可能是錯的,請糾正我

  • if I am all right so you basically hold it the seaweed wrapper gives you it's

    如果我沒事,所以你基本上堅持 它的海藻包裝給你了

  • basically like a handle so you don't get your hands all sticky and you can just

    基本上像一個手柄,所以你沒有得到 你的雙手都很粘,你可以

  • bite right into it that stuff is the best


  • of all the things I've had for breakfast this morning I like that's the most I like

    我早餐吃過的所有東西 今天早上我喜歡這是我最喜歡的

  • it even more than the gimbap over here crazy good grab

    它甚至更多 比這裡的紫禁城瘋狂好搶

  • only got two more things to try what does they have no idea what this is it's

    只有兩件事要嘗試什麼 他們不知道這是什麼嗎?

  • just like it stood out to me in the store so I ended up getting it it's

    就像它在我身上脫穎而出一樣 商店所以我最終得到了它

  • called the Maxs Bong max bond and if I have if I could take a

    叫Maxs Bong 最大的債券,如果我有,如果我可以採取

  • guess it's either gonna be like a tofu kind of stick or maybe something with

    猜它要么像豆腐一樣 一種堅持或者可能是一些東西

  • like with an odeng kind of fish style not sure be honest I don't even know how

    喜歡odeng魚的風格 不確定老實說我甚至不知道怎麼做

  • to open it I think it's here I think I see an arrow so let's see what I can do

    打開它我覺得我在這裡,我想 看到箭頭,讓我們看看我能做些什麼

  • here yeah this is how you open it prepackaged stuff guys so you just go

    在這,是的,這就是你打開它的方式 預先包裝的東西,所以你只是去

  • like this and you've got your item on a stick let's take a bite oh I'm

    像這樣,你有 你的物品放在棍子上讓我咬一口哦

  • all your hot dog you got an artificial flavor to it I'm not a fan of hot dogs

    你所有的熱狗都是人工的 它的味道我不是熱狗的粉絲

  • in the first place I'm because this is cold this is an item that I wouldn't get

    首先,我是因為這是 冷,這是我不會得到的項目

  • again and last but not least I'm going for something sweet this is a baked good

    再次,最後但並非最不重要,我要去 對於甜的東西,這是一種烘焙食品

  • as coal GG it's cheesecake cheesecake flavor bomb basically soft looks like a

    作為煤GG它是芝士蛋糕芝士蛋糕 味道炸彈基本上看起來像軟一樣

  • soft fun prepackaged I've tried this before in Korea as well usually I

    軟包裝預先包裝我試過這個 通常在韓國之前

  • actually get it from a place called Perry baguette which is also a very

    實際上從一個叫做的地方得到它 Perry baguette這也很棒

  • popular place to get breakfast in South Korea it's a bakery so just open it up

    在南方吃早餐的熱門地方 韓國它是一家麵包店,所以只需打開它

  • like this it's got like kind of like a muffin wrapper at the bottom open it up

    像這樣它有點像一個 鬆餅包裝在底部打開它

  • like that I'm gonna break in half very very soft texture very fluffy subtle

    就像我要打破一半 非常柔軟的質地非常蓬鬆微妙

  • choose pick flavor sweet but not overly sweet of all the sweet things I've had

    選擇風味甜而不過分 我所有甜蜜的東西都很甜蜜

  • aside from this bar which is my favorite it's my second favorite sweet item I

    除了這個我最喜歡的酒吧 這是我第二喜歡的甜蜜項目

  • like it way more than the waffle if you have a choice between these two items I

    喜歡它比華夫餅更方便 我可以在這兩個項目之間做出選擇

  • would definitely go for this cheese bun just keep on alright Sam so I also threw

    肯定會去這個奶酪麵包 只是繼續Sam,所以我也扔了

  • the $10 convenience store challenge onto 7-eleven and a lot of things I did some things

    價值10美元的便利店挑戰7-11 我做了很多事情

  • differently than you yeah also the seaweed


  • straight see we like sheets of seaweed yeah amazing super salty and then I got

    直接看到我們喜歡海藻片 是的超級咸,然後我得到了

  • some porridge something like oyster porridge I'm gonna

    一些粥 像牡蠣粥這樣的東西我要去

  • try a few things for you I'll start with this one it's not my favorite thing in

    我會為你嘗試一些事情 這個不是我最喜歡的東西

  • the world but they say people love it here in Korea it's gonna mix it up you

    世界,但他們說人們喜歡它 在韓國這裡會混淆你

  • know it was amazing with your challenges you hit the 12,000 won mark like it's

    知道你的挑戰是驚人的 你達到了12,000韓元大關

  • not literally yeah alright so let's get some of this check this out

    從字面上看,是的,好吧,讓我們得到 其中一些檢查了這一點

  • see that mussel right there it must be a muscle an oyster figure right see soup

    看到貽貝就在那裡它必定是一個 肌肉牡蠣的身影右看湯

  • with seafood not my thing sorry I don't know you like most things

    用海鮮不是我的東西 對不起,我不知道你喜歡大多數事情

  • in Korea so far yeah I love everything in Korea everything in Korea has been

    在韓國到目前為止,我喜歡一切 在韓國,韓國的一切都在

  • like especially the spice yeah but this has to be my favorite right here like

    特別喜歡香料,但是這個 在這裡必須是我最喜歡的

  • gimbap ax the gimbap a hand roll it's just so good oh yes so it's beef right

    gimbap ax the gimbap a hand roll it's 真是太好了哦是的所以這是牛肉吧

  • yeah BBQ beef it's a little creamy there's a some rice and there's some

    是燒烤牛肉有點奶油 有一些米飯,還有一些

  • carrot or I might do is I'm gonna combine some of this on it I just really

    胡蘿蔔或我可能會做的就是我要去 結合其中的一些我真的

  • love the seaweed like I love the salty goodness man it's very salty it's just

    喜歡海藻,就像我愛咸 天哪,這是非常鹹的

  • like a tiny cracker you eat the whole thing and it's like five copies

    就像一個小餅乾,你吃整個 事情就像五份

  • these sheets are unreal it's so salty great crunchy yeah I love about it is

    這些床單是不真實的,太鹹了 非常嘎吱呀,我喜歡它

  • how creamy it is inside sometimes it's great plan or suppose it's like baked

    它有時是多麼的奶油 偉大的計劃或假設它像烤

  • crabs not this is like delicious barbecue beef and guys I hope you love

    螃蟹不是這就好吃 燒烤牛肉和傢伙我希望你愛

  • my part of this video I'll see you in the next adventure so overall a really

    我將看到你的視頻 下一個冒險所以整體真的

  • good haul for 12 less than 12,000 won ten US dollars will recap two drinks

    12小時不到12,000韓元的好運 10美元將回收兩杯飲料

  • over here the savory rice items with these two things three sweet items then

    在這裡的鹹味米飯 這兩件事就是三件甜品

  • this hotdog which I didn't like so my favorite two items from the savory

    這個熱狗我不喜歡我的 最喜歡的兩個來自鹹味的食物

  • section right over here triangle gimbap bibimbap flavor and the soft little

    在這邊的三角形萬向節 拌飯的味道和柔軟的小

  • cheesecake flan favorite drink between the two definitely the vitamin C so I'd

    芝士蛋糕餡餅之間最喜歡的飲料 這兩個肯定是維生素C所以我

  • say about half of the stuff I really enjoyed and the other half was more hit

    說說我真的有一半的東西 享受,另一半更受歡迎

  • or miss anyways guys I hope you enjoyed this Korean breakfast haul at 7-eleven

    或者想念任何人,我希望你喜歡 這個韓國早餐在7點到11點

  • so if you enjoyed this video be sure to give it a thumbs up leave a comment

    所以,如果你喜歡這個視頻,一定要 豎起大拇指發表評論

  • below subscribe to david's channel David's been here subscribe to our

    下面訂閱了大衛的頻道 大衛一直在這裡訂閱我們的

  • Channel Samuel and Audrey we have so many more videos from South Korea coming

    Channel Samuel和Audrey我們有這麼多人 來自韓國的更多視頻即將推出

good morning good morning guys greetings from sunny Seoul South Korea it is early

大家早上好,早上好問候 從陽光明媚的首爾韓國來看,它還早

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